OMG! We are all going to die...AGAIN!

Are you sufficiently terrified? Unless you are currently cowering under your bed and praying to whatever deity you think can help you, then you aren't terrified enough.
The American government wants to help you live in fear of Monday.

US intelligence officials have reportedly warned law enforcement around the country of the potential for multiple al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on Monday, aimed to coincide with the day before the US election. The reports were described as “possibly legitimate and concerning.

Details are still scant, but the intelligence has singled out New York, Virginia, and Texas as the mostly likely targets. Even then, they offered no details on potential locations, saying al-Qaeda and its affiliates are eager to regain their relevance.

A NYPD spokesman briefed on the matter said that the threats “lack specificity,” however local police around the country were said to have been warned that polling places are considered “attractive targets” for both organized and homegrown terror attacks.

Darn those terrorists. Always trying to kill us in predictable ways.
Wait a second. I seem to have heard this somewhere before. Sometime last year.

 Former CIA deputy director Mike Morell ominously told CBS last week that “I wouldn’t be surprised if we weren’t sitting here a week from today talking about an attack over the weekend in the United States.” MSNBC and Fox joined in too, using graphics and maps right out of Stephen Colbert’s satirical “Doom Bunker,” suggesting World War III was just on the verge of reaching America’s shores.

  photo fear_zpsypuqvxna.jpg

Like in most cases, it was CNN who led the charge in making sure that our fear level was sufficient.
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  There were plenty of Serious People in the government to explain why this July 4th was going to be the most dangerous in the history of the country.

 Authorities told NBC News that they are unaware of any specific or credible threat inside the country. But the dangers are more complex and unpredictable than ever.

 You read that right. There were no "specific or credible threats" but that just made things more dangerous than ever.
  If there was a specific and credible threat then we'd actually be in less danger.
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  Even politicians wanted us to know that now was the time to tremble.

  Oh sure, you are more likely to die from your own falling furniture than from a terrorist attack, and white supremists kill more Americans than Islamic terrorists, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be paralyzed with fear of scary muslims.
  If you want proof, just look at the ISIS dildo-flag. We need to be protected from that.

   Adam Johnson went back and looked at the last 40 times that the FBI and Homeland Security have issued similar threats around national holidays and found that we barely escaped with our lives each and every time. Somehow the terrorists failed to carry out a single one of those terrorist attacks.

“Can the FBI break its terror-predicting 0-40 losing streak this weekend? Tune into CNN to find out!”
  - Journalist Adam Johnson

So how did we manage to dodge yet another bullet this July 4th? Because the FBI was on the job, as CNN reported.

US law enforcement efforts thwarted a number of terror threats in the last two weeks, including plots timed to the July 4 holiday weekend, US officials tell CNN on Thursday. The thwarted plots included targets “coast to coast.” In fitting with calls by ISIS to attack in any way possible, the attempted plots were unsophisticated, including guns, knives and other weapons.
  More than 10 people have been arrested in the past four weeks on charges related to their association with ISIL. Some of those, Comey said, involved plots timed to July 4th. Comey declined to elaborate on the nature of the plots or where they were targeted.

"Coast to coast"! They almost killed us all! With knives, no less!
   NBC managed to get FBI Director James Comey to elaborate on these evil plots.

 Comey added that those inspired by ISIS don’t make elaborate plans and often act on the spur of the moment.
“It’s actually hard to figure out when they’re trying to kill somebody,” Comey said. “And you cannot say, ‘Well, we’ve got to do it on the Fourth.’ Because you know you have people who are motivated to kill people, and they are unreliable in terms of when they’re going to act.”

So these terrorists had "no elaborate plans" and are “unreliable in terms of when they’re going to act” and it's "hard to figure out when they’re trying to kill somebody" and are not actually linked to international terror groups, but somehow they were "plots timed to the July 4 holiday weekend".
   If I wasn't pissing my pants in fear inside of my panic room right now, I might be able to notice the contradictions in claims.
Considering all those restrictions, it's amazing the FBI managed to thwart them at all. If our law enforcement hadn't thwarted those "plots" we might not have even known about them.
FBI press release-reader Jim Sciutto managed to add, “No further details were immediately available about how the plots were thwarted.”

Personally, I fear sharknados a lot more.

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Pricknick's picture

but totally false.
Those that do bite, buzz equally as well.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

How can Hillbots be so blind and brain-dead? Could it be neural programming via social media? I don't Tweet, text, go on FB, Snapchat, hell, I don't even Pin on Pintarest. I didn't learn that dating videos no longer exist until recently. I've always been an independent thinker and something of a introvert. I love classical music, read all the time, walk my dog in a nature preserve, cook from scratch, see through BS and have excellent awareness of dangerous people, especially psychopaths like Hill and Bill. Am I immune to Hill? Perhaps I am a socialist who admires and am in awe of FDR. And I'm not a Millennial.

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Hillbilly Dem's picture

exact same thing about the George W. Bush supporters in 2004. I truly thought that they were deranged. Yet, the Kool-Aid drinkers who support Her Heinous today are oddly similar to the RWNJs when THEY blindly supported the status quo and managed to get the Smirking Chimp reelected.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

Lily O Lady's picture

"Ghostbusters." People seem to have the same reaction to Trump as the Ghostbusters did to the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man. You'd think they'd act more like adults, but nope. Fear makes fools of those who surrender to it no matter who they are.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

shaharazade's picture

family, one of my sons, who was a Bush deadender so we tried to have an intervention on his behalf. He would talk to me about this. He refused to believe that he had been duped by the Bushies. But Mom he would say 'Bush is a good old boy'. The Bushies went to far for even him. He called and apologized for voting for them twice in the middle of Bush's second term. He's not religious at all he's just a neoliberal cappie. The war on terror and Cheney's dark side finally turned him. He voted for 'my man' Obama in 2008 but like me quickly saw the corruption on the wall.

He had always voted Democratic until after he voted for Big Dog. After Clinton's first term he believed that somehow the Republicans were more honest and less corrupt. He also was and still is a neoliberal with libertarian tendencies. He resents 'moochers' and taxes. My granddaughter, his daughter, who is autistic goes to a excellent publicly funded special needs school as we all point out.

All of this was very strange as he was a radical full on hippie throw back in his teenage years. I think it was a reaction to being raised by me, a flaming far leftist hippie mom, who shunned the suburban life and was not mainstream and pretty radical myself. We don't talk politics anymore and I ignore his barbs about liberals having been duped myself. Shorter version: It's hard to admit that everything you believed was a lie. A lot of people are invested in being mainstream 'centrist' and the myth of Horatio Alger's America. They have invested in this American dream gone rotten.

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terriertribe's picture

Many of us were duped by tptb, but that doesn't mean that the ideals were wrong.

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

but a better way to detect BS is to judge a person by their actions rather than words. Yep, words are cheap, and easy, whereas actions mean something. The ancient Greeks had a sect called sophists, who used words as weapons. Sophistry is the only skill that Hillary Clinton has. Whatever comes out of her mouth, whether it's lies, legalese, playing the red baiting/race/women's/error by omission card, or using surrogates and the media to spin and lie for her so she can stay pure in her white debate and convention suit, it's still BS.

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natural world, where you've learned to use and trust your senses and might be less swayed by peer or group pressure. You don't live your life mediated by a screen in your hand or on a table. I wonder if that's true of most of us who can ridicule this BS, as gjohnsit did so wonderfully in this essay?

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Shockwave's picture

FDR said it best.

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The political revolution continues

Amanda Matthews's picture

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

QMS's picture

I think Robin Williams ripped this one off...

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question everything

QMS's picture

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question everything

k9disc's picture

I think it's TV and SoMe, working in concert, that creates closed minded political automatons.

If you're not sitting in front of a plastic, shiny, shifting screen with dramatic and scary music playing, you're not believable.

Perhaps we all need to carry around an audio file on our phone to play while we talk to them for dramatic effect.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

I'm more afraid of what Trump or Clinton will do when one of them is elected to the Oval Office on Election Day. Terrorists are a statistically insignificant threat to my well-being.

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WindDancer13's picture

local police around the country were said to have been warned that polling places are considered “attractive targets” for both organized and homegrown terror attacks.

Glad I mailed mine in!

Wonder which campaign followers will choose to brave the threat of being murdered while voting? The cushy Clinton cabal or the deplorable Donald denizens?

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

terriertribe's picture

Someone's got to defend our sacred voting rights. Oh, wait a minute.

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

Bollox Ref's picture

Surely Tuesday would be more disruptive.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Crider's picture

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terriertribe's picture

That proves it!

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

You had me helpless with laughter.

This is mighty fine:

So these terrorists had "no elaborate plans" and are “unreliable in terms of when they’re going to act” and it's "hard to figure out when they’re trying to kill somebody" and are not actually linked to international terror groups, but somehow they were "plots timed to the July 4 holiday weekend".

If I wasn't pissing my pants in fear inside of my panic room right now, I might be able to notice the contradictions in claims.
Considering all those restrictions, it's amazing the FBI managed to thwart them at all. If our law enforcement hadn't thwarted those "plots" we might not have even known about them.

FBI press release-reader Jim Sciutto managed to add, “No further details were immediately available about how the plots were thwarted.”

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

all the Hillary endorsements and ads that scare us about what will happen if Trump is elected and gets the nuclear codes. Just like I paid attention in 2004 when the government released the new Bin Laden video it had been sitting on a while to, you know, make sure it was authentic.

Wait. Wasn't Hillary a Goldwater Girl?




Deja vu all over again, only this time, with even more irony. Yogi Berra and the LBJ Library

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

nuclear war would be a hideous catastrophic evil that would wreck everything. It was fear-mongering, and unfair, but at least they got that right.

Not Hillary. She thinks she can prepare our nuclear arsenal to be ready to meet threats. Whatever the fuck that means in the context of weapons of mass destruction that create things like nuclear winter.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Deja's picture

At least the NSA uses state of the art equipment to snag and store all our data and conversations.

And, I guess the billions of our tax dollars going to the MIC is used for Pentagon salaries and finding ISIS and Israel. None left over to upgrade our archaic nuclear technology. Lord, the silos are probably leaking ffs.

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nuclear war had been in Hiroshima and Nagasacki and that the "H-bomb" was worse than the "A-Bombs" we'd dropped on Japan. If possible, they were far more impressed with that stuff then than we are now. Many of them had gone through bomb drills in school and had home versions of fallout shelters. They had seen photos of the victims, their "shadow" remains, their injuries received miles away, the destruction, etc., just as we've seen photos of Iraq war victims and Abu Ghraib.

No part of that ad was not any intended to educate people about nuclear warfare, nor was it necessary to educate them. Indeed, the daisy ad does not even show the extent of the destruction and injury nuclear bombs can cause, nor how long radiation lasts or anything of the kind. It shows only the explosion and the fire in the immediate area of the explosion. It did not have to show more. Everyone then knew what a mushroom cloud portended more graphically than we do.

That three ads were doing nothing but promoting the fear that Goldwater, then Hillary's hero, would start a nuclear war if he got elected and got the codes, the very same thing that Hillary's ads and endorsers have been saying about Trump. She's modeling her campaign against Trump on the campaign Johnson waged, with historic success at the polls, against her candidate, Goldwater, including the infamous daisy ad for which Bill Moyers was ultimately responsible, in the sense that he approved it. It ran only once, but once was enough because the thought of nuclear war then was so horrifying. In my heart, I believe Bill Moyers regrets that ad, but that's because I admire him so.

Though only aired once (by the campaign), it is considered to be an important factor in Johnson's landslide victory over Barry Goldwater and an important turning point in political and advertising history. It remains one of the most controversial political advertisements ever made.

Moyers approved (but had nothing to do with the production) of the infamous "Daisy Ad" against Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential campaign.[13] That ad is considered the starting point of the modern-day harshly negative campaign ad.

It was also ironic (today, we might say Rovian) to accuse Goldwater of that, given what Johnson was already doing in Vietnam, which is another parallel to Hillary's campaign. She's already done awful things, but expects us to forget that when she points the finger at what she claims Trump will do, but has never yet done.

(Warning: Possible trigger; graphic)

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Maybe they see nuclear Winter as an answer to global warming?

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PriceRip's picture

          and you lived in Tucson, you knew it was time to "bend over and kiss your ass goodbye." Actual quote from resident of Tucson I met many years later.

          I grew up downstream of the Hanford Atomic Works and downwind of the Umatilla Army Depot and had a similar fatalistic point of view. At Stone School the windows would rattle during my third grade class as we would listen to the explosions of the various types of bombs being burned at the depot. I understand nerve gas was also incinerated on site as well.

          I was motivated to learn about particle physics, in part, because I lived in Hermiston, OR. So, contemplating your mortality within the context of Nuclear Annihilation isn't necessarily a negative. You just have to put a positive spin on it . . .

          Many years after I moved away, the school system installed systems to produce positive pressure in those classrooms to protect the children from exposure to the outside air should something go wrong.

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