Open Thread 11-17-16: So long, Election!
cleanup on aisle 2! (as they say)
As the 2016 election recedes into the distance it seems more people are coming out with real criticisms of Candidate Clinton. Of course these could have been predicted, were noted at the time by people like us, and ignored by her partisans. Even to mention the problems was consided criminal as it would undermine the impression (a false one!) that everything was just great in her campaign and triumphant march towards the throne.
Sometimes it takes an outsider to be calm enough to look at what happened and why. Here's an article by a Republican strategist. You can tell from the link title what it's about.
I'll just list them here but it's some good reading so check out the link.
1. Assumed the election was in the bag:
2. Took the black vote for granted:
3. Unable to galvanize voters to support her platform:
4. Unable to decisively beat Trump in all three debates:
5. 270+ days without a press conference:
6. Relied too heavily on star power:
7. Didn’t play by the rules in the primary:
8. Weak connection to millennial voters:
9. No plausible response to WikiLeaks:
10. Relied too much on “Never Trump” movement:
and here's another good one
It's got this, comparing the enthusiasm for Bernie to the lack of same for Hillary.
"...regularly pulling 20,000+ enthusiastic people to his rallies, while Hillary spoke in small gatherings to large donors and never attracted more than 800 people to an event."
To large donors....and even now that's who she's talking to, "explaining" to them why she lost. "Comey", she says. Right....
Anyway, there it goes. So long, election of 2016! You left us with those memories.
Wait!!! BULLETIN!!! LATE BREAKING NEWS via email!!
Just got this piece of nuttiness from
It starts out "blah blah blah" and then has this:
"We were only able to do these things because we never, ever gave up and never stopped organizing. Our work together paved the pathway to taking back Congress, ending the war, and electing President Obama for eight years."
I'm not sure what war they claim was ended. It's typical, though. I get...what's the word when you read something that makes you go "give me a break!"? So blind! And willfully so! I saw a Facebook thing today that was supposed to mock rightwingers who don't like the anti-Trump protests. This FB post had photos of the rightwing crazies who had signs opposing Obama from the day after he won the election in 2008. And how hypocritical they are to now not like anti-Trump protests! Yet...hold on. Isn't it also hypocritical to have thought those wingers where sore losers back then and to now do just what they did? Plus that whole crazy idea of the electoral college voting for would they feel had she won enough states with enough electoral votes only to have the electoral college vote for Trump? They'd go ballistic of course. But they can't see why it would be a terrible idea for it to happen in Hillary's favor.
Ok, enough of that. Back to where I was going....
Now we can return to what we care most about: Issues! Identity politics is a drag. Putting our faith in a single candidate is a losing proposition. We learned that with Obama. Identity politics has ruined dKos and could ruin c99p if we let it. If we focus on the issues we're much better off. Looking only at a candidate makes us excuse poor stands on those issues. If Obama is our lefty savior then we have to excuse his drones and his support of corporatism. If Bernie is our guy then we have to ignore his foreign policy. Don't look when he says the Saudis have to do their share of the killing. Don't look when he frames the Palestinian plight with the phrase "they lob missiles into Israel".
We don't have to only support those who agree with us on everything. It's probably impossible to find any such candidate, anyway. But if we stick to the issues, both at home and foreign policy, and don't get hung up on the idea that there's someone out there to lead us, we're more likely to remain level headed and effective.
On a personal note, by the time most of you read this we'll finally be getting work done on our roof. We think there'll be two dry days here, enough time for the dormer to get re-roofed. We'll probably have to wait until after Thanksgiving to have the rest of the back of the house done, then wait until late Spring and get the front taken care of. Hooray! Then when it rains we'll chuckle instead of quivering in fear.
And, you know, I quiver in fear a lot more about the rain coming through the roof and the house collapsing than I do about Trump continuing what Obama's doing. But soon that roof will be protecting us. Yippee!
Hey, Tom Hanks, Diana Ross and Bruce Springsteen are three of the twenty-one recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That's absurd. It reminds me that a comedian named Lenny Henry is now Sir Lenny Henry. And there's also Sir Tom Jones. No Sir Ringo but a Sir Tom Jones. Because we don't have enough elitism, I guess. These "awards" are as meaningful as the diploma that the Wizard of Oz gave to the Scarecrow. No...less meaningful, now that I think about it. Which reminds me, the Margaret Hamilton who's getting one of these Presidential Medals is a computer scientist, not the Wicked Witch. I'm going to lump these Presidential Medals into the Grammy category. That's like the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame category. Madonna's in there, for god's sake! But not Johnny Burnette. Bah!
ok, music time. It's alway music time around here. We've got a Pandora station that I peppered with my favorites. I listen to that when I get up, and sometimes I listen to "Beyond the Beat Generation", a garage rock internet station. Because, you know, you can listen to that internet stuff on radios now if you've got a certain kind of radio. My three favorite internet radio statios are that Beyond... that I just mentioned, WFMU Ichiban from New Jersey and "Beatle Radio". It's hard listening to the Beatle station because those songs are just too good and I can get sucked into not working while I think "hey, this is a good one" over and over.
Here's a tune featuring Sir Van Morrison
now a song my group does. I heard this one on Beyond the Beat Generation.
and another garage song I had the pleasure of performing...with Big Al in the audience!
Did I mention Johnny Burnette is not in the RnR Hall of Fame?
With you on the roof overhead (and not leaking)
being An Important Thing. Shelter. Isn't that in the Constitution? Mine got re-shingled (and in some places re-plyed) last year, too late to prevent water incursion in the winter due to a design flaw that led to snow-over-leaf thingie that turned into an ice dam. Drip, drip inside. And dirty! Poor insulation above; how does compartmentalized insulation get dirty? Ponder that. So you and Shaz be content. And dry. And not worrying about house-fall-down things anymore.
I have a chimney sweep visit today! They don't use little boys anymore. I have never had this chimney cleaned, connected slightly crooked (architect/installer/husband) since the fireplace insert was put in. And not used for a decade. But in case of emergency no-power and potential of new male companion, I figure it's worth the effort to pay for it. And if it's done from the roof, a toss-down of some branch falls that have not blown off. See how I sequence things? I see no need to vacuum downstairs until After. Again, sequencing. BTW, chimney sweep services here is a woman-owned business. And I have well-dried Paper birch wood plus pine cones as a decorative element within. Old enough to probably ignite without paper.
Today is recycling day in the neighborhood. But my car is presently chock-full-of-summer tires on wheels. So it ain't happening. 900 foot driveway requires a car ferry to the road. I am doing vitamin B12 loading to tamp down (or attempt to) new neuropathies. It's fine to overdose, just gets peed out. An experiment with no control, that's all any of us are. Solidarity for the day.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Major plus for mentioning Johnny Burnett. If rockabilly was
anything, it was Johnny Burnette and the Rock n' Roll trio featuring Paul Burlison(hope I'm right) on guitar. His music still holds up today, in my view.
Nice essay - thanks.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
What? Over? Did you say, Over?
Sorry, but I'm just amazed that over a week later, and my twitter is still SWAMPED with people calling for faithless electors, investigations of election fraud/disenfranchisement, and numerous other things that were just fine and dandy...
as long as Clinton won.
Plus people already talking about Hillary 2020. Oh lord why... It's official... we've hit permanent campaign.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sorry, but you can't cut that speech short. You
just can't.
Really, which "serious people"
are going to throw good money after bad when she crapped out on them this time...against Trump, which any decent human being should have beaten. Besides, I expect her true health issues can't be hidden for another 4 years.
$500 million spent on her Ascension
Think what that could have done for Flint, at least.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning
Nice OT -looking forward to reading your links.
We are meeting with a roofer as we speak. He is outside on the roof this minute. We had wind damage,and the whole roof needs to be replaced. He is giving us a deal that says. He will meet with or insurance adjuster. If he can give me a free roof (insurance claim), he's got the deal. If not, I'm free to take my insurance money and go with the lowest bidder. Sounds like a deal to me.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
After 30 years...
our metal roof started leaking. All the rubber grommets around the nails had degraded.
I had the roof spray foamed - cheaper than a new roof, and only took a couple of days. That was 5 years ago. It has helped with both heating and cooling from its insulating effect as well. I'm surprised it isn't a more common solution.
Here it is being applied to a commercial building:
Thanks for the tunes and open thread Shah (and good luck with your roof project)!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Beat Generation,
seen through a glass, darkly...
A nice, light, uptempo tune for the day. Yeah, I'm in that kind of mood.
10:30AM here, and I looked in the mirror for the first time
today. Does that mean I am no narcissist? Hair a bit awry, but smoothed. Black eye draining over my cheek. Avoidance after black eye is normal, I think. Bags under eyes, must put moisturizer on or something. My heart is considering being naughty, I have taken my daily med for that, but on occasion it blips or speeds up. SVT. Look it up if you don't know it. I can convert back to normal rhythm, so far, have not done to ice on face which works sometime, I just lower my head forward or backward and think calming thoughts. All from seeing my face. Holy shit.
BTW, No toothbrushing yet, but I ate an apple, one of the few foods I can reliably eat.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Issues over personality every time.
I was just ruminating about this to myself and wondering why people become so personally invested in politicians who are public servants. THEY are supposed to serve US, not the opposite! When they fall down on the job as they all do constantly, it is our right as their employer to correct them, harshly if necessary. Recall that "consent of the governed" is the linchpin of a civil society - Dissent is our only weapon. If we don not consent to the actions of those governing us, we have to tell them so and ratchet up the volume as loud as is required.
There was lots of unity against a common foe like Bush, but a huge lack of ability to be self-critical when its our guys, or those we mistakenly believe are our guys, under the microscope. All the blog wars on DKos and other places revolved around the protectorate of the electee, whether it's Obama or Clinton, attempting to diffuse or disappear any opposition, even opposition based entirely on objective facts, data, statistics, etc.
For the record, I personally do not give a f!@k if a politician is of my Party or not of my Party, I will criticize or object if I think they are undertaking a goal I do not agree with and I don't care if they have cute dogs or a nice spouse or that their opponant is even worse.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Politicians say it's about "us". Let's take it seriously
I know what they really mean is it's about us sending them money. How well I remember that first email after Obama won in '08, when there were about 342 Democratic Senators and 8,398 Dem House members...something like that. Those might not be the exact numbers. And the Dems wanted me to send them money so they could enact their agenda. How would that work? Don't they already have a salary that they supposedly earn for doing their job?
That was the beginning of the end for me.
I wonder if the Dems can read. There are a lot of angry people around the country and these angry people (including some of us...if not all of us) make comments on the internet. Perhaps if the Dems read those comments they'll realize the best way to stay on the gravy train is to fix things enough so that people are somewhat satisfied.
Thanks, Shah, good column. I'm late to the party, as usual, but
maybe ahead of the game since we re-roofed last year in conjunction with some other repairs and improvements. R&R Hall of fame chose to set silly parameters from day one, as I recall, and is thereby permanently damaged.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
lots of banging up there
if you've seen Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House or The Money Pit you know how I'm feeling. I expect that at any minute the roofers will knock on the door and tell us we might as well tear down the entire house and build a new one.
Fear and loathing as a home repair recipient!
I totally get it. Totally. My sympathies.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Congrats on the roof. Thanks for the essay and music.
Never heard any of those songs before: liked the instrumentals on Mystic Eyes the best.
The beltway bubble is either nuts or lying or I am oversimplifying. Those inside the bubble, either mentally or physically, forget that elections are about us, not them. For them, it's a career. For voters, it's their lives and many of their lives are in the crapper and have gone downhill since they waited on line to gas up their cars during the Carter administration. Their purchasing power hasn't gone up much since then, either. To paraphrase Carville: It's our lives, Stupid.
Why did Hillary lose? It's not rocket science.
Why did Democrats win in 2006-08? Also not rocket science. Howard Dean, Moveon and everyone else taking credit for the Democratic wins in 2006 and 2008 needs to take a breath: Democrats won in 2006 and 2008 because by 2008, Bush was being portrayed and perceived as gawdawful. Besides that, the perception that he had lied us into war was sinking in, even with older, blue collar Republicans: As I heard one retired blue collar Republican say about Bush and the war, "I saw a show on PBS. I ain't voting for NObody." As for the Congressional Contract With America--remind me how much got accomplished?
Oh, yes, and there was that little thing about the economic crash of 2008 a few months before the election. And McCain suspending his campaign to deal with it and making even George Will say Obama looked "Presidential," about the crash, while McCain had scared him! George Will! Oh, and Katie Couric's showing Palin to be being so obviously and incredibly dumb, with an easy question, while Palin was running with a man whose death while in office was not beyond the realm of imagination. (LOL! Remember when we though McCain might be too old to run? Now, people are talking Warren or Hillary in 2020? We're so desperate!)
So, Dean can talk about the 50-state strategy and Move On can talk about not giving up and Obama can talk about his legacy or Obamacare or whatever he wants to talk about. Reality is, Bush got elected because Bubba screwed the pooch (welfare, DADT, DOMA, perjury, etc.); the people looked to the other party to make it better and the other party instead made it worse.
Then we have Obama, who promised stuff that may have made it better, but didn't deliver (either). People were still hurting, and they didn't trust Hillary to make it better. So, they looked to the other party again. The only reason Hillary even came as close as she did was that Trump was such a disaster. The fact that he could win at all shows how desperate people are for improvement. They just don't know what to do anymore, besides voting out whoever is in control (or seems to be).
And, of course, Trump will make it worse.
It couldn't be any more obvious--much like posting this song on a thread about a roof. (Somebody had to do it. Okay, scratch that: The Sheldon Cooper in me had to do it.)
up on the roof
Hooked up the little solar panel on the roof that powers the composting head I'm installing, yesterday. Dog it's beautiful with the sun shining on the resplendent maples. Too bad it was raining...
question everything