I'm Sick of President Obama's Legacy and His Advocacy for Hillary as its "Preserver"
I'm too sick, in fact, from my autoimmune disorder to write a blog post, so I did the above video. Today, President Obama campaigned for Hillary in North Carolina, and said people must turn out to vote for her to preserve his "legacy." And thinking about his legacy today has also sickened me, because for someone who promised so much to so many he did so little for so few, and most of those beneficiaries were members of the 1 percent and the corporations they control. And he supported the efforts of Hillary Clinton to clear the field so she would be the nominee.
That's right. His legacy is this election, whether Trump or Hillary wins, and it will, again fail, the vast majority of Americans. The video covers a gamut of his accomplishments that are part of his legacy, including more mass deportations than George Bush, the increased use of drone strikes to kill innocents overseas, while his policy to increase militarization of police forces resulted in the heavy handed and brutal violent tactics brought to bear against peaceful protesters such as Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and now the Standing Rock Sioux. A legacy of increased mass surveillance of the American people on his watch. His legacy includes letting Wall Street executives get off scot-free while millions of Americans lost their homes and livelihoods thanks to the Big Bank's fraud and deception.
His legacy is sickening, so it's probably apt that today, after all we've learned about the corruption and criminality of his chosen "legacy protector" Hillary Clinton, her husband Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama administration's efforts to interfere in the FBI investigations of those scandals, I am suffering from a flare of my chronic autoimmune disorder, i.e., I'm literally nauseated, dizzy, feverish and enduring severe gastrointestinal pain and other symptoms. I'm a living metaphor for how sick our country has become thanks to President Obama, the Clintons, the media, and the Republicans as well, the second half of our uni-party that represents the one percent and works to deceive and divide the rest of us.
The two parties have one hell of a shell game going on.
The Clintons slime everything they touch.
Obama appointed Hillary as Secretary of State, turned a blind eye on her malfeasance then and later, and still campaigns for her. He's very much a part of the Bush-Clinton continuum: Bush I, Clinton I, Bush II, Obama, Clinton II. Even if Hillary's finally torpedoed out of the election by a deluge of last-minute revelations or torpedoed out of the Oval Office by impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate, the harm done by all these players, including Obama, is vast and lasting.
Obama owns his legacy as droner-in-chief, deporter-in-chief, non-prosecutor-in-chief of Wall Street criminals, coordinator-in-chief of the brutal crackdown on the Occupy movement, and jailer-in-chief of whistleblowers. If colluder-in-chief with Clintons stains a legacy far from laudable, that's on him. As the Clintons' record is on them, not on Putin, Abedin, or anyone else.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
And even with all these things he has done, people are
having a sad because they are going to miss the best president since FDR who has ended two wars and hasn't started any new ones.
Besides his bombings of weddings and then double tapping and killing the people who come to the rescue, his worse act was allowing the CIA and the state department to give sarin nerve gas to his terrorists which are Al Quada to use on the Syrian civilians in order to have an excuse to overthrow Assad.
Over 1,000 people were killed in the attack.
How callous does one have to be to do that?
Hillary of course knew about this because she was the Secretary of State.
Has anyone heard her ever have an ounce of sympathy for the Women and Children that her policies have killed?
Remember what she said about sending the Honduran children back to Hondorus to send a message to their parents to not risk their children's lives escaping from the violence she helped create
These are some of the Syrian children she and Obama killed in the sarin gas attack.
This little girl is what Obama calls Collateral Damage
Thank you Steven for saying this so eloquently.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'm not sure what he thinks his legacy is
He'll always have the achievement of breaking the color barrier for the Presidency which is no small thing, but he'll have almost no lasting legislative or political achievements IMO.
He had a completely dysfunctional DOJ which was major. He tried to set up the Catfood Commission which fortunately was also dysfunctional. He tried to use Social Security as a budget bargaining chip, for which I'll never forgive him. He created a dysfunctional and unaffordable healthcare system whose existence is in doubt because he didn't have the fortitude to fight for a real one and pretty much just let the industry write the legislation.
I'd be curious to hear him articulate what he thinks his legacy is. His two terms have been a huge letdown. I completely understand how much he was hampered by the Republicans, but it is what it is. I'm not aware of him using the bully pulpit to any great distinction. He seems like a nice person and he has a terrific family and his dogs are cute.
Its possible that his Chapter 2 will surpass his Chapter 1. Jimmy Carter had a crummy Presidency but an admirable Post Presidency and maybe PO will try to go down that road. I am curious if he and Michelle will try to clone the Clinton pattern and have her run for the Senate from Illinois and then the Presidency while they also have the Obama Foundation. Who can say?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Obama's legacy?
It is that -- largely because:
Had he simply left healthcare alone in his first term, and stuck to delivering on his principal campaign promises:
the 2010 elections would have returned a Democratic Senate and House to power and he would have had a refreshed store of political capital to pass real healthcare reform (read: single public payer no opt-out).
Instead, we know what had actually taken place: he flushed his accumulated political capital down the toilet on a less-than-worthless healthcare non-reform bill, the completely justified nationwide hatred of which triggered massive Republican victories in the 2010, 2012, and 2014 Congressional and Senate elections. Meanwhile, Guantanamo's still open for business, and we're going back into Iraq and Afghanistan, with Syria assuredly not far behind.
And Perpetual Goldwater Girl Hillary Clinton as the "Democrat" running to succeed him.
Some legacy.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yes, wholeheartedly agree with your comment thanat
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
You left out
Republicans gained control of most states.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
And after they did, he let DWS keep her job
Even after she ran such a shitty election which saw so many good democrat candidates left in the dust because she didn't support them or supported DINO candidates.
Anyone else who got those results would have been fired unless that was the result Obama wanted because he need republicans to help him pass the TPP. The TPP is both unconstitutional and treasonous because it gives away our national sovereignty over to foreign corporations.
This has been in the works for almost a century starting when the CEOs of banks started and financed WWWI. JP Morgan was one of them.
They wanted to erase borders and install a new world order. Bush Sr. actually referred to it during one of his state of the union addresses.
gjonsit had a link to an article about this in one of his essays and I will try to find it.
This is a great essay if anyone missed reading it.
Looking back at the history of the past president's actions one can see how each one passed legislation that helped the NWO agenda along.
Looking back to the Reagan administration, you can see that this agenda came out from the shadows and every president since then added on to it.
Clinton's job was to deregulate the banks and pass economic laws that started derailing our social safety network.
Bush's job was to start destabilizing the Middle East which Obama continued with Libya and Syria and eroding borders with the TPP and some of his other legislation like the ACA which has put a great burden on people's finances because the premiums are going to continue rising and the deductibles make it so difficult for people to afford to see doctors and pay for their prescriptions.
Who was the last president that passed legislation that actually helped the middle class?
Hillary will either continue it or will put the final nail in it. And she will finally get social security privatized after Bill was unable to do it because the Monica Lewinsky scandal saved us from it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Luckily, even if life expectancy wasn't already plunging among us poors and we weren't slated to have our health and lives ruined by unlimited polluting and other industry control over the world, there's a good chance of us being nuked in the near future, so we probably don't really have to worry about dealing with this Brave New 1984 World scenario, as designed by corporations with no human capacities, such as understanding and empathy, for robots with no human capacities, such as understanding and empathy.
Plus, they'd probably be grammar nazis and get snarky about typos in our emails or even in our minds.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It remains to be seen whether Obama joins the lucrative
speech circuit, like Reagan and Clinton, hides like both Bushes, or follows the Jimmy Carter model of excellence, of which Jimmy Carter remains the only example.
The difference between the Clintons and Carter is about principles. Time will tell whether Obama seeks to put coins in his coffer, hide or live quietly out of the public eye, or restore some luster to his name. Cupidity vs. conscience. I don't know where his post-presidential ambitions may lie and how this farce of an election may be changing his plans.
If he's drawn to the pot of gold at the end of the presidential rainbow, he won't be able to take it unobserved, as the Clintons did until recently. No, the spotlight will be shining on him, and whatever he chooses to open his mouth about will be examined under a microscope. He can thank the overreach of the avaricious Clintons for that.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
And maybe that, more than anything, will be his legacy.
He's sure helped to expose some corruption and greed, hasn't he? He's sure done nothing to persuade anyone that he's not just one more Corporate shill, and he's done much to feed Repugnant ire with the Rump. What a legacy.
You're right, he'll be scrutinized no matter what he does. Good. I've said it before, but I hope one day his own daughters look at him and ask why. Climate change alone may ensure they do ask that question one day, they'll see far worse than he will in his lifetime. I almost hope he just slinks away as I can't really even listen to him speak anymore, and that grin that I used to think was so very attractive looks predatory now to me. Predatory and smug.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Obummer's Legacy and Clinton's Agenda
inactive account
love. this. nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Can I steal this?
