"Questionable" donations to Hillary, Warren, Shaheen, others
Employees of the Thornton Law firm in Boston ostensibly have been donating a lot (over $600K, nationwide) to political candidates, mostly Democratic candidates who are currently alive, which means mostly to New Democrat candidates. However, the "donating" employees have also been getting reimbursed for the "donations." Cute, huh?
The Hillarious Democratic candidate for POTUS and Elizabeth Warren, whom Curt Schilling will very likely challenge in 2018 (ironically*), have received quite a few of these donations. So has Maggie Hassan, on whose behalf the Sanders' "revolution" importunes me regularly.
Recipients of these funds are now falling over each other (metaphorically) in a stampede to return the donations. Gee, I wish I could get to donate money I get from illegal schemes. However, I'd just land in jail, while no "reasonable" prosecutor, especially a Democratic one, would prosecute these candidates.
Thornton may not be the only entity servicing political candidates in this way. So much for limits on how much any individual can legally donate.
And you suckas thought you had to worry only about so-called "dark money!" See, boys and girls? Many people can keep the same secret after all. This Thanksgiving, be thankful for whistleblowers and write Judah or Santa for a special prosecutor for Christmas or Chanukah on the 25th day of Kislev or December. And do be careful when you play with Occam's razor.
BTW, whatever happened to legal ethics?
Yet another way corrupt New Democrats suck scissors.
Remind me who was most instrumental in the takeover of the Democratic Party by New Democrats, as well as for spreading the neoliberal gospel abroad? Oh, yeah, now I remember: Bill and Hillary Clinton. (LOTEMA. Lesser of Two Evils, My Ass.)
*Ironic because Schilling unwittingly played a role in losing Kennedy's seat, which Warren (D. MA) now occupies, to Scott Brown (R. Anywhere That Will Have Him).
WARNING: Only diehard baseball fans or Bay Staters or cats with fatal levels of curiosity may be interested in the rest of this--and maybe not even them.
Warren occupies Kennedy's seat, which Martha Coakley sought when Kennedy died (while he was dying, actually, but that's another story). By then, Schilling had done a lot to help the Boston Red Sox break the "curse of the Bambino" after 86 years, thereby earning the gratitude of generations of people in Massachusetts, living and dead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_the_Bambino The sock into which Schilling stitched ankle bled while he continued to pitch a winning Series game is now in the Baseball Hall of Fame. After being diehard Sox fans despite 86 years without a Series pennant, this could be enough to get even Bay Staters to vote Republican to vote out Warren. (BTW, Theo Epstein put together both curse breaking teams, the Red Sox and the Cubs.) But, I digress....
People in Massachusetts who literally don't their elbow from third base know about Curt Schilling and the bloody sock. While Martha Coakley was running for Kennedy's seat, however, she erroneously identified Schilling as a New York Yankee, the traditional arch-enemy of the Boston Red Sox--and of their fans. She thereby horrified almost everyone from Rhode Island to Maine, plus Fort Meyers, Florida and environs (Spring home to Boston's Boys of Summer).
For that reason and others--including not knowing how to come back from that mistake--Coakley blew through a 30 point lead in a few weeks to lose the seat resoundingly to Scott Brown. This allowed a Republican into the Massachusetts Congressional delegation for the first time in a long time. Not only that, but Brown is so dim that having him as a Senator was an insult to a state known for its great number of institutions of higher learning, including the nation's first college, Harvard. (First public school and first public library, too.) Not to mention his sexism.
But then, the Koch brothers lost interest in Brown and the Democratic Party anointed Warren for the seat. Parched liberals, easily and eagerly won over by a few speeches, and unconditional party loyalists alike were thrilled. Of late, however, Schilling has been asking (as have I) exactly what Warren has actually accomplished during her almost four years in the US Senate, other than speeches. So, Schilling seems to be gearing up for a run against her.
Schilling has his own issues, like going bankrupt after a huge loan from Connecticut taxpayers, via the administration of metric system advocate and vanquished, then vanished, Democratic primary candidate, Chafee, when Chafee was a Republican Governor. On the other hand, Schilling and his wife have done a lot to fight ALS, though nowhere near as much as the brilliant ice water challenge that an ALS patient invented. (ALS always had an especially hard time raising money for research because far fewer people suffer from it than from, say, cancer or heart disease.)
You can't tell the players--or their political parties--without a scorecard anymore, but Schilling knows from score cards.

As pissed as I might be at her for buckling to the system,
Warren has done tons. She is one smart cookie. She can slice up a banker in 30 seconds, and her voice has been a beacon to what so many of us feel. She also got the CPA passed.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Tons? What, besides talk?
My blog entry says:
Slice up a banker verbally? How is that anything other than talk? Anyone can tell off a banker. I can, you can, she can. That doesn't improve anything, though. Did that change anyone's life for the better? Prevent one foreclosure? Did it cause the banker to modify his or her behavior, lower interest rates, or accomplish anything at all concrete? IMO, the left needs to stop being so grateful for people who talk in the House and Senate when the TV cameras are rolling, but don't improve the lives of Americans.
BTW, I don't think she buckled to the system. It's not as though she ever endorsed Sanders, then gave in after the primary to endorse Hillary. I think Warren is very much part of the system, but knows a state as blue as Massachusetts expects certain things of her.
She's awesome on the Twitter brawls
Yeah, engaging Donald Trump on Twitter was so impressive. NOT!
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
LOL! OKay, change "talk" to "talk, tweet, post, email and
IMO, she does a lot of grandstanding in one medium or another and basks in the reaction. I don't think that is earning her $193K, plus health insurance, plus retirement, plus perks, plus all the salaries and benefits of her staff. Plus the "rent," light bill, phone bill, etc.
Warren is not alone though. She just gets more adoration than most (other than Hillary).
Hillary got only ceremonial-type bills passed, like renaming a post office. Rand Paul has not written a single bill that's become law, etc.
If any employee in the private sector that costs 1/10 as much as one U.S. Senator did nothing but grandstand, they would not last for four months, let alone four years and counting. Maybe not four days.
Seems to me that cutting Stumpf to shreds
forcing his "retirement" and the crawl back of millions of dollars demonstrates Warren's effectiveness. At the very least, she is bringing the misbehavior of bank executives front and center into the spotlight.
Do you seriously believe that a candidate can vet every donor before accepting the contribution? This is nothing like Clinton's Victory Fund working in concert with the DNC to launder donations. The onus for this misbehavior belongs to the law firm.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
"Do you seriously believe that a candidate can vet every donor"
I said nothing remotely like that, nor would I ask you if you seriously believe that New Democrats are not corrupt.
In fact, I said zero about the candidates being culpable for the straw man scheme itself, but did ask what happened to legal ethics, which does refer to wrongdoing on the part of the law firm, not the candidates. I did say I'd probably go to jail if I tried to donate money that I had received through an illegal scheme, which is exactly what the stories say some of the candidates are doing. So, your response is puzzling.
Now that you went there, though, Warren may not have had reason to wonder why so many employees of this law firm loved her so much, given that the law firm is in Massachusetts. However, employees of this Boston firm were "donating" nationwide. I think people outside Massachusetts had reason to wonder why so employees of a Boston law firm were donating to them. And I bet this game is not unknown to politicians. I've often wondered myself, just from looking at open secrets.
Warren did not do that singlehandedly. Far from it. Seems to me that whoever discovered the wrongdoing and brought it to the attention of the public and lawmakers deserves the lion's share of the credit.
I rather suspect Wells Fargo had a very significant role in getting him to step down, too.
That's not enough. And again, she doesn't do it on her own. She is not investigating these people and uncovering wrongdoing, nor is it her job so to do. She questions them if they are already before Congress for some reason. Her job is to write remedial legislation and get it passed, based on what the hearings tell her. She hasn't.
I would also be interested to see what else comes of it besides his retirement, which is not really a lot, especially since he's 63.
I think it's very possible that, at the very least, Schilling could give her a very serious run for her money, even in a state like Massachusetts.
ETA: FWIW, if anything:
and http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertberger/2016/10/31/elizabeth-warren-sen...
I remember when Her
sent out messages soliciting for $1 donations, and how incredibly disingenuous that seemed. The point was to get her average donation down, as she had so many maxed out donors. Now we know where many of those donors came from. It's sure easy to be a bundler when you don't have to solicit money, but can simply launder it through a list of names.
Our entire political system is utterly filthy.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Yes, she wanted to get the average down because Sanders'
average was so low. But, she sure didn't try to compete with him on keeping big money out of politics or refusing corporate and PAC money, did she?
Schilling's biggest issue is that he's a right wing douchenozzle
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Scott Brown was a bigger one, and Brown had nothing to do
the Sox winning their first series in over 80 years. And Warren did not beat Brown by a landslide, either.
Meanwhile, according to her wiki, she was a registered Republican until 1996. That was as Bubba's first termwas nearing its end and he was running for re-election. She says she switched because she thought Democrats were better for the markets--but still votes Republican sometimes.