A last response to the Clinton supporters
It's pretty clear that Trump sucks, as it was clear from the beginning of his campaign. What fuels his campaign today, for the most part, is the total blindness of Clinton supporters to the fact that Clinton also sucks, a blindness which these same supporters display in word and deed. If the Clinton supporters want to really do something for their candidate, not acting like they've got their heads in the sand about Clinton might be a productive first step.
"First vote for Clinton, then oppose her" is their best pitch -- the problem with this pitch, of course, is that the Clinton supporters don't back it up with their own behaviors, which renders it useless. It's also been pretty obvious for a long time that Clinton supporters are the sort of people who would vote for Franz von Papen if he ran with a (D) next to his name, given how far their heads are buried in the sand. So the sort of strategy that would render the Clinton supporters as rational people is one that it's too late to execute. You've got six days to be someone different, people -- now, go!

Still Voting for Her
I am surprised that she is focusing on making the "deplorable Trump" ads (I've seen one, its kids watching TV with a bunch of his clips).
It's not great, I admit. The alternative is unthinkable this time. They've really done us over good, huh?
Bernie is a win-win.
I don't have any problem thinking of the alternative.
I suppose this is a personality trait distinguishing me from Clinton supporters. Republican victory is always "unthinkable" for them regardless of how far they and their favorite Democrats make Republican victory possible.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Voting for Her
I don't feel like a supporter, I feel like a despondent pragmatist. But I vote for "not burning down the house", I suppose.
Bernie is a win-win.
Burning down the house is
Burning down the house is precisely the goal. [IMO]
Too late.
You asked for it, you got it — Toyota
The house burned down anyway
That bridge has been crossed. Either major party candidate is going to have an unmitigated disaster of a presidency, albeit for different reasons.
Before you vote, consider the cheating that Clinton has sponsored, whether cribbing questions from the DNC vice-chair, hiring thugs to troll Trump rallies, spreading malicious lies about Bernie, and Trump, the fiasco around DWS, etc. They said that we were crazy when we called them out on it, yet now her e-mails prove that we were right all along. She's got serious criminals working for her. Creamer is gone, but plenty more remain.
Now they are apparently trying to frame Trump in a rape case, and are calling all their opposition Russian spies. They've cornered the market on crazy desperation, and are willing to lie, cheat and steal to get where they want to be.
Nobody wants a government like that, or worse, to be governed by that.
It's true that we haven't got any decent choices in the two major candidates, so why not make a moral choice?
Jill Stein
(edited to include forgotten link here)
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
One minor thing
I don't think they are framing Trump in any rape case; Trump is tied to noted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (who they gave a plea deal to shut him up). The kicker? So is Bill Clinton, which is probably why you don't see Hillary surrogates blasting the fact that Trump has a court date in December on the pedophilic rape case.
It's looking increasingly like a frame-up
Check out this diary (warning: GOS) and scroll down the comments a bit. Lisa Bloom took the Jane Doe on as a client, and she was set to speak today, but then they suddenly cancelled the press conference, literally at 3PM, when everything was set to go. They claimed threats, but I think that they got wind that they were exposed, and wanted to avoid the embarrassment.
There is quite a bit rotten about that lawsuit. Dig around and you'll see it.
Remember, someone just tried to frame Julian Assange for pedophilia, and it was exposed as an evil hoax in less than 48 hours.
These people are capable of anything.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Sadly, there are people for whom the accusation is "proof"
-- no matter how bogus or improbable. It's usually bound up with a gut feeling that "men are bastards", sometimes reinforced by bad personal experiences.
Sometimes there's fire under the smoke, sometimes it's a smoke bomb tossed for nefarious purposes. But you have to seriously investigate, with an open mind, to find out which.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Usually there's fire under the smoke
Almost always in fact, except when we're talking about powerful people with absolutely no morals, who are capable of anything, and think nothing of ruining the lives of their "enemies". In that case, all bets are off.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Sex scandals real or made up
are used by these powerfulpeople to bring down threats. It's not a good strategy when the ruling class get to a point where they all are scandalous in every way including sexual. Scott Ritter was shut down with this slimy tactic. This election has three political pervy men with the means and ways to indulge that puts them above the law. We have Trump. Clinton and the Weiner involved in the limelight this election. I believe Prince Andrew was a frequent flyer on the Lolita express. They let him off as he was to big to fail and was properly contrite. The dead pig head fucker Cameron passed it off as a youthful shenanigan.
I should say that it's possible that this lawsuite is
fraudulent (I have no real opinion on this one), but Epstein's reputation and his ties to Clinton and Trump go back a decent way. Moreso for Clinton though (Clinton flew at least 26 times on the "Lolita Express", the nickname for Epstein's plane), but I had heard about Trump last year before the lawsuit.
Dershowitz too, and others
Yeah, it's a mess, and it underlines just how untouchable the 0.01% are, even serious criminal charges rarely stick. I think the allegations against Big Dog are what motivated the civil suit against Trump, turn-about and all that.
Justice for any victims is the very last thing on their minds. To them it's all about revenge and optics.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Dershowitz too? ZOMG. n/t
Sounds like the rich folk
are having quite the Roman Holiday on us. In all meanings.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Grain of Salt?
Supposed to be big stuff on Weiner "Intimate" file.
But as far as I know, nothing tangible yet.
Stein _ Baraka
Pedophile rapists REALLY want Hills as defense counsel.
She can prove a 14 year old girl seduced a helpless 40 year old man, laugh about that when talking about it, and, while running for office, claim falsely that she had no choice but to take the case.
Perfect lawyer for a pedophile rapist! Too bad that's not what she's running for or on.
Feminist, my ass.
We really missed out on the potential T shirt angle:
Sith for Hillary
Pedophile Rapists for Hillary
Liars for Hillary
Greater Evil Voters for Hillary
Middle Eastern Funeral Directors for Hillary
Vote Riggers for Hillary
Banksters for Hillary
Dr. Strangelove for Hillary
Psychopaths for Hillary
and so on.
We would have cleaned up!
(Bookmark this for 2020, just in case.)
Don't forget
Hillary lied,
People died.
I saw that on a home painted yard sign. The painter should copyright that pronto, and he or she could clean up on signs, Tshirts and lunch buckets.
Mary Bennett
It took me a long time to get there,
and I FUCKING HATE having to say it, but in all honesty I'm(here we go) slightly LESS uncomfortable with the orange pukestain than her. Her wants war with russia. Shit! Her wants war Everywhere!
At this point, I'm a one issue voter. No, I'm not voting for pukestain, AND I'm not voting her. But if pukestain wins, well. . . maybe less war?
I know, I know, but everyone says he's unpredictable, both parties hate him. . . hell, for that reason alone I'd Almost vote(shudder) for the orange pukestain.
Maybe I AM Pollyanna-ish(I did support the Bern), in this case I'll take a chance and toss a vote green and hope for less war to win out.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I crossed that bridge a couple of months ago
I figured that both would be awful in any case, but Her has roughly an 80% chance of starting WW3, whereas with Orange it's more like 50/50. Because I'm in a swing state, I'm voting Orange, not Green, although my heart is Green. I'll definitely have to take three showers afterward though.
I hope that made sense.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
That still wont
wash the stain away, but you have my grudging admiration for being able to do so. I am Not kidding about the war, but I was NEVER going to vote her. It just took a long time to become less uncomfortable with OP. The sound bites of him 'melting down' are really just the 2-3 minutes of him going off script, the actual things he says the Other 17 minutes are what is appealing to this years disgruntled voter.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
When he goes off script is
When he goes off script is when he's being himself - much as with Hillary.
Vote Green for the chance of democracy and global survival of life on the planet. Never vote for evil.
(Make her cheat her way in and then prove it and mass-reject her, domestically and internationally! Think foreign leaders are stupid enough to trust either lying, oath/contract-breaking psychopath? They make Bush 2 look better by comparison, for FSM's sake!)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'm in a swing state
and voted Green with a completely clear conscience. If Her Heinous can't amass enough votes to win over the Repulsive Cheeto, it is entirely her problem: she's gone out of her way to alienate every bit as many people as he has, people (in the case of progressives) that she should have regarded as her base. She could lose Colorado. Hell, she could lose the whole shooting match. If she does, it is down to her- not to me refusing to vote for any candidate that I can't actually support.
Couldn't vote for Drumpf, period. But sure as hell couldn't vote for Her Heinous. Don't give a flying Philadelphia fuck about the democratic party any more, either. The choice was easy...
Don't feel too bad about it TB&U... I am right there with you
The "Machine" has destroyed so many of our lives, and the lives of poor people all around the world via war for profit.
I think of Trump as a my "Human Molotov Cocktail" that I am seriously considering tossing into the gears of said machine.
It is time for this damned duopoly to be burnt to the ground, the ashes pissed on, mud gathered up and shaped into an urn and shot into space with my old DNC registration card tucked neatly inside straight to the sun where it can burn again.
If it looks close in Florida, my vote will go to Trump, if not close, Stein.
I really want to vote for Stein, but I really want to block the thieves that stole our primary while calling us bullies as well as all the other numerous acts of malfeasance committed against us, our candidate and our nation.
I will NEVER reward scum and even scum looks down on the Clinton Cabal.
Clinton supporters are either willfully ignorant or satisfyingly comfortable under the NeoLiberal policies that the Clinton's would push forward.
So in short, I got no use for Clinton the War Criminal or any of her apologists.
Horrible people the lot of them. Actually WORSE than Republicans in my book as at least the Republicans wear their racism and lack of concern for the poor on their sleeves.
The Democrats cry crocodile tears all the way to the bank. (for their paid speeches of course.)
(Edited to change a couple worlds so it didn't look like it was written by Mongo from Blazing Saddles)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I will never trust the DNC again
or the Repukes of course. When something untoward happens, I won't believe the standard narrative or explanation offered, I will immediately assume that it's a dirty trick or a set-up by whomever benefits from it. Whether it's violence at rallies, allegations against a candidate, polling anomalies, voting irregularities, or whatever else, my very first assumption will be that we are being rat-f*cked yet again, by the usual suspects.
It's Crips and Bloods redux, incessant warring by two criminal gangs.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Same here
I'll never trust any of the media again, never trust any politicians empty promises, and will NEVER give them one more dime of my money. I've always been cynical, as I suspect most of us out here are somewhat by nature, but now I feel I've seen it proved to me, and there is no going back from that.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
That would be a vote for Stein.
Clinton Two might be able to stop Trump, but that's a pretty low bar to set, given that Trump is an ineffectual buffoon and that the primary force fueling Trump's chances at success is the exposure of fatal flaws in Clinton Two herself. It's been her election to lose since Day One of the Clinton campaign.
Clinton Two, however, will only fan the flames of Trumpism. How, then, I might ask, is a vote for Clinton Two pragmatic?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Being unconditionally Democratic is not being pragmatic.
Just in case you are not aware, "pragmatist is the shibboleth of the intentionally-deceptively named neocon/neoliberal Progressive Policy Institute, whose founder signed the PNAC letter. Urging Bush to invade Iraq was not the least bit pragmatic, just an orphan-making machine.
PPI's home page used to say "The place for pragmatic liberals," or some similar disguise. After Tom Tomorrow's "sensible woodchuck" cartoons mocked them so successfully, they dropped that. Much later, they went to the even more untrue "radically pragmatic," LOL!
ETA: Unless you are in purple country, it's not even worth thinking about for a second: Vote Stein.
I can't fault your basic reasoning...
It is apparent that you are not happy with her as a candidate and that you intend to vote for her only because you hope that the Greater Evil can be avoided.
My choice was arrived at following the same basic reasoning, but I have concluded that it is Trump I must vote for, cuz the predictable consequences of a Clinton Presidency are to me far more scary than the predictable consequences of a Trump Presidency.
My guess is that you don't see things the same way because you likely don't imagine Hillary getting us into a major military conflict, with nuclear war potential, as I do. Why would you not see this potential in her? I suspect it is because you aren't really aware of just how invested Hillary is in winning the approval of the generals and admirals at the Pentagon (How Hillary Clinton Became A Hawk, NY Times)
The more I've looked at her history in this regard, the more convinced I am that she is already looking forward to the tough, aggressive response she is going to order when she is 'tested', as she expects, by one of the enemies she maintains in her mind (Putin, China, Iran, Korea Kim). I feel it is a certainty that she is going to get us into a war/crisis within the first six months of her Presidency.
On economic issues, I expect nothing from either of them on initiatives that will help average Americans. She's already told us it's too hard to push for Medicare for All.
Nearly all of the outrageous proposals Trump has come up with (his Wall, Deportations, etc.) require legislation and there is good reason to believe that he can be stopped on this level, since he will be opposed by not only the Dems and the MSM, but also by a good number of Republicans.
But there is no way to stop Hillary from getting us into another incredibly costly war, both in lives and treasure, because as Commander-in-Chief, she can initiate the necessary escalation of tensions without the peace-loving progressives in the Dem Party being able to do anything at all to stop her.
Lastly, if you really did care anything about Bernie's progressive economic agenda, then you'd better hope for a Hillary loss next week, cuz if she wins, the Centrists will greatly strengthen their grip on the Dem Party and Bernie's 'Revolution' will be essentially ground into dust. But if she loses, Bernie's basic argument will be strengthened vs. THE LOSER, in in the period of navel gazing that the Dem Party leadership will undergo, he will have a chance to press his 'Revolution' forward.
Together, those reasons have convinced me that I have to vote for the man I've been ridiculing for more than a year, simply because I can see that things would be much, much worse for average folks if Her was to win. And yes, I'll be voting for Dems down ballot in the hope that they'll be able to put up a stiff legislative resistance to Trump once he takes the White House. He will definitely be a one-term President.
Hoping and praying for deliverance...
James Kroeger
Your reasoning makes a lot of assumptions that we don't know,
trying to predict the future.
Could Hill be worse than Trump? Yes. Will she? We don't know. Could Trump be worse than Hill? Yes. Will he? We don't know.
Maybe Hill will at least be a logical, reasonable person who will stop short of nuclear war because that'd be a shitty legacy. Maybe Trump will lose his temper and push the button in a fit of childish pique.
Maybe Hill will feel obligated to at least get the min wage to $10. Trump has said he wants to abolish the min wage entirely. Want to work for $1 per hour?
Maybe Trump will oppose TPP in its entirety (I think it more likely that either of them will make some superficial changes and then approve it). Maybe he will bring jobs back home so we won't have to compete with $1 an hour Bangladeshis.
Maybe they'll both do the exact opposite. Flippety floppety, the President's on his/her way.
So you don't know. If you vote Clinton you might do more harm than good. OTOH, if you vote Trump you might do more harm than good.
So why not vote your heart, vote Jill, and let those who won't vote third party be responsible for however it turns out? Conscience clear.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Just recced you and got
Just recced you and got another '0 voted including you', not that my recs seem to stick much of the time anyway... will try again when I post this.
Hillary promised much
unprovoked military attack/invasion of other people's countrieswar to donors, promised to have Bibi in to help with policy right after stealing the Oval Office, and believes that a 'limited nuclear war' with multiple countries is possible.Apart from all else, in the current rapidly snowballing state of ecological collapse from current rates of industrial/military pollution/destruction, the previously overlooked decade or more of severe global dimming and crop failure/plant death causing global famine which has been extrapolated to result from even a relatively small regional nuclear exchange between two smaller countries would essentially polish off global oxygen production NOW.
Not in several decades, as with the unlimited pollution and destruction of the global hostile corporate takeover Hillary promoted through 'trade deals' about to be pushed through by Obama between his moving in missiles and armies to terrorize other nuclear-armed countries able to stand up for themselves against conventional attack. Within this decade.
She's no more attached to reality than is the other psychopath, Trump...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
They stick, but sometimes dont show up intermittently.
I have noticed when looking in my comments history to see if anyone posted a reply that I needed to respond to that the numbers would change frequently.
I would look at it and see 35 recs with 4 replies then a little while later when I look it says 1 rec 4 replies (But when I go to the actual comment the recs show again usually.)
Not sure what is causing it, but it seems to work. The big thing is to just click it once and wait before loading a page or replying to another comment for like 30 secs or so and don't try to rec again if it doesnt show and see if that helps. (the 2nd rec may turn off the original one that just hasn't posted yet.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thanks! Thing is that once I
Thanks! Thing is that once I get them to seemingly stick and come back having later noticed new comments posted, I often notice that the recs on a large number of comments which I know I recced - not all - have vanished, this sometimes noticeable as occurring multiple times on a busy thread.
A secondary issue to this is that vanishing recs may also make the site seem much less 'well travelled' and readers/commenters less engaged than is the case, which may increase the chance of happenstance casual viewers dismissing this as a more limited site without properly checking it out and perhaps joining to contribute their thoughts...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I didn't think about the second part at all.
I was already kind of a bit unconcerned by recs (outside of for an essay itself) as they served little purpose to me other than to help let me know how many people I reached that agreed with what I said or at least liked a part of the comment or if anothers comment was worth reading.
However since I read every comment in a thread I am following (I never try to steer away from different opinions, if I did I would still probably be a fucking republican, lol!) because sometimes even the worst drivel can occasionally inspire a response in me that I really enjoy getting out.
But your second concern really is quite valid. People do seem to have a herd mentality (I actually don't mean it in a negative way in this instance either) and put more credence into comments or essays that have a lot of recs rather than none or low numbers.
I am not sure how difficult it would for our already abused and much put upon Lord of the Realm to correct the problem though, but I imagine if it was an easy fix he probably would have already addressed it because it is a quite common problem.
while we are tossing out wishlists though. I really would love to be able to have a "Sort by most recent reply" in the comments history because I have occasionally missed a response to someone that I really wanted to answer and don't want them to think I just blew them off, but so much time has gone by it makes it kinda moot to put a bunch of time in a reply that the questioner him or herself may not even see.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
♪ ♫ Hope of deliverance . . .
Good luck turning the evil queen
to do good deeds for the working class.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I sympathize
I would probably have to think about my vote more if I lived in a swing state. I have doubts about a Trump presidency not leading to something worse than a Clinton presidency. Thankfully, I am not so burdened and can vote for the planet and my conscience and help put Jill over 5%.
Beware the bullshit factories.
A vote for Clinton
is a vote to burn down the house. The house of some poor syrian family, or iraqi family, or iranian family, or yemen family, or (insert middle eastern nation here) family, under a rain of drone bombs.
Ironically, Trump's foreign policy positions (if he stuck to them) would involve less bombing of middle eastern families.
Even a businessman saying, “Hey! These wars are too expensive!”
or “Hey! Causing the deaths of millions of people is no way to gain prospective friends and customers”
would be a yuuuge improvement over what we’ve got now.
Heres the problem
As I tell my handwringing relatives who are voting fir Hillary but "really not voting FOR her." Unless you get a really special ballot, your choices are gonna be Clinton, Trump, Johnson, Stein, and maybe a write in spot. There is no "Im really not voting for her, her record, her character, her prowar anti environmental policies" line next to a little blank oval. When you color in the oval next to Clinton, you are voting for all the things she is and stands for. You better own that because I will hold anyone who fills in the Clinton oval responsible for what happens if she wins. There is a choice in this election.
Problem is, Hillary is more unthinkable than Trump.
Funny how they missed that.
Stein - Baraka
Her mind is filled with
Her mind is filled with dollar signs,
She's verging on the brink
Of ranking with the billionaires.
Unthinkable she'd think!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The alternative
Has always been unthinkable. Except this time you have a candidate who colluded with the media to make sure Trump was the GOP nominee and then turned around and scared the shit out of you with "unthinkable" Trump scenarios.
If the race wasn't so close in the swing states, she probably would enjoy the predicament she put you in. Nice, that, eh?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Drat, if it won't post here
Drat, if it won't post here on my screen but does on the site, is that some annoying Singularity joke we have Google to blame for?
Re-edit: Now the dupe is gone? If I re-post, I daresay it won't be...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I deleted it. I constantly peruse the Recent Comments in the left sidebar and delete the duplicates as soon as I see them. I catch most of them but sometimes they may slip by.
JTC you work too hard....
I think most of us wouldn't mind overlooking the occasional double post to ease your workload.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
We have many non-member readers...
here, deleting the duplicates helps with the flow of thought. Many times the slow downs that we are experiencing, like the last couple of days, are due to excessive anonymous users (non-members) viewing our pages. So, sometimes when the load time increases it's due to heavy internal AND external traffic.
I'm convinced that when big things happen, many folks from other certain progressive sites come here to see what we are thinking. Alternate viewpoints are getting scarce in some corners of the net.
Yeah, they must be getting lonely, they are already eating their
own over there.
I popped by the other day to see how they were reacting to the latest news and it is just hysterical. (Both in the funny way from my perspective and in the "Hysteria" way for them.)
The rabidness of their response to ANY that even says something they deem, "Not helpful." (a disturbing pattern over there in and of itself.) even long time Clinton supporters is something to behold.
I think it is a microcosm of the DNC as a whole, they are floundering, directionless and confused by a state of cognitive dissonance that has to be incredibly painful.
If they were not working so hard to support a murdering criminal psychopath for president I would almost feel pity for them.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thank you and thank goodness!
Thank you and thank goodness! I thought my technological black thumb might be spreading its ill to the site!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Hillary McCarthy
We're going to be seeing a lot of this. Everyone here needs to be ready to recognize it, and point it out for what it is.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
If I've gotten this correctly,
Thus far, all Trump supporters are working for Putin, as are all Stein and Johnson supporters, in other words, he's single-handedly co-opted both the right and much of the left, leaving only a loyal center. Who knew he was so powerful, and popular?
Lest you think I'm hyperbolizing, check out this recent comment from a wreck list diary:
They are worse than McCarthy ever was, and crazier too. The whole site is about Russian spies and Trump being a child molester. If she gets elected, expect the corollary to follow, that anyone who opposes her on anything, Syria, the banks, the surveillance state, etc, is working for Putin, by definition, and therefore a traitor.
Kim Jong Hill indeed.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Hey! I'm working for Putin! How cool is that?
The benefit of trying to use neo-McCarthyism against anyone who has not drunk the grape Kook Aid is that hyperbolic scare tactics become more and more sneer worthy with repetition.
Well, that and it's no longer 1952.
If I'm going to work for Putin --
I'd appreciate a raise. As it stands I'm not even making minimum wage.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Kossacks for kopecks . . . n/t
I KNOW, right? He's as notoriously cheap as Hillary.
He doesn't pay me at all
does that mean I'm a slave?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
He hasn't paid me either! I guess I'm volunteering for Putin!
Here, I thought I was volunteering for Stein.
This is so confusing.
Putin has less money than the Clintons
to spend on internet trolls.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Going by this reasoning,
Going by this reasoning, Putin has captured the hearts and minds of most of the voters - Putin for President, to unite the country!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Earlier administrations included an “energy czar” or “drug czar”
And now our American system is bringing forth only these ridiculous “czar czar Binks” characters.
Put in Putin and get the real thing!
The DNC vessel Hillary Clinton is foundering mightily
Sources inside the FBI say the agency is working feverishly and expects an indictment. Can a candidate under indictment take office?
Bret Baier: FBI Sources Believe Clinton Foundation Case Moving Towards "Likely an Indictment": http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/11/02/fbi_sources_tell_fox_n...
FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation now 'a very high priority,' sources say:
Yes, I know it's Fox, but this is stick-your-neck-out stuff--even hiding behind "sources say." It pains me to write this, but Fox has delivered better election info than other MSM sources recently.
A sea change is evident, almost palpable. Clinton baggage appears to be sinking the Clinton campaign at last, and that process is accelerating. When the FBI scuttles her, opening her hatches to expose the rot below, the unexpected Act III of this Election Farce in Two Acts will begin. Look for signs of a rushed rough script and a lot of ad-libbing. And stock up on popcorn.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Wsj with simliar report.
Let's hope this is carried
Let's hope this is carried through and actual justice done for a change.
Sounds to me, though, rather like a possible attempt to stall and avoid public pressure until the Coronation is a 'done deal'. Again, lots of evidence has been found that law was broken - but a much-qualified claimed 'chance' of indictment is suggested, barring obstruction from the 'Justice' Department and President.
From comments on the 2nd article, here's a Hillary supporter bragging about pressure and corruption in stealing the Presidency for a psychopathic criminal intent on betrayal to hostile enemies, while two following make two solid points. I find this so surreal...
The whole corrupted US government must fall (into prison) and the nominations and election be properly (re-)conducted - with independent and citizen oversight.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Rachel made a big deal about
Rachel made a big deal about white supremicists voting for Trump. Like who else would they vote for? They usually vote for Republicans, but nooooooooo! Klannies voting now seems to be a [not] thing. I don't get it.
She's got it bad
She suffers from DDS, Democrat Derangement Syndrome.
It's not always fatal, but it does cause insanity and brain damage. Whether temporary or permanent remains to be seen.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
In 2008, they voted for Hillary.
Or so she said. She identified her constituents then as "hard-working white people," same kind of racism to which Lee Atwater played.
ABC/WaPo Poll: Clinton's unfavorable ratings worse than Trump's
For the first time among likely voters, Hillary Clinton's unfavorable ratings are now worse than Donald Trump's, per the latest ABC/WaPo poll...
Hi, Cass!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Hey Bobswern!
How's life outside of the Daily Kos?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Great! How about you?
Great! How about you? How's life outside of Daily Kos for you? (LOL!)
The doctors tell me I'll be able to eat solid food in a few weeks. The psychopharmacologist has me gradually tapering off of the mind-control drugs. And, I'm on-track to conclude my physical therapy by springtime, give or take.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm told I have a wicked sense of humor in the real world. I have published a couple of posts here in the past week.)
