Back in the Fight

The "Democrats" are making it very clear. They are not going to change, they are not going to listen to us, they're going to continue to obey their corporate masters. They want us back on their triangulation chain gang, the chain gang of the poor, the chain gang of working families, the chain gang of inequality, the chain gang of the ignored and the exiled and the betrayed.

Many of us have been on that chain gang, for ten years, for twenty years, for thirty years, for forty years. And we have the scars to prove it. Too damn many scars for too damn many years. So guess what, "Democrats". We're not going back on your triangulation chain gang, it is not going to happen. To hell with you and to hell with your chains and to hell with your chain gang.

[video: width:500 height:333]


The powers that be,
That force us to live like we do . . .

American Stats

It will just keep getting worse if Americans don't open their eyes to what's happening and toss the corrupt two-party system onto the ash heap of history where it belongs.

I found a picture of you, Bernie . . .

Bernie Sanders Rally

Those were the happiest days of my life.

The truth was being told. Wall Street was being defied. The war machine was being exposed. We the People were finally being heard.

Then Bernie "lost" the primary. We all know what happened. Hillbots high and low, Hillbots at every level of the Hillbot Machine threw sand in the eyes of voters and descended like flies. Wassermann Schultz and the DNC descended like flies, corrupt Democratic incumbents like Barbara Boxer and Claire McCaskill descended like flies, corporate media hacks for Hillary descended like flies, I'm talking to you Donna Brazile, I'm talking to you Rachel Maddow, I'm talking to you Chris Matthews, I'm talking to every one of you worthless MSNBC hacks too busy collecting your Comcast paychecks to do any actual journalism.

That pig circus of an election is finally over. I wanted no part of it, most of us here wanted no part of it, we've seen all the smoke before and we've seen all the mirrors before. The Powers That Be think they won, they think because they took Bernie down that they took down the progressive movement, they think we're defeated, they think we're done and gone.

Well guess what, Powers That Be?

We're not done and gone.

We're back in the fight.

We're back in this fight, we're back in it and we are going to win it because we've seen what the Powers That Be have done to you, Bernie . . .

Bernie Sanders

Because we've seen what they've done to you, Chelsea Manning . . .


Because we've seen what they've done to you, Julian Assange . . .


Because we've see what they've done to you, Edward Snowden . . .

Edward Snowden

Because we've seen what they've done to you, homeless veterans of the One-Percent's wars . . .

War Veteran

Yeah. We've seen what the Powers That Be have done to the economy, to democracy, to the environment, to working people in every country in this world. We've seen it before and we're going to see it again for four more years, because the Coronation of Hillary became the worst fucking fiasco in American political history, just like we said it would.

I don't know what Trump and his fascist administration will do, I don't know what the "Democrats" will do, I don't know what the criminal corporations and the polluters and the racists and the warmongers and the bankers will do. But I know this much . . .

I'll die as I stand here today,
Knowing that deep in my heart,
They'll fall to ruin one day.


Bernie didn't run third-party, he didn't take it all the way. But neither did we. The political revolution of 2016 was not about him, it was about us. We didn't get it done, but another chance is coming, this political revolution has just begun, another confrontation with the corrupt political establishment is coming, another confrontation with the rotting two-party system is coming, and next time we'll get it right . . .

[video: width:500 height:333]

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monopoly capital backed by virtually every politician at the national and state level. On the other side is us and those who will become us when they realize the lies and deceit of the 1% have led to stagnating wages, if employed; job insecurity; a befouled environment; looming ecologic catastrophe; an uncivil society; and a judiciary beholden to corporations.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

because the corporate media sure as hell won't.

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wwIII for now, which is a good start(ya gotta be alive to fight), but now we All have to dig in and try to crush the duopoly. It will not be easy, it will not be quick, there will be regression, there will be struggle- when has this not been true?
Maybe there is an opportunity now, maybe not. We gotta start somewhere, somehow, someday. Why Not today? Maybe the Bern helps, maybe not, but we WILL need all the allies we can muster for the fight, leaving nobody behind that is willing to help. Purity is for fools and gods, I know I'm not one and I try not to be the other(hint: doesn't always work).


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

That would be a good start.

American workers have allowed themselves to be divided and conquered by the Powers That Be for most of this country's history. That has to stop, working people have got to wake the hell up, and maybe four horrible years of Trump will wake up working class conservatives, at long last.

