An informal report on the new party idea

Why there's a need for a new party:

Let's take a look at what's likely to happen.

1) Sanders supporters are going to try to take over the Democratic Party. As this piece points out, however, the actual effort of doing this is likely to be very tedious, expensive, and time-consuming and will meet with a ton of resistance from party officials.

2) While Sanders' onetime followers engage this decades-long process of struggle within the Democratic Party, precinct by precinct, Democrats are likely to continue to tell everyone: "look, we're likely to do about 80% of what the Republicans do -- but they're still worse." Remember, no real appeal is necessary to sway "lesser-of-two-evils" voters outside of fear of the other. Will it matter to the party leadership that their hold on Congress will continue to slip further and further, that there will be more 2010- and 2014-type election collapses in the future and that fewer and fewer people will actually show up to vote for them or for their opponents? No. Will it matter to them that they will have a steadily-shrinking pool of experienced political workers to draw upon in the future, as their party loses race after race? No. Will people desert them for the Green Party? No.

3) As the so-called "Left" in the US periodically struggles to be heard while continuing occasional struggles against co-optation and against being crushed by the party they trust with their lives, bad things will happen. Austerity planning will happen. Voter suppression efforts will be increasingly successful. Markets will crash, jobs will be lost, global warming will destroy landscapes. There will be migrations, famines, plagues. Will individual politicians stop this? No, and as Trump's preliminary cabinet choices are proving, real power will continue to be vested in an oligarchic political class with absolutely no clue as to the challenges that currently do and that will in the future face them.

What to do about it:

4) As shown by 1) through 3) above, the primary future political scenario looks bad. It does, however, seem that a lot of hopes will be vested in 1), the effort to take over the Democratic Party. My recommendation is that the people who are trying to do this should be asked to reflect upon a back-up plan, which is to say aiming for a realignment. The Green Party, it seems, won't do -- so what's needed is a new party.

5) Now, the first people to which we should pitch this suggestion to are the activists -- though we're likely to find at this point that too many of them are still committed to the Democratic Party. Perhaps the sort of thing I have in mind could be pitched at a development seminar as one of many options, and then we could "take results" at the subsequent discussion sections. At any rate, the proposal on my new party diary was intended as a sort of Bernie Plus proposal, to get the ball rolling.

6) Ultimately, we will need a business plan for the new party. I might be able to write such a thing, though what I write is likely to be crap unless the plan is written by a committee. (Look, I have a Master's Degree in English -- why don't you all have me do the editing?) At any rate, this business plan will have to detail how the new party will avoid:

a) being a sectarian party like the Green Party -- we can't afford a party of "principles" that won't expand beyond a tiny segment of the population.


b) being a sellout party like the Democratic Party -- the new party needs to be able to assure at the end of the day that neither it nor its members can be bought.

The business plan will also have to c) detail the existing situation in a way that appeals to readers to join, d) provide an organizational plan wherein go-to people ("leadership" is such a cliche now) can be recruited, and e) suggest at least a role for horizontal organization in spelling out the needs of the people, comparable to what one can see today in the Zapatistas.

7) This plan will need to be presented to the activists at the points in time and in space when they are most likely to say "yes" -- which may perhaps mean that a preliminary educational campaign will be necessary. In line with my suggestion that this be called the Sensible Futures Party, the educational campaign might gauge the popular mood as regards what counts as a "sensible future." We need to understand the most useful aspects of the social imaginary.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

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SnappleBC's picture

Do really need a new party?
This is where my near complete ignorance of the political landscape shows. But aren't there entities like WFA and whatnot that could be expanded? As an old-time programmer, I'm always big into reuse rather than create.

Regarding 6b... "Sellout Party"
I do not believe any possible set of rules can accomplish this. What it takes is culture and vigilance. The culture part is especially critical. There was a quote in a SciFi book I like that roughly says, "Humans find it much easier to circumvent law than tradition" In what passes for my leadership experience, this is why corporations make cultural values statements. In corporations that are serious about them, they really do make an impact.

In one case, merely quoting one of those values put me through to the CIO on Christmas eve... of a major transnational. He made a 10 million dollar decision on the strength of my word and that same cultural value. I was nobody important. There was absolutely nothing at stake other than whether the company would honor it's own cultural values or not. There was no other risk or reason to deal with the matter on Christmas Eve. I only relate that story to demonstrate my conviction that such things, while often frittered away in corporations, actually do work and they work very well. No normal "rule" that I could imagine would have solved that problem. In fact, the company had rules which should have solved the problem. It's worth noting that though I have resigned from that company there are still aspects like that one which I have a HUGE amount of respect for... along with the CIO who picked up that phone. Respect is a handy thing to accumulate if you're trying to build a new organization.

Probably at one point the Democratic Party had such things. But they lost vigilance and they started to not treat them as seriously as the story I related above. Once some members of the leadership started cutting corners it was the end. Bill Clinton and his DLC bullshit should've been laughed out of the room the moment he opened his mouth. I could be wrong but probably at one point he would've been.

There is no way to make any human endeavor proof from corruption. You can, however, make it an awful lot harder.

One last stray thought
Sensible Futures Party? I love your analysis but we need a marketing guy badly Smile

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Citizen Of Earth's picture

sounds like the name of an episode of the Big Bang Theory.

From discussions above, it's Very disappointing to hear the Green Party is too foobared to build on b/c starting a new party will be a monumental piece of work.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Cassiodorus's picture

it might work. I'm just not seeing a lot of motivation. What I am seeing is another 1% showing by a Presidential candidate.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Citizen Of Earth's picture

I was expecting a much better turnout for Stein. She tripled her 2012 numbers but still at 1%, ugh. WTF happened to Bernie's rebellion. They up and disappeared like a fart in the wind.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

SnappleBC's picture

But it was postings by you I think that made me conclude that they were just a bunch of kids pretending to try to win elections... filled with jockeying for position and circle the wagons type mentality.

As I wrote in my answer, part of success here is creating a culture. Starting with a sick culture makes that incredibly hard because all the old-timers will never absorb the new cultural values. They will ALWAYS seem them as addons and so therefore skippable when convenient.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cassiodorus's picture

My participation in the Green Party dissipated significantly after Walt Sheasby died in 2004.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

SnappleBC's picture

If I shouldn't pick up the phone and give them a call... or maybe someone more local to wherever their offices are. But if your information is 12 years old it's suspect. A face to face meeting would resolve much.

Insofar as the question I didn't answer, how do you get respect, I started thinking about that then realized I didn't need to. Let's take a look at Bernie Sanders. He had all the classic markers for "honor"... integrity, honesty, authenticity. Now toss in some leadership qualities like passion and courage and you've got a very attractive mix. It's all in how you behave. You'd have to have a rigidly truth-centric viewpoint... ruthlessly so. There'd be no room for spin or half-assed memes. In the end, we all know what it means to be respect-worthy. As much as our culture no longer values things like "honor" most of us still do as individuals and we know it when we see it.

I liked Bernie because he, for the most part, told me the truth. In the places where he lied, it was more of an exaggeration than an outright lie. He wasn't twisting reality so much as "enhancing it". I still flagged those moments though and wondered how much I needed to donate to get him some credible research staff. I noted later in the election he tightened his own standards anyway. Beyond the truth, I never felt like I needed a legal team to understand his position. He put himself and his positions out there for all the world to judge. Beyond that, he was consistent. I had every reason to believe that he meant what he said. He'd been saying and doing those same things (with some personal growth along the way) for 40 years. I'm guessing nearly every single Bernie fan would be nodding their heads at that entire paragraph.

Be like Bernie. It's not hard. It just takes courage because putting your authentic self out in front of the world is a scary thing. There's my secret formula for gaining respect -- be a good man.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cassiodorus's picture

what has changed over the past twelve years to make my idea of the Green Party obsolete. Part of the problem is that when Walt Sheasby passed away my local disappeared, and I gather the problem was compounded by the passings of Woody Nance and of Deirdre Lashgari. So my connection to the wider world has been severed, and as far as I can tell there really isn't anyone in the Green Party who has the time or energy to re-establish my local.

I really, seriously doubt anything has changed with the Green Party in the last twelve years. The Green groups to which I subscribe on Facebook typically offer posts to confirm this observation.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Roger Fox's picture

run for office and win, right? Seems like they are the most effective state Green org.

Now ya need NY. Take over the NY Green Party. I think thats a great first step. Now you have the 2 largest states, providing Green anchors on each coast.

Then go after the Green National leadership.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Cassiodorus's picture

You might enjoy his company, and he yours.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Roger Fox's picture

Name isn't familiar.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Cassiodorus's picture

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Cassiodorus's picture

Have we accumulated respect? How might we accumulate respect?

Also, re: the "Sensible Futures" party: I'm open to alternative proposals.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

SnappleBC's picture

You'd have to pick people very, very carefully. It can't be anyone from a site like this. This is just another part of the problem. Consider that I am a true believer already and I pulled my financial support from C99. What are the odds, do you think, that I donate an awful lot more money to a similar organization? What are the odds that any person who needs convincing would be convinced?

You also can't use professional help because... yanno... they are the problem? I think you'd have to find some knowledgeable activists who also have a broad and mature mindset. They need to be focused on our goals but understand other viewpoints and be able to deal with them gracefully. They would need to be able to absorb competing ideas when they have merit. Alternately, you just need a board of people like I described and then pickup the political knowledge via lower level consultant positions and you keep those consultants in a dark room never to see the light of day or press.

Whoever creates this organization had better give some serious thought to your question, "How do we accumulate respect?" and then be ruthless about that goal. At every turn they will be labeled crackpot loonies and they must be the walking, talking, living embodiment that denies that label.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cassiodorus's picture

Do you know anyone working with Brand New Congress whom it would be worthwhile to know?

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

SnappleBC's picture

I am still struggling to figure out what it means to be politically involved. For me it was a cold dash of water in the face in 2012 and I've been reeling ever since... trying to figure out what to do when they are all bad guys. I knew NOTHING about anything before 2012.

Being an expat puts a real crimp in my ability to do things like "go to a local committee meeting" or somesuch. I've been waiting for something to at least start to gel and then that'd give me a contact point. But my political ignorance is always a hurdle. I kick myself for not being an activist for the other 50 years of my life. Fat, dumb and happy would be a fair description. Calf to the slaughter works also.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

riverlover's picture

Why? Economics or something else? You post a lot here. We are "bad news?". Please explain further.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Be careful what you wish for. Do you really want that poster's specific insults? Would you value and respect his or her negative opinions about this board and its posters? Based on what?

Just some rhetorical questions, offered as food for thought.

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riverlover's picture

I am female, so that is hard, supposedly trained out. But I am also on the fundraiser team for c99p. So, yes. I stand my ground.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

1) Sanders supporters are going to try to take over the Democratic Party.

I am already on record here at c99 on a different comment thread that the Democratic Party is beyond saving and is not worth the effort to take it over. Sun-Tzu would not approve of that particular strategy, as the battle takes place on ground not of our choosing and on the terms of the enemy.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

Pluto's Republic's picture

He pointed out that to pillage and burn the enemy's land was not a good thing. The idea was that the captured and developed land would not be useful if it was harmed. Suggesting that the victors would make use of the spoils of war, if they were intact.

On the other hand, I have always maintained that toppling the Democratic Party Establishment was the victory, itself. Let the members sort through the ruins to rebuild. I would assume they would kick the Party Bosses to the curb this time. I doubt it would oppose anything-Sanders in the future.

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I knew I didn't want to go back there.
Now I know why.

stein - baraka

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mouselander's picture

Have to confess I'm starting to warm to the idea of a brand new political party. It's clear to me that taking over the Democratic Party, as recommended by people like Bernie and Michael Moore, is an unattainable goal. The corrupt, bought and paid for party infrastructure is far too deeply entrenched. Despite all the best efforts of would-be reformers, I'm quite certain that four years from now the DP, both operationally and philosophically, will be very much like the way it is today. The people controlling it want power for themselves - which they have - far more than they want power for the party as a whole, or for its nominal support base.

Unfortunately, reforming the Green Party might not be that much better of an option. Would-be reformers would have to fight their way through an existing power structure that has shown time and again that they're more interested in making grand statements and maintaining philosophical purity than they are in the thankless, nuts and bolts work of building a meaningful support base. Also the very name "Green Party" conjures up in the mind of many an organization that values a pristine environment more highly than economic development - which in times of economic uncertainty and dislocation is not necessarily the best image to project. Granted, those two goals don't necessarily have to be in conflict, but understanding such nuances requires an educated and informed electorate, and there's no point in gratuitously creating a negative framing in the minds of voters who don't yet have that kind of understanding.

That said, I think "Sensible Futures Party" is a very poor choice for a name, because in the minds of many the word "futures" connotes the most irresponsible kind of financial speculation, and you obviously don't want to put yourself in the position of having to educate the public about your name right out of the box. (Makes me think of the fictional pop band "The One-ders" from the movie That Thing You Do.) Even "Sensible Future Party", singular, sounds to me like something cooked up by Good Housekeeping.

In my view, the name shouldn't sound recycled or retro, like the New Progressive Party or the New Deal Party, nor should it sound gimmicky or obscure like the Sensible Futures Party. It should be something new and unique, and should speak directly to the party's raison d'etre, namely that it exists to give the common people a vehicle for attaining and exercising political power, in opposition to the existing paradigm of power residing solely in the hands of the economic elite. Something like People's Democracy Party would be good. Simple, direct, and immediately understandable.

One of the most important things for any prospective alternative party to accomplish would be to draw a favorable distinction between itself and all the other minor parties that currently exist. If you check the Wikipedia entry for American political parties, you will see that there are three principle minor parties - Libertarians, Greens, and Constitution - and innumerable smaller ones, both national and regional in character. It would be incredibly easy to get lost in the scrum of all these bit player entities competing for recognition and support.

Two things that come to mind that a new alternative party could do to set itself apart. First, develop a core agenda of policy initiatives addressing the most important and urgent issues, that all prospective candidates would be required to fully and unconditionally endorse and support. Not an 800-page opus of detailed position papers, but a concise, bullet point type summary of how the party proposes to deal with such issues as:

  • Health care
  • Student debt
  • Global warming/environmental protection
  • Alternative energy
  • Foreign trade
  • Building a robust economy that works for everyone
  • Military/Foreign policy
  • Financial regulation
  • Electoral reform
  • Media consolidation
  • Militarization of police
  • Criminal justice and prisons
  • Civil liberties and the surveillance state

Well, that's just off the top of my head, and perhaps ideally there are things that should be either added or subtracted. The point being, if all X-Party candidates are committed to one, very specific and unambiguous agenda, then voters would know exactly what set of policies they would get if enough X-Party candidates were elected and installed in office. That in itself is a powerfully persuasive argument in favor of rejecting the failed status quo and embracing a radical reordering of the political power structure.

The other, equally important element is having all candidates subscribe to a very specific Public Servant Code of Conduct, that lays out a formal set of rules covering fundraising, acceptance of gifts and honorarium, and other potential sources of corruption and conflict of interest, and which would cover not only cover the candidate's conduct during the period of his/her campaign, but also time in office, and even conduct during their post-career period. One of the things voters find so disgusting and repugnant about both D and R candidates is their open, unapologetic embrace of a system that everyone knows amounts to nothing more than legalized bribery. Enforcing a very explicit Code of Conduct that applies to all X-Party candidates would be a great way to draw a favorable distinction between the status quo - as represented by the current duopoly parties - and something that would be immediately seen as all together new, different, and infinitely better.

Bottom line, I don't think it's chiseled in stone that the two existing major parties are always fated to get 95% plus of the popular vote in national (or in fact regional or local) elections, especially as time goes on and the faux populist Trump is revealed to be as big a fraud and sellout as the prior faux populist presidents Clinton and Obama. The challenges before us are 1) to create the most attractive and compelling alternative model possible; and 2) to find an effective way, through alternative media, "guerilla advertising", teach-ins, symposiums, and so forth, to reach a sufficient number of people so as to have some realistic hope of gaining meaningful traction.

Anyway, just my $0.02.

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inactive account

SnappleBC's picture

There was (and still is) some minor hope as I read the threads over at DKOS. But it would appear that neoliberalism is going to win... complete with a total denial that neoliberalism is a thing... as if I'd made up the word or it was a pejorative rather than a scholarly poli-sci label.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

solublefish's picture

I iterated some similar ones in my comment the other day on Cass's original (now dead) thread. Here it is in full:

I am convinced, partly by you and Mouselander, that a new party may be the right, maybe the only solution. But I don't see the point of the nine demands: what binds them together? Where are the fundamental ideas on which they are founded? These are just piecemeal reforms - all desperately needed - but they don't add up to anything that will prevent us from having to keep fighting this fight over and over.

I think it needs to go deeper than that. It needs to begin with a statement of principle - an inclusive definition of justice that

  • articulates a principle capable of gaining the attention and allegiance of (ideally) ALL marginalized/oppressed/forgotten groups in this country; and
  • offers an intelligible means of distinguishing right from wrong on matters of policy - a progressive political acid test, if you like.

Then follow that with a list of specific demands arranged in whatever priority seems to make sense. Something like the Leap Manifesto.

If there are more demands, it could help people see and understand how things fit together, as well as see themselves in it - like a teaching tool (and like the 'platforms' of the People's Party in the 1890s). If the demands are few (9 or less might be good here), they whole thing can be used immediately as a political tool, even before founding a party. It can be presented very publicly by constituents to their (would be) political representatives at every level, and they can be asked to - again very publicly - endorse those demands. If they consent, they can be held to account in the court of public opinion - next election cycle. If they refuse, they would look like the enemies they are.

Another virtue of articulating the basic principles clearly and broadly is that it makes the party portable. Anyone who understands the basic principles can see how to apply them to the local political situation, regardless of the locality or the level of government. E.g. the principles could be applied to local township concerns by the people who know and understand the local politics.

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riverlover's picture

I like it. I like the Code of Conduct addition, many people will.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lenzabi's picture

I feel that
1) New blood in the Green Party should push for adapting to the newer social media power that helped Bernie so it helps get the word out more strongly for the 2020 and smaller ticket runs. Our governor choice in WV got almost 6% of the state vote vs the duopoly choices, fairly larger than the other parties trying to get control here.

2) Use that strategy to also get noted and taken seriously as they push for ranked voting and a eventual change to the voting/politicking system we are saddled under.

Note: Why any new or 3rd party will stay blocked is due to the way the duopoly refuses to let others get a fair footing, they hate the thought of losing power to outside parties, until we get away form the monolithic duopolistic "winner takes all" method which is sadly immature of a system IMHO, we will never see any other party gain a foothold even if they get that 5% votes wise, and that 15% for debates the RNC/DNC corporation imposed to block the 3rd parties from good national exposure against the red and blue choices they prefer to offer.

3) that down ballot items for the Greens passed is a help as well, what with several states passing legalized Marijuana laws and ranked voting, ( a start in the right direction votes wise, and socially/legally pot wise), as states that legalized Pot have seen savings with no longer arresting and incarcerating and trying pot heads, plus the tax revenues the states make has been helpful for them to make free tuition for dwellers of those states, and even proposal for single payer health care (shock that Colorado did not pass it, but those republican and corporate dem legislators will feel that bite on the ass when they are up for re-election. As examples that things can change.

4) DO NOT allow MSM to get away with the tricks of "They can never win" or "They are crack-pots" and the candidates and people who wish to run must answer such bogus charges in clear, intelligible, and devastatingly spot on rebuttals as Stein did on several occasions, and also, when corporate comedians like John Oliver and others pull that, get the word out and boycott their show to drop ratings to get the point across. Remember, in a capitalist society, our wallets are potent weapons as they all want our money.

I just feel that if we can trim the Green Party down to a leaner machine and use that as the frame that exists(Minus the old thinking that has not worked), something could be built up that can shape and influence the future so that we could have a respectably potent party that may one day be a good addition to the political landscape that will stay able to be a People's Party and counter balance the pro-corporates. Of course we also need to reinvest in education and renew civics classes that help show how important voting issues and policy positions and move away from the kiddy school popularity BS we currently are trapped inside.

Just some ideas that came to me, hope this may have been helpful.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Roger Fox's picture

Bernie used Revolution Messaging. They are responsible for raising the vast majority of the 220 million thru social media. It was the next step, but not super ground breaking.

What was ground breaking was the online organizing tools, not just next step, these were the next gen. Coders for Bernie did an awful of of new cutting edge work, I think the most impactful was the software for a custom interface for a predictive dialer. It allowed for a manual queque of cell phone numbers into the dialer. This was YUGE. IT meant with 1 dialer for cells and one dialer for landlines all voters could be called. No one else had this capacity.

Bernie also pulled talent from issue oriented non profits.

Look at Digital staffers. Primarily look at Distrbuted Organizing and where they cam from. These people just made shit up, got it OKied and pressed their ideas into service, this is the group that did the cutting edge, next gen stuff. IMHO they totally overperformed and nearly won the primary for Sanders.

Rebuilding any party needs experts. Currently you have at least one person in the Green Party national leadership who doesn't own a smartphone. So we know that person doesn't know what google drive is. And probably google forms etc.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Wink's picture

build from scratch. Greens have been trying to build a party for twenty years. After six or 7 presidential elections they're up to 3% of the vote. Add another 20 years and maybe they're at 10%. A significant number in terms of affecting the national election, but not winning numbers, not real party numbers.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Cassiodorus's picture

to read my diary and then explain where your opinion fits in?

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Wink's picture

headline. and...
"1) Sanders supporters are going to try to take over the Democratic Party. As this piece points out, however, the actual effort of doing this is likely to be very tedious...

4) As shown by 1) through 3) above, the primary future political scenario looks bad. It does, however, seem that a lot of hopes will be vested in 1), the effort to take over the Democratic Party."

I just point out that it has taken 20 years for the Greens to get to 3%

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Cassiodorus's picture

for the Republicans to go from nothing to the Presidency.

We should want a party that does that.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

elenacarlena's picture

the one thing everyone agrees with on the left - the Anti-Trump Party.

Or more seriously, the Independent Party. They always call everyone not registered Dem or Rep as Independent, right? So we'd have a head start!

Also, in thinking about founding documents and statements of principle prior to formation of the organization, we could rewrite the Declaration of Independence as our formal split with the Dems. So again, Independent fits. Right?

Actually, I like some evolution from Can't Stop the Signal's comments - gather together over issues, join together to stop Trump's climate denial and Ryan's Obamacare dismantling etc. etc., and we'll already be a big progressive organization. Then somehow keep everyone united and slap a party name on us.

We hold these truths to be self evident: That all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - that to secure these rights, political parties are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the voters - that whenever any form of political party becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new political parties, laying their foundation on such principles and organizing their powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Etc.

You don't hardly have to change it at all!

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Pluto's Republic's picture

I really like the focus on the Declaration of Independence. There is something about that document that transcends time or place. It resonates universally and specifically. A lighthouse in any storm.

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