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Judging from some of your previous comments Bob...
I think we share a very similar sense of humor.
I would love to have a couple beers with you and see you really get going.
After this election madness is over we really should try to put together a SE C99P meetup.
If we do it down in SW Florida I got access to a furnished 3 bed 2 bath pool home on the water I can get cheap. Just toss the owner about 25 bucks per day per room and at 2 people per room thats only $12.50 per person! (He is a Finn, they are verry generous people in my experience.
Another option is Caya Costa State park where you can get cabins (no electricity but a screened in porch) on the beach (Island is only accessible by boat) for around $40/night.
I would be down to traveling north though as well if someone can find similar or even better deals and it works more conveniently for others.
I really would like to cook you guys a nice meal, grab a bottle (or 6) of wine and have you all around a dinner table.
I bet the conversations would be EPIC!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I'm up for c99p meet-ups...
I'm up for checking out a c99p meet-up starting Spring of next year or anytime after that. (I'm spending waaaay too much time focusing on home and personal business stuff to get any significant time off before that. Yeah, it sucks being me, schedule-wise, right now. Now and for the next 4-5 months, I shouldn't even be spending what little time I do online, as it is.)
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Valdosta, GA. Draw a
line from Tampa, FL to Orlando to Titusville, FL to Savannah, GA to Hotlanta to Columbus, GA to Pensacola, FL and back to Tampa, and all C99ers living inside that box can make Valdosta, GA within a 4 hr. drive. Most within 3 hours.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Sounds like a roadtrip!
It's probably more like 6 hours from here in Tampa. But, I'm game.
I'd even pop for a rental car for a weekend rate.
I want a Pony!
or we could car pool, I would be passing through Tampa on my way
north from SW Florida.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Nice! I am about 3 hours south of Tampa, but could always
just stop in Sarasota and hang with my Aunt for a day or two before doing the rest of the trip. (My back doesn't tend to do well with extensive periods of time sitting in one position in a car unfortunately.)
I think we should maybe shoot for something in the spring?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
yes, Spring. Late April
to late May.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Or, down there, prolly
late Mar. to late April.
I'm thinkin' hotel or motel with a conference room.
Book on Booking.com and no need to pay until you check in.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Like the battered fiancé we will marry abusive Hillary, then we'll change her. Good Gawd.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
As if that has ever actually worked.
Because everyone runs for President so they can get to do whatever tens of people say they should do. Or hundreds. Or thousands. Especially if they get (gasp!) an online petition!!111!!! Presidents are such an ego-less, servile lot!
With a US population of about 325 million people, reasons to ignore what a few thousand people speak up about abound.
Honestly, if they're going to keep telling us fairy tales, shouldn't we at least demand they make up some new ones?
We’re supposed to HHFTTF (“hold Her feet to the fire”)
Of course, the governing equation that will obtain once she is elected will turn out to be HHFTTF = STFU + GTFO.
Ever since the PUMAs or, more likely, some Clinton campaign employee, coined Party Unity, My Ass, I've added "My Ass" to many things, especially sets of initials.
Hey! I never said I was above plagiarism. If Biden can get to be Vice President of the United States after plagiarizing, who am I to reject it?
That's not plagiarism.
You didn't build the tricycle. You just put a bell on the handlebar.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
And every time it rings, an angel gets its wings!
Thanks for letting me off the hook.
Okay, Clarence (snicker)
I couldn't help thinking of the BASF commercial when reading your 'plagiarism' post. You didn't make the prouct-- you made it better.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
And how exactly are we supposed to hold her feet to the fire...
When her cult members will scream, "You Racist, misogynist White Privileged Man!" for calling her out for the same things they got their panties all in a bunch over Bush the Lessor doing...
The only feet in the fire will be ours.
A nuclear fire most likely.
Fucking hypocrites, the lot of them...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
any criticism of a President Hills Clinton will be blasted
nobody will be allowed (in certain places) to say anything bad about her at all.
It's still their best pitch.
It's not a very good pitch, but they don't have one of those. Clinton Two will not be a very good President, just as Obama wasn't a very good President. But if your product isn't very good, the least you could do as an ethical salesperson would be to come up with an honest sales pitch. See e.g. my diary formerly of Daily Kos (now of the Wordpress archive) of September of 2010: Sales Ethics and the Democratic Campaign '10.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad