No Worries -- We've Got This.
Just posted this in FB.
I've been trying to understand my feelings since last night. Because I'm not afraid. I'm not angry, I'm not bitter, I'm not in despair. What I feel instead is a sense of calm and steely determination.
Because there are millions of good, decent, kind people in our country. I truly believe we outnumber the haters, the racists, the sexists, the xenophobic and the uninformed. Our President-elect is one man. And I, along with many other Americans, I'm certain, will be watching.
Last year I got a taste of what it means to be an activist when I marched several times for Bernie Sanders. It felt odd at first, but really good.
And the determination that lit in me has not died. Come January, the first signs I see of White House edicts and rhetoric that threaten innocent people, and I will speak out. I will protest. I will march. I will write, I will post, I will sign, whatever it takes. Even if it inconveniences or enrages some people.
I truly believe Trump's supporters are going to end up disappointed when they realize he ISN'T their political savior and this really is all about him and not them. But I listened to his speech last night. It was gracious and humble and inclusive, and while I'd like to believe it was sincere, as the saying goes, I'll believe it when I see it.
Ball's in your court, Donald. I'm not afraid of you and your insecurities and hate-mongering and too-often vile rhetoric, nor of the bullying tactics of some of your supporters. Millions of us are watching. Ultimately, the power is ours. Don't screw up this opportunity with which so many have entrusted you.
Like I said, I'm not afraid. I'm not angry.
I'm watching you.

First step, death to duopoly
Achievement - we got rid of the Clintons and their control of the Democratic Party.
Next step, continue to work for the end of duopoly. More hopeful now then when it looked like the Clintons would get back into the White House.
Optimistic. Hopeful.
Exactly. One real good thing is the DNC is dead.
The Democratic Party will be forced to realign with the people or it will be made extinct. Trade and jobs won the election for Trump and that is the number one thing of most importance to many hungry people in middle America.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I must admit, I was also relieved
last night that we also wouldn't be forced to endure another 4 years of Clinton et al. neoliberalism. I'm ready to fight the unknown evil this time versus the known.
That being said, I just watched Hillary's concession speech & actually felt a bit sorry for her huge disappointment, strictly on a crushed dream personal level. Been there many times. But VERY grateful I don't have to spend the coming months watching her break every promise she made to Bernie & true progressives. Hope she fades into the private sector & leaves us all alone.
Trump was once a Democrat. Hillary was once a Republican.
Which Party really won, last night? And what next?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I think the Republicans lost...
Both Republican parties.
However, the ones for whom I feel schadenfreude for are the folks in Congress with the -R after their names.
They have been batshit crazy since Obama was elected (OK, they were that before so they are now batshit crazy with whip cream on it)
But now, all their most fevered Tea Party dreams have come true. They got all three branches of government last night, and now, they have to "govern" at this point they are not capable of that, they only know obstruction, now they have to try and meet the unreasonable expectations of their base; a base that is very much at odds with their preferred kleptocracy, a base that they built, a base that is not conservative, but that is radical and extremist, and who drug a lot of others along for the ride.
They will implode.
A lot of innocent people, including many of us are going to hurt as Obamacare is torn down and not replaced, as all remaining welfare programs are hacked to death, as taxes on the rich go down and taxes and fees on the middle and lower classes go up in the way of consumption taxes and other secretly regressive tax plans.
The -R's will be torn apart by the contradictory needs of a giant military they have promised that they've now pledged to not use like the neocons.
Of course they can use that military to deport 11 Million people, ripping families apart. And to build a giant wall and march down to Mexico to force the Mexican government to pay up. (That's not war, that's collecting on a bill).
It's going to hurt all of us a great deal. But in the end, I think it will finally destroy the RNC, once we are all living in Kansas under Marshal Brownback law.
Now, will the -D's be able to do something? Anything? I don't know. I really don't think they are going to get the point of this election, even though it should be obvious.
I have no idea what will emerge from the ashes of the -D Republican party. I doubt it will be Chuck Schumer. His wing is being, will be destroyed along with the -R Republicans.
I think we need to look to the -P Democrats; Bernie, Warren, etc.
We need the high profile ones, the ones that are seen as stable, trustworthy to stand up as mentors and elders to bring forth a crop of new progressive replacements. Whether they change the name of the party or not. I am mixed on that. But I think DLC/Third (Rail) Way D's are done for.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
I will cheer if ACA is repealed.
Last year I was able to get an income exemption to keep the penalty away. This year I plan to use a utility shutoff to seek a waiver. Next year I'll have a penalty due. I was rejected for Medicaid. I cannot afford to pay out of pocket for an insurance policy. I can't afford the penalties and may have to lie and cheat next year to avoid it. So I will cheer if it is repealed and I will renew my efforts to get Medicare For All enacted at the next opportunity.
Trump is a businessman
Present him the facts and figures on how "Medicare for All" actually saves the government money, and he'll at least have to think about it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well written.
We all need to feel this way. As I've said to a few people today and before, I didn't have a candidate in this race so why should I feel anything personal about who won. No one has represented me for a long time. The people who voted for Trump certainly feel the same way. We differ in many ways, but the disgust and anger at being unrepresented and used and abused is there for all of us. Now we fall back and do our best with what we have. I think the oligarchy will be surprised by what we can do
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I like and thank you for your hopeful tone.
It may have calmed me a little.
Not sure I believe this given that the orange Trump monster won. Why didn't all these decent people just effing vote?!? But I hope you're right. We will see.
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