LEAKED: Clinton Concession speech
My Fellow Americans, it is with a heavy heart that I come to you tonight. This election campaign has not ended the way we hoped. Although we ran a good campaign with the support of billions donated by hundreds, we could not overcome the deplorable racism, misogyny and yes, stupidity, of my opponent and his supporters. While it is easy to prove that Donald Trump's ally and man-crush, the evil Putin, manipulated the election, what is important now is that we as Americans come together, and unite behind this vile ogre of a man and his knuckle-dragging, hate-filled minions.
Many in the press may want to blame this historic rejection of the female gender on my personal failings, as exposed by Russian lackeys at WikiLeaks or the FBI, but i will not apologize for my natural inclination to kindness and trust (in poor IT security), my spirit of Christian charity, (as embodied in the Clinton Foundation), and my love for my family (as evidenced by their salaries at said Foundation). No, my disappointment is not with myself or my staff, who stuck to the high road even when others tried to drag me through the mud, it is with you. You who threw away your votes with write-ins or absurd, inherently anti-woman 3rd party candidates. It is with you who chose to stay home (I'm looking at you African-Americans!) rather than take off from your meaningless jobs to stand in line for hours. It is with you who packed stadiums to cheer an old socialist, then failed your obedience test at my coronation.
But the time for recriminations will come to an end soon, and at the point we will be left trying to pick up the pieces, like so many Libyans wondering why their life-giving water infrastructure and the factory to repair it had to be bombed. We are sad and shocked, like Russian-speaking Ukrainians learning that their new extra-legal nazi government was banning their language. But we must roll up our sleeves and get to work fighting to pass TPP before the inauguration, and somehow, to shoot down some Russian aircraft over Syria. It is no time to give up on our shared dream.
Unfortunately I will not be part of this fight. After careful consideration and prayer, I have decided to withdraw from politics, to spend more time with my family and our beloved attorneys. For the record, I have found my service to this country deeply rewarding, and the FBI has revealed no definitive proof that I have intentionally injured national security, nor has any corrupt quid pro quo been proven in a court of law. I leave you tonight by quoting another great American, and assuring you that "I am not a crook".

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Now is not the time to go to DailyHos and blame their ignorance, arrogance and downright corruption. I would wait until morning, when the CTR trolls will all be off the clock and racing to the bank to get their checks cleared.
I am waiting for the popping sound before I go back
The sound of them extracting their heads from their asses.
No such luck. The trolls and bots are not only on the CTR
payroll. Every politician has a number of them, as does the DNC. And others are motivated by their jobs, which may be with federal, state or local government or with contractors who deal with one of those governments.
Like other demons, their name is Legion.
Great job!
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Alas poor Hillary, I knew her well.
To whom will Jay Z and Beyonce now sing their praises?
Always insult the voters - it's a winning strategy /s
That's the way to bring them to heel, and make them worship your Heinous.
A. Deplorable
Speaking of the Clinton Foundation ...
Whatever will become of it now? Hard to peddle influence when you don't have any.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
They still have plenty of influence among lawmakers.
Look how Democrats on the federal, state and local levels locked arms around her.
And, if they don't have influence, it will be a while before their donors figure that out.
Besides, the banksters still owe them big time for Gramm, Leach, Blilely, the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and the bailout. If they don't pay up to the Clintons, politicians may not trust them enough to service them in the future. They think ahead!
" the banksters still owe them big time"
nah, the clintons' power has been lost; there won't be any more hundreds of thousands paid to hear what either of them has to say the banksters only cared to be associated with her until she lost it all: the election, credibility, power
good thing she has lots of money, if she can hold onto it
Shorter version:
You pissants didn't deserve me. Go fuck yourselves!
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Medusa: you didn't pay attention