Clinton supporters continue to riot in Portland

Angry with Hillary Clinton's dramatic loss, supporters damaged vehicles, set fires, and threw rocks and projectiles at police last night, the second night of protest marches, blocking downtown streets, and harassing passers-by.
What began yesterday morning as a peaceful rally turned violent by darkfall. By early evening Portland police declared it a riot, and moved armored officers into place to attempt to contain the hooligans.
Special operations units known as " Terminators" were moving to rooftops and other tactical positions to target the most violent offenders and provide cover for ground forces.
Protesters yelled profanities and covered buildi gs with graffiti. One middle aged woman exclaimed " It's her turn" and then tossed a soda can towards a line of riot police.
As of this morning no serious injuries have been reported.

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PriceRip's picture

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I just said elsewhere--Simultaneous multi-city protests across the nation don't spontaneously erupt on Twitter.

Who is sponsoring them? Who benefits?

That woman with the soda can is a self-parody.

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earthling1's picture

Local media is labeling them anarchists. But many were carrying placards and signs such as "Stronger Together". And, by and large, Anarchists don't vote, so why would they even care who won.
It is well documented Sanders supporters are barely able to lift a chair above their heads.
Clearly, these are Clinton supporters. Hillary should immediately call for her supporters to accept the results of this Democratic election.
If the Clintons ever want to return to the White House, thru Chelsea, they need to bring their followers to heel.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Out taking a walk in the Chappaqua woods apparently.
She should have made a public call for calm. And she should have done it yesterday.

My guess is that Dems see the riots as gaining themselves some sort of advantage over the Repubs. So they are fine letting the destruction continue.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

What will it achieve? It won't change the election result. They are shutting down interstate highways. For what? All it does is make other poor working class people late for work. Not the way to gain support from the public.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Alphalop's picture

energy to direct this sort of action at someplace like, oh I don't know...


Yeah, you are such liberals you will burn cars and vandalize buildings in your town to protest the outcome of an election that has, as of yet at least, shown NO signs of rigging.

Where were you when there was an actual theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of 100's of thousands of voters, if not millions?

Where were you when innocent people were being shot, had attack dogs turned on them and otherwise assaulted by the police to protect YOUR drinking water and YOUR children's future?

Where the fuck where you?

Probably sitting in a Starbucks waiting for your $7.00 Latte while praising yourselves about how liberal, democratic and caring you are and how inevitable your candidate was.

I got lots of respect for people that protest for legitimate reasons, but you assclowns are acting just like the fans of a sports franchise when their team loses the big game.

Get your goddamn heads out of your ass, let go of the duopoly and stop treating politics like a team sport and grow the fuck up already.

End of Rant.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

That's exactly it! WE should've won. It's all about identity, which explains why they never protested anything else.

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Damnit Janet's picture

We are season ticket holders to the hockey team here in Portland. I don't know why we have two damn arenas next to each, makes for horrible traffic when two events are going on like tonight.

Tonight. My son works with the Hawks but we're not sure it'll be safe to venture in tonight or if we'll be able to get there. I refuse to take transit during protests as they usually shut it down leaving panicked people trapped in the city with no way to get home.. Been there done that. Hell it's hard taking transit during regular weekends because they shut it down for no reason and it stops running long before entertainment venues and before pubs close. Public transit here is stupid and costly.. .anyways...

I'm trying to find out if there will be a curfew or what tonight.

The idiot rioters are not gaining allies. Where were they during the fraud, the wars and standing rock.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Do you know anyone in town who might be up for going to the protests? Someone who could play innocent and say, "I saw this on TV and had to come down to support you all. How come I didn't hear about it in advance? Should I sign up for something or follow somebody on Twitter? I don't want to miss the next one."

Please--I think something is going on besides just a tantrum, and we really should find out what.

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Damnit Janet's picture

from facebook. I do know it started with her LGBT+ friends who were angry and scared and wanted to protest Trump. In fact I think the invite was just really for peaceful vigils. My daughter and most of her friends did not support Hillary.

But last night... it seemed more like Hillary Tantrum and opportunist rioters. Some people just like to break shit.

But as someone who has protested in Portland... things can get ugly fast and it's not always the ones marching. We have some assholes here, some even think they are paid provocatuers. I've been in silent vigils and had some kids come up and throw shit and the news comes out that it was a peace group that got it all violent when it was ONE kid in a black hood.

So even with this... who and what to truly believe.

Okay... no way are going out tonight. Husband is looking at the news and there's no way we are going out tonight for hockey or for watching any of this rioting shit fest.

Possible curfew in Portland tonight. Be safe everyone.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Of course there is a big difference between peaceful protests and angry riots. I don't know what Portland has been like but I've seen photos of the aftermath in other cites -- broken store front and car windows, spray painted walls, violent looking people in the streets. No one could blame you taking a night off.

I don't quite get the riots any. So their candidate lost and they don't like the result. Are they protesting democracy? Because that is democracy.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Damnit Janet's picture

We are not going out tonight. Not to hockey and not to stand with these rioters.

I'm anti-war, not pro-Hillary. Smile

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Ken in MN's picture

...the protests aren't shooting people, as Trump supporters said they would do if Trump had "had the election stolen from him"...

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I want my two dollars!

when Bernie had the nomination stolen from him? Why didn't they do this to get single payer included in obamacare? Not to mention TPP or the continuous wars. WTF.

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Aardvark's picture

Tell human beings that they belong to a vulnerable identity long enough, and they will believe it.

This has nothing to do with any real solutions to the broken and dangerous system that gave the US voters two of the worst candidates for any elected office in the history of human elections.

Peace and love be with you, reader.

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earthling1's picture

Rule of law and fair play dominate their ID.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Can't forget that a big chunk of Bernie's appeal was that he seemed to be pretty much the only honorable pol in DC. Makes sense his die hard base would be fairly honorable people themselves. Hence no rioting even if we likely SHOULD have after the blatant fraud they called a primary.

Hillary being one of the most corrupt people in DC...well we can see how honorable her die hard base is. And it ain't looking good. Hell they can't even call fraud and still they riot? WTF.

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earthling1's picture

Because those issues were not Hillary's issues. She is against single payer and gives short shrift to the TPP. And with regard to continuous war, not much more needs to be said.
These are Clinton supporters. I am there. Watching.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

is why I've been almost as worried about violence from Clinton supporters as from Trump supporters.

Both have a significant fraction that is irrational, fear-driven, and willing to engage in violence.

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Big Al's picture

generalization. People don't have to support Clinton to be against Trump. Certainly not defending those using violence or even the disruptions. I drive that I5 section daily and having it shutdown is an absolute nightmare. There is nowhere else to go. That turns off way more people than any positives. Also, protesting Trump is missing the bigger picture which is this political system that delivered us Trump. Some are trying to focus on that but its being drowned out by the anti-Trump protesters.

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

This election takes us one step closer to overthrowing the establishment...why would we protest against that?

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Azazello's picture

Hillary tried to get Donald to promise that his "people" would accept the results of the election. He should have extracted the same promise from her.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Damnit Janet's picture

Where were these "politically involved" protesters when the Primaries were rigged?

Where are they regarding the fact that the Democrats cheated and tried to force down our throats the most corrupt candidate they could find?

They should be protesting outside every DNC building.

The democrats own this. Democrats have only themselves to blame. They were warned that people would not vote for Hillary. They tried to steal our votes. They tried to shame us. We warned them.

I know Republicans and Indies who would never vote for Hillary but were onboard with Bernie. Hell I know Democrats and Liberals who could not vote for Hillary.

It's HER TURN??? Just shows you the level of sheer stupidity and ignorance. Identity politics at it's worst.

I have protested war, racism, Rove, Rice, Bush, Cheney and Hillary. I have marched in the streets of Portland against war, against police brutality and I have stood with LGBT+ in Pride Parades. I will not stand with these "voters" who didn't march against fraud and corruption.

They are getting exactly what we warned them about.

You say you want a revolution? Well, you know... it's more than just getting out and voting or protesting every four damn years.

They are just reacting instead of activism.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Alphalop's picture

Since you guys keep stealing my thoughts. Wink

(Just because you said it first doesn't matter, these are my rules and I make them up as I go along.)

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Damnit Janet's picture

I'm done with the Democrats. They don't speak for me, so I won't protest for them.

I understand the outrage at Trump... but again the Dems are misplaced and wrong messaging again. These protesters/rioters should be focusing their anger at those who own this: Hillary and the DNC.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

As I have said elsewhere, their passions and fears are being manipulated and amplified. Probably the crowds are being infiltrated to provoke and to keep the focus on identity issues rather than war, environment, trade deals, corruption, single payer health care, etc - anything that would be potentially threatening to TPTB. So, I think the "wrong messaging" is by design.

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Or is there something else happening in the news, and this is meant to be a distraction? To focus everyone on a situation that is not the real issue?

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

the protests might be the result of deliberate efforts to manipulate/distract 'the Left,' during the Lame Duck Session, and upcoming budget negotiations.

IIRC, the current budget CR expires on Dec 6 or 7, roughly. Imagine all the goodies--like Social Security benefits--that could be traded off during the upcoming budget negotiations, giving PBO's recently tarnished legacy a giant boost--right before he leaves office, and goes onto the former-President's speaking circuit.

Hey, slashing the Social Security program would probably be good for several billion dollars in speaking fees, eh?


“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

The SOSD Fantastic Four

Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Cole - SOSD

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

at the thought of some Wall Street trader playing the market with the social security funds. No doubt they are salivating at access to that kind of capitol to run through their accounts.

I strongly oppose privatization of social security because I think would be too tempting for the funds to be mismanaged.

