Don't give up hope!
Submitted by birdiemom87 on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 12:48am
I just found these; they are from 4chan, and are from the FBI leaker who began posting in July at 4chan. What he/she posted then was shown to be correct. This person is a senior FBI analyst. What I have are actually picture files, which is how I found them, so they may be hard to see/read. With all the stuff we've been fooled about, it's hard to get excited. But I feel, based upon what the "leaker" has said in the past, these may very well be accurate. Time will tell. However it goes, we are in for quite a ride. Just wanted to share them, because I know that all of you are feeling as low and frightened as I am.

Something strange is happening
I'm truly at a loss for words. I simply don't know what to say or think about this. But, if true or only partially true, it's going to be a very strange trip we'll be taking!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
For sure
I think anyone who is really aware of what has been going on this whole election cycle feels battered and bruised. Guess we just have to see where we go from here. At least the things expressed in those posts are far better than what we've all been expecting, as it drags on and on with no justice.
Off to the liquor store tomorrow!
Currently no booze here. Will there be an election? Very weird.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
As long as she is removed,
That is a huge new beginning!
Remember, remember the 5th of November?
It Nov 5 here in Malaysia. Are to we assume this might happen tomorrow in the US? Still at a loss for words but lots of questions! I have to echo one from riverlover up above. Will there be an election on Nov. 8th?
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I sincerely cannot even guess.
Without knowing what is planned, and whether Obama remains in the WH. If he is not carted off, perhaps the Dems will try again; I just don't think that the people would agree to that at all, another appointment. Bernie should be the only option, but we know how that goes. I don't think Obama and the rest of them deserve any further input. Guess we will see.
Some text from second link
That second link is a little hard to read, but this is part of it:
Ha. If That Pans Out To Any Degree
there will be a Perp Walk Of Biblical Proportions. I saw some tweeter posts in the last several days that would mesh with this but I kinda thought it was just the whacko fringe throwing stuff against the wall.
Please Please Please let it all be true.
PS Thanks for posting that. I went to the second link and saw the mouse type font and decided not to bother straining to read it.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I've been following this over on Reddit
and like you, thought it was merely whackaloon fringe stuff being thrown at the wall.
Good lord, what happens if it's actually true? I'm betting the Hillbullies won't believe it anyway.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
I'm starting to think it's plausible, but not completely
The thing is, Clintonworld is the Twilight Zone. The level of corruption and evil is so great that you start to think almost anything could be true--and, in fact, that's probably the case.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I've been following this over on Reddit
and like you, thought it was merely whackaloon fringe stuff being thrown at the wall. Not just the pedophilia but also the espionage.
Good lord, what happens if it's actually true? I'm betting the Hillbullies won't believe it anyway.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
This smells totally made up.
"NYPD, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, DHS & Department of Naval Intelligence. In addition to a coordinated effort of retired and non-retired intelligence officers, analyst and commandos."
Not necessarily. It actually is true that the intelligence
types can't stand Hillary Clinton. The only one of those orgs I'd be surprised to see working against her is DHS.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That there could be a coordinate conspiracy across those
agencies and externally defies my imagination. Like I've said before, I've got plenty of experience with the fed govt and how it works.
I never thought the agencies were coordinating
And if it happened at all, I would expect it began as small groups independently getting sick of shit within their respective agencies.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It really doesn't matter.
If it's totally made up, it will quickly fizzle out when no proof materializes. If it's true, it may not even affect the election as we're so close to November 8. Unless a miracle happens, we're stuck with Hillary Clinton as president for 2 or 3 years until she dies and Kaine takes over.
Oh, now
if any of this stuff is even in the ballpark, Her isn't going to last any two to three years. One way or another, I'm going out on a limb and predict the woman will absolutely not make old bones, and sooner than we all think.
As for the rest of it, it sure as hell*reads* believably, I'll give them that. I saved the files as jpgs and then enlarged them--much easier to read that way. Holy shit. I've been seeing the whole "pedo" angle dribbling out on blogs here and there, and was of the same mind a lot of you were (as in "Oh, come on, get real..."). On the other hand, it's easy to contemplate the idea that "pedo blackmail" is exactly the kind of thing you could totally keep people in line with (The Children, don'tcha know, and holy fucking crap, if any of this is even in the ballpark where that is concerned, the guilty parties, IMO, should be put before a firing squad, full-stop). But I'll believe the actors are actually "going down" when I see it....
It matters.
I resent releasing crud into the zeitgeist.
First all lies don't die out. For example, whether you believe 911 was phony or not, it can't be both what government says it was and a phony. Both those things can't be true; and neither one of them has died out. Same for whether Poppy and the CIA or LBJ were responsible for the death of JFK. Either one of those things is right or the Warren Report is right, but not all those things. None have died out in over fifty years. A significant portion of the US still believes there were WMD in Iraq--and, by gum, that factors into the 2016 primary and this election. And so on.
Facts matter. Often a lot.
Knowing the difference between facts and what I (or anyone) strongly believe to have happened matters.
