Another of "our" loveable dictators [just some reading material]

[I may well end up doing a series]

On May 30, 2016, former Chadian President Hissene Habre was convicted for crimes against humanity. This was the culmination of a 17-year campaign for justice organised by a small group of lawyers, who made it their mission to see Habre stand trial, it might not have happened.

In 1975, a former political science student at the elite French school, Sciences-Po Paris, Habre led a rebellion against the Chadian government, which he considered to be overly influenced by France. This was the beginning of Habre's political career.

In order to further his image as a "warlord", Habre also carried out a series of kidnappings, targeting foreign personalities, elevating his visibility on an international scale. The first French hostage was archaeologist Francoise Claustre, who was kept prisoner in the Tibesti desert for 33 months.

Yet, stilll, even...even

After seizing power in 1982, Habre received support from France and the United States, who saw him as a bulwark against Gaddafi's regime in Libya - a significant turn in the tide for the ambitious Chadian leader.

As Human Rights Watch notes

The US government has been one of the strongest international supporters of the Extraordinary African Chambers, and of the effort to bring Habré to court. But it was not always so. In the 1980s, the United States was pivotal in bringing Hissène Habré to power, seeing him as a stalwart defense against expansion by Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, and therefore provided critical military support to his insurgency and then to his government, even as it committed widespread and systematic human rights violations—violations of which, as this report shows, many in the US government were aware.

This report provides one of the most comprehensive analyses to date of that support. Drawing on US government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and documents from Hissène Habré’s own political police uncovered by Human Rights Watch in Chad, as well as the public record, it sets out how US officials were aware of the abuses and atrocities perpetrated under Habré but chose to look the other way in the face of perceived strategic interests.

Ah yes. the US getting all righteous after the fact....again. You can bank on the fact in a few years time that the truth will come out with respect to our current wars and CIA operations in the Middle East, the duplicity will once again be evident. It takes decades.

In March, just over a year before Habré came to power, international media reported that a mass grave had been discovered outside his home in N’Djaména. “Scores of skeletons of beheaded people, whom they [Chadian soldiers] identify as victims of Mr. Habré’s henchmen,” the New York Times reported. “Flowers have grown through the bones.”

CIA operations

When President Reagan invited Habré for a special visit to the White House in 1987, he expressed his conviction that their relationship would “continue to be strong and productive.” The United States also created a small army of anti-Qaddafi Libyan “Contras” from among the ranks of Habré’s Libyan POWs, some of whom were alleged to have been coerced into joining following inhumane treatment.

More detail from Foreign Policy

The inevitable flood of Libyan intelligence agents into N’Djamena posed a more immediate threat as well: Against the impassioned protests of some U.S. officials, the CIA had given Habré a dozen Stinger missiles, the shoulder-fired anti- aircraft weapon sought by rebels and terrorists everywhere. Qaddafi had already demonstrated an interest in downing civilian aircraft. The Stingers absolutely could not be allowed to fall into his hands.

And there was another issue: The CIA had established a secret camp a few miles outside the capital where it was training a vanguard of anti-Qaddafi Libyan fighters -- at least 200 men with CIA-supplied arms, including Soviet-made tanks, that they would not easily give up. A battle in the capital between Déby’s Qaddafi-sponsored fighters and the agency’s anti-Qaddafi forces would precipitate a bloodbath.

The enemy of "our" enemy, just another brutal mass murderer.

When people ask me stupid fucking questions like "why do they hate us" they better have plenty of time on their hands.

When people say "but the US is not an Empire" when "we" behave exactly like one, it boggles my mind.

If "we" really wanted to reduce terrorism around the world "we" would stop behaving as Imperialistic assholes.

Go on Hillary, give Henry a kiss from me. I think a Kissinger diary is due.

History matters and "our" perpetual wars create new enemies every day.

Since World War II the US has been involved in/started around 200 of the approximately 250 conflicts around the world.

We are indeed exceptional.

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In 1983, President Ronald Reagan appointed him [Kissinger] to chair the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, and from 1984-90, under Presidents Reagan and Bush, he served on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

PS he did receive a time out under President Carter.

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"Stop participating in it."

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lotlizard's picture

Candidates like Her.

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I'm really afraid someone is going to win this election.

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lotlizard's picture

I’m with

(Edited to add:)
Math geek version of Giant Meteor.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Yes, I'm really afraid someone is going to win this election.

-- artisan


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Amanda Matthews's picture

I'm just a prol.

If I had my way the Clinton creature and her brood would be stripped of all money and power, and made to try to eke out a living (or a dying) in Libya, or Iraq, or Syria, Honduras, or anywhere their evil has touched. Let them get a good feel for what life (or death) is like for poor indigenous families forced to navigate the mine fields of American foreign policy. You're screwed if you're poor and defenseless and there's money to be made by an American corporations, like United Fruit Company or Amoco Oil for example. And please, don't tell me about the 'family' not deserving it. I don't care. I sincerely doubt the families of the children who were sent back to Honduras to 'send a message,' and who have since been killed. care too much either. Hellery's kid and grandkids are rich, well-fed, pampered, and safe for life. Theirs are dead. All because she feels the need to prop up a narco-terrorist government. I don't care about the families of war whores like Clinton and I doubt that any of the indigenous peoples of Central and South America like the Mothers of Plaza del Mayo do either. These are women who, after multiple DECADES, are STILL looking, still trying to find their 'disappeared' children. Or trying to track down their grandchildren who were taken by the Argentinian government after birth and then the mothers were murdered. The Argentinian government that the UNITED STATES propped up with both military and foreign aid. Yeah this country helped do that. Henry Kissinger was the architect of the plan to support Pinochet's reign of terror. He is also Clinton's BFF, who she and Slick Willie spend Christmas with, and who she brags about being having as a close adviser. Now we've moved on to the Middle East and spread the dying to a new part of the globe. I bet he's giving her plenty of advice on that little problem area as well.

How long does anyone think that crap would go on if a couple of the kids of the American 1% were were caught up in that American supported special kind of Hell? TPTB would nuke an entire region if it was one of them or theirs in danger. Ours are expected to fight and die. So why do we keep letting them send our kids off to do their dirty work? It's time to suit up a Koch kid or two, maybe make a bush and or a cheney really do his military service. Send in some of their delicate little flowers and see if they can defend their own hides and fortunes. We need to quit doing it for them.

And if you don't think they'd do it to us in a heart beat, look at the protests over the North Dakota Access Pipeline. Things are really starting to heat up there, and this is a fight over Native American's own land.

Journalist shot with rubber bullets during N.D. pipeline protests

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

"we, us, and our" when referring to recent US military operations (and particularly CIA operations) seems questionable to me. Public support for, involvement with, and influence over the nation's foreign entanglements has often been minimal or non-existent. It has never been even close to universal. So to say for instance, that "we" are trying to bring down the Syrian government, is at least somewhat misleading, and may in fact be utterly false.

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Had the same BS argument yesterday and yes I am pissed with the heads in the sand denial.

1] It's a valid shortcut
2] If they are not ours then whose the hell are they?

Goddammit I even fucking used ""to m ake a bloody distinction

To me its denial of any responsibility whatsoever, its like the other great tomfoolery of supporting the troops not the leaders.

It is we and our we have collective responsibility and until we bloody well get that then it will continue unabated.

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Damnit Janet's picture

I am anti war. I do not agree with my government's priorities and policies. But is MY govt. It is MY country.

My country is murdering millions on this plant with war, corruption, and climate denial.

What are WE going to do about OUR mess?

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

but I am tired of the excuses. I will be as annoyed [maybe moreso] with anyone that votes for Hillary and then turns around and says "but, but I only voted the least bad."

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Damnit Janet's picture

you didn't lose your temper, you found your voice. Smile and you are speaking MY language.

I, too, am sick of the "I didn't vote for this war" so I'll pretend it's not MY problem. Then WE all have to go out and try to stop the not my war.

People do it with war, hunger and homelessness.

i loved your yellow ribbon analogy.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Sorry, sorry, sorry, I just can't vote for Trump to block Hillary. Where I live Jill Stein made the ballot, she has my vote. I think Jill Stein is a remarkable and rare combination of intelligence, integrity, and compassion. Is she perfect? No. Can she learn and does she have good judgement? I believe so. I see within Jill Stein a gentle strength which I believe the most powerful nation on Earth needs at this moment. If she was elected, I would expect both major parties to do everything in their power to make her look bad.

It's not about excuses. It's not about evading responsibility. You're absolutely right that there are atrocities, they should be immediately stopped, and aid should be given to the victims. It's not going to happen under the murderous Obama administration.

Do you pay taxes? Buy items in the U.S.? Work in the U.S.? You're funding the very things you rail against. How about nations who trade with us? We have to identify those critical to the implementation of harmful policies. We have to draw lines. That means naming names and not so many pronouns. Until we recognize and expose the critical points, it will be business as usual.

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dervish's picture

but unfortunately, with a bought and paid for MSM, rigged elections and conventions, cheating and fraud, there isn't much that we can do to stop these things. They'll have their wars, pollution, human rights violations, and thievery no matter what we do.

We live in an oligarchy, not a democracy, and elections are manipulated illusions, as evidenced by this one.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

thanatokephaloides's picture

1] It's a valid shortcut

No, it's not. Please see below:

2] If they are not ours then whose the hell are they?

They are the wholly owned subsidiary of our military-prison-industrial complex, which constitutes our government.

Your frustration here is owing to the fact that you have yet to disabuse yourself from the illusion that ordinary working-class Americans have any real say in how their government operates. We do not.

The only way in which they are "ours" is that we are disfortunate enough to be subject to them. If you actually think that we Serfs have any means whereby they can be brought to heel, you are mistaken. If you doubt me here, consider this task as a thought experiment:

Become the President of the United States, with a fully co-operating Congress and Senate, without ever having been seriously rich and without being essentially a puppet of anyone who is.

If you can devise a way to accomplish this task under the terms stated and in today's USA, I'd love to hear about it.

We have no more control over this situation than someone has control over how and where an automobile is driven while securely locked in that vehicle's trunk. We may be traveling with that car; but we sure as fuck aren't driving it.

Therefore, it isn't our car.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

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from strenuously objecting to the policies of one's elected representatives, is to tacitly tolerate their continuation. This is what most Americans are in the habit of doing. But there are many layers of separation between Joe Citizen and the architects of US foreign policy. In fact they are so far apart, that the one seems barely to touch on the other.

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for the people gives plenty of room for "we".
"We" share the blame.
It isn't possible for me to wash my hands and say somebody else is an ass hole, but certainly not me, when I vote, and I pay taxes and prop up the ass holes.
Your argument from yesterday and again today is very odd and distracting from the general point of discussion.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

thanatokephaloides's picture

government by the people, of the people,
for the people gives plenty of room for "we".

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people" doesn't exist in today's USA (if it ever did).

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

mimi's picture

and thank you to the small group of lawyers who never gave up investigating.

The cruelty and the fact that Habre never said a word in the eight months of his trial or lifted his eyes to look at the witnesses, who described the atrocities, is a "marker". On a small scale I feel I have witnessed such behavior. But if you hint to it and people assume you are skeptical or critical about some "figures", you risk to be called a racially insensitive or worse.

Time to leave it behind me. I hope I can, it pops up when I read such stories you posted. Do a series if you can. You are well versed to pull the research together.

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SparkyGump's picture

Your essays are always spot on and hard hitting. I am fond of saying how can we be seen as "the shining city on a hill" when we don't support freedom and human rights here or abroad? Keep up the good work.

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The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.

up thumbs for the truth. Dammit!


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

for more interventions in MENA. I guess "terrorist group linked to al-Queda" wasn't scary enough. Or, more likely, didn't generate enough handouts for the MIC.

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You keep using that word...