Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama to Clinton
Submitted by Big Al on Sun, 10/23/2016 - 12:10am
It's pretty much assured, as it was in April 2015, that we're going to get Hillary Clinton for President. From Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama to Clinton. Think about that.
And we're going to let them get away with it.? If we didn't have Obama in there it would be Bush to Clinton to Bush to Clinton. But we all know Obama is the same thing anyway. After Clinton's four years, that will be 32 years of that lineage. Who knows what comes after that.
I'm tired of this man. I feel like I live in a different country now, not the kind I thought I lived in most of my life. More like Thailand or England with their monarchy bullshit. I can't believe they still do that. Hell, I guess we do too.
It's been an illusion all along.

It's the Uniparty
on script and coming soon to a election near you.
These theatrics result in the same military, trade, banking and foreign policies, no matter who wins.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Orwell was an optimist.
Chelsea co-prez, not Bill.
From Edward Kleins book, Guilty as Sin.. Maybe not a reputable source, although with all the attacks from MSM, I am begging to wonder just who, if anyone, is more reputable. Especially after seeing the latest weeks of emails...
Anyway, here is one of the scariest two paragraphs of the book for anyone who actually gets to the end of the commentary.
From the Light House.
They never stop do they.
No way will this nation put up with another Clinton after Hillary gets done with it.
If a Pres. H. Clinton
If a Pres. H. Clinton becomes mentally
decapitateddisabled from her neurological problems... they could he hidden and the reigns of power held in Chelsea's hands.What a fucking nightmare.
BTW... from the resent Smith dinner, my own screen cap. NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY.
From the Light House.
The Clinton rages.
More from Klein's new book:
The reason I bring this up is there are numerous reports that H. Clinton has a toxic temper in private that she hides (mostly) in public. The latest was a temper tantrum after the Civic Town Hall where she ranted for over an hour, threw a glass at an aid and called Brazille a "brown cow". Just before that the White House chef reported that Hillary commonly uses the racist word "nigger" when she is in a rage. All of these are considered to be lies, smears and anyone who believes them is an idiot or worse.
Well, the latest batch of emails, which can't be called right-wing smears offers evidence that H. and C. Clinton's rages are perhaps verifiable. From the Podesta emails:
I have seen these quotes on wikileaks but here I am citing Fox News. A bit shocking source for me to cite, but like I said, I have read the emails.
And to show how serious things can be there is WikiLeaks email #7136 shows how the foundation distributes money. The leaked email in question was sent by Laura Graham, Chief Operating Officer of the Clinton Foundation & Chief of Staff to President Clinton who reportedly wanted to commit suicide due to ‘office crap’ brought by spoiled brat Chelsea, and appears to show Chelsea Clinton using funds from the nonprofit Clinton Foundation to pay for her ‘for profit’ business activities. Chelsea reportedly takes 50-75% of money from foundation to her own profit.
From the Light House.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it.
Wow. You know at this point, I think Trump actually is the lesser evil, and that it really might matter.