A Personal Appeal for Shana East, a Dear Friend and Better Human Being
I don't do this for just anyone, but Shana East is one person I am more than willing to ask for your help. She devoted the last two years of her life to political activism on behalf of progressive causes, including working for Bernie Sanders in Chicago, and as the co-founder of The People's Revolution.
She was the driving force behind organizing the successful People's Convention event held in in Philadelphia on July 23, 2016, at which hundreds of activists and Sanders' delegates, as well as ordinary people from across the country, came together in a spirit of cooperation and community to support a progressive agenda for our country and listen to speakers, not the least of whom were Nina Turner and Jill Stein. All this while dealing with a severe autoimmune disorder, which led to a a significant decline in her health, and grave impacts on her personal and financial situation.
Though she is too proud to ask for help, her family and I are not. Here is her story from the GoFundMe page her sister created for her:
We're doing this for my amazing sister Shana.
Shana is a proud person and very private. She is not going to tell you about the very difficult situation she is in. That's why we're doing this for her.
We just learned that she's lost her car. She took it in for a routine oil change and found out that it's rusted out. New fuel lines, brake lines, gas tank and starter mean it will cost more to repair than the car is worth. It's undriveable. Shana needs a new car.
This is a terrible situation for anyone who has the misfortune of having to deal with it. But it is acutely difficult for Shana. In addition to being unemployed, she's dealing with disabilities that make simple tasks like picking up groceries or getting to doctors appointments very difficult. Taking public transportation is practically impossible.
Without a car to get around the city, to make it to job interviews and doctors appointments, Shana's path forward is a dark one.
She's been volunteering for her community full time for more than a year. After sacrificing her time and her body she's struggling with money. There is no way she can afford a new car and thanks to outstanding student debt she can't even take out a loan to pay for one.
We're asking you to help her.
If we can just raise a few thousand dollars to supplement what little she has, she'll be able to afford a used car that will get her through the winter.
Please help her to see that there is a whole community of friends who are there for her. I honestly believe your donations will make all the difference in the world.
Thank you
Any donation you can make to help one of the most authentic and truly beautiful souls I have met in my life would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Facebooked and Twittered to spread the word.
Good luck!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks Elena!
Much appreciated.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Donation and Facebook Notice done...
My very best wishes to Shana.
Thank You
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
This crap is why student loans need to be dischargeable
No one should have to piss away twenty, thirty, forty years of their lives with that kind of debt hanging over their heads.
Once the car thing is sorted out, maybe another fund drive to get those student loans put away for good? Believe me, I KNOW what kind of havoc they can wreak - the "Gift" (in the German sense) that keeps on "giving"....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Just tried to donate, but
found out I could not do so anonymously. I'm not as trusting of Internet security as I used to be, especially after Yakfoo blew chunks around the world and my internet provider forced me to jump through a number of stupid hoops because THEY screwed up partnering with that.
Have to figure out how to make the internet do what I want it to, instead of what the data miners want from it. Sheesh.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You can be anonymous but that choice doesn't come until the end.
You have to give personal info first since donation is made via credit card. I found that off putting the first time I donated to a fund as well.
Thx Steven. I'm thankful I was able to donate.
Not on social media so cannot help out there. Hope Shana reaches her goal.
Thank you
Very much.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Best wishes to her
She's now at a nice, even round number. Smile. I'm not on social media, but I hope the word spreads. She sounds like a wonderful person.
She really is. Having a rough patch at the moment, like so many people.
Having worked with her online and then meeting her in person on the day of the People's Convention, I feel fortunate to have become a friend of hers. Very talented person, but when you consider the resume she has of working for progressive causes - well there are a lot of talented people around without disabilities with resumes that do not shout what their politics are from 1000 miles away.
I worry that those two things, plus all the applicants for every single job opening to which she has applied lately (literally hundreds in most cases for one position), are making it very hard for her right now in our current "great economy" for those looking for work (big snark warning here). I hope things turn around for her and everyone istruggling to make ends meet, etc., but that is obviously an unlikely scenario these days.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
This reply was for turtle
but it also apples to everyone who donated or passed along links about her situation on social media, whether you left a comment or not.
Thank you all.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
support those on our side
When I look at all the people related to the DNC and how utter failure never stops them from getting more jobs, consultancies, etc. - it only makes me more determined to send a little toward the people who are doing the hard work for the people. Happy to help, grateful I am able to.
Took the words out of my mouth.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott