Now The Dust Is Beginning To Settle A Little
Clinton in Democratic Party minds is the popular President and even if she is not the actual President it was because of a hard fought primary that she is not, i.e. it's all Bernie Sanders fault.
1] It was well known before the election took place what you had to do to win over 270 delegates, Trump won the campaign as the system exists [Electoral College] by quite a wide margin. Not carrying out a 50 State campaign and turning a deaf ear to "fly over country" is not the way to go about it, yes, I know we are all oiks and rednecks.
2]Branding everyone that disagreed with the epithets of deplorables, sexists and racists was also a mistake by both Hillary and her surrogates/supporters
One error was to stick with a long-standing, one-dimensional campaign strategy: attacking Donald Trump. That strategy had been devised despite overwhelming evidence, not only in Trump’s rise but also in Clinton’s struggles during the Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, that the electorate was looking for political and economic change.
Another problem, some said, was to devote resources in states Clinton did not need to win — notably Arizona — instead of shoring up support in deep-blue states, notably the Rust Belt, that she did need.Why go to Arizona? Who the hell needs Arizona?” said Lou D’Allesandro, a state senator and Clinton supporter from New Hampshire, where Clinton appears to have narrowly prevailed Tuesday. “You go to Michigan. You go to Pennsylvania. You play to your strengths in this business.
“What you can’t do is you can’t manufacture enthusiasm,” Axelrod said. “There was an assumption that antipathy toward Trump would be enough to mobilize the base . . . a certain lethargy that sets in when you’ve had the White House for eight years. Your troops are just not as hungry.”
“What you can’t do is you can’t manufacture enthusiasm,” Axelrod said. “There was an assumption that antipathy toward Trump would be enough to mobilize the base . . . a certain lethargy that sets in when you’ve had the White House for eight years. Your troops are just not as hungry. ”Axelrod added that “too much was assumed in the industrial Midwest.”
In the end, even as the campaign shifted resources and sent surrogates back into the Rust Belt, the message remained the same: Trump lacked the temperament to be president and was unfit for office.
The Guardian looks at it from different angle
In a letter to the New York Times, Theda Skocpol, a professor of government and sociology at Harvard University, claimed Clinton’s campaign had been undermined by Sanders during a bruising primary contest: “Mr Sanders’ refusal to concede in a timely way as Hillary Clinton won many millions more votes and his constant harping that she was ‘corrupt’ furthered Mr Trump’s message and contributed to the conman’s catastrophic victory.”
The defiant Vermont senator told an audience at a Politics and Prose event at George Washington University on Wednesday night: “My campaign brought millions of people into the process, I suspect the overwhelming majority of whom ended up voting for Hillary Clinton.”
Noting emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, published by WikiLeaks, Sanders added: “To say the very least, the DNC [Democratic National Committee] was not a neutral force in the campaign and we had to take on virtually the entire Democratic establishment. Do I think our campaign in a sense made Hillary Clinton a better candidate? Yeah, I do.”
The DNC set up the narrative of the establishment versus the rest perfectly and that damaged them in the "Rust Belt"/"Fly Over Country". When the popularity of the established politicians in congress is also in the trash can.
My vote was counted.
Despite losing the nomination, Sanders received 18,183 write-in votes on election day in Vermont, according to its secretary of state’s office, putting him third behind Clinton and Trump with nearly 5.7% of the vote.
The lesson the DNC/Hillary Campaign ignored.
Sanders – who, like Trump, beat Clinton in states such as Michigan and Wisconsin – said Senate Democrats would be willing to work with the new president on economic issues that benefit working families. “Towards the end of the campaign he was actually using the term that many Democrats don’t use. He was saying that he was going to be the champion of the American working class. Well, Mr Trump, we have a list of everything that you said, and we are going to hold you to account.
My take
Don't make the campaign about how one widely disliked candidate is less odious than a greatly disliked candidate especially when you are perceived to be on the side of a detested system.
Admittedly Obama's style of campaign would probably not have worked as that ship sailed, but it would not have worse, however the DNC helped reject a widely popular candidate with a populist message of the non-authoritarian type. They ended up cornering themselves in the not as bad as bubble and pointing at the candidate they deemed to be unfit for office. What a waste of hundreds of millions of dollars, Trump demonstrated his odiousness free of charge, that was the time to put out a positive message and not just repeat the negativity back at the voters.
Supporters of a campaign must also realize that mocking and insulting people with a different point of view is not the way to make them change their minds, it tends to make them bloody minded. Throwing "but you lost" in their face whenever they signal a warning might make them not care at best.
When picking a candidate look at their negatives/positives with the population in general not how you relate to them. When 60% or so of the population has a negative view of your candidate that should send up warning flares and not harden your resolve to keep bailing against the tide.
When analysing the reality leave the tin foil alone.

PS Maybe it is also time to reduce the excessive power of
the executive, who also gets to play with SCOTUS.
Not the first time we've had to deal with a far-right
POTUS, Congressional Majority, and SCOTUS. tRump is such a dimwit outside of his corporate media expertise. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
The sore losers are crying b-b-but She won the popular vote!!!
Tough cookies. Suck it up, you liked the Electoral College thing until it did not work your way. I continue to Don't Panic. And try to relate to everyone I see. I never knew I was Like a Rock. I do relate to them, so all is good.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Now she knows how Gore felt. The Clintons were none too
supportive of him as I recall.
Edited for bad, bad spelling.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Go away Hillary. You lost.
And I'll believe you won the popular vote when you prove to me you didn't rig the counts in urban areas like you did against Bernie.
Still counting in California are they? Sure those aren't the million plus ballots they never counted from the primary?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Translation of Barbara Boxer's bill
We want the ELITE residents of the more heavily populated East and West Coast to have their wealth, status, to count more and end the concept of FEDERALISM of the US Constitution, which, BTW, says more, more words, more explanation, than almost any other part of the Constitution.
Further translation - if the Democratic candidate won the Electoral vote and lost the popular vote, does anyone think Barbara Boxer would be introducing the bill?
The Constitution - one more item for the Clinton pyre
Let's see, what was sacrificed to anoint Hillary?
Basically the credibility and trust of the people in: The DNC, The Democratic Party and almost all of its leaders and surrogates, the major media outlets, numerous "liberal" commentators, most major newspapers, the FBI, the DOJ (taking the entire administration with it). Also sacrificed were any concepts of governmental accountability or transparency. So what's a little thing like The Constitution after all, if it blocks Hillary Clinton from attaining her goal of the Presidency?
She must have been the keystone for a power structure most of us can't begin to conceive of or visualize.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Great point Phoebe. Trust & credibility of insitutions destroyed
All because it was Her Turn Next we have massive fallout in so many directions.
The whole election apparatus is suspect too. Hardly anyone who got out and canvassed, phone banked and/or attended rallies for Bernie believes he lost the primary. You don't lose an election when you're consistently attracting massive crowds everywhere you go, while you're opponent can't even fill a high school gym. All of it, from the Iowa caucus debacle straight through to almost all of the rest of the contests in which she won the Clintons used their influence to throw the scores they needed.
How pathetic also was the sheer, stunning breadth of establishment insiders who were all pressured into reciting how amazing the Empresses New Clothes were and all who allowed themselves to believe the lies they were telling. All bamboozled by the hype they can't even recognize because it's par for the course in the Beltway Bubble. David Sirota's post yesterday brought a deeply sad realization to the fore about the future of journalism.
Even with the stealth deployment of an intricate web of deceit enjoining party minions who were implicitly threatened, a malleable lapdog media and paid operatives to sully the web to operate a massive fog machine of interference and obfuscation they couldn't beat a pathological liar, racist, buffoon, moron. She is that deeply distrusted and disliked.
The wreckage from $hills' reckless and obstinate insistence on running is something I'll never forgive.
The mask is off. But the media is looking everywhere else instead of analyzing the Democratic Party policies of abandoning the working and middle classes and the worst candidate they've ever selected.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
The power structure
Moire complex than we can even imagine:
And this is the part we know about, so far....imagine if the donor list is ever made public...
Purple Revolution. Pfft!
That first link is titled The Clintons And Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution. Thanks but I just watched him flap this out of his own lips in an interview:
To him I say plonk! Jail or similar should isolate his type from "the social consequences" of what they "do", Clintons too. Isolate them, don't let them think for you! Thanks.
Edit: to fix the quote after watching that vid again. yeesh, yuck, that guy has traumatic damage from childhood is what I think. And waay too much money trying to heal it which is never gonna work. Oof
Soros seems to be a currency manipulator. He seems to be non-
productive, though rich, through disruptive financial razzle-dazzle.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Who's the Establishment's new keystone?
Time to keep an eye out and then calculate back to confirm precisely where the power is and who the supporting voices are.
Right, they spend the whole campaign saying "Fear Trump"
and continue to demonize those of us who were skeptical, yet think because she won the popular vote via browbeating against the most disliked candidate ever, endorsed by the KKK yet, somehow she is the future champion.
That she was so close to a ridiculous orange combover bigot should make her inadequacies obvious. Trump should have been easily held below 10%.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
One other thing.
If you can't put forth a candidate that can brag about their positives (which Clinton couldn't), look harder.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It also affected negatively down ballot and at State level
They have a mere 2 years to get over it.
In some places (like Virginia), ONE year.
Virginia, and a few other states, hold off-off year elections for significant offices (Governor, state senators and reps, etc.). And in Virginia Governors are limited to "one and done" (Tom Jefferson's idea).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
One thing I see being consistently missed in all the 20/20
hindsight quarterbacking of the election in the media is WHY Hillary was so disliked.
Aside from all the old baggage from the last era on the Clinton luggage cart, she had a whole new set of baggage monogrammed with HRC, from her activities while SOS: email, breaches of National Security, lying about classified information, potential pay-to-play network between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. I think the statistic is that 51% of the American public believed she was an actual unindicted felon.
When I read any story about Hillary online, regardless if the source was leftwing, rightwing or in-between and regardless of the actual topic being discussed, the comments were filled to the brim with people calling for her to be investigated, indicted and prosecuted.
It's incredible to me that the Democratic Party deciding to stay with a candidate who was revealed to be fatally flawed from the getgo is not a larger part of the after action reports. It was always the elephant in the room. In fact, speaking of elephants, it caused her to actually run an Elephant Man campaign, where she was under wraps the entire time and made unavailable to the press corps in an open and unfettered setting, because she would be incapable of responding to their questions in any believable manner.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
My reply is below, button fail again
yes, she hid from the press,
not only because their questions would have been difficult to answer, but because she might fall down and have a seizure and because her eyes might start rolling around in independent directions. There were just too many secrets. And even if the truth wasn't visible to the public, the fact that there are secrets is glaringly manifest. She and her campaign treat us all like we're stupid.
Also, too...
I don't think it helps/helped that on a personal level she's rather repellent, especially when dealing with The Help (see copious stories over the years).
from a reasonably stable genius.
And if Prof. Skocpol had had her way, . . .
. . . Hillary would not have been challenged in the primaries, all that corruption would still have been raised, and her policy positions would have moved to the right instead of (cosmetically) to the left. Her campaign would have been OMG Trump and No-Fly-Zones for Syria. Because if there ever was an issue that resonated with every American, it was to seek deeper involvement of our military in Syria.
How evil of Bernie to have raised any other aspirations!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'll say it harder
Her response to civil rights:" Uh huh, uh huh. Now go away, I've got a fundraiser."
When a Romanian hacker published the list she'd kept of all the bribes she'd taken while SOS: "I'll use a military response to Russian hacking"
Talking on middle East policy: "Nuclear weapons are not off the table."
When asked about the poisoned water in Flint:"It needs a 5 year study"
When addressing why people were voting for Bernie in states with honest voting machines: "They are all racists and sexists"
When asked why people were voting for Trump: "They're all racists and sexists"
"You have to say one thing in public and one thing to your donors"
When caught in a lie: "Throw back head, roll eyes. cackle demonically and repeat the lie"
Earth to Hillary: "Fuck off! Go away!"
On to Biden since 1973
Won't somebody think of the children ?
Syrian child disappointed ...
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
There were many times during the
election that I had to question whether she wanted to win at all. And now, when I see that Democrats are "willing to work with Trump" I feel like maybe this was always the intent. They've got full control now and Trump will slash and burn his way through cutting taxes and slashing spending. This IS what they all want, and right about now, I feel like not only did she not want to actually win, but maybe this was her "win" after all.
As for Democrats, I really find it hard to believe any of them want to win as Democrats, and now they have the perfect excuse not to. Can't say I'll ever vote for one again, but with the threat of a fully Repugnant government what in hell else can we do? The perfect fucking trap, laid by our plutocrats and brought to us BY the Democratic party.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Hubris, Greed, Incompetence
Lose one of those and she is Madame President.
Hubris: Alarm bells were ringing for months, not listening because you know better was the ultimate act of arrogance. And what to be arrogant for, her NY Senate win where she spent 30 Million dollars and had a pre cleared field in a Democratic lock state?
Greed: The money, oh it flowed. It wont flow anymore, now that there is nothing for Wall Street and dictators to get from those donations, but while she was a potential president it was a flood. Where anyone with a pulse could see the conflicts from space, up close it looked really really good for her and Bill. With her as president, bill would be off the hook on getting even more. If she had just not done the speeches, she could have pulled this off. Keep the foundation money that pays for their lavish travel, just give up the speeches between the SOS gig and the official start of the campaign and she had a chance.
Incompetence: The emails revealed we dont want any of these people with power, least of all Hillary. They used yahoo mail and gmail and a basement server, while being some of the most targeted for espionage in the world. They put their pay to play in plain, encrypted emails. And, to top it off, they ran a campaign that insisted Clinton was the insider of all insiders in a change election.......then doubled down and insisted Trump was an outsider, so outside that she was getting Republican endorsements. Robby Mook should be feted as the genius campaign manager that got Trump elected, not Kellyanne Conway
Her Senate win
Where she was on the same ballot as Al Gore and ran 5 points behind him.
Where her opponent, Rudy Giuliani, dropped out mid-campaign and was replaced by a no-name congressman.
Another asshole from Harvard: Sanders didn't concede fast
enough!? Sen. Sanders was cheated left and right; had the corporate press solidly against him; had the Democratic Party officials pulling every cheap trick in the book against him; and yet Sanders pressed on with his message - it resonated, something the Clinton supporters refused to admit and adapt to - remained dignified, and then did concede(when many of us thought he should not have).
When you have two candidates unqualified to be president, one by past record in office and unsuitable personal traits; and the other because of unsuitable personal traits, voters had to grasp at straws and chose the candidate who at least gave lip service to loss of jobs and importance of Social Security and Medicare.
They both lied - following Obama's example - and neither were trusted, nor should they have been.
The election turned on voters who backed Obama switching to Trump. It doesn't matter how many Harvard pedants say otherwise.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Medicare phase-out
When John Ellis ("Jeb!") Bush talked about phasing out Medicare, Trump distinguished himself from the Tea-GOP pack by pledging to protect Medicare and Social Security. Now the election is over and Trump is working with Paul Ryan to get rid of Medicare and replace it with vouchers.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Yep, Trump lied. A lot of people took the risk that he was
being truthful because the Dem candidate was certainly going after the money in these two programs to benefit the 1%.
Too bad for us.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
If I were Trump
I would let Ryan passa repeal of Medicare and SocialSecurity and then veto it. It would guarantee the 2020 election, while being too far away from 2018 to cost the house and senate.
On to Biden since 1973
I like your thinking!
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Paul Ryan - YOU'RE FIRED!
Trump is an egotist and loves the adulation of the crowd, not a Republican TeaFanatic.
Pence is something else. Fear his ascendancy.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I think that Pence leaves cloven footprints behind him.
I know, I've said it before.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Pence is the worst in my view - he's a Believer. I agree
that Trump is such an egomaniac and has such a short attention span and short fuse that I can see him telling all sorts of high mogul politicos to eff off.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Trump's a con man
He doesn't really care about gays or jews or what color or faith you are. He just views everybody is a equal opportunity mark. He likes anyone he can fool into buying his stuff, his real estate, his hats, his books. This actually makes him the lesser of all the evils of the Republican candidates, cause they really are raving forced birthers and christianists and warmongers.
Please stop disparaging the craft.
Trump is too artless to work a mark. Trump may be a fraud and/or a crook but a con artist, or grifter he ain't.
Republicans still hold the house and the purse strings, and
Hillary does like to triangulate. I'm skeptical that Medicare and SS would have remained unscathed under Clinton.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
They would not have. It's the "Nixon factor".
"Only Nixon could go to China", and only a Democrat could (DID!) fatally wound the welfare system (BILL Clinton), and only a Democrat could destroy Medicare and Social Security.
The electorate has longer memories than the DNC thinks.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I've said the same myself.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
That could hurry up the transition to single payer
People are a lot more aware of their slavery to health insurance corporations now than they were before 2008.
Beware the bullshit factories.
anyone else remember
Remember how long Hillary stayed in the race against Obama?
The asshat from Harvard really means that everyone needed to prop-up Hillary because she was at the center of a shitstorm of controversies which she created via her malfeasance and incompetence.
Succinct Summation.
You're so right.
Uh, actually
about as many people voted for Trump as voted forMitt - 8 million people who voted for Obama (in 2008) stayed home. It is debatable whether the voters renounced Hillary or Obama. IMGO, following The Great Disappointer with Old Bribe and Bomb was a certain loser.
On to Biden since 1973
Another succinct statement,
and truly hilarious,
I do so agree with you.
Everybody knows a negative campaign hurts turnout
Political pros know that a strongly negative campaign like the "OMG Trump" campaign reduces voter turnout. This hurts Dems more than the Tea-GOP. Hillary never offered up a reason to come out and vote for her, the message was to vote against Trump. Meanwhile Trump’s closing argument was that he was the only choice for change.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
All about her and not about us, a theme that was not good.
I vs We
I can't find it now, but I read something a while back pointing out that most of the time Hillary and Obama would talk about themselves, "What I've done" and "What I'm going to do" and "Protect my legacy". Trump talked about what we're going to do.
As his cabinet appointments are showing, Trump doesn't care about "we" anymore but from a campaign strategy point of view, it's brilliant.
The Trump-bashing did not
resonate in the Rust Belt, nor in fly-over country. People were not buying "The Russians Are Coming!" either. That particular gambit seems to have backfired badly on her, thank goodness.
I see more
and more talking heads throwing the blame on Bernie and the primary. What a crock of shit. So what the DNC needs to do is put Howard Dean or another like minded neoliberal in charge and they can pick who they want to be on the ticket and not have to bother with a pesky primary. You know, like they did this time....
It's their usual "kick a lefty today" strategy
Like they supported whistle-blowers until they took the White House over. I remember a lot of whining about Occupy when they had a chance to make it a serious movement. Anti-War until a "D" was in charge. Feckless.
They hate the left far more than they hate wingnuts.
And why not? They have more in common with them than us.
They sure as hell do
and they used those wingnuts brilliantly, for years too. I know it worked like a charm with me, obsessively freaking out over the thought of one of the more idiotic from getting into office - Joni the hog castrator anyone? Todd Akin? Louie Gomert? Sarah Fucking Palin? Ted Yoho? The idiocy on display from that drove me to claim Democrat when I'd tried to remain firmly non-partisan for years.
And sadly, I hope like hell those wingnut voters wake the hell up but I'm no longer sure they really will. They've got their hero in office now, and he'll most likely be able to convince them to give up their SS and Medicare to "make America Great Again" and they'll buy it. Especially if he's really smart and only cuts off those under 55, then his nutty old wingnuts can re-elect his sorry ass. As for our wars, those too will be spun for all they're worth, and there are just enough validly racist among them to ensure the bombing continues.
We are fucked and Demorats did it this time, blatantly, openly, for all to see, to let us know we are NOT in control and never will be.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I went to a party last night with Hillary and Bernie supporters
The Hillary supporters were almost hysterical when they accused Bernie of causing Trump to win. We should have all moved over to her camp in May and started praising her. We didn't, we kept fighting all the way to California (final vote count) and let's not talk about irregularities in Nevada and Arizona and specially let's not talk about vote rigging and forget about the super freaking delegates. It was all our fault.
I tried to point out that we need to work together to oppose Trump but they couldn't get their heads around that proposition.
But I had a good time with other berners;
The political revolution continues
Hillary has been sliding since she left as SOS...
Factually, Hillbots need to accept the reality that her numbers were sliding BIGTIME before Americans even became aware that Bernie was running, much less heard his message.
From a JUNE 2015 Poll of Presidential hopefuls:
She was bad against Obama and worse this time around
The "lefty" blogs failed to remember that what they said about her then was even more true today.
Most lefty blogs totally soiled themselves. These blogs never
had an understanding of the global political economy to begin with, so they had no solid ground to stand on while judging Clinton and her record and personality.
Add Digby to the 2016 Hall of Shame.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
This can be a benchmark
Sorry to be the small minded person that I am, but this can be a benchmark going forward in judging our 'voices' speaking for us. Were they for Clinton ( drinking the neoliberal koolaid) or Sanders ( an authentic speaker for the 99% of us).
I keep reading that neoliberalism has past its mark -if only that were true! But it is not, witness Shumer and all those lamenting Clinton apologists. She was a self made despicable. And, these apologists keep clinging to their deluded eyeglasses. Well, we will all be swept into the Trump maelstrom now, and who knows how it will all shake out. I just don't have the optomistic mindset just now.
The neoliberal mindset
is so all-pervading, it practically defines what the Democratic Party has become. Sanders challenged this mindset from the Left, and damaged it. Trump has attacked it from the Right, and dealt it a life-threatening blow. If the neoliberals currently in charge of the Democratic Party are unwilling or unable to make radical course corrections, the Party itself could be at risk of dissolution.
Much will depend on what Trump does during his first year in office. I don't think anyone has any clear idea of what that might be, perhaps not even Trump himself.
Absolutely perfect nutshell:
"She was a self made despicable."
If the Wall Street Speeches hurt Clinton
she has only herself to blame about that.
And perhaps Wikileaks.
Bernie didn't expose those character "flaws" -- she did, by having them.
Remember when she played it off as "nothing" ?
"She'll Look into it" she said, and get back with us (once her response was focus-tested).
IF she had kept her "public presentation" word on that "
promise" "hedge" ... Stonewalling,WE'd probably have a President-Elect Sanders right now.
Bernie would have won the Midwest -- his message was far better there than the Apprentice President's.
IF Hillary's message rang un-true there, perhaps she should not have been so "evasive" ?
What she said to the bankers et al was probably more damaging
than not releasing them
"Popular President"
Is that like Homecoming Queen?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
LOL!! Let's chip in & buy her a tiara.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
And a sash that reads "Mis-Congeniality." 'Cuz she's not
all that congenial.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I'm down for kicking in on that but would like to propose a..
small change.
Can we instead have it read, "Miss(ed) Congeniality" instead.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
She HAD no message, other than not-Trump
a very sick campaign. A snail could have beat her in the flyover/rust belt, where many are feeling betrayed. And rightly so. They never saw it coming. I was employed at a university on federal research funds. A decent low-pay job until I was betrayed. I feel the factory workers' pain and fears.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
What the Clinton people forgot about
The pied piper strategy was ALL THE CHILDREN FOLLOWED THE PIPER INTO THE CAVE AND GOT THEIR CANDY. Now they are in a sugar high and have to be rescued. Are we up to it before we head into the dark ages.
...And then he led them out the other side
to a completely different place than they had ever been.
That could be good, bad, or a crazy-quilt mixture (is likeliest to be a mixture).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I think they will triangulate to; not as quite as dark as the
dark ages. I don't expect enlightenment any time soon
If we keep bashing our heads against this wall...
Maybe people will feel sorry enough for us to remove the wall.
Because really, that's the only strategy I can see here.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sorry I'm too dizzy to reply properly
Whatever we do, we should engage w/the Democrats
as little as possible. They're the ultimate time-sink. Time would be better spent talking on Twitter 8 hours a day.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Of course it was Bernie's fault....
Everything is Bernie's fault.
Car blow a spark pug through the hood of your car? Bernie.
Cat constipated? Bernie.
Toaster on the fritz? Bernie.
Clinton did spend a ridiculous amount of time bashing Trump. People become desensitized and stop caring if Trump is disgusting on so many levels but Clinton got no game other than that. Shes stole Sander's game during the primary but dropped it after she won.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The populace knew $Hillary rigged the primary
and simply were not going to vote for her under any circumstance. Unfortunately for her, some of them voted for Trump while the rest stayed home. Everyone knew she was using the Clinton Foundation as a vehicle for her pay to play scheme. So the jerk won over the criminal. I really want a woman president, just not that one. I hope Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020. Like Bernie, she speaks the truth to power and has a clue what it's like to be a "commoner".
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
I think we need to be bolder than Elizabeth Warren in 2020
We need a fighter. An honest, establishment rejecting, female candidate will have huge support against Trump, if the worst said about him, becomes obvious.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Tulsi Gabbard
Am I alone in thinking I'd like to see more from Tulsi Gabbard? She seems like someone that could pull from a large cross section of the country.
Time magazine knows who's to blame
Gil Troy, distinguished professor of history at McGill University (and author of "The Age of Clinton: America in the 1990s") courageously lays it on the line: It was all Bernie's fault!
And the 2016 Ralph Nader award goes to...
Hillary was running "too far left." Who knew? Must be why all those bleeding heart liberal pinkos like Robert Kagan, Max Boot, John Negroponte, Colin Powell, Brent Scowcraft and George HW Bush were supporting her. Of course, the Professor freely admits Hillary ran a somewhat less than perfect campaign, but at the end of the day - Bernie's fault!
At any rate, it's interesting to see how they are framing the election outcome at NeoLib Central. Something tells me that going forward, Bernie-style progressive-ism and the haughty, elitist "centrism" embodied in this essay are not exactly going to become best buds. It's time to acknowledge the reality that "Third Way" Democrats like Clinton and Obama are just as much the implacable enemies of the kind of future envisioned by Sanders and his supporters as are Republicans.
inactive account
That was just plain laugh out loud, quick Democrats
fill the vacated moderate Republican slots before it is too late! Hell the Democrats would caucus with Sarkozy, left, gimmie a break.
Jimmy Dore addressed this Gil Troy assessment yesterday.
It's 13 minutes long, but it's vintage Jimmy Dore. He rips Troy's shoddy analysis to shreds. He's been on one helluva roll/rant. Take a listen if you have the time:
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
And Time win LaFeminista's daily idiot award
Thanks for that link
Jimmy is truly priceless. Serving up an article like that to someone with his intelligence and comedic chops is akin to serving up a 30 mph slowball to Hank Aaron. Kind of depressing to realize that the mighty Time-Warner has been reduced to this level of douchebaggery.
inactive account
Funny how none of the exit polling indicates that 'too far left' was Hillary's problem.
I guess all those Obama-Obama-Trump voters in all those counties that Bernie won in the primaries were really, really upset that Hillary was too far to the left.
Or maybe, just maybe; building a firewall out of states that the GOPig will win is a foolish strategy?
Under no circumstances should anyone consider the map of counties won by Bernie to be the 'canary in the coal mine' for $$Hill's campaign.
That would take common sense.
Bernie messed it up.
Because he made us care a little bit more about our future.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I agree, Time's analysis is ridiculous, but it's instructive,
since (IMO) it is an accurate insight into the thinking of the Dem Party Establishment.
Bottom line, ridiculous or not--Dem Elites do (partially) blame Bernie for her loss, since he had a hand in exposing FSC's corruption, Wall Street/big business ties, etc.
So far, I haven't seen a single piece in the MSM that is remotely critical of FSC, her policy proposals, or her campaign strategy. All fingers seem to point outward, when placing blame for her loss.
I wonder if Bernie will have major penance to pay for the rest of his career--or, at least, until a corporatist Dem is elected President.
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
It was Bernie's fault
for showing us what an honest, sincere candidate looked like. We hadn't seen that in ages and Clinton did not look good by comparison.
If I were him, I'd take the blame for that. Of course, that depends on whether it actually blameworthy, which it's not.
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
Arizona, indeed ...
I knew damn well that AZ was not "in play" for her. Remember all that talk about a landslide, about how Dems would flip the Senate for sure and maybe even the House ? A lot of people believed that shit and were shell-shocked when results started coming in. Two weeks out there were polls showing John McCain up by double digits over his Democratic opponent. Did they really believe that there were hundreds of thousands of ticket-splitters who would cross over to vote for Hillary while rejecting Ann Kirkpatrick ? A Democratic candidate who needs Arizona's 11 electoral votes is not headed for a landslide.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
It was over before a vote was cast, hence the toys
thrown out of the pram on election night mirroring Bill O'Reilly, "fuck this shit we'll do it live!"
I blame it all
on Tucson.
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