Running around screaming at the horror of a President Trump!
Running around screaming about the popular vote and how in fact Hillary won!
Results of 2016
Hillary Clinton 59,814,018 - 47.66%
Donald Trump 59,611, 678 - 47.50%
Those that obviously don't count in their calculations
Gary Johnson 4,058,500
Jill Stein 1,213,103
Other 802,119
Total votes cast [as of today] 125,499,418
Eligible voters approx 231,000,000 [approx 200m registered to vote]
Voter turnout around 54.5%
The last time there was an election without an incumbent President-2008
Barack Obama 69,498,516 -53.02%
John McCain 59,948,323 - 45.73%
Ralph Nader 739,094
Bob Barr 523,715
Chuck Baldwin 199,750
Cynthia McKinney 161,797
Total votes cast 131,071,195
Eligible voters approx 229,500,000
Voter turnout 57.1%
Hillary got nearly 10 million fewer votes than Obama.
Around 6 million fewer voters voted even though those eligible to vote increased slightly.
Obama won a majority [over 50%] of the vote neither Trump nor Hillary managed that.
In France we would have a run off between the 2 leading candidates because under 50% is not a mandate.
Now if we take into consideration those that did not vote, both Hillary and Trump get around 26% of the eligible vote. Neither exactly has a mandate.
Democrats should be asking themselves
1] Why did Hillary get 10 million fewer votes than Obama?
2] Why did 6 million fewer people vote?
3] Why did both get even fewer votes than the McCain/Palin ticket in 2008?
My only conclusions
Two highly unpopular candidates were presented by the duopoly.
It was an election [presented as] between the Establishment and The Rest.
You can run around screaming about racism and sexism all you like, the figures don't support you [initial details don't show much difference in the sub groups].
You can run around with your hair on fire screaming how Hillary won the popular vote, she didn't, less than 50% is not a clear cut win. [Especially in a duopoly]
Get your fingers out of your ears and start listening for a fucking change.
Democrats lost the bloody lot, you can complain about the electoral college and oh how unfair it it is to California until hell freezes over, that was not the problem.
You can insult voters until you are blue in the face and about how fucking horrible Trump is [and btw I agree] until the moon falls into the earth.
Nothing you are saying in your collective hissy-fit is changing one damn thing. Nada, rien, fuck all.
Grow up and listen to what other Americans are saying, get out of your bloody echo chamber for a change.
At least Bernie Sanders actually listened, but you ridiculed and mocked him and unilaterally declared him unelectable. Dear god, your prefabricated candidate actually lost to Trump!
Stop whining, listen and understand why; then you might just have something useful to bloody say.

And there you have it
Thanks Lafeminista for detailing what I suspected but was on vacation and unwilling to research myself.
Democrats-Your cancidate sucked...own it and then move on to fixing it.
Stop calling them Democrats. They're corporatocratists.
Just look at HRC's emails. Read their words. LISTEN to what they said in private. Stop calling them democrats.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Democratic voters empower them. They're Democrats.
So if a registered Democrat votes for Trump he's a Republican?
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Well the vast majority that vote for either come under
the headings of Democrats and Republicans, sorry I cant talk to all 120 million on an individual and personal level.
So yes, they would come under the general heading.
OK, I'll call them navel fluff from now on.
Call them what they are
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Jelly fish 40% of the biomass in the oceans
seems too many to me
Thing is, they knew from the off that no one liked her.
For whatever reason, they wanted to run her anyway. And they definitely did not want Warren or Sanders.
If in doubt, they bash the Left.
It's Jill's fault because she didn't drop out and endorse HRC.
It's Jill's voters' fault because they didn't realize this was the most important election in this sector of the galaxy since the Big Bang.
It's Bernie's fault because he ran against the party's Designated (Bull)Shitter and spoiled her reputation by asking for her speeches.
Democrats always bash the Left after they've fucked themselves. It's like smoking a cigarette after sex.
Well this time they said that they didn't even need us
and that the coronation would proceed nevertheless.
Didn't need us; Didn't want us. Clinton had at least $500Million
more to spend than Trump - and in politics money usually equals votes - and she came up short. The more people got to know her and her policy positions, the less they liked her and the less likely they were to vote for her.
I also look at it this way: What kind of a Democratic candidate would it take to make victors of the Trump/Pence ticket? A very unappealing one to say the least. A candidate who couldn't draw a crowd and had to be kept out of sight most of the time after the convention is not a strong candidate.
Maybe we averted WW3. We sure didn't do anything positive about the reality of biosphere destroying climate change.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
She would have done nothing more than apply window dressing to Climate Change concerns. Look at the resume of her cronies, and the influence peddling that placed them in the seats of power in DC without ever receiving a vote from anyone...they got to the top by crawling, kicking, and clawing over and through anyone in their way to get to those lofty positions. She is pro fracking, in bed with big oil, supported by the largest and most powerful multinational corporation, banks, and industries in the world. She was to be their puppet to obscure the theft of air, water, natural resources,and cheap labor on a global scale, and was willing to use our military to support the heist.... Sorry...we had a lose, lose choice, and got a lose, lose result.
Agree entirely with what you have written.The main international
body of professional geologists are about to say the Holocene has ended and has been replaced by the Anthropocene Era because humans, since 1945 or 1950, have disrupted the the natural functioning of the earth systems. They have studied it for 3 years now and in August the 30+ member committee recommended this change. The full organization will decide next year.
This is a serious matter with scientists in the fields of earth science (the committee also included an historian and a sociologist) and to say the Holocene has ended is important.
Other than possibly Stein, I don't know of a politician who grasps the enormity of what is happening to mother earth.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Wonder if they considered Capitolocene
instead of Anthropocene? Why blame all mankind for something accomplished by so few? I'm not sure I care that much about the name, really, but have heard this said and am curious to hear the geologists' take.
Hillary’s circle has direct ties to the Saudis and Gulf tyrants
Quite literally the planet’s kings of fossil fuel.
How does that square with Her wanting to do anything about global heating?
Thanks for all the data.....
Michigan went red for the first time in a long, long time. The tally was razor edge thin, and it was the case in many other states. Before I read this, I posted the comment below in OT.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
dkmich is a mind reader :)
"Hillary losing makes me happy. Trump winning makes me nervous."
Perfect description of how I feel. Voted for Trump, don't support him, but that's how much I wanted the Clintons to leave, go away, BE GONE!
Interstingly, Michigan was razor thin
during the primaries where Sanders won unexpectedly by a hair. It was then, if not sooner that the idiot DEMS should have realized that this was a grass roots election cycle and abandon that to which they fatally cling
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
it's informative
If you look at the map of the states that Trump won, and then consider how many of them were part of $$Hillary's 'African-American firewall' that she used to defeat Bernie in the primaries.
Then look at the 'Rust Belt' states that Trump 'stole' from $$Hillary, and consider how many of them Bernie either won or almost won in the primaries.
The handwriting was on the wall.
And Bernie warned them long ago....
Instead Hilary said that they were
just going to have to wait 5 years for drinkable water, because she had t study the issue first.
On to Biden since 1973
They got what they wanted
I've always believed that the Dem establishment would rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie. Winning with Bernie would have meant an end to their cozy existence and put a stop to their gravy train. The unfortunate thing is that the rest of us have to live with the reality of what they've wrought.
However, I am happy to see the back of the Clintons and their toxic entourage.
I must repost this on
I must repost this on Facebook, dkmich. I will give you credit. Needs to be heard. Thanks.
Gore won the popular vote in 2000.
Yet, we still got Bush. When the pundits on Demicracy now we're lamenting the fact she got the popular vote, I screeched a reminder about Gore at the radio. They didn't hear me, but I felt better.
What I was unaware of, is the percentages you've worked out. No one is talking about those under 50 percentage points. Could you imagine a runoff in America with these two? The horror show would continue.
Also, those upset with the electoral college need to work on changing it to the popular vote. I don't like it, but I don't know what to do to change it. If anyone figures it out or wants to move toward that action, I'll help.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
My reply just below, missed the reply button
as usual
We ought to form a club.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Jacobin club?
Just an historical note
The last time they voted on [in congress] having the popular vote was in 1934 [from memory]
Last time it was raised for debate in congress was 1979.
Really motivated are they not
That's good information to have. I knew it was not something they were very anxious to change.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
There will never be another amendment to the Constitution
The country is far too divided to ever ratify one even if it could get through Congress.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Also, while Bush won
by being selected, whether or not Gore would have won with a full state recount is unclear. There are some that say he might have won in that case but only by the slimmest of margins.
Ultimately in 2000, it was Gore's failure as a candidate that made it close enough for Bush to be selected. In 2016 it was the Dem establishment and Her failure as a candidate that gave us Trump.
We have to remember that as long as there is an electoral college, that is what will decide the winner. In this case, I am glad that it exists simply because I was far more fearful of Her than Trump.
With Trump we have an unknown who might not end up being that bad and who will be opposed. With Her, we know what we would have gotten and all that horror would have been fully supported by the Dem establishment (along with some Republican neocons).
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
I would still prefer
the popular vote to be the one that counts. That way, I would feel more like my vote is relevant.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I could be wrong but I think the electoral college
was designed specifically to keep large population centers from running roughshod over the smaller rural combined populations. The only times the popular vote getter has lost the general, it's been a Democrat who usually is guaranteed to pick up the large population states like New York and California. So maybe it needs some fine tuning, but I think the underlying reason for its existence was sound.
Or alternately, I guess we could say the hell with it and go with one citizen one vote and let the chips fall where they may. Then you would simply see which candidate had the most votes at the end of the night. You wouldn't be watching the states fall one by one and the electoral counts rising, you would see just two thermometers rising for both candidates. As late large populations centers got reported you could see some large swings. Imagine an election night like that.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Wow, imagine it all being up to folks in Hawaii and Alaska. n/t
It would force the candidates to campaign in DC & the 50
states because everyone's vote would count. Most states are ignored now because they nearly always go one way or the other. With direct popular voting, it would eliminate safe states.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Trump won cuz Sarah Palin could see Putin’s votes from her house
Or something. <\DNC>
Yes, but look at the map
New England. the west coast, Minnesota, Illinois, and Virginia. That's America? That's the most populous states - NYC, LA, CJHI, and not enough rubes.But what would you say if they were the whitest states? Or the most Christian states? Right now it's backfiring, but the electoral college protects (a dedicated) minority from a corrupt majority. (see under "pay to play mad bomber lying, cynical 1%er)
On to Biden since 1973
Yes, but look at the map
New England. the west coast, Minnesota, Illinois, and Virginia. That's America? That's the most populous states - NYC, LA, CJHI, and not enough rubes.But what would you say if they were the whitest states? Or the most Christian states? Right now it's backfiring, but the electoral college protects (a dedicated) minority from a corrupt majority. (see under "pay to play mad bomber lying, cynical 1%er)
On to Biden since 1973
Bill Clinton
Bill secured just 43% of the vote in 1992. Trump's 47.5% looks pretty good in comparison, so any Hillarybot claiming Trump isn't legitimate needs to be educated that Bill Clinton was less legitimate.
They only dislike it when they lose, same with
gerrymandering but only when they haven't done the gerrymandering.
Their BS knows no bounds
LaFeminista - we have a bloody undemocratic way
of picking our leadership in the democratic party. The ones who get elevated are elevated by those elected and the well connected. The rest of us just sit and drool cause we are not in that small club. Our opinions are neither sought nor listened to by those we elect cause they have their all important millionaires and billionaires and corporate lobbyists that greased their way every day and we are not in that tiny club either. In fact most of us are not card carrying democrats. We just vote sometimes only 4 years or so. Our candidates are self selected. We might cheer them on but we have very little to do with who steps forward.
We might think a bit about how to change that!
My bet
They will scream about caucuses and how unfair they are
Scream about closing all their elections to only registered Dems
Scream about the evil of third parties
In other words they will bury their heads deeper in the sand. I'm done with them
Along the same lines
They will scream about how great their superdelegate system is.
They will scream about how wonderful they are for making Southern states that reliably vote red in the general election vote early in the primaries.
This is how they set themselves up to fail by forcing shitty candidates down our throats.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
Greg Palast spoke in Columbus and said ...
Republicans steal elections in general elections
Democrats steal elections in primaries
There are still 1.5 million uncounted ballots in CA that will never been counted
He showed his movie "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and is in Toronto this week to show the movie and talk about it. The movie is a work in progress it seems and he said that they will edit it after the election.
The movie not only shows election crime, it links it to billionaires who screw the environment and outsource jobs and in other ways destroy our government
The book was great
Not just an eye-opener, but an eyeball-twisting horror show that so clearly reveals the rot at the top of this system. Like watching the death spiral of the Third Way in excruciating slo-mo detail. Can't wait to see the film. Oh, plus, Palast is funny, not dark, so a pleasure to read, strangely enough.
Brilliant, thank you LaFeminista
Thank you for gathering all that information.
My favorite: "Dear god, your prefabricated candidate actually lost to Trump!"
Learned a new description about this election, Trump won what is called "fly over country." Look at a map of the election results, ALL THE RED, that's it. Awesome to really look at the map of the USA in that perspective.
No idea, no one can know what the next four years will bring, what I see, and maybe it's my rose colored glasses (instead of Zeiss blue anti-seizure lenses) is a rejection of corruption, criminal behavior, arrogance, blinding sense of entitlement based on no discernible achievement, and assumption they deserve more and more and more than they've already managed to accumulate in money and power.
The Clintons are gone. They managed to take away our opportunity to elect Bernie Sanders, a tragic loss, but, the Clintons are gone. Maybe something good will come out of the next four years. One good thing has happened, the Clintons are gone.
About glasses it's amazing what colors/tints do
I wear violet tinted glasses for aid with my severe dyslexia, the tint gets changed over time... darker.
Trump expanded flyover country.
Mich, wis, pa usually stay blue. Not this time. And mn was closer than it should have been.
The people in ca get screwed in the electoral college. But a dem needs to do more than than run up the vote in ca to win a national election.
I'm from very rural America [Essex County VT]
We live in very rural France. I go shooting [ducks and wood pigeon in the main]. Love hunting dogs,psychotic kitty, raising geese and goats and running our own businesses.[ML is from Martinique and that another story]
Come from a farming family on both sides of the Northern border. US/French Canadian family, spoke French and English from childhood.
Fed up of being labelled/treated as a buck toothed red-neck/country bumpkin by some.
I miss tractor pulls and VT winters
... interesting to hear about the shooting, LaFem --
as those of us who take our shotguns seriously generally are portrayed as cross-eyed redneck yokels (a'la "Deliverance") by the opinion makers and "deciders" who currently drive the demoratic party (not a typo - and not intended as a slur on rats, generally).
Always was a Bernie supporter, and was disappointed when the primaries were stolen -- right in front of our eyes!! -- and Bernie didn't kick too much. Didn't vote for Trump; but could never vote for a Clinton, especially not that one.
The next few years will be -- interesting. Reminds me of the old Chinese curse -- "May you live in interesting times ..."
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Yep I take them so seriously they are in the
gun cabinet in the basement and the cartridges are in the safe. No, I don't roll around on the bed fondling them.
Gun licence in order and registered with the Gendarmerie.
I hope you don't think
I was treating you that way. I'm from the UP myself. Both parents grew up on farms.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
"... the Clintons are gone."
That has been my go-to calming and reassuring mantra since turning on the computer at 4 a.m., Wednesday morning, and seeing, "President Trump."
Yes they're gone. They can't come back. Their machine has thrown a rod.
We will pay, and pay big for it. But at least they're gone.
"Yes they're gone. They can't come back." If only!
Hope springs eternal.
Did everyone miss the concession speech where she declared right out they are still open for business? This is from vox but there are transcriptions everywhere:
They're already hanging out the shingle I think. "That's the system."
Now that's scary!
It has been reported that they are friends and that Bill goes golfing with Donald.
This could go south in a hurry if he seriously accepts Clinton help.
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
Oh-oh. That would be “Team of Rivals II”
Will Trump turn out to be TOOTR*?
* TOOTR = The Obama of the Right
Well that took two seconds
Guiliani, Trump, Clinton, and I don't know who. Nenni ekki.

Maybe they broke up and don't like each others any more? Hope so. I don't know what I'm saying, I think I just talked myself in a circle lurking too many essays at once. Blame Prop. 64, heh.
"I don't know who"
Is Michael Bloomburg.
I wonder if Bill is demonstrating his pussy grabbing technique there...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Seems like the Democratic Party
put all its eggs into Hillary's basket, and she done dropped the basket. Yes the Clintons are gone, but what remains of the Party? Not much of substance that I can see. As we forge boldly forward into Trumplandia...
I'm jealous - violet tinted :-)
I was referring to the glasses Her Heinous wore on 9/11, and denied they were anything but "regular" sunglasses. Strange, she missed an opportunity to make money from Zeiss for promoting their lenses. Must've been distracted by something else at the time
I wear plain ole fashioned progressive lenses, so grateful to who ever invented them.
Well I cant read a bloody thing without them
Cool? well...
Sometimes Marie-Louise nicks them since my vision is pretty good, I just cant make out what the shapes are on a page [
Progressives did not work for me, good for you!
I got them after second eye surgery to replace cataracted lens with plastic, set for near-vision. So I need glasses for distance, reading bare-naked is fine. But I had the Perfect Storm of vestibular disturbance when I got the Progressives. The fallout of corrected vision outside the sweet spot made me nauseous and uncomfortable driving. Stepping off a cub was a life-threatening event. Back to single-vision lenses, different for each eye (a mystery, my eyeballs were different shapes? Dr screwup?)
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I had monvision for years with my contacts. Loved it and it worked well for years. As my vision got worse and worse, the rough spot in the middle became noticeable. I lso had pair of progressives lens glasses that I wore when I wasn't wearing my contacts. Loved them too.
I had catarac surgery about a year ago and chose monovision lenses . At first, I could see everywhere with no effort. They said I could get reading glasses if I wanted. So, I bought a pair of loaded progressive lens glasses. Never could see out of them.
A year later and my eyes are weird. It takes where I am looking a second to focus in. Once focused, everything is good. It is almost like they work on a delayed reaction. The longer I am awake, the better they work. I have an appt for a check up next month. Looking forward to discussing this with the opthamologist then.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon folks are scaring me more!
Didn't think that was possible
Friends make such fun of me, have had more "parts" removed ( surgery) than I can remember, several cancers, major back surgery, nothing fazed me - yet, terrified of getting cataract surgery I need. Laugh at myself, tho' early to bed, early to rise means don't worry about driving at night. Live in very rural western MA, no street lights.
Love progressive glasses, after years of wearing contact lenses, fine until my eyes dried up years ago, only 71 years young now, still, life would be easier if I could just drink the Systane! Read best with my naked eyes, so don't worry about falling asleep when reading in bed, no squoosed glasses.
Someday will give in and have cataract surgery, but just plain, no fancy mono-vision, or vision correction, must be nice to see without blurry blobs.
No they really don't.
And it is clear they are on track to keep the very same people in power and nominate another Blue Dog in 2020.
Gore - Kerry - Clinton - they were warned each and every time but somehow they always say "no one could have known!" "there was no alternative!"
Donna B did nothing wrong leaking questions!!!
Can you believe these folks?
Cenk says "Fuck the DNC" They need to be destroyed.
Back to the Turley article on Donna B
Brazile Insists That She Did Nothing Wrong In Leaking Debate Questions To the Clinton Campaign
The why did she "resign"?
Inquiring minds...
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Donna Brazile
has Clinton Derangement Syndrome, aka an aversion to the truth.
Jimmy Dore did a video that closely matches
the conclusion of this essay that Dem voters did not turn out to vote for a status quo shill like Hillary.
Length: 14:30
Glenn Greenwald did an excellent article on why Hillary lost.
Spoiler: It was a huge FU vote to a govt that refuses to serve its citizens.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
From the Greenwald article these paragraphs stood out
As Lawrence Odonnell
once roughly said, "she always ends up with less votes than she started with"
history rhymed again.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Since I was a grade school kid
I could see the potential for undemocratic behavior being asserted by the EC. It should be retired or at least rewritten to force the EC to represent the popular vote perfectly. Cant' say I'm unhappy about Clinton losing. In fact, I'm delighted! Oh the personal dichotomy I face.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Is this Admonishment time for the Democratic party?
"You should have listened to us dammit!"
well since the only listen to themselves, it would be a
Capital instead of People
I saw that Clinton outspent Trump in the general by $500 million. Trump's lack of a GotV organization was ridiculed (as it should have been).
Most of a campaign's money goes to advertising, particularly television.
Spend a fortune on TV ads, a lesser fortune nagging people to make it to the polls. Raise big money from big donors, spend big money on big media, and never connect with the voters.
OR generate authentic enthusiasm for a candidate based on personal charisma and policy positions. Raise small donations from the voters, spend it communicating rather than marketing.
The obvious message from this campaign was to focus on People, the message the Democrats will take away is that they need more Capital. Plan B is to make Plan A work.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Johnson is a Kook. I Don't Mean That as a Generic Insult.
It boggles the mind Johnson could garner more votes than Jill Stein.
Johnson got the votes
of "real" rethugs - those that pre-date the tea party and pre-date their hatred for Obama. I went to a Johnson rally here in Albuquerque and the majority of folks there were rethugs that refused to vote for Herr Drumpf.
Finally, I don't think he's a kook, but I don't know how you are defining it. I actually know him and he's a good person. I believe he would have done right by us if they would have allowed it.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Tea Party whackjobs
all vote Libertarian. There's lots of em.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
As a protester, I say the protesters should be out protesting
the DNC first and then Trump Tower second.
We need to rebuild our education system. Make education a priority. Educate everyone. Make college affordable for all. Books before bombs. Can't run a country based on fear and ignorance when the masses are intelligent. This would boost the economy, good schools create great communities. People could get jobs building universities instead of going off to other lands to drone weddings and kill kids.
We need election reform. NOW.
Food needs to be affordable. Period. No one should be going hungry in this country. I type this as my husband is suiting up to do Meals on Two Wheels. He does it twice a week. We need to kill the law that makes it illegal to feed the homeless.
Why do we have more empty homes than we have homeless people?
Then we need to eat the rich. Fuck the rich. It's insane the divide between the rich and the working class. Corporate greed needs to be taken down.
Destroy the evil police union. Start over. Take away their war toys.
We need to stop being the party of special interest and be the Inclusive Party For All.
We need to stop the killing of our earth.
We have so much work to do. But it's good work. And it must be done.
Fuck the Democrats. They LOST to a Trump. They lost us. They took away my right to vote in the primary and then want to tell me to vote for a woman just because she's a woman and it's her turn? Well now she can go back to getting her husband out of hot water for all the bs he's done to other women.
Protests? I say we need to stand up for ourselves and start creating a better way for us all. Hell, just improving our schools would help the economy and so many neighborhoods.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Finally, I am of the one percent !
Jill Stein 1,213,103
Total votes cast [as of today] 125,499,418
Me too.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Congrats, but stay away from penthouses, anyway.
You want to enjoy your new status as long as possible; and, turns out, the higher you go, the faster you age.
Dems...and their enablers
First of all, what happened to Digby?? I read a piece by her today at Salon where she seemed pretty angry about the irrelevant emails that got leaked. Nothing "unethical" in them, she says.
Then there's HuffPo, which has gotten more and more hilarious. They've got this sub-headline:
as if they aren't aware that Hillary stopped doing press conferences, as if they aren't aware sh held a photo op with reporters on her plane, only to have a "coughing fit" and thus be unable to answer questions.
And there, predictably, after years of blaming hippies, when the Dems could actually blame minorities for not turning out, we get this from Samantha Bee:
Sorry, I don't remember people getting irate when lefties were blamed. I don't remember anyone getting irate when the false "meme" of "Nader" got started and the repeated.
in short: grrrrrrr!!!
The media circle jerk continues inside their plastic bubble,
while outside the world goes on as it will and not as they think it does.
They forget nothing, and they learn nothing. Just like their failed Corpocrat candidates.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thank you Lafeminista, you always hit the nail on the head
What was the turn out? or did I miss that?
To thine own self be true.
Two more data points
Wisconsin and Michigan were the only two states where Trump's margin of victory was smaller than Jill Stein's vote total, so even if every Green vote went to Hillary she still would have lost.
Colorado and Minnesota are the only two states where Clinton won both the primary and general election.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”