Open Thread - Saturday, October 22

Oh, but ain't that America
For you and me
Ain't that America
Something to see, baby
Ain't that America
Home of the free, yeah
Little pink houses
For you and me"Pink Houses" (John Mellencamp - 1983)
We have no pink houses on our block, but there are plenty of empty ones. The house to our north is empty. The house behind us is empty. The house directly across the street is empty. If we had not pushed hard, the house to our south would still be empty as it was for the first six months of this year. For that matter, we have an empty house on our lot, and the house we're living in was empty for at least ten years prior to our arrival in 2011.
Empty houses are in abundant supply in Cleveland. A non-profit called the Western Reserve Land Conservancy did a survey last summer, sending lots of Case Western students up and down every street in Cleveland rating properties. They handed out Ds and Fs to 3,800 houses, all of which are empty. These nearly 4,000 houses do not count the more than 1,500 houses already marked for condemnation by the city. Of the empty houses around us, only the one to our north merited a grade as low as a D, so it's obvious that there are far more than 5,500 empty houses in Cleveland.
The city itself ran out of money trying to demolish abandoned houses fairly early in the Housing Crash. Since then, responsibility for clearing houses that are empty and dangerous has fallen to a non-profit, countywide land bank created by Ohio statute in 2008 and is funded by $41 million from the federal government and by annual appropriations by the state of Ohio ($20 million to date). Not all of this money has gone to tearing down houses. Around $15 million of the federal money went into rehabbing and then distributing 60 houses. Another $2 million went to a new housing development in University Circle, an area already benefiting from the presence of Case Western Reserve University and its related University Hospital, Cleveland Clinic and most of the city's top cultural attractions including the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Botanical Gardens and Severance Hall, the home of the Cleveland Symphony. Only $6.5 million went to demolishing 790 houses. Ohio's money is more narrowly distributed with the $20 million going to demolish more than 1,000 houses.
The vacant house problem is so bad and the funds available so limited that it's very difficult to get the designated authorities to tear down even the worst properties if they're not located in an area marked for new development. We've been working with our local Community Development Corporation (CDC) for two years to get the house to the north foreclosed for $30,000 in delinquent taxes and then demolished. To accomplish that requires the approval of our city councilman and our CDC in addition to the involvement of the county and the land bank. All this time, the building has stood open to all comers with missing doors and windows along with a porch that one good wind off the lake will blow into our front yard. The city has made some efforts to correct those issues, even coming once to board up the property, but the deranged would-be slumlord who bought the place for $600 keeps ripping the plywood off. Finally, after being threatened with jail by the city's housing court, he relented and followed the CDC representative over to the land bank office to sign papers to begin the process of handing the property over to the land bank. The actual demolition is probably a year away.
Why are so many houses empty? There's usually a slumlord and a foreclosure involved. Our lot and houses, the house behind us, the house to our north and the house across the street were all purchased for $10,000 or less by slumlords bidding in foreclosure sales. The owner of our property just strip-mined it, selling the hardwood interior trim of the larger house and leaving it stripped to the studs for more than a decade. During all that time, he did only what was necessary to keep the city's Building Commission off his back. The house to the north was partially re-sided and some new windows were installed, but when the copper plumbing was ripped out during the rehab process, the owner abandoned it and quit paying taxes. The house across the street was occupied when we arrived, but the tenant complained about flaking paint that possibly contained lead. A test revealed that there was lead contamination, and the slumlord lost his Section 8 eligibility. The property has never managed to pass later inspections and remains vacant. The house behind us has been occupied occasionally, but never longer than a few weeks at a time. Its last tenant told me that the problem was a difficult landlord, but we suspect there's also a serious sewer problem. The owner has not appeared there in more than two years, and the city is left to mow his yard several times a summer. The house to the south was occupied by a 50-year resident when we arrived. Just before last Christmas, her children prevailed on her to move to a house near one of her sons in an eastern suburb of Cleveland. The house was empty for six months until we talked them into renting the house's two apartments to C.S.U. friends of our son.
