Fuck The Stupid Shit!
Submitted by Meteor Man on Sat, 11/12/2016 - 12:05am
Enough is enough. Retarded Hilbots shouting down the freeway again! Holy fucking Christ on a crutch!
I am sitting at Spring St. & Arcadia smack dab in the middle of total pandemonium. LAPD, LASD, CHP and unmarked cars galore. I can see 10-20 blue & red blinking lights and 5 CHP just drove by with no lights on. Helicopters, aka Ghetto Birds are four or five deep. Six CHP are now parked across the street.
The kids are all right. A little bit misguided, but doing the best they can with the tools the Good Lord gave them. Me? I just wanna get a little shut eye and enjoy the holiday weekend. Oh well. I guess I can catch up on my sleep after the revolution.

Redirection--theirs, not yours--
As many of these people have not shown any inclination to think for themselves or to question authority, it should be fairly easy to redirect all of that energy to something useful. Some enterprising progressives need to get out there and tell them how to be most effective, as in saving their protests for the right times and issues.
If/when Trump starts selling oil leases and allowing new fracking sites (a la Obama), this is where they should be to stop his evil plans. If/when Trump proposes a new war, they should lead the forces of good against him. If/when Trump tries to put forward an anti-choice judge for the SCOTUS nomination, they should make their voices heard loud and clean. If/when Trump tries anything that progressives do not feel is in the best interest of humanity, they should be there.
However, whoever is helping to lead the flock should not, must not let on that they are defeating the same policies that HRC stood for. It would provoke unnecessary consternation.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Why weren't the out protesting all Obama's betrayals?
Very simply becasue they have never invested themselves
in other people's pain. They did, however, invest themselves emotionally (rather than intellectually) in the election of HRC. Now that they are feeling "pain," they will stand up and demand it be stopped...not for others but for themselves.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Trump did not instigate the demonstrations.
Either they started "organically," as MSNBC has been insisting, while encouraging them, or someone other than Trump instigated them. So, while Trump deserved condemnation for many things, the demonstrations and riots are not among them.
Nothing that size in that many locations is Spontaneous/Organic
It's Astroturfed...
I have suspicions, we'll see...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Lines of buses have been photographed nearby some riots
If one can believe anything these days. So astroturfing would be a good guess. Street theater, for whom? And paid by who? There are many wannabe enforcers, currently unemployed.
There was what appears to be an organic protest in Ithaca, NY. Mostly BLM adherents (males, come to think of it). My thought was that the protest was too early, he's not assumed the royal robes yet, and it would be time better-served by plotting a new course. But I am a white female.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Left had better dox these people before the
Centipedes do. There will be big backlash, maybe even against Bernie. If it's a bad actor, it's important to to put daylight in between.
It all sounds very SJW, which suggests hidden money. Maybe Soros.
i'm pretty sure the students who walked out of my kids'
high school on Thursday were not astroturf.
there are a lot of people out there -- particularly, brown people -- who are authentically angry and frightened about what just happened in America.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
We don't know all the facts
about each and every protest. I suspect some are indeed organic based on fear and anger, and others may be astroturfed. Sane Progressive in the last video of hers I heard indicated she believed some are indeed organic, some are by activists who supported Bernie (she mentioned Billy Taylor of Philly.FYI as one example), but that she believes many others are being supported by some persons or groups that are highly organized and have money to burn.
And as we saw with the Tea Party, once astroturf groups light a fuse, they often end up with a much larger explosion (and one less capable of being managed by said groups) than they expected.
Just my thoughts. No one at this point has a full picture.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Please don't say, "But I am white female" as if it somehow...
diminishes the weight of your opinion or the validity of your thoughts simply because you are a white female.
How would it sound if I, as a white guy, said to my buddy and neighbor, "Oh, I am sorry, but you just can't have an opinion on X because you are not white, only a white person who has had the same experiences as me can possibly understand it." Or even worse, to my wife, "Sorry babe, but you don't got a dangler so you just are incapable of being able to understand."
I think it would strain our friendship to say the least. (And the latter example ending with a black eye and a woefully unattended to "Dangler" to boot, lol!)
And it should, because it is some condescending bullshit, and a LOT of people on the left bought into it.
It's my opinion that if we really want to build a coalition we gotta stop with the carving of ourselves up into ever finer sub-groups.
I know it's probably not my place to say this, but damn, that was one of the things that really turned me off about TOP.
Just because you are a White Female doesn't mean you are not entitled to have an opinion or thought about the matter.
Those that always claim that to be the case I feel have, I guess racist isn't the right word, bigoted?
Lets go with that, a bigoted world view.
Identity politics are what has been destroying the left almost as much as over PC policing.
Please don't devalue your, or anyone else's, opinions or thoughts based on skin color, sex, etc.
It just doesn't help and only emboldens those that want to continue to assign blame rather than working together to fix the problems plaguing our society.
Sorry to go off on a rant there River, but even if/when we disagreed on something I would still want you to fully express your thoughts because I have gotten a lot out of your and everyone else's posts, lots of it stuff that I probably wouldn't have at TOP because here we can actually express our full thoughts without worrying about the thought police flagging us to oblivion.
One of my very first posts here started out with some form of disclaimer, which was immediately followed by another post saying I can't believe that I had gotten into the habit of prefacing EVERYTHING that may be even remotely "Controversial" due to my experience over at the great orange shithole.
I like to think that I speak for a lot of us here when I say that I don't base my opinion on the thoughts or ideas of another on the color of their skin, the placement of their junk, or which sky daddy they believe in. (Ok, that last one may not be entirely true, being an atheist I find that those that subscribe to religion automatically lose a bit of credibility in my eyes. It may not be right, but it is what it is.)
Sorry for the rant, lol! I just went to TOP last night, read through exactly one Diary that was referred to by an earlier essay here and wanted to see it for myself and all I can say is, "Holy fucking Batshit Ratman!" they are really off the rails over there, but I digress, the amount of people prefacing or reducing comments based on the color of someones skin made me feel like I had stepped into some bizarro world version of StormFront.
They probably don't even realize it, but a LOT of people over there are fucking bigots.
However, that being said, I saw something there that I never saw before the great migration.
I don't recall anyone providing any serious pushback on this bullshit before over there.
That being said, it's still a fucking cesspool of vitriol.
Actually it's worse now. It's more like a stew composed of Vitriol, unmitigated irrational panic bordering on full blown hysteria and hostility with a sprinkling of condescension stirred in.
The blaming of everyone but themselves and the DNC for the loss of their anointed one has reached a fever pitch.
I shant be going there again any time soon, because it is as painful as driving past your childhood home and seeing it falling apart from disrepair with a yard full of knee high grass and cars sitting on blocks.
The depths to which some people, and places, have sunk is very saddening.
Well, when I started this the intention was to just drop one or two lines on the subject not to go on a long as rant.
Looks like I failed again, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Hey, I devalue myself because I am a Physicist!
The problem is: Self-deprecating humour does not work well in this environment. You, the reader, don't know me so how can you possibly know my tone of voice.
Well, as long as you are not a Quantum Physicist you shouldn't.
But if you are then you probably should.
Everyone knows Quantum Physicist make the worst lovers.
When they finally find the position they can't find the momentum, and when they finally have the momentum they can't find the position!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Silently exits stage left . . .
Yup. These "protests"
are TOTAL ASTROTURF, imo. They were way too organized, way too fast.
And they got way too much "media" coverage in tandem. That's a major-league "tell" all by itself...
Right, meanwhile DAPL.
There are rumors that martial law will be imposed. Shop early, while you can.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Friday Night Movie Is Finally Over
From 10:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. it was Reno 911 meets The Keystone Cops. Helicopters and sirens and flashing lights everywhere. Someone who claimed they were from The Mayor's office told us there would be a 10:00 p.m. curfew for DTLA (Downtown L.A.).
The protesters were 90℅ college age with numerous LGBTQ and heavily Hispanic. Very persistent young people without a doubt. Looks like a very busy holiday weekend. I'm gonna keep on getting drunk and stoned because that's what I do for the holidays.
This weekend's cocktail du jour is one shot of Spiced Rum, one shot of Root Beer and one shot of Italian Sweet Cream coffee creamer. Tastes just like a Root Beer Float.
God Bless America and Fuck Donald Trump!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Sounds like a tasty concoction.
I did spiced rum with Bitter orange and tea. Or spiced rum with Half&half (the tonic, not the creamer). Or spiced rum with tea (made by the half-gal, cold water steep), no need for sugar. Hope you are getting rest!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Damn, that sounds TASTY!!!
All I have been going with lately (less so now that the s-election is over) has been Beer, Scotch or Moscow Mules (with the occasional Mojito day here and there.)
Now, the key question? Is that creamer lactose free?
It sounds so good that it would almost be worth it if not, but that would probably end in me sleeping on the couch at best when my wife kicks me out of the bedroom, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
They are smart ti protest at night
I used to live in LA, and can assure you anyone or anything causing a SIG alert is instantly and totally reviled. Youre better off dead than staggering into work in a neck brace and admitting it was your car that shut down the 5.
I don't buy the astroturfing argument
I'm willing to be proved wrong, but I live here in Seattle and work in tech, and this kind of flash crowd can happen very easily among young, highly connected people.
Techies live in an economic bubble and are all convinced that Trump won because of [insert identity politics reason] instead of ongoing misery in the rust belt. They feel personally threatened by this because it is the only kind of adversity they have ever experienced. It scares the crap out of them. I can't say I blame them, but I really wish they understood there are other things to fear - things that the DNC doesn't give a rats ass about.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
A drone at your daughter'wedding
can be a real bummer, for instance.
That does suck
To put it mildly. But I'm talking about the experiences of their fellow voters.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
An anti-Trump protester in Portland . . .
was shot and injured during a confrontation on a Willamette River Bridge, and so it goes . . .
First damn thing I saw as I turned on my computer today and I "clicked" the link . . .
Screw it, I will go elsewhere for a while . . .
EDIT: I had better add this
They are raising awareness alright...
I just don't think the awareness that raising is going to work out well.
See this for example.
Yeah, that's a winning tactic for getting people to your own side.
Jesus! Did they go to the Kos school of coalition building or something?
I lay a majority of this squarely at the feet of the media and the DNC for stoking fears to an irrational level in an effort to make their flawed candidate acceptable.
Ironically enough, the Clinton's may still manage to destroy the nation without even winning the damned presidency.
If this shit doesn't stop soon all it is going to do is further infuriate (understandably enough) the right wingers that are screaming that the Left, Blacks, etc. are dangerous and not to be trusted, etc and in many ways they will have very good reason for thinking so.
Go on Youtube and type in Trump and Beaten into the search bar, there are LOTS Of these incidents already up there, and remember, this is the right wing we are talking about, I am sure that the Cliven Crew are probably having a 24 hour nonstop orgasm over this because they will feel that it has vindicated their racist attitudes and will only embolden them to use those guns that they love to tote around.
I hate to sound like a prepper, but I am picking up another 50# bag of rice, a 25# bag of beans and some other basic forms of sustenance (Don't forget to stock up on TP.) because I see things getting a lot worse before they get better.
IF they ever get better.
Based on the actions and reactions of my fellow Americans I am no longer sure they will.
Maybe it would be for the best if the American Empire finally crumbled, I don't know, but I do know that this will be the outcome if we don't get our shit together and start acting like fucking rational human beings instead of wounded animals.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Not to go all "Godwin’s Law" but . . .
. . . doesn't this all seem a bit too familiar. Dress them in brown shirts and . . .
Go Godwin all you want PR...
I have never been a fan of obeying stupid laws anyway, and that one right there has been used to stifle a LOT of legitimate discussion. (almost as bad as labeling something as CT)
Just because the analogy is getting used more often doesn't mean it isn't true, in fact, it's likely quite the opposite.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The very antithesis of my being . . .
Everyday of my life for the past 60 years as been about stimulating discussion . . . literally. Can you imaging my consternation when I figured out TOP was not about same?
I was shocked (37 years ago) when I found students and faculty at this small midwestern college didn't appreciate my approach to education. c99% is a refreshing oases in this academic desert.
"It's only funny when they're winning."
Comment on snl in "mourning" .
Gosh, when I wrote that just now I got a little pissed off.
Here's to you,SNL:
You know, there are families in the world mourning dead people right now.
Considering that fact and Her part in it, your "pain and suffering" do not sit well.
At least have the decency to show some respect for dead children.
Clinton people were recorded arranging for violence
at Trump rallies.
What An Array Of Supporting Links!
Red State called. They need you back right away. It's THEIR Turn to come play here.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Could this be one of the missing links?
Black mob beats white man for voting Trump
Then why didn't he provide it?
We know you are good at backing up your claims.
Just for the record, I wasn't saying nothing ever happened. The current street protests indicate that feelings are high with Hillary supporters. But if one is going to make such a comment, one should back it up. Can we agree on that?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Yea, ironic retorts are incompatible with this medium.
The link is to Snopes.com. /user/Sunspots probably has no clue.
Here’s a different incident — they tried to steal the guy’s car
Both police and victim discount politics as a trigger
The crowd was yelling anti-Trump taunts during the beating though.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
That argument is like saying that
We should ignore the Podesta et al emails because they were hacked. I don't care where they came from if they are authentic.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
roger that.
Items from JackPine Radicals and the Washington Post
Could the Robert Creamer and Scott Foval incidents be what the OP is referring to?
See lotlizard's links above.
Thanks, lotlizard!
Another link, with an organizer mentioned in Podesta's emails
bragging on Twitter about organizing protests: