The petulant cult of primitive simpletons
"Primitive simpletons believe 'big', oft-repeated lies, not small ones" ~ Adolph Hitler 1925
To expand the Hitler's quote: primitive (of subhuman origin - ape like), simpletons (even apes can learn, simpletons cannot), believe, 'big' lies (Carl Rove/Cheney Big; Irag has wmd), 'frequently repeated' and never small ones (as the simpletons might see right thru them).
Primitive simpletons believe big lies, if repeated frequently.
Primitive simpletons don't believe in science or facts, discard intellectual thought, disrespect laws counter to their beliefs and willfully threaten civil society if it threatens their beliefs.
Primitive simpletons think jesus was white.
Primitive simpletons are the tools of authoritarians. They readily swig the kool-aid of the conspiratorial and are too simple to alter a mind closed to reality.
They are a petulant cult, perhaps ten million of them among us, many with guns and most enabled to vote. Semi-skilled authoritarians use mass subjugation, skilled authoritarians use tribalism.
This petulant cult of primitive simpletons include abuse-shocked Stockholm syndrome survivor's, their 'old ladies', though some are so simple themselves they don't recognize that they are the tool's of tools.
Primitive simpletons don't understand love, they are incapable.
Primitive simpletons have excuses; 'me' deserve more compared to others and suffer no 'we'. Their excuses build on a patchwork of lies (from self and by revered others) to reinforce their owed mantra.
The revered others have no shame or sense of charity and are controlled by their id* - they just do it better than the tool's and are worshipped for it, a cult.
*~from Wikipedia: The id is the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives. The Id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. It is the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. The id contains the libido, which is the primary source of instinctual force that is unresponsive to the demands of reality. The id acts according to the "pleasure principle"—the psychic force that motivates the tendency to seek immediate gratification of any impulse.

What Would America Now Be Like?
This is the nation which began the modern science of rocketry. Which created the first viable heavier-than-air vehicles. The nation which created television and perfected radio. which improved SONAR into an effective defense weapon, and created the most destructive weapons on Earth. Which was able to send men to the Moon and return them safely. And let's not forget more consumer-oriented products like the automatic transmission, air conditioning, the PC and the cell phone, even if such developments were greatly improved by other nations which received our technological knowledge bases courtesy of corrupt corporatists. This is but a small sampling of the former intellectual output of this nation.
Could ANY of these developments have happened with the current "Proud to be Stupid" make up of the American people?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Innovation gets lip service
But build cathedrals for mad men (adelson gets $750M in public financing - tourist and room tax backed, for new Vegas stadium) advertising shills.
If the Dalai Lama pities you it may be time to reevaluate.
"Proud to be Stupid and Scared" n/t
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
hillbots to a tee
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I think you are off by at least
a factor of ten.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
A fearful thought, yes.
A fearful thought, yes.
There seems to be no minimum requirement for entry into the collapsitarian militia.
If the Dalai Lama pities you it may be time to reevaluate.
What are you suggesting?
While I am sympathetic that you are uncomfortable living among so many people with whom you obviously have so little in common, I am stunned by your labelling them as "of subhuman origin"; less than apes, actually, and you go on to list their other deficiencies. What's next, a plea to solve the problem by rounding them up and sending them to the ovens? Good god, read what you've written.
What am "I" suggesting?
Better read it again - Hitler's words, not mine.
I made no suggestions and am trying to figure out how the silent majority (who are neither) have come this close to electing a charlatan.
Actually I do have one suggestion (not mine) - civics classes as a requisite high school course.
If the Dalai Lama pities you it may be time to reevaluate.
The only words attributed to Hitler
Were the first line. I wasn't aware Hitler spoke of Rove and Iraq so I, apparently in mistake, assumed you were adding your own thoughts rather than continuing the quote. I apologize for my confusion. I must confess to being surprised at Hitler's familiarity with and use of the work of Freud in his own writings, since you are quoting him, although I still doubt that the passage from Wikipedia is actually in Hitler's own words.
By the way, which charlatan do you mean?
If these are Hitler's words he was ahead of his time
Since the term Stockholm Syndrome wasn't coined until 1973.
This projection is entirely yours.
I find it very disturbing in a person.
It is a leap to establish a twisted meaning and intent, an ugly conversational device meant to block all further discussion. Screams of "anti-semite" "racist" and "misogynist" belong to your set of personal projections that you use in your work.
We have seen too much of this intellectual depravity in this election cycle. Such words come from manufactured (indeed, sub-human) tools of the Establishment designed to limit the spectrum of discussion in the US. For me, it is all too apparent, Heatofthesun. I will highlight it whenever I see you do it.
I will assume that you are not aware of what you have become.
Well, that went off the rails fast!
IMO, Heatofthesun has the right to protest the original poster calling all Trump followers (presumably) primitive. Characterizing one's opponent as one's subhuman enemy is indeed how we roll just before going to war against them (or indeed in the case of Naziism, sending them to the ovens).
I don't think the original poster meant it that way. But the language is concerning, not projection.
To accuse Heatofthesun of intellectual depravity strikes me as a personal attack, more than his/her original protest comments.
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Oh. I thought the original poster referred to Hillary followers
Not that it matters. Both camps are filled with primitive simpletons.
Anything manufactured by humans through techniques like brainwashing or bribes, as in the case of operatives or tools, are degraded- or sub-humans. A true human implies an enlightened and intellectually honest sentient thinker.
I pledge to highlight tools like Heatofthesun whenever I see them attempt to stiffle discussion by screaming "Holocaust" or "woman hater" or "racist" before an open discussion can take place.
Nonetheless, I fully support your right to defend the intellectual depravity of tools, as well. The points you made are clear and non-manipulative. All opinions honestly stated are welcome here.
And I thought the essayist meant either C or T voters.
So we all have different views of our bleak country (my view).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
On second thought, you are probably correct; the poster
probably meant followers of establishment candidates.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I couldn't tell which group was meant
Although it doesn't really matter; labelling any group as subhuman gets my dander up.
Gosh, thank you for your support
Thing is, a brainwashed human is still a human. Can't we criticize their thinking (or lack thereof) without labels like "subhuman"?
Heatofthesun opened with "What are you suggesting?" That hardly seems like an attempt to stifle discussion. It seems to me that a response from the original poster something like, "No, I'm not suggesting anything like that, I probably shouldn't have called them subhuman but I'm riffing off of Hitler's statement," without any attack launched against Heatofthesun, would have put the discussion right back on track.
So I don't think he is intellectually depraved nor a tool. There is no comment history to suggest such. And we are supposed to be civil around here - attack the ideas, not the person. Thus my objections to your objections.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
We are talking about words posted to a blog.
A pre-programmed operative is not a thinking, enlightened human. At the best, you have a bot, which is not a thinking human.
In the case of Heatofthesun, his projection about putting people in ovens was the result of a PTSD experience, which is triggered when someone mentions Hitler and/or sub-human. His words are a shocking irrelevant hallucination that stops conversation, deliberate or not. Unfortunately, it is also a favorite device used by tools, bots, and operatives.
Again, we are talking about words typed on a blog. I will stipulate that they are likely typed by physical humans. Some of them are pre-programmed tools who attempt to stifle discussion by going Godwin, or off into some crazy extreme accusation or projection. In your case, you enhance discussion, hence my support.
I pledge to highlight it if I see Heatofthesun succumb to a PTSD crisis that stops discussions. But somehow, I don't think that will happen again.
What I am
Is a person who has an elderly friend whose family all died in the camps. Felix has somewhat enhanced my sensitivity to speech that labels groups of people as sub-humans.
If Liluli had said something like "we need to guard against this kind of thinking" I would have added my thumbs-up, but instead, in the reply to my original comment we see "Hitler's words, not mine." I believe that this is demonstrably incorrect. These are not solely Hitler's words, unless you want to provide a citation, rebut my statement that the phrase "Stockholm Syndrome" was coined in 1973 and explain Hitler's apparent use of Freudian terms and concepts. If they are not solely Hitler's words, then in the absence of further attribution, whose words should we think they are, if not Liluli's?
If we assume for a moment that the words in fact are Hitler's, and seeing that there are no rebuttals or discussion by the poster, given that the words seem to promote thinking of certain groups as sub-human, how would you respond?
You must keep better records than I do, for I cannot find those words in my comments anywhere. I also seem to have failed miserably in the attempt to block all further discussion which you seem to attribute to me.
You do understand that you appear to be calling me sub-human here, right, especially since you reiterate the "tool" description of me in a later comment?
If Liluli's statement is correct that the words are in fact Hitler's, then historically, rounding up the subhumans and sending them to the ovens actually was the next step. No projection needed, just a history book.
So are you denying the rest of the essay or not?
You've already made clear you don't approve. I'd suggest you move along to another post, so the rest of us can carry on with the discussion, but your multiple posts in this discussion rather suggest you'd like to continue here.
If you'd like to discuss this further, feel free. I think the essay is spot-on. Think you can get past your couple-of-sentences objections? Can you possibly handle that much? What I read here--the point, being--there are far too many simpletons and simpleton behavior being encouraged, and it is destroying this nation's collective human fabric--and I'd like to know what you think we SHOULD do about it.
And let me be clear. I'm not asking you to go on and on again about what you think others should not talk about. I am asking you--and anybody else that is interested--to stay on point to the big picture here:
What the fuck are we supposed to do with such simpletons in our midst that we can't convince them how they're being brainwashed and that they need to wake the fuck up? What do YOU think we should DO about this?
I agree with Liluli ...
that education is a starting point.
If you want to label a group of people as simpletons go right ahead. I've said unflattering things about people who frustrate me myself.
My objection is to labelling a group of people as subhuman. Ask the Jews and Romany and a few other groups how that label worked out for them in Europe. Ask the American Indians and Blacks how well that worked out for them in the U.S. Labelling people as subhuman is historically part of the justification used for whatever bad things you do to them. If you want to say "Hitler did this and look what bad things happened," then count me in, but that's not what the essay says, and that's what I've been objecting to all along.
Then just go with that
Jesus Christ, just go with that:
But no, that would be too easy....
That's nice. Go start your own conversation somewhere else. Nobody is talking about Hitler's Final Solution but you. I am sick of this Gone Godwin motif putting the kibbosh on every fucking discussion online ever. The line used was a historical reference meant to point out a bigger picture of stupid people. Nobody suggested they round them all up and exterminate them. That is YOUR reading of it.
Give me a break!
I don't understand why the anger at Heartofthesun and talking about disturbing projections, even intellectual depravity.
Give me a break, someone quotes Hitler and then goes on about subhuman simpletons (they never make clear which are Hitler's words and which are not) and you want us to forget what Hitler's solution was?
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
It is a simple online discussion
and it will not EXTERMINATE anyone reading it or discussing it, that's why.
So, what is your solution, lunachickie
Since you are so angry that Heartofthesun is against rounding them up and killing them?
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Give ME a break, okay?
Stop exaggerating, that's not what was said.
Why must there be people who lay in wait for every fucking historical reference to Hitler and then throw a hissy fit, like merely having the discussion will exterminate anyone reading it? Goddamn, but it gets tiresome.
Criminalise voting GOP and 13th amendment them?
The antidote
to black and white thinking is not shades of gray, but color. Brilliant thinkers aren't always right, and simpletons aren't always wrong. We can classify and categorize people any way we like, but that doesn't mean we have accurately defined, or fully understood them.
That's right
It's important to try, though. We have to try to understand this phenomena, and why some folks aren't reachable with actual facts. We have to find a way to reach them.
Well, we won't reach them
by insulting them, that's for sure.
That's what comment discussion is for
though, isn't it? Because you're right. And if insulting them isn't nice--and it isn't--then how can we reach them?
That's what I got out of this exercise. Because IMO, we have to find a way to reach them.