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janis b's picture

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Cassiodorus's picture

Rusty1776, did you see any of my "new party" diaries? And, if you did, what did you think?

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

I've had too much multitasking to do in the "real world" lately and not enough time to read c99.

I'm going to remedy that.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Looking over my comment history, it seems I keep repeating that line. Bernie said it over and over again - it must come from the bottom up. Guess what, people, WE are the bottom!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

for ten years online, and for longer than that in the brick and mortar world.

It gets very frustrating.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I was a protester in the late 60's and early 70's. We were effective. We have needed to protest for years, now. I called for it when I was at TOP. I call for it at work. I am such a lone voice sometimes, but I keep on keeping on.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

been a protester in the '60's? Smile

Those protests were very effective, we have to emulate the determination and moral courage of the Americans who ended racial segregation and the Vietnam War.

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Raggedy Ann's picture


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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

reflectionsv37's picture

Unfortunately, they learned all the wrong lessons. Their takeaway from Vietnam war was learning that the draft, and yanking 18 year old young men out of their parents home, sending them to 6 weeks of boot camp and then airlifting them into a jungle in some far off place in the world to be slaughtered while photographers and journalists recorded the whole thing, was not a good idea! It tended to piss people off and make them want to break and burn things. It was a great motivator for people to stand up and protest. And, they needed to make sure that never happened again.

So, they decided it was easier and far less unpleasant to reduce the opportunities of young men and get them to "voluntarily" sign up for military service. Even though it was often a last ditch effort for those young ones to find paying work, at least you weren't dragging them from their homes kicking and screaming. And they had to do something about those pesky journalists who filled the news every night with images of soldiers being killed and flag draped caskets returning from war. So they sanitized all that. They employed mercenaries to do much of the hard core fighting, embedded the journalists so they were able to control what they reported and so sanitized our current war efforts that most people in the country are so far removed from the death and destruction, they hardly realize we are at war. Let alone understanding we are in the longest lasting war in US history.

Yeah, they learned a lot from Vietnam. How to conduct a never ending war and do so while the American public goes about it's life, never fully realizing what is happening in theie names.

I'm actually stunned to see so many people in the streets protesting now over the election. I want to ask each one of them, "Where the hell have you been for the last 15 years?" I guess better late than never is a positive if it's not too late to make a difference but, they need to focus that energy on more deserving targets than "I don't like the election results."

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Thank you for your post, reflectionsv37, every paragraph is right on target.

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They learned they wanted to own the media, because then they could ignore protests so the majority didn't even know it was happening. Or if it got out from under them they could discredit with false stories - witness Occupy.

They learned they need to militarize the police so they could clamp down and nip it in the bud when the people got restless.

They learned to co-opt movements such as the women's movement, which was all about giving women more choices. Now, for most women their only choice is to work, even when both parents are present. There was the first wedge in the income divide, and the women's movement ended up profiting TPTB by gradually dropping middle class income until both parents had to work.

They learned they could brainwash some of the populace and train them to create and maintain a huge division between the people, because a people united cannot be defeated.

They learned to break up and discredit the unions.

They learned how to pretend to hear us and mollify us with evidence like All in the Family, Laugh-In, SNL. They give in on the social issues to quiet us but never budge on the economic issues.

As a bonus to TPTB, thanks to cable news and the internet, the people are all getting their information from wildly different sources. Back in the day we all had CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS - and they all pretty much covered the same stuff but could get extra points by pointing out corruption. Investigative journalism, journalistic integrity ruled the day. But now my neighbor gets his information from Breitbart and Fox, while I have to comb the internet and sift it out to find any semblence of the truth. Who has time for that?

Luckily, so far, we still have sites like c99 - who knows when they will turn off these last lamps of truth?

All the above makes it very difficult indeed to educate or unite the people in such a way that our movement must be responded to. More and more people are getting hurt by TPTB, but it will take many more before we reach a tipping point. (The brainwashed will instead turn on their divided 99% to find scapegoats)

And you can believe TPTB have had all these possibilities analyzed and will be able to hold that tipping point back indefinitely. TPTB are already prepared for the devastating effects of climate change, (one of which will be massive civil unrest) but they aren't cluing us in on it even though our taxes paid for the studies.

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We must always remember Tamir Rice and Eric Garner and Trayvon Martin, and all of the innocents killed by the militarized police of this Oligarchy.

Thank you for the photo and the music, Janis.

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responded to your post so my reply didn't get in the right place.

I can't promise it won't happen again because it probably will happen again. Wink

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janis b's picture

Thank you for all your contributions.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…that it has already won.

That party is down on the ground, crippled, and the Left is standing on their necks.

Organize. Refuse to ever vote for any candidate that runs under the Democratic Party Logo. Start a voters coalition that pledges to hold that promise. Create chaos and fear. Force them to come to you.

According to the Washington Post:

The next generation of Democratic leaders is, um, nonexistent

They are waiting for us. They saw what we can do. What you did.

How do you think Hillary lost? (Everyone is aware that Trump didn't win; Hillary lost. Right?)


Terrific rant, by the way.

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It seems to me that the current generation of Democratic leaders, as well as the 2 or 3 generations of Democratic leaders before that have been nonexistent. The Washington Post might want to do an article about THAT.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

at 4pm PST @ in case anyone's interested. I'm not sure about Our Revolution since they can take corporate money though.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

I'm going to watch that.

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Lady Libertine's picture

well said, Rusty, as ever.

Maybe its just me - Ive been crazy busy and also I quit following after Bernie "lost" CA like in June - but I think it's gonna take many of us a little time to get our sea legs back. Trump's win that night was really disorienting. I dunno, I was so convinced that TPTB had ensured the coronation of their chosen one, I really did not think it possible that Trump would actually be declared the winner. But as one acquaintence of mine said, "They always have a Plan B" which reminded me that, of course, TPTB were really okay with either one HRC or Trump. And the pendulum swings are fine just so it stays within a certain range.

But its time, past time, for the whole paradigm to get shaken up.

Sea change.

Back in the fight indeed.

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I didn't think Trump would win either, for the same reasons you mentioned. Something went seriously wrong with Plan A, reports of Hillary getting violent when she realized she lost indicate how completely unexpected it was. She can throw a tantrum for the rest of her life for all I care, the problem as we all know, is that Plan B is hideous too, just in different ways .

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magiamma's picture

Say her name
Sandra Bland Say Her Name.jpg

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

police custody deserves to be named, deserves to be remembered. Sandra Bland is one of them.

I'm sorry I can't name every one of them in this essay thread, magiamma. Perhaps you could help me out and start naming them all for us.

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magiamma's picture

Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Cameron Tillman, VonDerrit Myers Jr., Laquan McDonald, Carey Smith-Viramontes, Jeffrey Holden, Qusean Whitten, Miguel Benton, Dillon McGee, Levi Weaver, Karen Cifuentes, Sergio Ramos, Roshad McIntosh, Diana Showman...

More info on these young ones:

I am sorry to say the list is much much longer.

"Say Her Name" was the call-out for Sandra Bland after her death. For more on Sandra Bland:

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

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elenacarlena's picture

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Justice, what a concept!

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CB's picture

"Trump's election is going to be the biggest fuck ever recorded in human history and it will feel good. "

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Well done, Michael Moore, and thank you for posting it, CB.

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divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

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elenacarlena's picture

of those people can't get healthcare. And when there is no more federal minimum wage. But I'll be happy if I'm wrong.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

riverlover's picture

And now blown up, he will screw it all up again. And many are scared, I am quite vulnerable as one fast-approaching Medicare and already a SS survivor's benefit recipient (like the ass*#%^ from WI who got that as a kid and now wants to tear it down). So many Americans are shocked and scared that maybe it is time to further blow up the system.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lady Libertine's picture


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ZimInSeattle's picture

real threat. It's a good thing Killary lost. But it's a bad thing Trump won and the third parties didn't get the 5% needed for next time around. I just can't understand that. Any of the third party candidates would be better than Trump or Killary. I guess the fear mongering from the Clinton machine did it's job on Jill, but ultimately it didn't work against Trump. Interesting times ahead.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

showed little evidence of tampering.

Then I realized that with all the discontent, the 3rd party numbers should have been unusually high. They weren't. I wasn't believing the polls that had them in such low numbers either.

So what would the point be fudging independent numbers for a largely independant populace? Ahhh. I see. Discouragement.

Just a little CT. I'm so cynical after Bush W and Obama that I'm now trained to try on the CT hat at every corner just to test the feasibility.

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