A Timeline that Shows What You Most Need to Know about Emailgate - Obama, Benghazi, Coverup, Collusion, Bribery, FBI, DOJ ...

UPDATED 6-Nov-2016: Updated to reflect changes in numbering over at http://www.mostdamagingwikileaks.com/.

Have you been feeling overwhelmed and confused about all of the developments regarding Email-gate? If so, read on.

I have collected links to great sources of information about this scandal, and organized them into a timeline. The result is a resource that can be used to understand and remember all of the many twists and turns that have happened over the past year or so. Most of the links were found by using a feature of reddit that allows one to find the most popular items to read; they come from my favorite reddit subsites, Kossacks for Sanders and Way of the Bern. All of the wonderful participants in both of those communities have made this document possible, so I want to give all of those folks the most sincere kind of thank you that I can. I also want to thank everyone here on c99p, your work is equally fabulous, I just didn't have enough time cycles to add your links to the inventory (but as a regular participant here, I think that many or most of these topics have been well documented and discussed here as well).

In addition, I was introduced to a wonderful, awesome and amazing site called http://www.mostdamagingwikileaks.com/. A big h/t to Sandino for telling me about this site. Some mysterious patriot has put in a ton of work to try to make sense of what has been going on, and I think they've connected many or most of the dots quite nicely (which might be the understatement of the year).

This website was made entirely for free by an American citizen who is sad to see corruption plaguing our government. There are thousands and thousands of emails to review, so hopefully this website can help simplify the treasure trove of information into an efficient and concise way to view the most damaging revelations.

Whenever you see a link in the table below that looks similar to

Most Damaging WikiLeaks #10. State Department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton emails (FBI docs)

I ENCOURAGE YOU TO CLICK ON THAT LINK, and find the appropriate number in the list for more information. I wish I could take you directly to the number, but this feature does not appear to exist, so you need to scroll down to find it. The idea is highlight the Top 100 WikiLeaks that are the most important for you to know. I don't know how they've done it, the work they've done is absolutely amazing.

If you like this essay, please pass on the URL to your friends. The clock is ticking. I will try to keep it updated as best as new developments continue to unfold. I hope it helps us all to better understand what is going on with our country.

The TL;DR version is pretty much this: it's as bad, if not worse, than we all suspected.

  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #77. Podesta illegally has access to top secret information
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11042#efmASpAWS ;
'Two exceptions--White House requests he can handle by email; if any other emergency request comes up, I can process. I'm holding a TS clearance. Scott, you may need to figure out what we need to do to add me to the review authority.'

TOP#72: 'Why does Podesta have a top secret clearance? He’s not holding a government position...' [note that the date of this email is 2011, back when Clinton was SoS]
  INQUISITR: 'WikiLeaks: Clinton’s Campaign Chairman Lost His Cell Phone Getting Out Of Cab, Leaked Podesta Email Shows'
TOP #43: 'Extremely dangerous since he illegally had access to top secret documents.' [and his password was p@ssw0rd!]
  Summer 2014        
  'As State Department lawyers sifted last summer through a new batch of documents related to the Benghazi attacks, they repeatedly saw something that caught their attention: emails sent to and from a personal account for Hillary Rodham Clinton.' 'The lawyers, according to current and former State Department officials, were working to respond to a request from a specially appointed House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Libya. But they noticed that among the 15,000 documents they examined, there were no emails to or from an official departmental account for Mrs. Clinton.'
  August 2014        
  'Beginning in August, senior State Department officials held negotiations with Mrs. Clinton’s lawyers and advisers to gain access to her personal email records. At one point, her advisers met face-to-face with department officials in Washington.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #69. Hillary sends U.S. intelligence and war plans to Podesta’s hacked Email
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/24353 ;
'Note: Sources include Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region.'
TOP #29: 'Definitive proof that Hillary Clinton knowingly violated Title 18 U.S. Code § 798 - Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information - sharing war plans directly from US and western Intelligence sources, LINKED TO BENGHAZI.'
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/7243 ;
This is a later message on the same email thread as above.
TOP #29: 'Anyone could easily hack this intelligence information (especially as Podesta’s password was “password”). That is why government personnel, especially the top brass, need to go through proper, secure channels, a.k.a. Government 101.'
  October 2014        
  'In October, the State Department sent a letter to Mrs. Clinton and all former secretaries of state back to Madeleine K. Albright, seeking emails and other documents in their possession that related to their government work.'
  Sometime before December 2014        
  [On September 1, 2016, Cheryl Mills] testified that employees for Denver-based IT firm Platte River Networks — which housed Clinton's server until the FBI took hold of it — initially pulled emails off the server and sent them to Clinton's legal team. [Heather Samuelson] did the initial sift through of the documents, pulling ones she thought were federal records. In that regard, she initially determined which should be preserved — though [Clinton’s attorney David Kendall] and Mills ultimately signed off on what Clinton sent State.
  Sometime before December 2014        
  Heather Samuelson, a lawyer and 2008 Clinton campaign staffer, 'did the initial sift through of the documents, pulling ones she thought were federal records.' 'The news that another Clinton loyalist — who, according to the GOP source, had no background in federal records keeping — helped make those determinations raised concerns among conservatives. Republicans had wanted an independent watchdog to do the job of separating the emails. '
  December 2014        
  Finally, in December, dozens of boxes filled with 50,000 pages of printed emails from Mrs. Clinton’s personal account were delivered to the State Department. 'Those documents were then examined by department lawyers, who found roughly 900 pages pertaining to the Benghazi attacks.'
  Obama Signs Modernized Federal Records Act' 'President Obama the day before Thanksgiving signed a set of amendments to the 1950 Federal Records Act that modernize the definition of a federal record to include electronic documents.'
  December 2014 / January 2015        
  Heather Samuelson and Cheryl Mills request emails be deleted from their computer using BleachBit
  December 2014 / January 2015        
  'Unknown Clinton staff member' instructs Platte River Networks (PRN) to remove archives of Clinton emails from PRN server
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #55. John Podesta’s password was p@ssw0rd
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/22335 ; 'Though CAP is still having issues with my email and computer, yours is good to go. jpodesta p@ssw0rd'
TOP #43: 'Why is this important? The media is lying to us. They are saying the "Russians are feeding Wikileaks" and that they are hacking us. Their passwords are literally password. Some security. They only blame Russia so it can take our focus away from what is actually in the emails, which they do not deny it's validity. As mentioned in the info section, Wikileaks has a 10 year, 100% accuracy rating. Not one leak has ever been disproven. John Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd and the White House is trying to claim only a foreign state organization could have been savvy enough to hack these servers.'
  NYT breaks the story: 'Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules'
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/34370 ; 'We brought up the existence of emails in reserach this summer but we8re told that everything was taken care of.'
TOP #8
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/41841 ; 'On another matter....and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #98. Clinton campaign memorized their email cover-up script
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1822 ; 'Feel free to circulate these. We've been circulating this on background as an aide, and the additional points below on deep background.'
TOP #98: 'This email shows all the talking points her team needs to learn as they will be questioned on her crimes soon. The notes in here are filled with complete lies however.'
  Hillary receives subpoena from House Select Committee on Benghazi instructing her to preserve and deliver all emails from her personal servers
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9545 ; 'Think we should hold emails to and from potus? That's the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They 8may not care, but I seems like they will.'
TOP #8
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #62. Colluding over withholding Benghazi emails
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6391 ;
TOP #62: 'A lot of staffers here discussing Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenas issued for Hillary Clinton emails. At the very least this proves that a ton of campaign staff was actively aware and discussing the subpoenas as early as Mar 4, 2015 . This is before Combetta from Platte River Networks used BleachBit to wipe out tens of thousands of emails.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #68. "...go through all the emails and pull the official ones"
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/39558 ;
'For what it's worth. There is only one thing that needs to be done on this email thing. (Which I am sure nobody wants to do). Get a state dept career lawyer to go through all the emails and pull the official ones. I know all the reasons not to do it but it's going to happen so we should do it. Btw you know as well as I every god damn cabinet officer and WH staff uses there gmail account!'

TOP#82: 'This email is from Tom Nides to John Podesta (Hillary campaign chairman). Nides worked as a Deputy under Hillary Clinton in the State Department for two years from early 2011 to early 2013.'
  CBS Evening News-Obama weighs in on Hillary Clinton's emails (video) ; when asked “when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of state?” he answers, 'The same time everybody else learned it through news reports.'
TOP #1: The corruption goes all the way to the top! Obama is lying to the American public.'

  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #1. Obama lied: he knew about Hillary’s secret server and wrote to her using a pseudonym, cover-up happened (intent to destroy evidence)
'Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news… we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say state.gov'
TOP #1- 'I cannot state how huge this is, it's a cover-up involving the President of the United States. There are a lot of emails implying this, but this email states it very clearly so anyone can understand. The email proves obstruction of justice and shows how they lied to the FBI, and likely perjury of Congress. This at the very least proves intent by her Chief of Staff.'
  FactCheck.org - Obama on Clinton’s Emails
  Undisclosed Platte River Networks Staff Member has a conference call with 'President Clinton’s Staff'
  Undisclosed Platte River Networks (PRN) Staff Member has 'oh shit' moment and realizes he forgot to wipe Hillary’s email archive from the PRN server back in December…which he promptly does using BleachBit despite later admitting he 'was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #39. Tipped off by the State Department regarding Benghazi emails
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6185 ;
'Someone here just got a tip that the State Department may be planning to release her Benghazi emails tomorrow or Monday.' 'Quick update on this - DOS says the release of the 300 will likely happen on Thurs or Friday. Will keep you posted as I Hear anything further on my end. Thx'
TOP #39: 'More evidence of government corruption. It's also confusing why all of the controversial conversations, like this one, seem to always be conducted through Gmail rather than official campaign email addresses.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #70. Hillary's team admits to knowing of classified material in emails
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/34437#efmAGOAHI ;
'Gowdy is focused on how her Benghazi emails are self-selected by her and therefore paint on an incomplete picture. He is not '' focused on the classified email, which is great.'
TOP #69: 'This is the campaign admitting to knowing there were classified emails, despite saying there were none. How is this not proof of awareness and thus "intent"? But Hillary already said there was NO classified email of any kind sent or received... She then said FBI Director James Comey agreed with her. Surely people don't think she actually tried to lie about this, right?...'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #14. Clinton campaign was in direct communication with DOJ regarding Hillary's investigation
  https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4178 ;
'DOJ folks inform me...'
TOP #13: 'This report that Clinton’s campaign was in direct communication with the Obama Department of Justice on the email investigation shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #8. Hillary deleted her incriminating emails. State covered it up. Asked about using White House executive privilege to hide from Congress.
'They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee.'
TOP #8: 'The State Department was: (1) Coordinating with the Clinton political campaign. (2) Colluding with the press to spin it positively. (3) Doing so BEFORE they released it to AN EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. The Clinton campaign was always a step ahead of the committee investigating them. Shameful.'
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32007 ;
'That of course includes the emails Sid turned over that HRC didn't, which will make clear to them that she didn't have them in the first place, deleted them, or didn't turn them over. It also includes emails that HRC had that Sid didn't.'
TOP #8: 'Nick states, Just spoke to State, He goes on to reveal that State colluded with him about which emails are being revealed to committee and that the State plans to plant a story with AP. Shows intent to withhold emails from the subpoena.'
  'What to Know About the Hillary Clinton Email Controversy' 'Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton agreed on Tuesday to turn over her private email server and a thumb drive containing work-related emails to the FBI, her campaign said, shortly after an inspector general for the U.S. intelligence community determined at least five emails on the server were in fact classified.' 'Clinton’s team turned over more than 50,000 pages of emails from her personal email account to the State Department late last year, when the Federal Records Act was passed, at the department’s request.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #85. Meeting to go over Cheryl Mills’ testimony
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/12105#efmAC4ADoAHvAIE ;
Please see below for today's 8am meeting agenda. Als o, please note that this meeting should last a full hour'
TOP #78: 'This is a memo revealing that they were discussing the testimony of Cheryl Mills in meetings. It must have been highly important to keep all of their stories straight, properly vetted and discussed.'
  'Clinton’s camp has said — and [ Cheryl Mills] testified Thursday — that they were over-inclusive in what they classified as an official document. And State has had to return some messages they say are not official. '
  Barack Obama on '60 Minutes' About Hillary's Email Server (video); says he was not aware of her private server as SoS; 'this is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.'
TOP #1: The corruption goes all the way to the top! Obama is lying to the American public.'

  NYT: 'Obama’s Comments About Clinton’s Emails Rankle Some in the F.B.I.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #45. Admitting Hillary did not use private server for security reasons (shows intent)
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/23327 ;
Roy Spence suggests that the DNC put out statement that even though many other incidents of hacking have been seen (IRS, Sony, Banks), HRC servers were not hacked. Podesta replies: 'Reluctant to go there. Makes it seem like she consciously went to the home server for security reasons which would fall apart under scrutiny.'
TOP #48: 'In other words, [that argument] falls apart under scrutiny. So why did she have a private server then? She didn't choose a home server for security reasons. She did it because she was running around soliciting funds and wanted to keep her Foundation scheme private from FOIA requests.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #78. Podesta connects to unsecure network where anyone could access classified files
  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/10270 ;
'Yes inbox finally opened up. I should never connect to Amtrack wifi. Seems to always screw things up.'
TOP #73: 'Holds top secret (TS) clearance, and conducts official campaign business on unsecure Amtrak WiFi… These are the people Hillary will trust to secure our secrets once in office.'
  'How is that not classified?” Huma Abedin to FBI when shown email between Clinton & Obama using his pseudonym. Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email.'
Such an email is evidence that Obama KNEW of her server, because he HAD SENT information to her there. CLASSIFIED information, according to Abedin. SUCH AN EMAIL IS A SMOKING GUN.
TOP #1: 'I cannot state how huge this is, it's a cover-up involving the President of the United States.' 'Ask yourselves: Why would they both be communicating on a secret server to each other? Why not through normal proper channels? What were they hiding? We may soon find out.'
TOP #1
  FBI discovers that Undisclosed Platte River Networks (PRN) Staff Member forgot to erase 940 emails from the gmail account he created to help with the PRN server upload
  Breitbart: 'Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch Meet on Private Plane';
TOP #13: 'The meeting occurred hours before the House Select Committee on Benghazi released its final report to the public. Sneaking around during an investigation with the husband of the one being investigated is highly unethical and downright shady.'
  'WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!'
TOP #43: 'Julian Assange has already strongly suggested that the source of the leaks are insiders, including ex-DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was killed right around the time of the DNC leaks' [Remember, John Podesta’s password was p@ssw0rd]
  COLIN POWELL SPEAKS OUT!: 'Her people have been trying to pin it on me'; 'The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did' (people.com)
  The 'Oh Shit' Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena (zerohedge.com)
  ZeroHedge: 'The [Oh Shit Guy] That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity'
TOP #62
  Top #48: 'FBI Director James Comey has ties to the Clinton Foundation and forgot to ask [why did you set up the home server, Hillary?]' 'She didn't choose a home server for security reasons. She did it because she was running around soliciting funds and wanted to keep her Foundation scheme private from FOIA requests.'
  DailyCaller: 'How Reddit Ruined The Hillary Clinton Campaign';
TOP #1: '[Paul Combetta] wanted to change header information on already sent mail to show state.gov instead of Hillary's private email address. Multiple people informed him of the infeasibility (and illegality) of it, so somewhere in the next 6 days, it was decided that simply eradicating them was the only option left.'
  TOP #48: 'FBI agents are revolting over Comey's handling of the Clinton case, as their reputation and public perception have hit an all-time low.'
  Most Damaging WikiLeaks #11. State Department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton emails (FBI docs)
  NY Post: 'State Department tried to bribe FBI to unclassify Clinton emails'
TOP #10
  The Missing 'Oh Shit' Link Revealed: Hillary Admits 'I Asked That They Be Deleted' (zerohedge.com)
  Free Beacon: 'Congress: Attorney General Lynch Pleads Fifth on Secret Iran Ransom Payments';
TOP #13: 'The top law enforcement official, The United Sates Attorney General, "declines to cooperate" with an investigation by Congress. Let that sink in.'
0 users have voted.


Bisbonian's picture

and looks like it will be worth it. Thanks for this resource.

0 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

GreyWolf's picture

Thanks for this resource.

0 users have voted.
Older and Wiser Now's picture

Thanks for dropping by and giving it a look, I hope you enjoy it.

0 users have voted.


Steven D's picture

And this is but the tip of the iceberg imo.

0 users have voted.

"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Older and Wiser Now's picture

0 users have voted.


Pricknick's picture

So little time.
Nice compilation.

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

them! I get the feeling that many of them were not taking national security all that seriously. Nice to see you.

0 users have voted.


WindDancer13's picture

Well, then, there must be a record of the yearly training he was required to take as per Obama's regulation for all federal peoples with clearances, right? (You know, the class that Clinton skipped.) He probably would have been required to sign something to the effect that he would protect classified information. He would be in violation of that pledge from what the emails show.

Thanks for the info.

0 users have voted.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Older and Wiser Now's picture

But as long as you know the ultimate judge, it doesn't matter if you break some stinking rules.

It's good to be friends with royalty.

0 users have voted.


WindDancer13's picture

then I could get a top secret clearance also! I tend to avoid royalty. That off with their heads thing doesn't sit well with me. I am short enough as it is.

I have a few rules I would like to break. I've watched Judge Judy a couple of times in the distant past. Will that do? If not, then I also have a vague recollection of "Here comes the judge!"


0 users have voted.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

in which I swore (under penalty of perjury) to protect the data and follow ALL directives as to storing and such. The final sentence said that I agreed and knew I was subject to five years in prison for violating the agreement.

But that was 1967 and I was only a lowly engineer. One of Leona Helmsley's "little people". I'm sure Her Highness wasn't asked to sign anything and if she was she had her fingers crossed.

I'm sure if I brought a document home and left it lying around mixed with personal correspondence I would have been dead meat.

0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

Exactly. Only "little people" pay taxes. And only "little people" must obey the "laws". When "big people" BREAK LAWS they magically become "mistakes".

But in the world of TPP, the more modern version of the word is now: serf.

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lotlizard's picture

0 users have voted.
Older and Wiser Now's picture

I'm so glad you like it.

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riverlover's picture

If not, great sleuthing and judgement. If so, plaudit the other now-6000 people doing investigation.

In any case, the journalistic press (hard to place those words together now) were the first off the lemming cliff.

Aprez Mardi will be rough. And I have a road trip on next Wed or Friday. Peace and pissed!

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

Facebook Persona Part-Time? Is that a thing?

Lol, I suffer from something I call verbal dyslexia - I sometimes hear things improperly, but what I think I hear is something else entirely, and doesn't even make any sense. It's often pretty funny what I think I hear. Ha, ha, maybe this is TMI and all I should have written was "What?"

The thing is, so much happens, and we forget what came before. This whole scandal came about because of the tragedy in Benghazi. People wanted to look at the official record to better understand what happened. And in a nutshell, THOSE RESEARCHERS COULD NOT FIND ANY INFORMATION FROM THE THEN SECRETARY OF STATE, because she did all of her official business on a private email account. The fact that there were no emails from her became glaringly obvious.

Clinton has proven that the FOIA laws are a complete joke. They are treated as a "suggestions". And there is no legal teeth for those who fail to comply.

0 users have voted.


riverlover's picture

There are multiple citizen-run groups on FB. We do our own look-arounds for money connections, etc. Timelines, aided now by emails from Wikileaks. Secret views of the superiors (in their heads).

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

Ok, now I think I see what you were trying to say. No, I'm not part of group, just me.

Since so much is going on, I decided to try to download information about the "top" posts over on the reddit groups. Those tend to have links to reliable sources. Then, when I was looking at the links, I thought that showing them chronologically would be the best way to present them. Now that you mention it, the idea of a timeline isn't so revolutionary, but I hadn't seen one at c99p and reddit, so I thought I'd make one. So the one I made is kind of a best of the best kind of thing, just saying, at least as far as the links that are on it. And I'm thinking/planning on maintaining it as time permits. thanks for getting back to me, I was so confused, I hate that feeling Wink

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snoopydawg's picture

That can sink not only Hillary, but Obama and a lot other government officials in high positions in many departments.
As someone else said, this could be bigger than watergate.
I'm even more thoughorlydisgusted with how many people are protecting Hillary in order for her to become president.
Anyone have Gowdy's email address?

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

If she went down, they would all go down. It's disgusting in hindsight to watch those Obama videos and see him blatantly lying. And he went out of his way to say something like, "at no time was national security affected by what she did". Yeah, right bucko. For folks who are afraid of the Russians ... they left the front door to the house WIDE OPEN and let the bad guys romp around as much as they wanted.

And apparently most of those in government are using their "gmail", as was mentioned in one leaked document. Which means that the folks at google are actually the new NSA - they fucking have access to all of this classified information that government officials are blythely sending around on the gmail accounts - it is all impressively searched and indexed.

Hello Big Brother. Thanks Obama.

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(First, just a quick thank-you for that killer resource listing! Saw some I didn't even know about, such as the bribery attempted by the State Dept to prevent the FBI from revealing their/Hillary's et al crimes, and that was just at first glance; I have yet to go through the actual links. Know thine enemies!)

... the folks at google are actually the new NSA - they fucking have access to all of this classified information that government officials are blythely sending around on the gmail accounts - it is all impressively searched and indexed. ...

Oooooo, great for blackmail! Or for coordinating with those having shared goals; to make helpful politicians richer while gaining totalitarian power themselves over the world doomed from such unrestrained greed...

(All bolding or other emphasis mine)

“He’s kind of perfect for the job”: Obama hints at a future in VC, and Silicon Valley is salivating

Written by
Michael J. Coren
June 27, 2016

In seven months, Barack Obama will leave the White House as president of the United States. He’s going to need a job. In an interview with Bloomberg on June 13, he hinted at the possibility of joining entrepreneurs and venture capitalists in Silicon Valley.

Obama said “had I not gone into politics, I’d probably be starting some kind of business,” said Obama. “The skill set of starting my presidential campaigns—and building the kinds of teams that we did and marketing ideas—I think would be the same kinds of skills that I would enjoy exercising in the private sector. … The conversations I have with Silicon Valley and with venture capital pull together my interests in science and organization in a way I find really satisfying.”

On hearing the news, Valley investors were quick to save the president a spot on Sand Hill Road. Obama, of course, wouldn’t be the first Washington power player to make such a move. Former secretary of defense Colin Powell joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers in 2005, followed by former vice president Al Gore in 2007. Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state under George W. Bush, teamed up with Khosla Ventures in 2012. Numerous Congressional representatives and government officials have found homes at venture firms in the Bay Area. ...


A chart of lobbyists' White House visits reveals its close ties with Google
The Campaign for Accountability found more than 125 meetings between Google and White House staff.
by Dawn Chmielewski Apr 26, 2016, 5:13pm EDT

... Google’s head of public policy has met with White House officials 128 times over the course of the Obama administration* — more visits than the telecom and cable industries combined, according to the nonpartisan watchdog group Campaign for Accountability.

Johanna Shelton visited with White House representatives nearly twice as often as the next most frequent visitor, Alissa Fox of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, who met with White House officials 75 times, the group found. ...

Remember it coming out about SoS Hillary placing an entirely unqualified hedge fund manager on what seems to me would be an obviously high-security nuclear board?



The chairman of Google, who was the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has started, about a year ago, a company to run Hillary Clinton’s digital campaign. Google has been to the White House, on average over the last four years, once per week—more than any other single company. It spends more money lobbying Washington, D.C., than any other single company. Hillary Clinton’s former staffer, Jared Cohen, was hired by Google in 2009 to head up Google’s internal think tank. There’s a lot of other interconnections between Google and the state. Eric Schmidt is now also, at the same time as being chairman of what is now Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is chairman of the Pentagon innovation board.

So you have a connection between Google, the Clinton campaign, which will be almost certainly the next White House, and the Pentagon. And this triangle is extremely worrying, because, as time goes by, Google is understanding that it does have an ability to influence election campaigns. It’s also bought more than 10 drone companies. It’s integrating its mapping data in order to better be able to fly and navigate drones around the world, is expanding into every country in the world.

And it has a very strange, quasi-religious vision of the future, of this vision of the singularity. It’s really a—I’ve done research that it’s very disturbing what they believe in Silicon Valley, that they believe they can create a massive artificial intelligence, more powerful than any human being or any society’s ability to think. And, of course, we all know what happens when such power is in limited hands.

And so, Google in the White House will be, essentially, an unregulatable company. It’s a question whether it’s already unregulatable, but you can—you can just completely forget about any kind of antitrust legislation being used on Google if there is a Hillary Clinton White House.

DAVID COBB: Julian, I’m reminded that Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator, said that fascism more appropriately should be called corporatism, because it merges the private power of corporations with the military might of the nation-state. And, of course, he thought that was a good thing. It occurs to me that you were describing our newer, kinder, gentler, smiling face of fascism, where all of the information that we receive is controlled by that same collusion between government and major transnational corporations, and now our ability to even talk to myself, or ourselves. Am I being overdramatic, or do I understand you correctly?

JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, it could be both. It could be both. No, it is—it is possibly the most serious issue. The potential threat of nuclear war, I think, is perhaps the other one. Yes, there is a merger going on at a rapid pace between the largest American corporations and the traditional aspects of the U.S. state, the military intelligence aspects. I mean, that’s been there for a long time, frankly, with Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, General Electric, etc. But this is a new generation. And Eric Schmidt wrote in his book about Google and the world that what Lockheed Martin and other aerospace companies were to the 20th century, high-tech companies will be to the 21st century. And that’s very much their vision, to integrate with Washington, to prevent antitrust regulation and to be part of that family of traditional D.C.-mediated power.

DAVID COBB: Julian, Greens, like most Americans, have been horrified to learn—and, for many of us, have it objectively collaborated—that multinational corporations and wealthy oligarchs are literally directing U.S. foreign policy. So I have a question for you, because of your unique vantage point: What advice, if any, would you give the next president of the United States about how to shift that policy, given the reality that she might be facing?

JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, that’s a very interesting question. Does it make any difference who is president or not? A very, very interesting question. It certainly doesn’t make as much difference as people say. What really makes a difference is what the environment is in which the president has to work. And that is the environment of critique, on the one hand, to how free the media is, how much opposition organizations are doing their job in holding government to account. And it’s the economic and corporate environment, and then, to a degree, the international foreign affairs environment. And the president is much more a spokesperson for these forces around them.

Where they do make a big difference is in their initial appointments, so the people that they choose to fill those spots in government that then reactively makes policy. But as you can see with Barack Obama, most of the time is spent reading out teleprompters. There’s just not enough time to do much else than be a spokesperson for these groups. So, what is happening now, with the Green Party and Gary Johnson and the Bernie Sanders campaign and so on, is very, very important, but it must be seen past the moment, past this political moment. That’s a moment to build a movement and build pressure. And having built it, then one can discipline and hold to account and check the abuses of government during the next four years.

AMY GOODMAN: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaking at the Green Party convention in Houston, being interviewed by former Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb. Assange’s books include When Google Met WikiLeaks, which is based on Assange’s meeting with Google CEO Eric Schmidt five years ago, when Assange was under house arrest in England, before he was granted political asylum in Ecuador, now living in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, afraid if he steps foot outside, he’ll be arrested and ultimately extradited to the United States, where there, it is believed, a sealed indictment against him for WikiLeaks. ...

(OT) There's also a link given below this to:


Julian Assange on the Green Party's Rising Popularity & the November Election: "Anything is Possible"
Story August 08, 2016

... JULIAN ASSANGE: It is a remarkable moment in U.S. politics. For the Greens, it’s—I mean, the Greens, if they pursue this campaign, as they do seem to be doing so, can and, I believe, probably will produce a very solid bloc after. And I think that’s really heartening. It’s a horrific vision—I mean, who’s going to be U.S. president, next U.S. president, is a horrific vision. I was asked this question: Did I prefer Clinton or Trump? And, I mean, the answer is: Well, you’re asking do I prefer cholera or gonorrhea. I mean, it’s a very sad situation. ...


Are the robots about to rise? Google's new director of engineering thinks so…
Ray Kurzweil popularised the Teminator-like moment he called the 'singularity', when artificial intelligence overtakes human thinking. But now the man who hopes to be immortal is involved in the very same quest – on behalf of the tech behemoth

See our gallery of cinematic killer robots

Robot from The Terminator
The Terminator films envisage a future in which robots have become sentient and are at war with humankind. Ray Kurzweil thinks that machines could become ‘conscious’ by 2029 but is optimistic about the implications for humans.

Carole Cadwalladr
Saturday 22 February 2014 19.04 GMT

... Ray Kurzweil who believes that we can live for ever and that computers will gain what looks like a lot like consciousness in a little over a decade is now Google's director of engineering. The announcement of this, last year, was extraordinary enough. To people who work with tech or who are interested in tech and who are familiar with the idea that Kurzweil has popularised of "the singularity" – the moment in the future when men and machines will supposedly converge – and know him as either a brilliant maverick and visionary futurist, or a narcissistic crackpot obsessed with longevity, this was headline news in itself.

But it's what came next that puts this into context. It's since been revealed that Google has gone on an unprecedented shopping spree and is in the throes of assembling what looks like the greatest artificial intelligence laboratory on Earth; a laboratory designed to feast upon a resource of a kind that the world has never seen before: truly massive data. Our data. From the minutiae of our lives.

Google has bought almost every machine-learning and robotics company it can find, or at least, rates. It made headlines two months ago, when it bought Boston Dynamics, the firm that produces spectacular, terrifyingly life-like military robots, for an "undisclosed" but undoubtedly massive sum. It spent $3.2bn (£1.9bn) on smart thermostat maker Nest Labs. And this month, it bought the secretive and cutting-edge British artificial intelligence startup DeepMind for £242m.

And those are just the big deals. It also bought Bot & Dolly, Meka Robotics, Holomni, Redwood Robotics and Schaft, and another AI startup, DNNresearch. It hired Geoff Hinton, a British computer scientist who's probably the world's leading expert on neural networks. And it has embarked upon what one DeepMind investor told the technology publication Re/code two weeks ago was "a Manhattan project of AI". If artificial intelligence was really possible, and if anybody could do it, he said, "this will be the team". The future, in ways we can't even begin to imagine, will be Google's. ...

... it was the Singularity University's own robotics faculty member Dan Barry who sounded a note of alarm about what the technology might mean: "I don't see any end point here," he said when talking about the use of military robots. "At some point humans aren't going to be fast enough. So what you do is that you make them autonomous. And where does that end? Terminator?"

And the woman who headed the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), the secretive US military agency that funded the development of BigDog? Regina Dugan. Guess where she works now? ...

(Ray Kurzweil) ... Language, he believes, is the key to everything. "And my project is ultimately to base search on really understanding what the language means. When you write an article you're not creating an interesting collection of words. You have something to say and Google is devoted to intelligently organising and processing the world's information. The message in your article is information, and the computers are not picking up on that. So we would like to actually have the computers read. We want them to read everything on the web and every page of every book, then be able to engage an intelligent dialogue with the user to be able to answer their questions."

Google will know the answer to your question before you have asked it, he says. It will have read every email you've ever written, every document, every idle thought you've ever tapped into a search-engine box. It will know you better than your intimate partner does. Better, perhaps, than even yourself. ...

... He believes technology will augment us. Make us better, smarter, fitter. That just as we've already outsourced our ability to remember telephone numbers to their electronic embrace, so we will welcome nanotechnologies that thin our blood and boost our brain cells. His mind-reading search engine will be a "cybernetic friend". He is unimpressed by Google Glass because he doesn't want any technological filter between us and reality. He just wants reality to be that much better. ...

... And what about her father's idea of living for ever? What did she make of that? "What I think is interesting is that all kids think they are going to live for ever so actually it wasn't that much of a disconnect for me. I think it made perfect sense. Now it makes less sense." ...

... He does, at moments like these, have something of a mad glint in his eye. Or at least the profound certitude of a fundamentalist cleric. Newsweek, a few years back, quoted an anonymous colleague claiming that, "Ray is going through the single most public midlife crisis that any male has ever gone through." ...

... Although possibly this is what Kurzweil's critics, such as the biologist PZ Myers, mean when they say that the problem with Kurzweil's theories is that "it's a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad." Or Jaron Lanier, who calls him "a genius" but "a product of a narcissistic age". ...

And he apparently thinks that virtual reality can be made the same as real existing reality and can't even see the cliff at the end of sanity he's fallen off.

So inhuman corporations incapable of human understanding and empathy will, if they can, create independent inhuman computers/robots incapable of human understanding and empathy but fully capable of mind-reading - on which humanity surviving to that point are expected to become dependent.

How could this possibly go wrong?

Unless perhaps this is intended for a time in the near future when only the relative few and most isolated few of the very wealthiest on on the hostile corporate takeover of Earth do survive on a dead/dying-of-greed-planet, as seems quite possible? What do they need us for, when they imagine they can build their own willing serfs to their own specifications?

Dystopian sci-fi might be cool in a movie, but not to live in, not even while power supplies are still operative and there's no more oxygen outside...

Edited because I seem to have put my typing fingers on backward again. Still. Whatever...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

Those look like very good links to spend time on, thanks so much for giving them here.

Eric Schmidt has said some very disturbing things in the past, basically along the lines of we are at a moment when some jobs become obsolete and new ones will be created, just like people don't spin their own yarn anymore or weave their own fabrics by hand. He seems oblivious to the fact that such an attitude is promises to destroy a lot of lives in America, even as folks in other countries see their standard of living rise. In other words, some people live, some people die, watcha gonna do?

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kharma's picture

This is an excellent resource.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Older and Wiser Now's picture

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ggersh's picture

November 4, 2016
What Does it Take to Bring Hillary Clinton to Justice?

by Pepe Escobar


Photo by Nathania Johnson | CC BY 2.0

Photo by Nathania Johnson | CC BY 2.0

Virtually the whole planet holds its collective breath at the prospect of Hillary Clinton possibly becoming the next President of the United States (POTUS).

How’s that humanly possible, as the (daily) Bonfire of The Scandals – relentlessly fed by WikiLeaks revelations and now converging FBI investigations – can now be seen from interstellar space?

It’s possible because Hillary Clinton, slouching through a paroxysm of manufactured hysteria, is supported by virtually the whole US establishment, a consensual neocon/neoliberalcon War Party/Wall Street/corporate media axis.

But History has a tendency to show us there’s always a straw that breaks the camel’s back.

This could be it – as revealed by WikiLeaks; March 2, 2015, the day when John Podesta wrote, “we are going to have to dump all those emails.”

That happened to be the exact same day it was revealed Hillary Clinton had used a personal email server as Secretary of State.

Yet this reveals only part of the puzzle. There’s got to be a response to Podesta’s email – which WikiLeaks may, or may not, leak in the next few days before the election. If the back and forth clearly shows intent (to mislead), then we’ve got a 100 percent smoking gun: the whole Clinton (cash) machine narrative – according to which Hillary just deleted “personal”emails – crumbles like the ultimate House of Cards.

Moreover, that would unveil what was from the start the privileged Clinton machine strategy: to thwart the subsequent internal State Dept. and FBI investigations.

As far as the Clinton machine is concerned, an interlocking influence peddling pile up is the norm. John Podesta also happens to be the founder of the Center for American Progress – a George Soros operation and prime recruiting ground for Obama administration officials, including US Treasury operatives who decided which elite Too Big To Fail (TBTF) financial giants would be spared after the 2008 crisis. DCLeaks.com, for its part, has connected Soros Open Society foundations to global funding rackets directly leading to subversion of governments and outright regime change (obviously sparing Clinton Foundation donors.)

Exceptional bananas, anyone?

The perfectly timed slow drip of WikiLeaks revelations, for the Clinton machine, feels like a sophisticated form of Chinese torture. To alleviate the pain, the relentless standard spin has been to change the subject, blame the messenger, and attribute it all to “evil” Russian hacking when the real source for the leaks might have come straight from the belly of the (Washington) beast.

At the Valdai discussion club last week, it took President Putin only a few sentences to debunk the whole Clinton machine narrative with a bang:

“Another mythical and imaginary problem is what I can only call the hysteria the USA has whipped up over supposed Russian meddling in the American presidential election. The United States has plenty of genuinely urgent problems, it would seem, from the colossal public debt to the increase in firearms violence and cases of arbitrary action by the police.You would think that the election debates would concentrate on these and other unresolved problems, but the elite has nothing with which to reassure society, it seems, and therefore attempt to distract public attention by pointing instead to supposed Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so forth. I have to ask myself and ask you too: Does anyone seriously imagine that Russia can somehow influence the American people’s choice? America is not some kind of ‘banana republic’, after all, but is a great power. Do correct me if I am wrong.”

Reality, though, continues to insist on offering multiple, overlapping banana republic instances, configuring a giant black hole of transparency.

Anthropologist Janine Wedel has been one of the few in Clinton-linked US mainstream media acknowledging how Bill Clinton, while Hillary was Secretary of State, perfected his version of “philantro-capitalism” (actually a money laundering “pay to play” racket), a practice “by no means confined to the Clintons”.

And the racket prospered with inbuilt nuggets, such as Hillary being perfectly aware that prime Clinton Foundation donors Qatar and Saudi Arabia were also financing ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.

Huma, the Fall Princess

Now, less than a week before the election, we have come to the crucial juncture where the WikiLeaks revelations are merging with the FBI investigations – all three of them.

Exhibit A is this WikiLeaks bombshell; Peter Kadzik, who’s now in charge of the Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into the 650,000 emails found on the laptop shared by Clinton’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin and her estranged, pervert husband Anthony Wiener, is a Clinton asset.

Not only Kadzik was an attorney for Marc Rich when he was pardoned by Bill Clinton; Podesta – as also revealed by WikiLeaks – thanked Kadzik for keeping him “out of jail”; and it was Kadzik who gave Podesta a secret heads up on the Clinton email investigation.

The Clinton machine, starring a self-described virtuous Madonna, is actually a pretty nasty business. Huma and her family’s close connections to Saudi Arabia – and the Muslim Brotherhood – are legendary (that includes her brother Hassan, who works for Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi). Podesta, by the way, is a handsomely remunerated lobbyist for Saudi Arabia in Washington; that’s part of the Clinton Foundation connection.

Yet now, with Huma in the spotlight – still maintaining she didn’t know all those emails were in her and Wiener’s laptop – it’s no wonder Hillary has instantly downgraded her, publicly, to “one of my aides”. She used to be Hillary’s ersatz “daughter”; now she’s being framed as The Fall Princess.

And that brings us to the intersection of those three FBI investigations; on Hillary’s Subterranean Email Server (in theory closed by FBI’s Comey last summer); on the Clinton Foundation; and on Wiener’s sexting of minors. The FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for over a year now. Let’s try to cut a long story short.

Follow the evidence

Last July, the DOJ – under Clinton/Obama asset Loretta Lynch – decided not to prosecute anyone on Emailgate. And yet FBI director Comey – who nonetheless stressed Hillary’s “extreme carelessness”– turbo-charged his no-denial mode on another investigation, as in the FBI “sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe.”

Soon we had Clinton Foundation FBI investigators trying to get access to all the emails turned over in the Emailgate investigation. The East District of New York refused it. Very important point; up to 2015, guess who was the US attorney at the East District; Clinton/Obama asset Lynch.

Enter an extra layer of legalese. Less than two months ago, the Clinton Foundation FBI investigators discovered they could not have access to any Emailgate material that was connected to immunity agreements.

But then, roughly a month ago, another FBI team captured the by now famous laptop shared by Huma and Wiener – using a warrant allowing only a probe on Weiner’s sexting of a 15-year-old girl. Subsequently they found Huma Abedin emails at all her accounts – from Humaabedin@yahoo.com to the crucial huma@clintonemail.com. This meant not only that Huma was forwarding State Dept. emails to her private accounts, but also that Hillary was sending emails from the “secret”clintonemail.com to Huma at yahoo.com.

No one knew for sure, but some of these emails might be duplicates of those the Clinton Foundation FBI investigators could not access because of the pesky immunity agreements.

What’s established by now is that the metadata in the Huma/Wiener laptop was duly examined. Now picture both teams of FBI investigators – Clinton Foundation and pervert Wiener – comparing notes. And then they decide Huma’s emails are “relevant”.

Key questions apply; and the most pressing is how the emails were deemed “relevant” if the investigators could only examine the metadata. What matters is that Comey certainly was made aware of the content of the emails – a potential game-changer. That’s why one of my sources insists his decision to go public came from above.

The other key question now is whether the DOJ – via Kadzik? – will once again thwart another investigation, this time on the Clinton Foundation. Senior, serious FBI agents won’t take that – massive euphemism – kindly.

The FBI has been on the Clinton Foundation for over a year. Now, arguably, they are loaded with evidence – and they won’t quit. Winning the presidency now seems to be the least of Hillary Clinton’s Bonfire of Scandals’ problems.

This piece first appeared at RT.
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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

TheOtherMaven's picture

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

They got the date wrong in the article, it was 3/3 not 3/2, but the words

On another matter....and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later

look pretty incriminating ...

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riverlover's picture

Good of you OAWN to make a cog move. Olden days he was a political playah, and up-and-comer (OMG). A jewish boy married a goyim. Worse, her fam is Muslim-connected at high places. It all seems like a chess game.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

For example, I now put CNN in a category unto itself, and don't just think of it as "the media". They have an EXTRAORDINARILY tight relationship with the Democratic Party, that puts them into a league unto themselves.

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ggersh's picture

what is shocking is that they've gotten away with it for this long.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Raggedy Ann's picture

I will also be passing it on to my group!

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Older and Wiser Now's picture

I kind of feel like a person in a relay race, taking what someone else created and moving it along a little bit farther. For me, having it in a timeline format really allowed me to "see" things in a new light. TY!

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Lookout's picture

that might be useful - http://www.thompsontimeline.com/

This fellow (and team) has been following it for a while, and he has interesting data and insight.


future president.jpg

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Older and Wiser Now's picture

I think I knew about it, but hadn't really had a chance to check it out very much ... I really need to do that.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

In the second excerpt from the John Pilger Special, to be exclusively broadcast by RT on Saturday, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, Julian Assange accuses Hillary Clinton of misleading Americans about the true scope of Islamic State’s support from Washington’s Middle East allies. In a 2014 email made public by Assange’s WikiLeaks last month, Hillary Clinton, who had served as secretary of state until the year before, urges John Podesta, then an advisor to Barack Obama, to “bring pressure” on Qatar and Saudi Arabia, “which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Islamic State, IS, ISIS] and other radical Sunni groups.” “I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection,” Assange, whose whistleblowing site released three tranches of Clinton-related emails over the past year, told Pilger in an exclusive interview, courtesy of Dartmouth Films.

“All serious analysts know, and even the US government has agreed, that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIS and funding ISIS, but the dodge has always been that it is some “rogue” princes using their oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves. But that email says that it is the government of Saudi Arabia, and the government of Qatar that have been funding ISIS.”

Assange and Pilger, who sat down for their 25-minute interview at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where the whistleblower has been a refugee since 2012, then talk about the conflict of interest between Clinton’s official post, which held throughout Obama’s first term, her husband’s nonprofit, and the Middle East officials, whose stated desire to fight terrorism may not have been sincere.

More here: Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)

Yes, Trump won't be allowed to win just like Bernie.

0 users have voted.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Raggedy Ann's picture

from Bisbonian. Check it out. Chilling.

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

0 users have voted.

"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Alex Ocana's picture

I have been seeing many of these emails individually at different times and have been complaining that I can't seem to make sense of them as a story. Along comes your post and suddenly everything is laid out in an understandable and chronological order.

I have already been able to use it in a bit of research, and being able to find documents that I knew about but couldn't remember how to find.

Thanks to you and all he researchers... I have shared on all my appropriate facebook groups.

0 users have voted.

From the Light House.

Older and Wiser Now's picture

Music to my ears! I was having the same problem, feeling overwhelmed and trying to figure out how everything tied together ... in fact I was rather surprised to see that what seems to be the start of Email-gate were the issues that people were having trying to get information about what happened with Benghazi. Under the Federal Records Act and FOIA, American citizens have the right to those records. However, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of legal consequences for not obeying those particular laws, which Clinton apparently discovered and took full advantage of.

Thanks especially for the facebook post, I'm not much of a facebook user so I hadn't posted it there. Hopefully it will get shared by others too. Thank you again, so very much, Alex.

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Indrasnet's picture

It's hard to keep up with these revelations and I'd missed some of the latest and some of the earlier ones, so thank you, thank you for the tremendous job you did in getting all this in order and in one place. The more eyeballs on this, the better. . . even at this late date. Though, really, come next Wednesday it will be just as crucial, if not more so.

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

and so it is difficult to tie all of pieces together. And sadly, our politicians have come to both understand and take full advantage of that fact. Re Tues - I just cannot seem to go down without a fight. I'm spending time on this that I really don't have, but otherwise, I just can't seem to sleep.

0 users have voted.


Has he been granted immunity?

Thanks so much for this compilation. I spent hours here :).

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

But yes, he is the master architect, so being able to see these emails - it was such a major score for all of us, in the same way that Snowden's leak was a major score. The things that they were doing, and we had no idea, it still shocks me every time that I think of it.

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