Desperation and sadness fills me, but hope too
Pedophilia will not sit well with anyone other than pedophiles--not even hard-core Hilbots: Clinton pedophile ring
Desertion by high level Democrats: Obama, M.O., Warren
Coup/counter-coup Soft coup is on
Let us only hope that the American public wakens up by Nov. 8. Drain the swamp!
More on pedophile ring: FBI reopens Clinton case
Just to mention, I seem to
Just to mention, I seem to recall what seems to me to have been a very similar voice and imagery used on what as presented as being an (atypical and, it seemed to me unlikely in the extreme,) Anonymous video as that appearing at the end of the video accessed via your first link. Keeping a salt-shaker handy, although I'd love to see the corruption going down and no more, perhaps merely competing with the other corruption, coming in.
Going to check out the other links, and thanks for posting them, as it's difficult to tell what may prove to be useful information, one way or another, as even propaganda can be telling, as we've found with the Clintons.
Edit: the second link has to do with issues of Dem Party voter fraud, which, if true, would be expensive per vote and relatively small-scale, (not cost-effective or effective enough, one would think - so this smells of the typical Repub voter suppression-supporting propaganda to me) unlike, say, vote-flipping, which can clearly have a profound effect.
And the clip of Obama explaining his (admittedly ludicrous) theory of how electoral fraud was supposedly impossible (fraud cannot be wide-spread within a corrupt organization?) had nothing to do with claimed voter fraud. After listening to Trump bluster on about people voting 10 times over if they didn't have to have voter IDs, I couldn't face the rest of the 12-plus minutes, I'm afraid.
Will move on to the others.
Re-edit for this rather lengthy bit probably nobody will be interested in, lol:
This guy is cautious and gives warning - much better than others I've seen discussing/promoting this - a much better link than the others.
Who Is Steve Pieczenik? Clinton's Coup & FBI's Counter-Coup via Wikileaks & FOIA
Michael Trimm
Michael Trimm
This is my personal theory, as a possibility which I'd term highly probable on what information I've seen:
The TPP and pre-Fast-Tracked other 'trade deals' offshoring domestic law in all involved countries enabling a spuriously 'legalized' corporate coup which Obama and Hillary are pushing/have pushed was initiated by the Bush Admin; if the Clintons (and/or other dem politicians) are taken down over issues connected with this, the Bush Admin also enters the mix; if they are taken out of the race/imprisoned as pedophiles, the Republican Party is not involved and the 'trade deal' corporate coup is not automatically prevented. The Republicans then get their big donors back from Hillary (lost in previous competition noted in various media at the time, thouhg dunno if they'd still be be needed as polical donors, as I have heard the point made that direct payments to politicians for favours would not be illegal under the corporate coup, as they can make law to suit themselves in any manner thought by them to potentially increase their profits or sue through their own corporate lawyers acting as judges for the amount they feel might be lost until the public of each country goes bankrupt) and get to administer the corporate coup themselves, to their own power and profit. At least while needed to form 'US government' in reality corporate management directly dispensing corporate/billionaire for-maximized-profit will - with no public recourse - demanded by their very own offshored corporate/billionaire 'law court' to be global in application.
Jotted notes re: some of the qualifications of Pieczenik:
Sec of State under Kissinger, assistant/deputy Sec (have titles kinda garbled; coffee not doing it today, but these not seeming important enough at the moment to go back for them) under Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush (seeing known undemocratic and corrupt war-mongers acting against the public interest to serve the few in the unfolding of a plan for global domination and control for the complete subjection of all non-billionaire people in a freely industrially polluted world).
Psy-ops background
Was connected with Rand corporation, Council of Foreign Relations
Is a Sandy Hook (and at least one others) conspiracy 'they're coming to take your guns with faked incidents' nut
And what Michael Trimm points out about the character running the FBI...
I, like many others, thought at the time that Comey seemed to be making the fix as obvious as he could, though...
The government must fall and all corrupted officials removed - including those within the Supreme Court ruling against the US Constitution in their bizarre interpretations of what the Founders would want - corporations as people and politicians, whole political parties and elections purchased by destructive self-interests?
Info Wars making sense in much of this area - the whole world seems reversed... although the best liars/propagandists are said to be those mixing in enough truth in some areas to make the lies seem valid...
But I would believe anything, however disgusting and traitorous, to be possible of the Clintons and many Dems, as I would of many of the equally psychopathic and corrupt Republicans as well. Equal opportunity - PC me!
And much of the discussion regarding Hillary Clinton's qualities etc. sounds entirely plausible.
Just impossible to verify anything, drat it! The pushing of Trump (and his dreadful VP) is a definite agenda, though, so I'm still going with my current theory.
As for the other video of the same guy on the last link, I overall like this guy - except that he does refer in passing to the pedophilia scandal as a definite (has it been verified in some manner? Haven't looked into it at all myself and am too tired and revolted to attempt it right now) when I'm unsure as to whether it's a definite or not.
I like his emphasis on focusing on the info about Hillary revealed in her emails; these are verified as originals by their code.
Lol, Hillary stealing furniture also from the State Department, as well as the White House... nothing says 'Clinton' like mindless low-class theft and lying... and creating Black Flag events against Trump after stealing the nomination from Bernie.
Of course Hillary's selling off America, and the rest of the world - but she'll do that to anyone offering money.
Of course Google is tied in... interwoven, it seems...
What's the proof in which emails of Bernie being 'in the bag for Hillary all along'? I hear the claims being made, but??? What am I missing which constitutes proof? And where did he say not to vote for Jill Stein? He's said in interviews that he had no problem with 3rd parties - but that Trump would be a disaster, which is clearly true.
At least Trimm's saying that Bernie should be brought back - Bernie would work toward the public good.
And Michael Trimm admits that Bernie wants the government to be of, by and for the people and to act for the public good, which is hardly 'in the bag for Clinton', even if the only way that he can remind the public of the possible is to 'campaign for Hillary' to get the message of actual and sustainable democratic goals into the media.
As far as Jill goes,the fact that her message conflicts with that of all of the corrupt politicians is a good thing; the other 3 candidates now running all support/will support the TPP corporate coup.
Trump is a liar who selected - like Hillary - a TPP/corporate-coup supporting anti-abortionist and the similarity between the two VPs of the corporate party candidates suggests to me that they were selected (at approximately the same time, it seems?) by TPTB, as will be those heading and staffing everything in government, as long as the pretense of government, rather than corporate management, is maintained. Regarding the latter of which, going by the current level of blatancy in corporate candidate cheating, lying, betrayal and stealing, I rather doubt that any such facade will be long maintained at all.
But Trump is a self-serving billionaire who routinely lies, cheats and breaks his word, one who knows and cares nothing about democracy or government; he is not a 'populist candidate', just someone who can be presented as one next to the horror of Hillary and Bill Clinton. They are all sociopaths/psychopaths who should never have power over others to use as they will, which is what any/all of the 3 routinely does and will continue to do far more expansively, given the opportunity they'd have if elected President.
On the other hand, if enough people were informed enough to vote for Jill, she'd obviously win on votes. She's doing far better than the polls show and Indies are the largest voting group; she could easily win on those alone.
So why are we being told that only the disgusting and deadly corporate party candidates can win, rather than the only one NOT supporting the TPP - and why are so many still falling for remaining trapped in the two-party trade-off box, when both parties are corporate owned and it's the publics who will pay for it, with not only money and the loss of all freedom but their health, lives and future?
Sure, they'll probably cheat, but cheating can be proven and cheaters rejected by the people and on an international basis; voting for a certain evil dooms us all.
The world is at stake, and if the corporate/billionaire side wins, it's dead, oxygen-free at most within a few decades, although the remaining potable water will doubtless go long before this with then-unlimited industrial and military pollution and destruction, even if we're not promptly nuked into global dimming killing off crops and other plant life in the decade or more of heavily blocked sunlight finishing off the already industrially and militarily polluted, unbalanced and failing life-support system of Earth.
FSM knows that my two cents is worthless, especially when this tired and missing FSM knows what, but there it is, such as it is.
But the claim by all corrupt officials under FBI questioning that they recall nothing, apparently of this entire issue, automatically disqualifies them for the jobs they hold/are seeking. Especially in the case of Hillary, who, according to her own statements to the FBI, still cannot recall anything to do with national security or training and is therefore definitely mentally incompetent according to her own claims and dangerously unfit for any form of public service.
It's necessary to take all of these criminals and traitors down on what they've done to their own country and public and to other people's countries and publics in order to root out the corruption and give a future precedent where justice actually triumphed, beyond the prevention of the previously attempted US coup; the pedophilia thing will not do that...
The corrupt government needs to fall; any not implicated in corruption can form an interim government while a real, publicly-funded, properly and independently - and citizen - overseen election with free equal media and debate time (linked to retaining their media licences) given to each candidate is held without either corrupt party apparatus involved.
The League of Women Voters would undoubtedly run non-fraudulent debates again.
Get the rotten bananas out of the Republic and keep them out; government not held strictly accountable always becomes a monster, and this monster must be slain.
I personally found this video rather interesting, although I know that much, probably all, of the information has been covered here and this video may even have been posted here before for all I know. There's also a promise of something rather interesting to come regarding 9-11, the Clinton's and Bush admin at the end of this.
(One question rather struck me: they don't keep records at the archives to know what's missing?)
Lots of links, although I've checked none of them out so far - I do like lots of links for sources.
Published on 14 Oct 2016
Published on 14 Oct 2016
Loretta Lynch's law firm tied to Hillary Clinton
Samuel "Sandy Burglar" Berger
Sandy Berger
House of 1,000 Lawyers
Washington's Largest Law Firm Is Also Its Oldest--It Turns 100 This Year. It May Not Have the Richest Partners, But It Has Loyal Ones--and a Very Interesting History.
Mills: A Brand New Legal Star on the Rise
Clintons' Tax Man Is a Hogan & Hartson Partner
Judicial Watch Panel Clinton Scandal Update Emails and the Clinton Foundation 9/29/16
Inside the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail
Prosecutors Clear Clintons In Clemency of 4 Hasidic Men
The Sandy Berger Caper Report
GONZALES: Pressured Hospitalized Ashcroft to OK Spying
FBI Probes Berger for Document Removal
Former Clinton Aide Inadvertently Took Papers From Archives, His Attorney Says
The Senator from Sandy Berger
James B. Comey
Former Deputy Attorney General
Comey Breaks Silence: White House Tried To Force Incapacitated Ashcroft To Back Spying Program
Sandy Berger’s Theft of Classified Documents: Unanswered Questions
US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Report 1/9/07
A Review of the DOJ’s Involvement with the President’s Surveillance Program
Part 1: The Secret Sandy Risked His All For
The Rapid Rise of Federal Surveillance Drones Over America
Leaked FBI documents reveal secret rules for spying on journalists with National Security Letters
The FBI Has Quietly Started Spying On U.S. School Children To Quash Dissent At An Early Age
Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection
Is Lockheed Martin Shadowing You?
Comey to Receive $3 Million Payout if Confirmed as FBI Head
Former US Deputy Attorney General joins HSBC Board
HSBC Helped Terrorists, Iran, Mexican Drug Cartels Launder Money, Senate Report Says
HSBC to pay $1.9 billion U.S. fine in money-laundering case
Inspector General Says Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger Hid Classified Docs
Hillary Clinton’s Email: the Definitive Timeline
News & Politics
Creative Commons Attribution licence (reuse allowed)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You know what really sucks? I
You know what really sucks? I can't fully trust *any* of the parties. Law enforcement can plant evidence. Anonymous leakers could be trying to manipulate public opinion. People in powerful positions can cover up stuff. What a shitfest!
I agree 100%...
We don't have anything we can trust...
However, we have seen and know much about the dark side of the Clinton's, and their living in a moral and ethical vacuum while they forced their corruption down our throats leaving no stone unturned in their effort, we can only hope the teflon coating splits wide open and they are finally prosecuted for their misdeeds. The people of this country and the world will be better off if their government for sale to the highest bidder scheme is finally ended for good...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
When Anon is dumb, or in bad faith--
it usually expresses itself with somebody putting out a video that comes to nothing.
In general, I support Anonymous, but of course in any radically open organization (anyone can call themselves Anonymous) you're going to get some people who are dodoheads or acting in bad faith.
As far as the cops planting info on the Clintons, I guess it's possible, but it seems unlikely: why would you take such a profound risk in order to spread a lie? Maybe, if you thought she was so dangerous that she had to be brought down at all costs...
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Not being able to predict the future,,,,
I decided to vote the only sane choice available , Jill Stein.
The Dems should have let Bernie win and avoid d the ACLU tons, nothing good ever comes from them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon!
And power!
What Bernie wanted costs actual money and it would mean giving up the damned gravy train they're all getting so obscenely rich riding, running all of us over on their way to fucking Easy Street.
Greed kills. And look at all those stupid Dembots running their Party into the ground, on behalf of the usurpers who don't give a damn about their dumb asses. They don't have a clue... It is up to us to get out of this bad relationship and move on with a movement that can still b e grown because it's not yet corrupted. Those who say "Oh, well, the Green Party will never get off the ground, they're not organized," etc. are missing the point: every movement has to start somewhere from a relatively clean point, and nobody starts "big". The people on the Left of the political spectrum of the United States deserve representation just like anybody else does--well, those venal Powers That Be are not going to give it to us, that's for damned sure. We will have to make it happen. And IMO, giving up on the Greens here in the US--a party that does in fact have a foothold in countries around the world already, and are a little better for the experience now--is missing a chance to take what's already established and make it strong enough to be funded up and down the slate of candidate offices beyond the Presidency in the United States' federal government.
That's the only way I see that we're going to build something that's really Left. If you still think the Democratic Party can be "saved" or "reformed" or "rehabilitated", you're not considering the level of usurpation those peoples' leaders have been indulging themselves in, in the last 3 or 4 decades. That party is so far down in the muck they'll never agree on how to free themselves and get back up. I'm done with them.
Done. Thanks for voting for Jill, too. I did, and I felt afterward like I'd just left an abusive relationship and made a good choice for the future, for once. It feels good.
Yeah, this.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
My bullshit detector is certainly not foolproof,
but it is screaming at full volume. The accusations, the story line, the list of players, murder, sex crimes, conspirators from top to bottom; this "leak" reads like a really bad crime story. It is a conspiracy theorist's wet dream arriving to "save the day just in the nick of time".
I don't think so.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
This stuff is definitely hard to believe.
But wrt to the sex ring, it isn't totally unbelievable given the Congressional page scandal, Mark foley, and Dennis hastert.
Add in the known dalliances of Slick Willie Clinton and I'll give it an "Anything Is Possible."
The guy is a hound that doesn't know when to quit, the only question is what's in it for Hillary as she is still in it despite the liabilities without obvious benefit at this point...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
There are grammatical errors in the second link
that suggest to me it is written by a non-english speaker.