There are other stories for other vacant houses. Three houses to the south, there's a nice two-family that's vacant. Our neighbor told us that the daughter of the family had a gambling problem, and that the elderly parents took out a equity loan to repay some of her debts. They defaulted, the bank never took title, the parents died and the house sits in title limbo with no one paying taxes and no one maintaining it. The family's furniture is still in the house. A neighbor family across the street, who always kept their property in pristine condition, left shortly after the gunfight that occurred on the street between our houses last February. The title remains in their name, but a slumlord has converted the house to two apartments. The yard hasn't been mowed nor the hedge trimmed since the slumlord took possession, but the house is occupied.
The CDCs, the city and the new land bank do what they can, but the problem is too big even for a $60 million solution. It may even be the case that houses are still becoming vacant at a rate faster than they can be torn down in the city of Cleveland. As bad as the problem is in our neighborhood, it's nothing like East Cleveland or Glenville to our east. And don't think that the suburbs are immune. There are 1,500 vacant houses in the town of Warren, Ohio to our south. This is the wreckage from the Housing Crash that has never been cleared or fixed.
Over the next few weeks in Saturday morning Open Thread, I'll be exploring what kinds of solutions are being tried and what the results have been. We'll also take a look at some less conventional approaches that could have a positive impact.
Here's your Saturday morning meditation video, a ride along an electrified European railway (in Bavaria?) on a snowy day accompanied by Brubeck's "Bluette."

What's being done about empty houses where you live?
Empty houses are both a hazard and an opportunity. They can be sources of crime and danger in a neighborhood or a potential home for a family that needs housing.
Sorry, Donna
Here’s Cryptographic Proof That Donna Brazile Is Wrong, WikiLeaks Emails Are Real
Read more:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Do we need cryptographic proof?
I thought they complained their emails were stolen. That pretty much admits they're real, doesn't it?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
They're both fabricated AND stolen. See how that works?
Everybody is bad but them. It's Teflon!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
is a critical problem in this country. Even in areas which were not hit as hard as Cleveland, the gross lack of safe and affordable housing is critical. In this small town in western NC, what has happened is that many of the smaller and more affordable units in town are being bought up and converted into vacation rentals by owner (Air B&B's). I was discussing this very issue with my walking partner as we have walked through many parts of the town where there are modest and structurally sound homes. What I have noticed is that these houses seem to fall into two categories, long term rentals which are often not maintained and short term vacation rentals which look great, but end up removing affordable housing from the market.
If this country put as much effort into taking care of our own people as we have put into waging war, we could begin to address the critical need for safe and affordable housing for all of our citizens. I have been thinking about writing an essay on this very issue in the near future.
Thank you for this wonderful Open Thread. Hearing about the housing problems from the perspective of someone who is living in the midst of one of our urban wastelands created by the devastating neo-liberal policies is very enlightening. I look forward to your future essays on this subject.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, gg.
Profit-driven housing is killing us. Whether it's the creation of the suburbs that has contributed so much to the global warming crisis or the finance-driven Bubble and Bust of the last decade that devastated neighborhoods and even cities, it's very clear that The Market does a poor job of providing everyone with homes in stable, thriving neighborhoods.
As our family was working its way back from Europe to the U. S. and eventually to Cleveland, we lived in off-season vacation rentals. Surrounded by so many empty houses, we encountered some interesting circumstances. We were staying in a house in New Hampshire a few blocks from a ski resort during the early fall before the snows. One morning, I was out walking one of our dogs and across the street in front of us about 50 years ahead walked a large bear. Our little Lana was brilliant. She looked at me, not making a sound, and I looked back at her like, "We'd better beat a hasty but quiet retreat." The bear, Lana and I were the only living mammals in that entire neighborhood.
No bears in Cleveland, but all the vacant houses do bring lots of small wildlife, especially skunks, raccoons and ground hogs.
The bear's presence wasn't the result of our
deplorable (now there's a good use for the word) housing situation, or empty houses.
A ritzy suburban neighborhood near us is lobbying to have its deer population "thinned" although there is a vocal opposition as well. Pro-thinning supporters complain that the deer eat landscaping plants, spread deer ticks and get themselves hit by cars both in the neighborhood and on the main road outside the gates (real locked gates) of their exclusive domain.
Opponents state that the deer were there first and need somewhere to live in our increasingly developing area. One woman, an avowed hunter states concerns that even the best sharpshooter can't guarantee that there will be no stray bullets which could enter someone's home.
As the hunts in the neighborhood are to be carried out at night, another danger could well be to dog owners and their pets. You don't want to have to think twice if Fido has to tinkle after dark. And so it goes . . ..
We regularly see deer in our yard. I'm not always happy with what they choose to eat, but I accept their presence. We also have squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, the occasional fox as well as red tailed hawks. I begrudge none of them their space. This is what happens when wildlife is displaced. They were here before we were.
Edited to correct autocorrect which was incorrect.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I live in deer overabundance area
and they are no longer cute. Several car hits, more landscape damage, 8' deer fence around some of my surround. We used to have undergrowth. no more. I allow 2 hunter families onto my property in season.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Allowing hunters onto your property is one thing, but
night hunting in a residential neighborhood seems unwise. If there is an over abundance of deer, there's got to be a better way than this.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
My 96 y/o mother just moved into a nursing home.
The house has yet to be dealt with. I am the daughter away, 620 miles away. The neighborhood has changed, many times, since we moved into that brand-new house in 1957. She and my father were clueless about maintenance. It is looking sad. One bathroom. The family next door sold their house in one day. The Realtor gave my sister a card, interested. I discovered two years ago that someone else had paid the property taxes that she neglected to pay, sister managed to avert the ownership flip. My mother was unaware.
I live in a high-rent, high cost area. My property taxes were over $3000. And they have this 3-4 br, 2.5 ba as a two br, one ba. I have seen no need to correct their error.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Taxes are one way to resolve the abandoned houses in our area.
If a property goes through tax foreclosure, state law wipes out any claims against the property pre-dating the tax sale. Given the cloud put on many titles by the sloppy way the banks dealt with mortgages, releases and foreclosures over the past 10 years, that fresh start is an important step in making a house viable as a home again.
I'm encouraging our CDC to take that house down the street from us through tax foreclosure--the one where the couple that owned it died and the bank hasn't taken title to the property. It's the only way title can be resolved so that someone can start living in the house again.
Here is my mystifying thought of the day
I had a new dishwasher installed, and ended up with gobs of steel wool collected from the under counter hole before the new was shoved in. The steel wool had been shoved, by me, into the drain pipe hole below the sink, a small gap that mice had used as entry. The cabinets in the kitchen were custom and installed over a concrete pad, slab on grade is the term. So how did the mice find entry under the slab? This was a 1980's state-of-the-art superinsulated, architect-husband designed house. It grew in size with two children, still superinsulated and always passive solar. Too early on first build for radiant floors. Addition has that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
When we moved back into our house after returning from Germany,
we awoke one morning after a heavy rain to find a lovely red-earth fire ant mound situated between the family room and the utility room, right there on the threshold! My husband attacked it with god-knows-what, cleaned up the mess and sealed the concrete pad apparently successfully, as there has been no recurrence.
A critter's gonna do what a critter's gonna do.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Mice can dig, quite well, in fact. Very possibly, some tunnel
they wee making intersected the opening and they simply crawled up it so see what was there.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Mice are amazing, aren't they?
They can make their way through the smallest hole. But even they can't make it through several inches of solid concrete. Maybe they had a path through an outside wall and along an interior wall until they arrived at your dishwasher?
Passive solar? Tell me more.
Mucho glass, kicked slightly W of S
I am talking 4 sets of sliding doors, long windows elsewhere, plus clerestory and skylights. The seals have blown on some. I am still back to money accumulation after a $12K shingle strip/replacement. They also closed a chimney that was abandoned. And spoke Russian, kid you not. A Russian roofing crew in central NY.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
What a country!
The largest foreign population in the Asheville NC area is from eastern Europe, particularly Russia. The crew that installed our heating and cooling system was Russian, except for the supervisor. It was interesting when they talked to one another during the installation, they would speak a mix of Russian and English. Nice guys and they did good work. Also when we renovated our kitchen, the countertop guy was Russian.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Two years ago I had mice
in my kitchen in the barn where I do my canning and wine making. They had a reunion and brought covered dishes (acorns). Last year, I put hedge apples out there and had maybe the sign of one mouse and lots fewer spiders. Will be picking -up hedge apples in the next few days.
What is a hedge apple?
not really apples at all...
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Comes from a hedge tree which has huge, wicked thorns.
It's some of the hardest wood around. My family used to burn it in the fireplace. It would get hot enough to soften a cast iron grate and bend it with its weight.
Where exactly
Where exactly
did you put the hedge apples? I am desperate to keep mice out of my mobile home. If a foundation planting of these things would help, I'll be forever grateful to you for putting me onto the idea.
That's a new one.
I grew up on a farm in Missouri, and there was a 15 acre piece in the back that was "the way the Indians left it" as my family put it. Lots of hedge apples, and in the spring, lots of morel mushrooms.
But I've never heard of hedge apples as a mouse repellent.
The thing I miss the most, having moved to New England from the Midwest almost 30 years ago. A plateload of fried morels and a cold beer is heaven.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
That is pretty hard to beat.
I'm hundreds of miles from that woods now and must rely on an Amish family who brings morels to a local farmers' market in May. They cost dearly but I shell it out to buy a few and fry them up.
I have an apparently-expanding mycelium of morels
And it requires no direct attention. But I had a large enough crop to dry some.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
osage orange/hedge apple
I read somewhere farmers used to put them in their hay mows to keep mice/rats away - I think they also repel roaches.
Mrs. Terriertribe says thank you and goodbye
Of course, she's a little more feisty than I am. This is her response to a Hillary Victory Fund letter that had a prepaid return envelope.
Thank you for once again paying for us to tell you to go fuck yourself. We are no longer democrats. We have already voted for Jill Stein [and] didn't vote for any democrats. Please tell J[eanne] Shaheen to go fuck herself too.
Oh Donna [Brazile] saw your lying face on camera. For a democrat you are a bad liar. Keep practicing you'll get better. Remember Dukakis and HW Bush?
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Thanks for Mrs. Terrietribe's letter. Therapeutic, these.
I'm kind of inspired, and envious of the hand-written diatribe. Have a pre-paid postage one somewhere I've been saving for some reason. Must get that out soon.
For my part I must have replied to at least a dozen or more emails from flunkies like Bold Democrats, Progressive Turnout and other weasels. Similarly I rip them personally and give them scathing accounts of how they lost me, the blatant cheating, and remind them of how much I'd previously volunteered in the past.
I'm so glad people take the time to personally send their vitriol to these clueless, willfully ignorant assholes, smugly sitting comfortably in DC corporate offices removed from reality fawning over the Emperor's New Clothes.
Short of marching into these rarified phony fortifications and hitting them upside the head this is the next best thing - for the moment. Soon enough many more will be ratcheting up their deep disapproval and intense opposition to her arrogant and pompous Neoliberal death sentence.
Might be nice to have a repository somewhere for posterity so we can all recall what this disgraceful epoch was like.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
She Says Yes, They are Indeed Therapeutic
And that she has returned each and every one of the prepaid-return solicitations, varying the details but not the tone. One of her favorites involved saying something rude to Nancy Pelosi, "and the lobbyists she rode in on."
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
OMG, the terrier neck!
My cairn at 8 months needs a fur do. But she squirms, I have all the tools other than a grooming stand, which she would go into fits about. I have seen Youtube vids of Cairn fitting, yikes, and I tried to adjust her to being groom-friendly. I only miss a thinning scissor, useful for me as well. Cairns have short legs and neck reveal is important for some. Previous dog was an Irish. Neck was where it was at. And face.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning all
Abandoned and derelict homes are a problem in all of the cities our oligarch's destroyed when they strip mined our manufacturing industries. Detroit mismanaged their federal funds, of course, and had their federal money frozen. That put a halt on tearing down homes and a process that was already a slow and apparently too lucrative a deal for the contractors. They fired the city's guy, said many mea culpa, and finally got their fed money back.
Great job on the OT. Thanks
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Assange pedophilia story
The story of Todd and Clare just gets stranger and stranger.
Based on what is presented here: My name is Todd and Clare, and I'm from the UN – Medium []
The link is : T&C -----> S&D Publishing ------> Tunde Reid-Capo -----> Jamie Chess -----> Premise Data.
Read very last of posted to see plausible "connection" between JC and Premise.
T&C set up at old Premise address which premise had just vacated. Perhaps the address was given to agent Tunde Reid-Kapo as a "clever" use of an empty building.
TRK is the man to find.
I found the linked post to be careful and consistent with what I have from other sources. But as always ...
"Orwell was an optmist. " Switch it off!
It's stein time!
Stein - Baraka 2016
redacted - I have no questions anymore /nt
That sounds like quite a can of worms.
oh, it's just nonsense, I don't care anymore /nt
Internet being wonky or I'm putting on my aluminum foil hat!
So, I was on my phone, and posted a couple of comments here.
One was about an email I found at Wikileaks.
From phone, I searched the term Blumenthal in the Podesta dump section.
I found another with a recipient having an email addy ending in, and wanted to have an easier time looking into it, so I logged on to my desktop.
Now? NONE of my searches at wikileaks are returning any results - even the one that gave me multiple pages from my phone (Blumenthal). One actually gave me a 505 Error. WTF?
Is it the Internet, or is it Her Heinous and our upstanding commander in chief?
Smells to me!
Trump is a bad guy
Trump is a bad guy and undermining democracy because he says he's only going to accept the election results if he wins. In contrast, Hillary says that if she loses it's because the Russians hacked the election somehow.
Those are the choices the major political parties have given us.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Trump plays a bad guy on TV.
What really happens if he "doesn't accept it." Nothing. Hillary is President, and he goes home.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
He goes home and starts a TV network
Or at least that's what everyone thought until Roger Ailes jumped off the Trump train. Trump TV might not happen.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Well, I guess that answers that question.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
HELP. I have been invaded, my emailpass required two phone
calls, plus a power outage for 8 hours. I got stalled by a scam which In Indian accent told me that I had malware. For a mere $299.99 I would be released. I gave them a cc#, and canceled that. New cc is in the mail. And no charge. But they screwed with my internet account, two phone calls needed, while having an 8 hour power outage. I repeat myself, a tad ruffled. But I have Firefox downloaded, and it remembers passwords. My hair may be more white than this morning.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Oh dear, you fell for the, I work for Windows' scam :-(
Glad you cancelled your card! Scamming bastards. My mom put me on the phone with him. I went along for a bit, and eventually told the guy to quit "fucking" harassing my mother, then hung up.
He immediately called back and when Mom answered, he said, "Fook youuuu!" That made Mom's day.
Do you still need help? I'm a little confused. Are you able to get on your email now?
Edit: too many ands corrected.
All is cool, connected again. Still annoying hum
from yet-to-be-connected speakers. And it's effing cold out! 42 currently. And my other remote thermometer wants outside batteries, I have to dig out the manual about battery replacement order...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Got down to 50s here last night. Nice break from the 90s highs last week. But global warming is not real. Mmmkay.
Good luck with the battery order!