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I've come across MSDNC's almost non-stop, breathless coverage of this and been amazed at the cops putting up the welcome sign on 5th Avenue and other places, plus the cops aren't wearing full riot gear and bringing out the tanks. Any Black Bloc-er would see that and say, "WTF? What kind of cops are these?" Maybe some decided to take advantage of the astroturf nature of this and bust a few windows.

As always, hoping for no violence and that all remain safe.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Instead of going out and signaling virtue I'll be spending tonight enjoying some of Kelli Dunham's comedy.

Because it's freakin Veteran's Day, people. Can they lay off signaling how righteous they are to possibly remember that people fought and died for their right to do so? Hell, call it Remembrance Day if you like, because I certainly do. (Always been a bit of an Anglophile, so as a result I like the way the British Commonwealth nations remember the end of WW1 better.)


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

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riverlover's picture

So he survived the flu epidemic as an infant. I must honor this day for that. His deceased sister's birthday was yesterday. Her daughter's birthday is tomorrow. Family burst in November.

He died 22 years ago. I saw him several times (airplane rides) before. He was apologetic about leaving my mother for a crazy woman my age. He did many apologies to friends, his former wife (my mother) would not see or hear from him. My sister and I got nothing from his estate. He had wanted to send some books to his grandson, nixed by his wife. Daily book deliveries by mail when we were growing up. Massive bookcases in the basement because his office floor (bedroom #3) began to bow downward.

So I discovered family mess. My sister and I have different views. I discovered Family Dynamics late. A sad late growing-up story.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Damnit Janet's picture

I'm not finding Jack on what and where we can go?

Fuck the hockey/basketball games tonight.

But how are we supposed to find out if we can go to work? I know the Morrison Bridge has been blocked for a while now.

Where's some info for us? I'm getting some but it's from the BBC.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Granma's picture

The police asked them to take a night off from protesting, but I guess the answer is no.
One organizer said they were formerly Don't Shoot PDX, but have changed their name to Portland something. I'm sorry, blanking on the new name.

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Damnit Janet's picture

there was a vigil on Mt. Tabor area that was very peaceful.

This happens all the time with peaceful protests here in PDX, some hooded agents show up and ruin it.

But regardless, I do not like trump but I can't side with these protests. They didn't care about the election fraud during the primaries... there weren't even many rallies against the drones and Obama's wars.

Went to a local pub and our waiter lives on Broadway and said it was just punks burning cars there. There were prayer vigils started at Pioneer Square with our diverse spiritual leaders.

Stay safe Gramma.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Cassiodorus's picture

How can they possibly be worse than unsustainable "business as usual"? As long as they don't destroy any community gardens or solar panels, they're fine.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Alligator Ed's picture

That's what this election has been. Trump a Nazi? He was very gracious in his comments to Obam during their 90 minute meeting at the WH. Obama did not reciprocate. Hillary's concession speech, shorthand: "poor, poor, pitiful me". So her supporters are rioting from Boston to Portland (and maybe a few Johnson voters. But there won't be any Berners against these deluded, self-abusing people who favored a sociopathic, vain, deceitful, lying warmonger. Maybe the Trumpeters would have done the same had Trump lost but we'll never know. The DumbocRATs are now fighting with everybody: innocent property owners, motorists, and even amongst themselves (DNC starting to explode). The true color of these "libruls" emerges, corrupted from the top by their inglorious leader. The snake dies from the head down. Goodbye, Hellery--don't let the door hit you on your ass.


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Shahryar's picture

I have this long running disagreement with a certain loved one about what happened with Occupy. I maintained that there were police provocateurs wearing those V for Vendetta masks and posing as skate punks who would smash windows in order to discredit Occupy.

I know a bunch of people who have gone downtown for these vigils and they are not violent. So who is responsible? It's got to be the police....or some angry homeless kids with nothing to lose.

I blame the news people for not finding out the answer to this and for portraying the crowd as the one thing that they choose to report.

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Lily O Lady's picture

You can tell the bad guys. They throw chairs. /s

If the situation were reversed, Clinton people would be deploring the deplorables. What a bunch of hypocrites! And remember all the grief they gave Sanders supporters during the primary! They can dish it out but they just can't take it. The so-called "Democratic" Party is in serious need of a name change.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Shahryar's picture

now over $13.000.

On November 10th Portland’s Resistance held a peaceful rally and march in the city of Portland. We began at Pioneer square where we spread our message of love and peace. We were aware of the potential of agitation at our organized event and thus we instructed our followers not to engage or confront violence. Our number one goal is for everyone to be safe and our long term goal is to ensure that Portland is a safe place in Donald Trump’s America. We have always and will always advise people to remain peaceful and to distance themselves from any destruction.

Unfortunately, despite our requests to stay peaceful, a group of agitators began vandalizing property alongside our march.

you can read the whole statement at the gofundme site.

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