"...all three of these criteria were meant" - should be "Met"
"Directory Comey" - should be " Director"
And I agree, it's all bit too fantastical.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I noticed that too, but
if the person was using a phone to write or voice to text, all sorts of weird things result. What I do believe is that even if the post is a hoax, there is something big happening here in the background. The Wikileaks stuff that has been released should have been enough to trigger more investigations.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yes, something big is happening
My theory: I think there is a treasure trove of new info on Weiner's laptop. Huma apparently had an id on that laptop. And if she set up her email client to auto-sync there may be a ton of Hellery's 30000 deleted emails on that machine. Comey announcing a new investigation in very public way, a week before the election is telling.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I agree,
I wa about to say that it looked more like autocorrect than esl to me. (I was about to say that, but autocorrect kept trying to finish my sentence)
On to Biden since 1973
Could be esl but
Directory sounds like auto correct. As to meant instead of met, I don't know. I wish I could remember all the atrocities I read daily written by people whose first language is English. Right now all I can remember is shoe in for shoo in. And, of course, per say but I give people a tiny pass on that one.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Not necessarily.
Have you read anything written by born-here US citizens recently? I'm constantly amazed at how poorly many Americans write, and do math, and understand science, and ...
The sex crimes and conspirators top to bottom
seem perfectly believable to me; when you have a faction as corrupt as the Clinton machine, everybody *has* to be a conspirator more or less, because everything is dedicated to preserving a lie or lies about the people at the top. The leaked emails seem to me to corroborate that kind of corrupt culture in which everything is dedicated to preserving or furthering some notion of Hillary's goodness, no matter the cost.
As for the sex crimes, I tend to assume that any rich, powerful person who wants to behave that way, will. There's no accountability for such people under the law, and who's going to advocate for young women or girls from third-world countries against billionaires and their politician friends? I just assume that that stuff is going on all the time--the only question is whether you think Bill et al are evil enough to engage in sex without consent with powerless people.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Vote For the One Not Under Investigation and Who Stood Up At
Standing Rock.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I'm in!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
That's my choice as well...
As much as i'd like to see Clinton lose and double down my vote with a vote for Trump and against Clinton all in one, I can't suppress the gagging long enough to do it...
I'm from Corrupticut where the voters vote for candidates like
Joe Lieberman, John Rowland, Philip Giordano, Eddie Perez, and Joe Ganim, far longer than they should have, and in the case of Ganim vote to return him as Mayor of Bridgeport after he completed his prison sentence for corruption...
Hillary will probably win here, although the polling data is old...
My vote for Jill Stein is symbolic and probably with no real effect on the election...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
As Bernie always tells people
As Bernie always tells people, vote your conscience. Rather than masochistically voting for any evil anyone tries to tell you to vote for to keep some other evil out.
If everyone was informed rather than, as is so common, propagandized by the corporate media - this lately including even much of the bribed/bullied??? alternate and once-progressive media - and did that, there'd be a whole different world happening.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
All we can do is wait and see
if any of this comes to fruition. Nothing will surprise me anymore. Criminals only get away with their crime for a while. They are eventually caught. A misstep will always occur. That's why the truth wins out - there's nothing to cover up.
If any/all of this is true, we just might see revolution, depending on how it is dealt with. What will the people do; how will they react?
I'm so happy to be part of this group. We have each other's back.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
We'll see soon enough...
Lil' Bill's trips on the Lolita Express are well documented. What other bone fide reason would he have to hang out w/ Epstein? None. As to the rest of it. If it's true, the aftermath ......... I can't really even imagine it in enough time to type this post. Wow.
R.I.P. Democratic Party.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I wouldn't necessarily say RIP Democratic Party...
The party will certainly still exist with the permeating stench coating it long after...
I look at it as a handy way to usher out the "New Democrats" out of any position of power in the party with one swift flush down the sewer pipe, hopefully with as many conspirators as possible tried, and convicted for the various forms of election fraud as possible for what they have done, along with a lifetime ban from taking part in the political processes of any party...
It would be the ideal time for the "New Deal Democrats" to swoop in and reform the party even if it means wearing PPE to avoid the disease and stench left behind, however the question is whether the long lasting stigma associated with the Clinton's and their coconspirators is worth having around or whether abandonment is the better option...
Either way IMHO it is a good thing...
Not for the victims, but certainly for the massive cleaning of the party...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Typically, like you seem to be,
I am an optimist. You see the party being rescued by progressives and I hope that you are right on that. But this, if it's even half true, the right will not let it be lived down for a century. It will make room for strengthening the Green party (and other 3rd parties). That is the upside I see.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I can think of one other bona fide reason for Bill's actions...
My take
We do know that pay to play with the Clinton Foundation has been revealed in the email from Doug Band to John Podesta. I suspect that is the tip of the iceberg of the scandal involving the Foundation.
We also know that Bill Clinton made over 20 trips on Jeffrey Epstein's plane based upon the flight logs. For what purpose, we do not know. We also know that a number of well connected people also traveled with Epstein. The full extent of those who did has not been released. We know that Epstein was convicted of pedophilia.
We know that the Clintons are notorious for keeping "enemies" lists. We know that nearly the entire Democratic party fell in line behind Hillary from the get go. We also know that Hillary Clinton is not particularly well liked by both associates and the general electorate.
We know that Bernie Sanders consistently polled better and often by wide margins against every Republican candidate. We know that in a number of states, the Democratic primary exit polls were widely varying from the vote totals, a good indicator of election fraud. In those same states, Republican exit polls were consistent with the primary results.
So the question is how were the Clintons able to pull this off? My own take is with a combination of actual election fraud and using dirt collected on other Democrats and power brokers to get them to fall in line and stay in line. Perhaps sex scandals involving Jeffrey Epstein was one of the ways the Clintons were able to collect dirt on those they wish to keep in line.
At this point, we really do not know what is going on, but it is not out of the realm of possibility. Whether or not FBI and NYPD agents are able to make anything stick is a big question mark. But there sure is a lot of stuff already know to demonstrate that the Clintons were not abiding by ethical or moral conduct in their dealings.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Agree with your take, GulfGal, but with this addendum -
We also know that Jeffrey Epstein's "little black book" was stolen by his butler, who tried to sell it to a lawyer involved in Epstein's case. We know that said lawyer turned him in to the FBI for withholding evidence, that the FBI recovered said little black book, said in effect "Gosh it would have been nice to have this during the trial!" and sent said butler to prison, where he died. We also know that said little black book had 14 contact numbers for Donald Trump. The same Donald Trump that partied with Epstein, and said in an interview "There's no doubt about it, Jeffrey likes them young."
I think I will be eternally mystified as to why anyone willing to believe in a pedo connection concerning the Clintons, could skate quietly by any such suspicion of Trump. I've seen this happen, several times, here and elsewhere. I know we have no actual proof, just our own disgusted suspicions based on all the publicly-displayed awfulness. But when I see attacks on the Clintons that completely fail to mention Trump, THROUGH THE SAME CONNECTION TO A PROVEN PEDOPHILE, I have to assume that the original documents are probably more manufactured Trump propaganda. I would also guess that they were created by blind enough Trump supporters to have not even entertained the notion that Trump is PART of the Clinton machine.
The other thing that makes me doubt much of this latest "bombshell" is that there are plenty of comments on other sites concerning these new allegations that immediately appeal to religious purity and indignation, even going so far as to implicate the Clintons in "Satanic rituals". To me, many of those comments sound rather RW astroturf-y. The fact is, that Trump's base over on the Right is trying to brow-beat the Faith-based community into supporting a candidate THEY despise, using every cheap trick and lie in the book, every bit as much as the Clintonistas have been trying to brow-beat US. Right or Left, anyone with integrity or the courage of their convictions must be "brought to heel". I think that's what we're seeing here.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
I just said
anyone rich and powerful who wants to have a non-consensual sex ring, kiddie or otherwise, in the 3rd world, can have one, and almost certainly will never be held to account.
That includes, Trumps and Clintons. And Bushes and Kochs, etc ad nauseam.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The satanic ritual you reference
is from an email published on the Wikileaks site, and therefore I will disbelieve it when I see hard evidence that it's false.
Of course the RW is going nuts with it now--what would you expect? That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Apparently it did, and apparently there's a lack of consensus as to whether it was a spiritual ritual or kinky performance art.
Much more important are Hillary's ties to Jane Silsby.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I have discounted the satanic ritual
Even if it is a true satanic ritual and not bad performance art, IMO, it is far less important than the other facts we have gleaned from the emails. In a video that I posted further down in this essay, Julian Assange makes a point about an email that Hillary sent to Podesta shortly after she left the State Dept. In it, she says that ISIS is being sponsored by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Let that sink in! She admits to knowing that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are sponsoring the very terrorists that we (the people) have been sold as being the greatest threat to humanity. And these are the same two governments who were the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation! Further, she was the one who approved a huge arms deal to Saudi Arabia while at the State Department. IMO, the corrupt smoking gun keeps smoking more and more.
I want the Clintons to go down bad and I want it to be first because of their corruption and second due to any links that they have to pedophilia. But they need to go down due to corruption so as to expose just how much our government been highjacked by special interests and foreign governments. It is the only way we can begin to clean house is by exposing the Clintons' corruption.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
People Cannot Fathom The Amount Of Evil The Clintons Spew...
Out onto the people of the world...
Without regard for Human Life, Human Rights, Human Dignity, Morals, or Ethics...
If the Clinton's can make money from it, then anything goes...
She'd sell fracking gas to Lucifer himself knowing she'd be in hell next month, if she could make a buck from it...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
OK, my bad. Didn't realize that was from Wikileaks -
Got the info first through a RW filter. I do stand by what I said about the astroturfiness of the comments section there. It was the same kind of rah-rah BS that we are occasionally entertained by from The Orange Satan. Only Right-leaning. Or maybe I should say Righter-leaning. I hate that I'm forced to make up words to try to describe this kabuki nightmare. But I think there is a core of the truly religious hard Right that they are having trouble getting on board for Trump. So, maybe this will do it.