I will lose all my friends when I post it but I don't care. Actually, not true. I will lose my pro-Clinton friends. My republican friends and relatives don't take offense at anything I post.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Too late,
I already stole it. You gotta be quick.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Hey Steven,
This election is toxic. Physically toxic. I feel the effects myself. You seem to be feeling it worse than most. You have been living and breathing this election for over a year now. I sense that your soul loves to write and make these videos. I know I love viewing them. But, don't push yourself too hard at the expense of your health.
P.S. Get well soon. No, wait, screw that. Get well now!
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Wonderful comment
Thank you for this beautiful comment. It is something I echo completely. Get well Steven!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
love you Steven
get better soon my dear friend
i'm a bit out of commission as my icky wrist is in a splint due to calcification and i can't take arthritis meds... anyways i'm typing to tell you i love ya. ill be fine in a bit and then all these scars on my arm will be covered in a beautiful tattoo.. yes there'll be lots of pix of it lol
keep it up.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Steven, If you don't help yourself your doctors will kill you.
Trust me. Doctors are some of the most oblivious people I have ever met. Please do your research on this link.
Try it for 2 weeks and i guarantee you you will feel better without any medicine. BTW, avoid free glutamate http://msgmyth.com/hidden_names_for_msg.html
read the labels of everything you buy at the store and avoid it. BTW, you will end up just going around the outer walls of the supermarket.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
It's worth a try. Check it out.
Cutting down on gluten helped my joint pain a lot, even though this sounds like nonsense. Maybe the recommended therapy will help.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I agree so much with the
I agree so much with the above - pharma-trained physicians tend to leave biology out of the equation and attempt to treat healing complex systems as though some isolated single-action chemical experiment within it was even possible. And they do not take our continual subjection to household/industrial toxins/pollutants into account at all.
I was stuck for some time on a diet of cheap processed crap, which was what was available at the time, after a life-time of pedominately fruit and veggies. I ate whatever, on the grounds that even if it made me sicker, it was better than nothing - and have improved tremendously after gaining the ability to cut out commercially processed flour and meats and, some time after this (as organic is not possible) corn, which is nearly always now GMO and created worsening and ultimately very bad gut pain, worsening with time and frequency of corn consumption - a problem I'd never had before with that, (although previously bought and ate a lot of organic/sustainably raised corn in more affluent times) which pain is now finally gone.
Unfortunately, that means no frozen 5-veggie mixed which I used to rely on, which means I'm now typically eating either only one or two kinds of frozen veggies every month, as well as potatoes, which in some cases (GMO is on the market now, can't tell until after you eat some) also cause problems. I find I can eat Basmati rice but not most other kinds - you have to test and see how you feel after eating something, generally problems are most identifiable after consuming them several days running.
You have to keep track of what does or doesn't cause problems for you, and test several times. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to know what's in the food we buy because we'd have the chance to avoid anything unwanted/unhealthy, which makes it difficult, as some batches of a food you have no problem with (such as apples, GMO versions of which have been grown for some time in Washington State and British Columbia and will also be contaminating other apples,) may give you an upset stomach or worse, as they seem to do me. (I can't prove it's GMO or a specific pesticide, though. But apples which are usually round and show up in a Delicious apple shape or all identically distorted are now suspect to me, and my room-mate, who shops after work on the way home, can't tell these things, so apples will be out for me now, once the ones from the tree out back are gone. Bananas - which I gather have mostly shifted to GMO, which would explain a lot - have been out for some time. Shop carefully and look at what you buy; avoid GMOs, as genes and what they express cannot have different genetic material added to change characteristics without also altering the biochemistry, often randomly. Not that all effects will show in the near term...)
Despite being on a very limited diet which I know is short of important nutrients, and being unable to afford supplements, (and still having a sleep disorder) I'm doing incredibly much better than I was, although I still have to avoid other exposures to various chemicals.
The less-expensive garbage being passed off as food is horrendously toxic and nutrient-deficient and diet is, of course, a major factor in your body functions functioning from the cellular level up. (This toxicity in the food supply and elsewhere will drastically increase once the TPP and Fast-Tracked others are passed and corporate/billionaire profit becomes the only legal concern of those regulating us to suit them.)
The difference made in inflammation levels and most often foot/leg cramping is, at least in my case, that of not having these when various processed foods and other chemical exposures are avoided, although organic flours, especially ancient grains, would probably be alight for you; I get them on sale now and then and they typically do not have the same inflammatory effects of the typical commercial breads.
Please try, if you haven't already, what's been suggested - it may make a world of difference to you!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Eliminate all flours. You can eat well without them.
If you need to eat carbs, eat sprouted brown rice and eat it smothered in butter instead. Eat MASHED potatoes/yams smothered with butter and sour cream. The animal fat will fill you up and you will find you are eating less. Carbs (flour and sugar) increases your blood sugar which induces insulin release which eventually leads to low blood sugar which leads to being hungry again which leads to more eating of carbs. It's the American endless cycle. The best diet is fatty meats. Chicken thighs, pork shoulder. They are actually the cheaper meats becasue America has ben brainwashed into thinking that low fat is good for you. Diseases have ben on the rise as soon as we went on a low fat, high carb diet. Keep eating carbs and eventually you become metabolically challanged and the diseases set in. All modern diseases are caused by this simple failure of your mettabolism. The only thing which is different is how each body expresses the metabolic syndrome. Some get cancer, some get diabetes, some get arthritis, some get celiacs, some get heart disease, etc........ Research epigenetics. It will explain it all. Eat like we evolved to eat. Animals,roots and berries. Saturated animal fat is your friend. Do not use any processed oils, your body has no idea WTF those things are.They are bad for you. You do not secrete insulin when you consume fat. In fact, the major cause of all diseases in America is excess insulin secretion. Remember, insulin is a blood sugar storer not a blood sugar regulator. That is the biggest problem. Insulin just keeps over charging your fat cells until they need more insulin to store the sugar. That is the beginning of metabolic syndrome. In that state you can't burn fat either which is exactly why you store fat. BTW, 3 of my friends just told me they were diabetic yesterday. 3 more victims.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Some reading and advice
like yours got me well, blood-sugar wise. Anyone facing high C1a levels would benefit from getting ahold of Blood Sugar 101, 2nd ed., by Jenny Ruhl. The Abascal Way is also useful, especially about matters like the presence of glyphosate in sugar and seeds used for vegetable oil, as it's used to dessicate the plants to make harvest easier . . .
Sail on, Sailor!
To me, writing when I'm ill is easier than sitting and talking to a webcam for over 30 minutes. This effort on your part is why you are one of the most esteemed authors on this site. We who are about to fry in a neocon nuclear war salute you!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Obama has screwed the pooch.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I know it's so hard NOT to pay attention
but maybe you need to take yourself a little break. I hate to miss your writing, but man, I know how emotionally upset I am and I hate to see any one make themselves literally physically ill over this mess. I'm so sorry to hear what this is doing to so many people, damn them for doing this.
I find lately the only thing that works for me to escape it is good fiction. I'm into Tana French and Dublin Murder Squad right now, and I find I can just sink into their world and away from ours, sometimes for hours. It helps. But I can't look away from this either, and even after this ugly "election" is over I will still make myself angry and disgusted by reading all about it.
Take care of yourself.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Steven, my heart goes out to you,
as do my heartfelt wishes for your speedy return to comfort and vigor.
Throughout my life, I have been coached that every election is the "most important election ever", but this one is different. It is the most significant one, ever.
It signifies the end of the democracy experiment, either way it goes.
At my age, 64, I am doomed.
Thanks, Obama.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks for all you do, Steven
I got a survey in my email today about Obama's 'legacy'. Sure he has a legacy, just nothing good. I got one about Hillary the other day as well with the same subject: Has D- ABANDONED Obama/Hillary?? Nope, I'm not the one that did any abandoning. Unsubscribed, deleted, blocked.
We sent in our ballots today; I voted for Jill. I'm not sorry; let the chips fall where they may.
Hang in there; I have depression and anxiety issues and I just feel burned out. Some of it is due to our home situation, but most of it is political, economic and environmental burnout.
This shit is bananas.
Good to see you, Steven. I always find your videos enlightening.
Please take good care of yourself. What helped me is a mushroom supplement. It seems to calm down overreacting immune function while gearing up underreacting immune function. See here: https://www.google.com/#q=purple+mushroom+supplement
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Edward Klein article at NY Post
titled: Obama aides want Comey out after email bombshell
The rest of the story here: http://nypost.com/2016/11/02/obama-aides-want-comey-out-after-clinton-em...
The President should be worried, because Hillary is already a negative footnote to his presidency. He is only digging himself in deeper here.
Probably Obama gets a bonus
Probably Obama gets a bonus only if the right corporate pick of the Clintons (double the trouble and double the funds!) gains the Presidency to uphold the public servant's 'right' to the absolutely-not-traitorous-if-the-next-Pres-says-so acts involving
free countries and peoplelegacy he's selling into corporate/billionaire control?Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.