Jimmy Dore Takes Apart the John Oliver Hit Piece on Jill Stein
John Oliver, now just another Court Jester/Whore for the Oligarchs, did a Smear Attack/Hit Piece on Jill Stein which included the preposterous claim that Jill is an Anti-Vaxxer. Jimmy handily knocks Oliver off his Soapbox Of Lies.
Dore: "If you are a comedian and are gleefully cheering on a coporatist warmonger [Hillary], instead of taking the piss out of them, that's propaganda, it's not art." Jimmy also calls out other comedians including Bill Maher, Trevor Noah, but this really applies to all of the kiss ass comedians and actors selling their souls to Hillary hoping for a future invite to appear at a White House entertainment function.
I used to really like Oliver but shit like this is Shameless and Unforgivable. Hopefully Karma will reward Oliver by helping him lose his audience and his US work visa. I know I'm done watching him.
Length: 10:49
Update: MarkfromQueens comment below contains the Green Party's email response to the Oliver Hit Piece. Thanks Mark!
Also see Jill Stein answers science questions (h/t Bisbonian )
TYT had Jill Stein on and asked her to respond to the Oliver Hit Piece.
Length: 1:50
PS. If you enjoyed the video, consider showing Jimmy some love by subscribing to his youtube channel. The bigger he gets the more people will awaken from this nightmare of a govt.

"There's no such thing as bad publicity" has been noted
by many so at least Jill is getting her name mentioned on tv.
What you said Oliver said is transparently false and warrants an effyou from anyone who is anti-war and pro-environment.
Thanks for the diary and for reminding my why I don't own a tv
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I don't believ that statement is true,
no matter how often it is repeated. Lies and smears about you, over and over, to the masses not really paying attention, is bad publicity.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It actually did quite a bit of damage
From a campaign email I got a few days later:
That is a serious hole in the budget of a shoestring operation. Well done, John. I'd tell you to go back where you came from, but I'm from there too, and if you can't make it in comedy in the UK, you are either greedy or untalented. Or both.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I've always had mixed feelings about John Oliver
Sure, he's funny, but a fellow Briton pontificating to Americans about their politics/election, always makes me feel a bit squeamish.
A product of Oxbridge doing 'dirty work' for America's 1% doesn't sit well.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Sometimes it takes an outsider to point out the obvious
I'm annoyed by the map he uses for the UK that eliminates the 26 counties of Ireland.
He's human, he's not always going to get it right. I'm not shocked that he's buying into the LoTE, he's got to be here a bit longer yet.
Chris Hedges did a talk with KPFA the other night and made a very cogent and persuasive argument for eschewing the LoTE, which revolved primarily around the point many here make that if we keep caving in the face of a terrible GOP candidate we will continue to be taken for granted. I hope the put the video up soon, there was a lot more to it than that.
Confused by your first sentence.
Those 26 counties aren't part of the UK.
It's a symbol of the re-rise of British bigotry
It is only in the last handful of years that the butchered 6 counties image has been shown. It's rise perfectly tracks the rise of UKIP and bigotry in the UK.
If you don't get why that is so unacceptably offensive to the Irish, then I suggest you ponder it. Those fuckers are still occupying my country and still fucking it for my people and those fuckers (and Oliver is definitely one of those fuckers) are dragging 6 counties of my country out of EU against their will (56% of Northern Ireland voted remain).
Fuck John Oliver, imperialist English piece of shit.
I love Jimmy Dore.
Listen to him at work, sometimes.
I thought John Oliver
was gonna be one of the good guys, I was wrong. So as they say in England he can piss off.
My Only Issue With Jimmy Dore
He allows his emotions to exceed his delivery control. There were many good points he didn't make because he'd cut himself off changing topics. His brain is getting in front of his mouth.
So Jimmy, don't eliminate what you feel. That needs to come across. But don't let it dominate your message. You will be more effective as a communicator when you are most needed.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I agree. Sometimes he does not complete a thought
as if he thinks it is obvious to the listener so why fill in the blanks. But no one (that I know of) is out the speaking truth to power the way Jimmy does. He's one of a kind.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It's tough, but a good way to break that habit on Dore's part
would be to have to sit down and transcribe his own thoughts
(no, really! When he tries to read himself, he might see where he leaves things hanging sometimes)
Thank you for posting this. I'm so damned disappointed in Oliver, I could spit.
i enjoy it
personally, the way he'll cut in the middle of a word. makes me feel like i'm in on the joke. ("joke") i'll agree that at times his digressions get a little far downrange, but for the most part the brevity doesn't bother me at all. at this point i guess i'm fully on board.
The Green Party's email yesterday exposed Oliver's intransigence
What a full-on POS, who went from embracing his role as commercial tv host using his platform to further good causes and advocacy against injustice and corruption, to becoming big Fear Boy like his other corporate establishment comedians, as Dore rightfully had the courage to call them at the end of this segment.
Dore, and Lee Camp, are both great comedians who, after this sodden epic of bed-wetting and lock-step marching with Fascism Lite, will also now for me always be held in the highest esteem from here on out for their courage, fearlessness and righteousness in the way they've comported themselves in the face of the ugliest peer pressure and high-pressure propaganda.
Here's the Green Party email explaining:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks Mark! I added an update
to the body of the essay to point out your comment and the email.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Fear Boy... love it.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
QE in the United States works
QE in the United States works by the Federal reserve exchanging deposits it holds for members banks, from Federal reserve bonds to Federal Government issued bonds, Remember the Federal reserve is a private bank and not government owned, yes the chairmen is appointed by the president but that is the extent of it, its board of directors is filled by the 6 largest New York banks.
QE is a stupid response to give to the student debt problem.
Further the debt is held by several different entities, as their is more then one type of student debt, Primarily you have subsidized debt, and unsubsidized federally insured debt, their is others but this is the bulk of it. The subsidized debt is held by mostly by the US government(over 90%), and any debt held by the government can simply be forgiven, no QE, the government just chooses not to collect, easy peasy, Then a bunch of the debt(good chunk of the unsubsidized) is held by sallie mae and other government operated corps, now these companies are publicly traded so you can't just forgive the debt, it will have to be bought off them, Their is no avenue todo this without congressional legislation, Granted if you forgive the 90% of subsidized debt that is reachable, you can probably shame congress into doing something on the rest.
Gee Thanks for 'Correcting The Record' luminous
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
IS their anything factually
IS their anything factually wrong with my Statement about how QE works, or is this your response when the argument isn't going your way?
You Are A CTR Troll
You were pushing your stupid-ass "Jill is an anti-vaxxer" in my other diary. Now you are here pushing more Jill sux horesshit.
I won't be replying to anymore of your posts. Not wasting my time. I'm also advising others -- Don't Feed The Trolls.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
lol, I never once called her
lol, I never once called her an anti-vaxxer, I said her messaging on the subject was monumentally stupid.
I don't accept the pre-assumption that you greenies are pushing that the Greens are the only alternative. The inability of the Greens to get their message out, or get ahead of the story line before someone like John Oliver drops a turd in the punch bowl, You all take criticism as a person attack, rather then confronting the problems presented by said criticism.
If the people supporting and making up the Greens can't see this, then they are truly lost.
And I get it, messaging is hard when you don't have access to the mass media empires, but today in the modern age their are alternatives, But the Greens are either not using those alternatives, or using them incompetently.
Some text buried in a website ISN'T MESSAGING.
Hmm. I'd be interested to know what alternative you
think would be better (for this election).
And you're being a bit blithe about the "I get it, messaging is hard when you don't have access." If you're sincere--and I think you are--you're making the same mistake the Left has been making for years. It's the "rub dirt on it, you ain't hurt so bad" mistake. To put it another way: No Matter What the Terrible Circumstances, Intelligence, Competence and Hard Work Can Overcome Them! Now Get Out There And Work Some More! And If You Don't Succeed, It's Your Own Damned Fault! You're Probably Just Weaker or Crappier Than the Next Guy (or in this case, the next political organization).
It's the dark loathsome underbelly of "Yes We Can." It has a tendency to squash all strategic thinking and analysis, and it renders most Americans' analyses of things political--even mine--weirdly abstract and out of touch with material reality. The frames we've got in our heads that interpret data for us basically make us act like we're living in a Disney movie.
To put it yet another way, what about the other 39 "third parties" out there? Instead of asking why the Green Party hasn't succeeded, and implying that the reason must be their incompetence, wouldn't it make more sense to ask why all 40 third parties haven't succeeded? Unless you think there's some quintessential quality in those who organize third parties that makes them automatic losers, it seems that there's something all 40 have in common that's causing the persistent lack of success. Seems unlikely that it is the loser qualities of each individual organization that has caused such complete and persistent failure. You might--just might--want to look for systemic or structural causes.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Honestly, In the US breaking
Honestly, In the US breaking out of the two party dynamic because of how our elections work, might be impossible, and Both of the major parties are using lesser of two evil voting against us.
And as for the third parties, their are several things that keep them from going anywhere, but two biggies that stand out more then any other reason, Media/messaging access, and wideness of their coalition.
Most third parties have to narrow a focus, a single issue party will never win. And moving a narrow focused party to a wider focus is difficult, the core of the party will not want to toss off parts of their base or be tossed off by change, The problem with the greens for example is centered around this, Jill invited Bernie to the party with the promise of reforming the platform, I will hand it to her that she understands that reform is needed, but without Bernie it seems she doesn't have the room to reform the party herself. It the sort of problem they have, do they reform the platform themselves and end up losing the core of their party or do they forever wait for the popular guy to come in and do it, so that his popularity can keep the party together through the turmoil.
That not to say its impossible for them todo this, it is not impossible, They easily could start using off-year's to run State by State forums, and a National forum, to propose and update the platform, this would also be a good way to fund raise. Live Stream EVERYTHING, they don't have access to mass media, so inundate alternative media, give wide access to TYT, show up at vblog's for interviews whatever.
But before they get any support from me, they have todo something different, supporting a false promise just diminishes the value of the real thing when it comes around.
I live in Utah, which is a 4 way race atm, Only Greenie on the ballot is Stein, Mcmullin very possibly could beat both the ruubs and her Majesty, but he is a train wreck LDS conservative nut job himself. Honestly I might not vote, just don't see the point.
I have been more fighting with myself over what todo in the future, honestly pretty hopeless from the perspective of this one party State.
Then you better just give up right now
Because--sez you--it's just hopeless for them! Because reasons!
Because they won't ever get on the compromised American information television shows and radio gabs, being all honest and shit. Besides, well, there are just way too many of them to be cohesive. Right???
You realize you just put your foot in the ass of your vaunted two-party system with the "wideness" remark, right? Because it's official these days--far more Americans consider themselves to be of no particular political persuasion than call themselves Dem or GOP. In your zest to convey such an authoritative voice, I'm guessing you just plum forgot about that....
Good heavens you are jumpy, I
Good heavens you are jumpy, I am waiting for something worth standing behind, the rallying call of someone worth lifting up, And I don't support the two party system but pending an amendment that changes how elections work, numerically its what we have, pending the collapse of one of the main parties(queue the ruubs).
Simply being angry about it is not going to change it. We have to walk the fine line that is "that which can be only" without falling prey to delusion, or surrender to that which is "practical".
The movement needs leader.
i'm sure
clinton's extensive plan for campaign finance reform must be a big draw.
clue: voting for it is not going to change it, either. yw.
How much time do you think we have to wait? How long do you think the planet is going to give us? How long do you think the other people on the planet, the rest of the world, are going to wait for the USA to get its act together? From what we're already seeing, they're not going to wait for us.
Some of us are not sitting around waiting for "something worth standing behind" to appear. We're stepping out toward it, to create it ourselves; to create the momentum in which "leaders worth lifting up" will appear.
Or cynicism. There is a whole swath of the Amercan public that has devolved into cynicism. In times like these, cynicism is deadly. "Things suck, and it'll never change. We could try to change the system, but it's impossible. It won't work. Nothing will work. Woe is me. Woe are we."
A cynical attitude + waiting for something or someone to come along doesn't strike me as a very effective plan. (Of course, if one tends to cynicism, nothing will ever be effective anyway, I guess. :P)
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
As long as it takes
to complete the con.
I truly don't know why anyone thinks this kind of con can gain traction just any old place. All that patented super psych-o-rama language usage sticks out like a sore thumb after awhile. If it wasn't so damned dangerous in its subversiveness, it would be comical to keep watching this person contort their way through translating it correctly (cough)
To answer your question, luminous:
Depends on how you define "factually wrong".
If you accept the (rather highly spun and biased) Federal Reserve System's story as to just how QE works, then the explanation you offered is actually pretty tight.
However, if you are willing to face some basic facts about central banking in fiat currency systems that the Federal Reserve System (and its counterparts in the other fiat currencies on the Planet) would prefer you neither know nor consider, then your story becomes questionable for the exact reason that your source becomes questionable.
Specifically, the tale about the Federal Reserve having any real restriction on currency creation is just that, a tale. Central banks create money inside their own computer systems ex nihilo (from nothing). There's no inherent requirement to tie such currency creation to anything in the real world.
Dr. Stein simply acknowledges that the Federal Reserve System has this power, and advocates that it be used to eliminate the student debt burden. Even if the adjustments elsewhere in the banking system were made and their costs figured in, it would still be cheaper for us to do just that than to continue carrying on with the vast majority of our employable adults spending most of their adult lives as debt peons.
As to whether any private entity (and the Fed is a private corporation) should have that power, that's another discussion.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Your walking the side of delusion
"Specifically, the tale about the Federal Reserve having any real restriction on currency creation is just that",
1. The Federal reserve bank is a private entity that does not take orders from the President.
2. It does have a mandate set by congress when it was created, first to keep inflation low, and second to seek out full employment.
3. Under current legislation the Fed's hands are tied, and for the most part this is good, The Fed hasn't engaged in the grand stupidity that the foreign Central banks have engaged in, such as buying huge portions of the fixed income market as a means of "stimulus". Just how much rope do you want to give to the Central bank to hang us with?
4. The only theoretical loop hole to magic money is is via the US mint, it theory a $1 trillion dollar coin could be minted and then deposited at the Federal reserve, This theory is not legally tested, would certainly be challenged, is either way is standing on very flimsy ground. Its as stupid as when it was suggested to Obama during the sequester BS.
5. And again not all student debt is held by the US government, or is held by a publicly traded GSE. somewhere around 1/3 of the debt would need legislative action. The debt they can get to is Held directly by the federal government in which case why would they need to print money to give to themselves?!
you have links for all this repetition of yours, right?
#1 should be common knowledge, despite the name
Though, I'd bet half the population thinks it's a government entity - so maybe not actual common knowledge. The name is misleading, I'm sure by design.
As far as the rest, I'm curious too.
This is the third
time it's all been repeated here (I think--maybe more)
And yeah, the first one is easy enough to link to. But the rest of it? Ya, I'm more than curious....
Are you completely incapable
Are you completely incapable of reading the first link on google?
You will have to read some history their, the Federal Reserve was intentionally created to be very limited, their was a justified huge amount of distrust for Central banks, and well banks in general, Prior to the FDR reforms, banking in the United States, was a very fraud prone industry. Where such sayings as "The best way to rob a bank is to own one" where invented.
Their was some legislative changes made after 2008 as well, for some commercial lending facilities. But for the most part its kept in a tight box of regulation.
Yes I'm totally and completely incapable
Can you please read it for me. Hahahahhahahahahaha.
luminous, give it a break. Doesn't Correct The Record give you guys sundays off.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Again, what is factually
Again, what is factually wrong with what I posted?, Links where asked for and I provided. And please note the links are not to some partisan BS site, and are primarily composed of flat fact information.
Wiki Wiki Wiki
Yeah, got it, LOL!
Is the Wiki information wrong
Is the Wiki information wrong?, would you prefer a doctoral thesis?, Perhaps If I invite the chairmen of the Fed to personally explain it to you?,
Actually, the only strictly non-factual thing luminous said
is that the government can forgive the debt easy-peasy, which might be technically true, but you'll never ever get the government to admit that or do it.
This is all w/the caveat that I'm not a policy expert on student loans.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Go read luminous "Jill is an anti-vaxxer" bullshit
in the diary link below. luminous continuing to push it after several people provided proof it is bullshit.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I didn't call her an anti
I didn't call her an anti-vaxxer, I said she didn't want to upset the anti-vaxxers. And this is true, they have tip toed around this subject to much.
Its not alot different from the ruubs tip toeing around the religious right, or the Democrats with "progressivism".
No, you just keep
Wasn't having that folly pointed out in one post enough for you?
But she is associating with
But she is associating with it, By not being clear, she is associating with the elements within the Greens are in fact very much anti-vax.
She's not associating herself with it
You are associating her with it.
Do you really think so highly of yourself that you believe others are too stupid to get that by now?
The anti-vaxxers are part of
The anti-vaxxers are part of the Green party base, and she has consistently softened her statements to avoid angering them.
bull fucking shit.
she's done what any responsible academic would do, which is suggest that corporate interests shouldn't be involved in medical decisions.
there. her words. take note of the part where the words read "the idea that i oppose vaccines is completely ridiculous".
SO tired
of pathetic, desperate liars. Bull fucking shit is exactly right.
there's got to be
a clinton campaign directive: "just keep repeating the talking points." (lalalala)
it reminds me of tyt's interview with donna "oh so why do you hate women" brazile. "russia stole the emails, russia stole the emails, like i've said before and i'll say it again and russia stole the emails, stolen emails, russia, russia, russia."
Of COURSE there is!
No matter what!
And behind the scenes, the instruction to News Directors and other Supervisory personnel in those (cough) News Rooms is something along the lines of:
Because if you keep that shit up, Hotshot Reporter, it's no more Face Time and swanky Georgetown cocktail parties for you OR your bosses! So if you want to keep your job and your health, get the fuck in line right now.
It's no different then
It's no different then Hillary being guilty for associating with Henry Kissinger.
In political parties the company you keep says so much about you.
It's a dead horse now, lum. Do stop beating it
Only the subsidized debt held
Only the subsidized debt held directly by the Federal government, or held on behalf of the Federal government, the debt held by GSE's would need legislation to be delt with. Granted this is a fair Chunk of the 1.3 trillion (maybe 900-1000 billion of it).
That said, I absolutely agree with Stein
that student loan debt should be forgiven; it's a rotten system, and we should replace it w/something that truly makes education accessible.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
If you haven't Cut That Time Warner / Comcast Cord Yet...
This is just another good reason to do so...
That stuff can rot your brain...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
One by one
over the whole spectrum, press, pundits, comedians, bloggers, they have drunken the Kool Aid and love the taste.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Trust is a hard thing to regain
All these comedians and actors who have exposed themselves as Neoliberal court jesters can go the hell. I'll be expressing my disapproval by changing the teevee channel and not buying movie tix.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It's more than the comedians and actors
It's the whole spectrum of news publishing people, pundits, news, print journalists, bloggers, and whoever else I missed.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Yes, It's A Long List Of Mostly Millionaires
in all professions lining up to profit from the Hellery meal train. A meal train paid for on the backs of the working class and poor (aka 99%).
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
And they can all
fuck right off if they think I am going to keep helping to pay for it.
Remember this on April 15th, people. Your options are becoming fewer and fewer.
"We have met the enemy,
and they is us. " - Pogo the possum (True 50 years ago, and more so today.)
"Look out kid, they keep it all hid." - R. Zimmerman (Ditto)
Stein-Baraka 2016
her heinous
only has a mirror. I wonder how cracked it is?
mirror mirror on the wall
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
This Election
Has changed so many things for me. Small and large. But most of all its cleared out a lot of space where my "friends" used to be. Real and imagined.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
It's called realignment, and it's a bitch, and
it can be pretty surreal, too. How is your tolerance for the surreal? The higher it goes, the easier (I've found) this process is.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
How is my tolerance for surreal?
It depends. Sometimes I can block it all out and just concentrate on the meta stuff. But then I swing back and it all comes into focus. It's those times when I begin to question myself. If it wasn't for blogs like this with kindred spirits, I'd question my grip on reality. Instead, sometimes I feel like a lone wolf baying at the moon while the rest of the world has gone crazy. And it's lonely.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I saw that hit piece and will be deleting Last Week Tonight
from my recording schedule. Real Time may not be far behind.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I deleted Real Time about 2 months ago...
I could handle Maher's cocky attitude and smarmyness, even when I disagreed with him I would still enjoy the show because of the content.
That changed when he started making outright false statements to fit the narrative that all the damn media seems to be pushing.
I am still working on the wife to let me cancel our cable subscription entirely but she is pretty reticent because she likes to watch a lot of the cooking shows and whatnot.
I have noticed though that my tolerance for bullshitters is getting lower and lower by the week.
The biggest silver lining we have from this whole situation is it has clearly illustrated that the Democratic Party is anything but democratic and sure as shit isn't working towards the goals it pretends to.
Our entire political system has become akin to Professional Wrestling....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
pro wrestling
And the 0.01% in actual power in this country like it that way!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
But it's not *good* professional wrestling.
It's like watching a cheap Ted Dibiase knock-off try to carry Lex Lugar through a Hell in the Cell match.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Surprised either of you lasted with Maher as long as you have
He's such an obvious, simpering little rich-boy tool, I put the kibbosh on his mug and his pathetic Show a couple years ago...
The thing that allowed me to last was the quality of the guests
and debate, but as time went on I noticed that he stopped trying to be a moderator of the discussion with a progressive bent to a full blown attack hound for the DNC PTB.
If he actually cared about the issues that he pretends to more than his own comfort he would be calling out both parties for their actions and hypocrisies, he used to do it to the dems on occasion as well but now it is apparent that he is so damn terrified of a Trump Presidency that he is willing to abandon his moral positions.
I got no use or respect for those that allow fear to cause them to do something they know isn't right, it's not noble, it's not "taking one for the team." it's pure and simple chicken shit cowardice.
Yeah, meaningful change is scary, even potentially dangerous, but the danger of standing up against this corruption and any potential short term turmoil will be much less devastating than continuing on our current path towards a world corporate state where we are all subjected to at best a Neo-Feudal society.
That is, if we don't render the planet too toxic to sustain life outside of the protected enclaves of the rich and powerful.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Neo-Colonial, not Neo-Feudal
Feudalism was based on a complex web of mutual obligations. This lot don't believe in that - they just want to loot, oppress, and kill, without any obligation to do anything but cackle merrily all the way to the bank.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yes, but once they are all in there enclaves we will be tied to
the land, and they will have to give a certain minimal amount of care to those that are as someone has to grow the crops, dig the ditches and walk their dogs... They will need some of us, and those will be the ones that receive that reciprocation of mutual obligations.
Those people will be the serfs, the rest of us will be the equivalent of the marauding bands of barbarians that necessitated the need for such castles and whatnot.
I think it will be a New style feudalism, not the exact setup as before, but feudal in nature nevertheless. I can even see our "Betters" trying to entice the others serfs away from them with promises of additional small comforts and such.
Maybe I will be able to get a job as a headhunter for our new masters, I was always pretty good at spotting those with some kind of talent.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Great Political Comedy Is Always Subversive
There is, and has always been, so much injustice in the world, so much corruption and craven abuse of power, that if a comedian who traffics in topical humor lacks either the courage or intellectual honesty to throw verbal brickbats at those responsible, then he or she is merely a sniveling lackey and willing tool of the establishment, whose role is to reinforce the sense that the power elite are behaving in an ethical and responsible manner, and also to convince their audience that they have added tolerance and a capacity for self-deprecation to all their other virtues.
I remember back ten or twelve years ago there was a website devoted to selecting the "Media Whore of the Month" (Tim Russert was a perennial finalist). Sadly the site shut down after a few years - perhaps having to sift through such a vast number of contenders became too daunting a chore for one lonely blogger to tackle on an ongoing basis. But it occurred to me it would be kind of fun to hand out a similar award to the most notorious lickspittle unfunny "funny" men (and women) on a one time basis.
So without further ado, the first annual Dennis Miller Establishment Brown-Noser Faux-Comedian of the Year Award finalists:
Well, those are the very worthy contenders - please vote here:
inactive account
Great post mouselander. Bring back "Media Whore of the Month"
Colbert is perhaps the biggest disappointment. Having shown what he was capable of at the White House Press Correspondents Dinner, we all thought in those dark days of the Bush cabal that he was a liberal hero. He earned a lot of respect for that incredible performance. He's night and day in his new cush seat taking over for Letterman. What a farce. Soft as they come, when the Big Bucks start rolling in.
Whoever put that website together had the right idea. There's definitely an obvious opportunity right now to revive such a website or online feature. There are plenty of nominees available, especially with this wave of "librul" comic newscasters of the past ten years or so (i.e Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Oliver) who appeared to be challenging the PTB, but if you looked a little deeper realized they weren't up for the challenge of really speaking truth to power.
To your point, I highly recommend this article in the Baffler from a few years ago, "The Joke’s on You: Presenting . . . The Daily Show and The Colbert Report" by Steve Almond. None of these guys we've come to know and like for their liberal views are really what they seem. Most are content to wear the comfortable Neoliberal jacket, never criticizing the real seats of power. They could never approach the greatness and fearlessness of a George Carlin or Bill Hicks or Richard Pryor or Lenny Bruce. Those guys really lived it and risked their careers (and in Bruce's case his life) to tell searing, often controversial (to mainstream audiences) truths.
I've linked this elsewhere but it's so fitting again for folks who haven't seen it to be reminded that many of our so-called liberal comics are part of a capitalist media construct that actually has the inverse effect of replacing civic engagement with smug self-satisfaction that "we're so much better than the Republicans." The whole piece is brilliant and well worth reading. Here's a couple of excerpts:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
And thanks especially for the link to the Almond article. I had previously read the excerpt you posted, but the entire essay is outstanding and well worth the investment of time to read in full. I think Mr. Almond is spot on in his critique of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and the whole mainstream topical comedy shtick in general. One line in particular caught my eye:
[Bill] Hicks understood that comedy’s highest calling is to confront the moral complacency of your audience—and the sponsors.
From that standpoint, such notable occurrences as Colbert's appearance at the Correspondents Dinner have to be seen as anomalies, since it's abundantly clear that one of the primary reasons that Stewart and Colbert have been raking in mega-million dollar salaries for all these years is that they're all about reinforcing complacency, rather than challenging it.
Thank God we still have a few brave souls such as Lee Camp and Jimmy Dore who are willing to embrace the ethos of Mark Twain, George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, et al and truly attempt to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." If there's one positive thing that has come out of the 2016 presidential campaign, it's putting into stark relief the true sensibilities of those in the media, and not just comedy, who routinely put themselves forward as champions of common folk, common decency and common sense. And then turn around and blithely assure their followers that in reality war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.
Another memorable quote from the Almond article was this one from H.L. Mencken: “The only way that democracy can be made bearable is by developing and cherishing a class of men sufficiently honest and disinterested to challenge the prevailing quacks. No such class has ever appeared in strength in the United States. Thus the business of harassing the quacks devolves upon the newspapers. When they fail in their duty, which is usually, we are at the quacks’ mercy.”
Can anyone doubt that were Mencken alive today he would amend that statement to include other forms of media, particularly television commentators? How depressing to realize that a century later most of those charged with the responsibility of "harassing the quacks" are still failing, and in fact are going to considerable lengths to accomplish exactly the opposite.
inactive account
Bill Hicks was a Giant standing up to corporate malfeasance,
corrupt government, perpetual war, willful ignorance, vapid consumerism, etc. He and Carlin occupy a place separate from the pack. They were truly two of the most sagacious and evolved humanitarians who were also funny as hell, subversive, comic geniuses.
So may great bits from Hicks. His piece on marketing is one of my favorite:
His takedown of Jay Leno for doing Doritos commercials: "here's the deal: if you do a commercial you're off the artistic roll call, forever." I can't look at that corporate sellout, phony Jimmy Fallon and not think of this bit right away:
The selling of war by the media:
American imperialism, the lies about the Kennedy assassination and Christian fundamentalists:
These sad sack, corporate lackey comics with tv shows we've been talking about today are not worthy of being in the same profession with Hicks and Carlin. These guys were Frontiersmen of Truth.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thank you for posting those videos
I've seen quite a bit of George Carlin, but very little of Bill Hicks. I confess I never fully appreciated just how exceptionally talented - not to mention brutally honest and perceptive - he really was. To compare his work with that of any of the feeble poseurs mentioned above is literally akin to comparing the art of Van Gogh with that of Thomas Kinkade.
inactive account
The Almond article is excellent
Kinda pulls back the veil on why all these big time entertainers are now all in for Hellery. It's protecting their meal tickets, not some sudden sense that Hellery is the answer. Don't shock the audience's world view lest the ratings start falling and the network cuts your teevee time slot. Say what is safe. I think I'm gonna seek out some Bill Hicks on youtube after that read. Sounds interesting. Thanks for that link.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Medea Benjamin called Stewart a slacktivist.
Stewart sorta set himself up as a kind of Miss Manners of Proper Dissent. I was not a regular viewer, but I have seen him slam Media Benjamin, Julian Assange, and at first, the WIS state house protesters. He does not like people and groups that are direct action, and outside status quo approved outlets for dissent. His first segment on the WI protesters was dismissive and mocking as if the protesters were airheads. But his attitude seem to change. I attribute that to his mother who was a teacher. I also remember how he and John McCain were buddy buddy pushing "bipartisanship".
I remember he attacked both left and right for their extremist language which prevented dialogue according to him. His example, the left calling Bush a war criminal over acts at Abu Ghraib. Glenn Greenwald actually responded to Stewart that what Bush had done was actually a war crime. Papantonio attacked him over his kumbaya attitudes and politics with his beliefs and rally--Pap said basically that Stewart was expecting for the left to give in and be more polite, compromising, etc.
But you know, karma can be a mother. When Stewart left the show and became a direct action activist he so mocked to get Congress to pass aid for 9-11 responders, he was ignored and told to fuck off. I doubt it, but maybe just maybe he may have greater appreciation for the activists who fight to get their voices heard like Medea Benjamin, as certainly nobody gave a shit about hearing from him. (He admitted his final year that he had been invited to the White House a number of times which were not publicized. He certainly had access back in the day.)
As for Oliver. Well, I suppose karma may visit him.
I keep coming back to "Stewart Finally Woke Up"
not long before he was retired. I've suspected he was encouraged to do so, since admitting he was awake. Couldn't have an awake person hosting TDS. That would screw up all those foundations of late-night lies, wouldn't it?
I hope that bastard doesn't sleep at night anymore, though--I have zero sympathy for him. I'll never forgive him and Colbert for what I like to refer to as "that Viacom rally" back in '10, that sucked all the wind out of a real, legitimate and long-planned multi-day protest in DC.
That Viacom rally in DC what a cruel hoax
played by Stewart and Colbert. 200,000 people traveled from all over the country (some thousands of miles) to take part in what was billed to be a historic event. Only to find out they were duped by the faux progressives with no message. "Remember To Drink Your Ovaltine".
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It wasn't just a hoax
it took the wind and the momentum out of a legitimate protest that was scheduled for the same day in Washington DC.
That Viacom rally screwed those groups over, too.
"we're so much better than the Republicans"
"I'm really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write..."
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I'm more upset with
Rachel Maddow
Who I first heard on Air America radio. She had a segment on the Iraq war and would light into the Bush/Cheney administration and talk about the illegality of the Iraq war.
Then after she got her own show and Obama was elected, she quit talking about the illegality of the war.
Remember that Obama said that he was going to end as soon as he could.
No one knew that he was trying to keep the troops in Iraq after the SOFA. The only reason that the troops left Iraq because the Iraqi government wanted to be able to prosecute our troops and Obama said no.
Now look at how many troops are back in Iraq over the government's objections.
Has Rachel said anything about this, or the Libyan and Syrian wars?
I don't know because I refused to watch her when all she talked about was the republicans.
And now I read here how much she's shilling for Hillary or when I'm visiting my aunt and they have her on.
Last week my uncle was talking about Hillary and said that he "loves that woman"
I was there today and he said that Obama is the best thing this country has had fun decades.
It's not use trying to talk to either of them about his foreign policies or how he let the bank CEOs off.
Just like the people on DK who will not look at Hillary objectively, they won't either.
Then there's the other side of the family who love trump.
Yesterday one cousin said that she's going to unfriend another one after she posted something about Hillary.
If the actions of the Bush administration were wrong, then why is it okay for Obama to do the exact same things without any criticism?
Libya started out with a no fly zone and look at Libya now.
Obama has said that he regrets what he did to Libya, but Hillary has no regrets about the number of innocent people who have been killed.
Killing people is a funny way of protecting them, don't you think?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Iraq started out with a no-fly zone, too.
I was part of it. And again, look where they are today. Dang it...supposed to be a response to the Snoop, up, over there >^
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X