Jeebus. Satanic Rituals? Whether "art" or "religion", this just reinforces my opinion that the Bestest American Royal Family (BARF) are a fat lot of morons, except endowed with savant levels of conniving evil. Hmm. Could this constitute proof of the existence of Satan?
And WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THE ONE ASKING THESE QUESTIONS? I'm an atheist, ffs. It should not be my job.
That aside, chin up, everyone! This is not the end. Probably. One could hope. Just remember that nuclear war fucks with next quarter's profits. I think we have some time yet. Unless the giant meteor comes. At which point I will be too busy laughing my ass off at everybody that thought we didn't need to have a space program so we could be on more than one planet. It's good to have happy things to look forward to.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
It would be cool to see Trump join the big perp walk
coming on Monday morning. Jill wins by default.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Gotta agree - totally right
Gotta agree - totally right-wingy and suspiciously Trump-promoting.
Anyone interested in the public good and that of the country and world would be promoting Jill.
Gotta wonder when somebody points out, as I just witnessed in a video, that none of the candidates now running were qualified for the Presidency - and knocked Jill out only because 'she lacked experience', (see link below for more accurate info on her suitability over TPP/corporate coup-supporting others now running for the Presidency) when none of the others had any experience except for Clinton's massive fail as Sec of State and Senator serving Wall St and he wound up promoting Trump???,_2016
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Enough with the anonymous bullshit.
Same with Wikileaks. If they can't tell us who they are, then we can't trust them. They should know that if they're real.
Have the Clinton's or their Coconspirators...
Been able to prove even one of the leaked emails to have been falsified?
Or have they just brought out a bigger carpet and bigger broom to sweep them under the carpet in a media blackout designed to divert attention to...
Holy Shit! We're Gonna Have A Nuclear War With Russia!
They Are Attempting To Steal Our Election!
WikiLeaks has demonstrated thus far, a higher amount of credibility than the Clinton's, and in addition provides the Raw Source Code of the e-mails...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
WikiLeaks, the lone source for truth in this age of insanity.
WikiLeaks has been in existence for over 10 years and has released more than 10 million documents. None of them have been shown to be inauthentic. In other words, a perfect record. Killary has said that our 17 intelligence agencies have verified that Russia is to blame for the leaks and election tampering. Those same intelligence agencies that said there was WMD in Iraq and couldn't stop the 9/11 attacks. I know who I believe.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Wikileaks has never been proved to have falsified data.
They have a good record.
And some of them, obviously, are not anonymous. Those who aren't are risking their personal safety. Remember Hillary's statement about Assange "Can't we just drone this guy?"
I have no problem with the actual leakers remaining anonymous, anymore than I had a problem with Deep Throat remaining anonymous.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
What Wikileaks has done is provide a conduit by which whistle blowers and leakers can safely get information out to we the people that we the people have the right to know. IMO, in its ten years of existence, Wikileaks has done a great job of vetting and verifying documents provided to them. All of this was done at an enormous personal cost to Julian Assange. And not one document has been found to be bogus in all that time.
I am not sure what Al's problem is here. Would he prefer we not know and the secrecy surrounding the powerful remains secret as they continue to destroy the rest of us. Knowledge is power and I believe in having as much information as possible before me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
General James Cartwright is facing 5 years in prison for leaking confirmation of US involvement in Stuxnet.
Julian Assange has been living in an embassy for several years. Edward Snowden has been living in Russia for several years. Both are assassination targets if they leave their current locations.
Chelsea Manning is serving a 35 year prison term for leaking documents to Wikileaks.
And you fucking want these type of people to "tell us who they are" because you can't trust them? Really?
Well excuse the fuck out of me.
Sorry to make you so indignant. If you don't think there are competing disinformation agendas behind all these "anonymous" leaks which seems to be a cottage industry now, up to you.
There have been competing disinformation agendas
falling around the ears of our citizenry since the Information Age began--and in more primitive times, as well, in various and sundry ways. The trick is understanding that, first of all. Secondly, we all know that a lot of noise gets thrown about, in attempts to obscure anything resembling a logical narrative of any kind.
But see, if you're paying the least little bit of attention, you too can wade through all the noise and find something approximating "realistic". Somebody's leaking facts in the midst of all this bullshit. It's up to you and me who we want to believe. To me, Wikileaks is no more obnoxious than the CBS Evening News--those people have spun some tall goddamn tales over the years, and I know all their names, if they're on camera.
And?? You can sit around and wait for Anonymous to sign off like fucking Brian Williams or someone else. Or not. It's up to each of us to make our determinations therein about other "news sources" than the approved, "trusted" ones that ooze out of the cable box (or wherever it comes from). I have sometimes wondered about them myself, but they spew stuff that makes a whole lot more sense than any "corporate toady"...
Ha, the "news"
Here Jimmy Dore shows a video that's both hilarious and frightening. The so-called news stations in part seem to be just outlets for centralized messaging without much in the way of actual independent journalism going on.
Al, Wikileaks
are photocopies of actual documents. In the Clinton case, they are photocopies of emails, with the Podesta emails being the most detailed. Not one person in the Clinton camp has denied that they are real. This is why they keep trying to misdirect the conversation to the Russians.
Question: Have you even looked at or read any of them? They certainly look very real to me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Actually they are the actual e-mails...
And not photocopies, digital files of the actual emails...
On each one you can read the source code on another tab...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
No kidding?
I didn't realize that. No wonder nobody's denying what's in them, they all know the damned things aren't altered. So now OH LOOK, SQUIRREL!!!!
I am an old fuddy duddy
I did not know the exact words to use to describe them. But you got the drift.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You can report
child abuse, food stamp fraud, IRS fraud, elder abuse, without giving the agencies or constabularies your name.
People giving information like this deserve personal protection.
It also encourages more people to give up more information.
I do not care who is talking. I care that they are talking.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
the pedophilia mess is being used to take down the Clintons while distracting from Huma's (and Hillary's) Saudi connections, thus leaving the 9/11 story and the resulting dynamics intact. 'look out kid, they keep it all hid'.
I hope with all my heart this is real
because of, more than anything, the statement near the end of the second document that certain intelligence operatives and generals are refusing to follow orders as they relate to Syria, Iran, and Russia.
I hope very much that this is because even they don't want the world destroyed in a nuclear war. It's incredibly stupid to have an empire and burn it to ash. That's the one thing that the people at the top of the US' military and intelligence might agree with me on, and I really pray that they do, because without that, we could be looking at a hot war with another superpower, with nuclear implications, for the first time since 1945.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Julian Assange on Saudi Arabia and Qatar
In his interview with John Pilger, Julian Assange said the most important email in latest Wikileaks batch is in regard to Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Excellent Assange video, gulfgal (and short too)
It kinda proves Trump correct about the creation of ISIS, except that maybe he should have just said Obama armed them, instead of creating them.
I always wondered how they were able to pay so many of their followers/members salaries, and have such good weapons/vehicle fleets. Now we actually know, as opposed to simply theorising (sp? it's how my phone spelled it).
I'm hoping that this will be fake Alex Jones tripe or something
Please. A lot of people aren't quite ready to get fully out of the matrix.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Hey maybe if this makes news before Tuesday
Jill Stein will be our next President. Wouldn't that be a happy ending to this nightmare.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I'm not saying no; I'm saying I'll believe it when I see it.
It's an anonymous post, days before the election, saying they intended an October surprise, but got more info so they didn't even release such info as they had? They just kept all of it secret: Meanwhile, millions have been early voting and the rest will vote one business day from now?
They said they waited to release the new information
until (most) of their sources got to safety. Apparently one didn't make it.
I have no way of knowing whether that's true or not, but it's plausible, and Wikileaks has a good reputation for honesty.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Are we talking about the same thing?
I was referring to screen caps from 4chan linked in the blog entry.
I was referring to the reason Wikileaks said they would release
an "October surprise" and then didn't.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
What I've read was that there
What I've read was that there were many claims with no basis in reality that Wikileaks had advertised an October Surprise nailing Hillary but that this had actually been just an announcement of a celebration of Wikileaks birthday which some people - interestingly involving various media - turned into the promise of an October Hillary electoral-extinguishing Surprise which, not surprisingly, failed to manifest, disappointing people who had their hopes up over this.
Why would the media assume that and spoil the Wiki B-day speech for so many, causing a great deal of ???internet outrage??? at and supposedly a much-promoted for a period 'lack of trust' in Wikileaks (much as with the anti-Bernie 'he's a sell-out' 'the Sander's inheritance was a pay-off' propaganda trying to deflate the energy of activists by destroying their trust in any politician - regardless of their history/record - and to cause a number of them to drop out of politics so as not to wind up voting for the Greens,) with a Clinton-supporting corporate media TV personality trying to convince people that reading Wikileaks was illegal?
I've could swear that I've seen video of Julian in an interview/talk saying that this was strictly Wiki B-Day stuff and that he'd never promised what the media claimed he had and at the time I never could find any indication of him making any such promise. Wishful thinking, I'm guessing.
There's a tweet here, from the bottom of the announcement page, showing the running order of the B-day announcement and that he'd just planned talking about Wikileaks on its 10-year B-day:
And I think the moral of this story here is not to trust the media... except maybe SputnikNews?
The warmongers are screaming: "The Russians are coming and they're terrifying
ly more sane and truthfulthan we are!!!!!"Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I want to believe this story . . .
. . . and the "Coup and Counter-Coup" video . . .
I am convinced that a large number of influential individuals have been, bribed, coerced, or threatened by a Clinton consortium. I think it includes the foundation, the super-pacs, and some foreign governments. The ultimate goal is some sort of weird ass global corporate domination.
The group of influential individuals includes the super-delegates, members of congress and other branches of government, and the media. There was a list. The appropriate coercion tool was applied to each person.
It was methodical and complete.
So I certainly hope there are those in the intelligence community who are trying to save us!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo