Wikileaks Implicates Agent Orange in Assange Pedophile Smear (Updated x2)

From Wikileaks:

Background and Documents on Attempts to Frame Assange as a Pedophile and Russias spy
18 October 2016

Earlier today the website DailyKos reported on a smear campaign plot to falsely accuse Julian Assange of pedophilia.

Here is the description of the plot from Mr Assange’s legal team, the investigative report into the front company and associated correspondence. An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl.

The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange’s 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas).

Timeline 2016

  • May, when self-claimed dating agency "ToddAndClare" (T&C) approach saying they were contacted by the Russian government
  • Sep 3, T&C email Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per Samualson offering one million dollars for Assange to appear in a video advertisement for the "dating agency" (See attachment). This is the first contact.
  • Sep 15, email sent from a member of Mr. Assange’s defence team to hannah@toddandclare requesting further details (See attachment)
  • Sep 19, emailed with elaborate bonafides, proposed agreement and the claim that the source of the million dollars is the Russian government The email states that T&C was approached by Russian representatives in May 2016 and that "The source of the $1,000,000 is the Russian government". The email then goes on to "verify" bonafides by giving a detailed description of the interior of the house and desk of his lawyer, Helena Kennedy, who is a member of the UK parliament, including a reference to a photo of Tony Blair (Kennedy states that the Blair reference is accurate although out-of-date).
  • Sep 20, a representative of Mr. Assange’s defence writes to stating that the proposal appears to be an "elaborate scam designed to entrap Mr. Assange’s reputation into unwanted and unwarranted publicity"
  • Sep 21, writes stating that "The offer expires at midnight, October 31st 2016."
  • Late Sep, WikiLeaks announce a press conference for Oct 4 for its ten year anniversary.
  • Late Sep, Press widely misreport that WikiLeaks is going to launch its "October Suprise" against Hillary Clinton on Oct 4, misinterpreting its press conference call
  • Oct 4, T&C files its "Assange paedophile" libel through the UN’s Global Compact system alleging that there is an active criminal investigation in the Bahamas against Julian Assange for the abuse of an eight year old girl and claiming to have chat logs and photos. The allegation appears on the UN website with UN Gobal Compact letter head and is contextualised with a complex back story. The request targets the UN WGAD (part of the UN Human Rights system) which found that Assange is being illegally detained by the United Kingdom and Sweden.
  • Oct 4, T&C files claim through the UK courts, apparently using it as a method to place the paedophile accusation into the public record. (See attachment).
  • Oct 4, WikiLeaks holds press conference, where it becomes clear that its publishing of Clinton related documents will occur later
  • Oct 5, T&C UK court claim arrives at Ecuadorian embassy in London
  • Oct 7, Friday, WikiLeaks commenses release of the Podesta Emails
  • Oct 11, T&C pushes out Assange paedophile claim through PRWeb newswire service
  • Oct 12, UN Global Compact delists T&C, citing "integrity" issues
  • Oct 12, T&C issues press release opposing UN delisting with an elaborate story, claiming that Julian Assange is threatening US citizens (T&C)
  • Oct 17, Investigative report into prepared for Mr. Assange’s lawyers is concluded, finding "T&C Network Solutions exhibits the characteristics of a highly suspicious and likely fabricated business entity." (See attachment "FINAL REPORT T&C 17 Oct 2016").
  • Oct 18, The paedophile part of the plot is launched through US democrat-aligned web site DailyKos and pushed by pro-Clinton twitter accounts.

So Wikileaks didn't bite on the entrapment, but instead had the phony site delisted for "Integrity Measures". Nonetheless the site still filed a fabricated pedophile complaint against Assange that was later used as a pretext for turning off Assange's Internet access.

Apparently, the original reporting touting the smear first appeared in a DKos diary.
(Guess even the shills at CNN or MSNBC wouldn't touch it?)

The author of the diary is Salicylic, a newbie user who registered in August 2016.

Salicylic has deleted the diary content which now reads:

I have removed this diary pending investigation.

However, Wikileaks has archived the original post which can still be viewed here.

UPDATE 2: Salicylic has again changed the content. It now reads:

I wrote this blog post yesterday based on a report filed with the UN, and I collated further information posted elsewhere over the past week or so. (Wikileaks tweeted a link to the report 7 days ago.) I’ve deleted the post because the evidence was fabricated.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

RejectingThe3rdWay's picture

That ship has long since sailed!

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When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!

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It's hard to believe that Orange State would stoop to baseless slander.

No, wait. I meant the opposite of that.

This is exactly what TOP has become.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

A few more times trying to make it stick as the truth...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Not Henry Kissinger's picture

now require NO evidence.

0 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

lunachickie's picture

they took it down as soon as they realized! So of course their integrity remains intact. To them, anyway.

Ha! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, indeed. What hypocritical, shit-stirring, propagandizing, America-hating assholes...

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Steven D's picture

This is a conspiracy to have false criminal charges brought against Assange.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

wonder if there's enough time to have the emails released to be effective in defeating Her Heinous?

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reflectionsv37's picture

there is much worse going to come out soon. They're trying their best to get out in front of an oncoming train wreck!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

gulfgal98's picture

Ugh! Bad I swear that place has really devolved in to a massive mud bog and all the bots are wallowing in it. A few folks tried to ask for legitimate links or reports from mainstream media and they were met with garbage such as this.

Nice use of “hysterics” to dismiss sexual assault charges as unimportant. That’s not at all a misogynist’s dog-whistle.

No wonder you preferred Bernie to Hillary. HE has a penis.

0 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

All the while defending and praising Bill Clinton.

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Please pace yourself.

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If it's Her Heinous, willing to be she won't last that long.
What ever the medical conditions are, was interesting to read in one of the released emails from Huma re: 2008 debates - Her Heinous needed a PODIUM, (something to lean on) could not just be walking around a stage. Huma specifically referred to that Bill could do that, but Shrillary couldn't. Also, said couldn't have people on ALL sides, not completely circular, too "distracting."
So she was being protected, hiding medical issues even then. Only worse now

CORRECTION: Not 2008 Debates, but her speaking in 2009 at CGF. Huma wanted to make sure it was known she needed podium, or table, could not just walk around as Bill Clinton did. Also, not people on all sides, meaning not "in the round" - too distracting for her.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

You made me look! Ugh!

punctuation adjusted

UGH! is right, gulfgal! Bad

I swear that place has really devolved in to a massive mud bog and all the bots are wallowing in it.

And they treat anyone who dares approach with a hose of clear water like vampires welcome a bearer of holy water.

Moreover, the worst "offense" over there any more is to question Obama or the traitors and slimebuckets offered as "candidates" by the Formerly "Democratic" Party.

The Communist Party of the USSR under Stalin was never this sycophantic. The Nazi party under Hitler and Co. (good evening, Counselor Godwin) came close, but I'd hazard "no seegar" even there.

Cat, am I glad I'm no longer an active part of that hell-hole! (And thanks aplenty to yourself, joe shikspack, and JtC for creating c99p for all of us to shelter from the crap over there!!)

Give rose

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

It means a person engaging in satire, where they try to say the nuttiest right wing shit they can think of and see how many people believe they mean it. If I didn't know any better I'd say TOP has become a massive reverse Poe satire site.

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Solidarity forever

jwa13's picture

... but I regard myself as a "feminist" (for what it's worth); I don't support Drumpf or The $hill; and I don't FOR ONE MINUTE believe that J. Assange is a predator (of any sort); merely a truth-teller.

He represents a threat to the oligarchy, that's all. 'Nuff said --

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

The saddest part of it all is that they have managed to cheapen actual misogyny by labeling every criticism of Hillary as misogyny. During primaries (and it sounds like its only worse now), just about every single criticism on issue was labeled misogyny. This has only given license to discount real bigoted statements in the future.

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edg's picture

but Hillary Clinton and her cronies and enablers really do belong in prison. They are a danger to democracy.

0 users have voted.

Until now, I thought the information about Kos having been employed by the CIA interesting trivia. Now, it seems he hasn't forgotten what he learned.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

lunachickie's picture

why I always felt like a guinea pig every time he replied to one of my comments. I always wondered if it pissed him off whe I wouldn't take his idiotic, stupid, obvious bait-posts.

The phrase "simpering little shit-weasel" comes close to doing him justice anymore. But not quite...

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

is getting shallower and shallower.

0 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

sojourns's picture

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

But feel free to steal.

0 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

gulfgal98's picture

0 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

The comments there blow my mind.
Check this one out.

"domestic spying by our surveillance state."
What I find amusing, annoying, and absurd is the uninformed outrage among some Americans about surveillance, when in fact we have more limits on surveillance in the U.S. than we have had at any time in this country’s history. The situation, as a matter of fact, is constantly improving, not getting worse.

Then there's all the discussions about how Putin has cracked down on civil liberties.
Hello! Don't any of them remember how OWS was brutally broken up by Obama's DOJ working with mayors all over the country?
Or how the BLM is met with riot police?
Or how private security contractors let dogs bite peaceful protesters and pepper sprayed them?
Has Obama said anything about the two journalists who were recently charged just because they were reporting on the protesters? I haven't heard him say a word about it.
Dumbo got HR'd because he accused the site of having a pro Hillary lynch mob.
Boy, I remember the days when Assange was considered a hero because he released shit about the Bush administration, but now he's apparently Putin's bitch.
Funny how there isn't any evidence that Putin is interfering with the election.
Not funny is how they are taking the government's word that they are.
WMDs, propaganda.
Assad used sarin gas, truth.
Putin interfering with the election, truth.

Edit to clarify the quote blockquoted.
One member had made a comment about how this country is spying on us and another member only pulled those words out of the comment, and then wrote what is under the " "
if this makes sense.
But to read someone stating that there is more limits on spying then anytime in history is one of the most absurd comments I have read.
A secret court made up secret rules so that over 800 companies can spy on us without a warrant.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

lunachickie's picture

something, it didn't happen, because They are that special and that smart.

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and long-term memory loss. I don't know how Dumbo manages to keep his cool over there.

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much for people suing for the slightest offense, but in this case I wish Assange would sue that overflowing orange porta-potty into oblivion.

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in the UK than in the USA. Go for it Julian!

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

be in effect here? I wonder about that. As Assange isn't a British citizen maybe not, but I would think a specious charge could get someone in trouble, and I'm obviously no expert but someone here might know.

Here's hoping this one blows up in their faces.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

dervish's picture

False charges of child molestation require far more than a lawsuit. The public should be protected from criminal scum like that.
Who are they going to accuse next?

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

snoopydawg's picture

At the time he left Sweden the prosecutor had dropped the charges against him. I don't remember if it was because the women recanted their statements or that there wasn't any evidence.
Someone talked the new prosecutor into charging him again.
Assange said that he would go back to Sweden if they promised not to expedite him to the USA and they wouldn't promise that.
Some of the people on DK thinks it's okay for the USA to prosecute him under the espionage act. I guess that they don't realize that he isn't a US citizen?

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

gulfgal98's picture

of willful ignorance over there. Sigh......

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

The two women (it seems they knew eachother) went to the police asking that he be forced to take an HIV test because he had insisted on having sex with them without a condom and they were worried. The story made him sound like a total prick, but not a rapist.
The charges were dismissed and then taken up again by a different prosecutor.

This from the Observer:

Neither woman ever claimed, initially, that she was “raped” by Mr. Assange—rape being våldtäkt in Swedish, but both spoke of the sex being unpleasant. They both concealed their distaste for how it had transpired—that’s usually what women do. In the case of Ms. Ardin, she kept him as a houseguest for six nights after the incident, and even threw a crayfish party for him. In the case of Ms. Wilen, she and Mr. Assange, after a night of sex, joked about the broken condom, and his promise that if she got pregnant he would move to Sweden, pay off her student loans, and they “could name the baby Afghanistan.”
When Ms. Ardin learned Mr. Assange had also slept with Ms. Wilen, and when he failed the golden rule of elemental post-coital communications, they locked arms and went to the police—not to charge him with rape, but to see if he could be compelled to take an HIV test, on a Saturday, in Stockholm.

The report contains several testimonies—Ms. Ardin, Ms. Wilen, two Swedish male journalists, Ms. Wilen’s ex boyfriend, brother, and several friends and colleagues of the two women. Finally, Mr. Assange himself. It closes with grainy photographs of a broken condom, as well as a condom tip—and the forensic analysis of experts from “Staten’s Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium” (The State’s Criminal Technological Laboratory)—offering forensic results about the exact conditions along the broken edge of the condom. (Ruled not to have been broken by an “instrument,” but to have failed by natural means.)

So women . . . you know the type. Does that mean that we should discount the good he has done for the public? I don't think so. Just don't sleep with him!

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

convinced Wilen to press charges.

Our story begins on Friday, August 20, 2010, when the two women of our story, Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen met in Stockholm, compared their experiences and discussed how to commemorate their weekend with Julian. Manipulative and ambitious, Anna Ardin had decided to get some sweet revenge on our breezy, festive Julian, who had drifted like a butterfly away from her bed and over to the bed of the younger Sofia. Anna’s plan was to stay out of the limelight – she convinced Sofia to make out the complaint. But she did arrange for it: Anna took Sofia to see the police.

Anna delivered Sofia to the police station only after the main force had gone home at 4 pm, leaving Anna’s friend Irmeli to handle the distraught Sofia. At 4:21pm, Irmeli began writing what would later be described as “the interrogation of Sofia Wilen”. Anna Ardin was always present in the room: she brought Sofia in and introduced her to the policewoman, but her presence was never mentioned in the protocols. This is a gross violation of law: fellow witnesses are never present during police questioning! Furthermore, every person present at the inquiry must be listed, yet Anna unaccountably remains invisible. She gave no evidence at all.

Ardin has a lot of ties to CIA front groups. Most likely a mole.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

lunachickie's picture

at your second link are just jaw-dropping. They make a rather fascinating case that both Ardin and Assange are CIA.

You wonder if Her Heinous managed to piss off someone enough to go rogue, while she was in charge at the State Department.

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I am so disgusted by those fools at DK, and for that matter, the democratic party, that I almost want to vote for Trump! I mean I literally despise Trump (from way back in the eighties), but I actually find myself wishing to see them suffer!! This is not characteristic for me.

I recently read somewhere that people hate Hillary like she ran over their dog. That describes exactly how I feel. I hate her like she ran over my dog. I stopped going to DK because it made me angry and depressed. I told myself, maybe you feel such a strong dislike towards Hillary because of how obnoxious the people over there were, or because of Bill, but since the crap with the primary, since that horrifying convention (and I only could bear to watch a tiny bit of it), and now these wikileaks, I realize that I no longer merely dislike Hillary, I actually hate her. And I also realize that I hate the democratic party and all their sneaky, underhanded bullshit! I doubt that I will ever vote democrat again. I haven't demexited yet because I don't want my registration to accidentally "get lost", but I think it will give me some tiny satifaction when I put that form in the mail on November 9th. Sorry for the rant. I need to get this off my chest. The phoniness! The hypocracy! The smug superiority! F you, Hillary! F you DK! F you democratic party!

P.S. I won't really vote for Trump

Jill not Hill Smile

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gulfgal98's picture

summarizes my own feelings. Just today, I told my husband that I may never vote for another Democrat again after seeing just how corrupt the entire party is. Hillary may win the election, but she and Bill have succeeded in destroying what was left of the Democratic party.

And like you, I despised Clinton for her policies prior to these leaks. But now I find myself actually hating her and for me that is a huge jump because I try to practice love and forgiveness and now I am finding myself feeling a very deep animosity toward someone I personally do not know and do not ever want to know.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

I despised them because of the policies both foreign and domestic hurt millions of people.
Welfare reform is still hurting people in this country because of the rules. Last June thousands of people were kicked off the food stamp program.
The crime bill is still effecting people by not allowing them to be able to get public housing if they have a felony record. It doesn't matter if they served their sentences, they still can't get help from many social programs.
Then there are the millions of people who have been killed or displaced in the Middle East.
And it's going to get much worse if she is elected and Bill is put in charge of the economy. Look at how much damage he did to the economy during his two terms.
She has no qualms with starting a war with Russia.
Hillary doesn't have an ounce of sympathy for anyone whose life she has ruined.
And the way she laughed after watching the video of Gaddafi being tortured and then murdered after being sodomized by a sword should disqualify her for any office, especially the presidency.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Amanda Matthews's picture

for people who I didn't personally know and obviously hadn't had any 'personal' contact with in regard to any number of liars, traitors, and thugs in the bush**/cheney administration. It sometimes made me wonder about myself. Then it dawned on me. It WAS personal. Everything they did was damaging to my country and my way of life.

I didn't have to know them in order for their actions to personally affect me negatively, including relations with some of my family members, my poor deceased Mom being one of them. The last time she came over for Thanksgiving we were all eating and someone made a remark, I don't remember what it was, and her exact words out of the blue were "I'm glad that we have someone like bush** in office to take care of everything. No one else could do it." Sadly, I got up and dumped my dinner in the trash and told her she was absolutely batshit crazy and left the room. I had worked for hours on that meal and it was totally destroyed by that remark. I shouldn't have said anything, but I did. Am I sorry? I guess a little. Should I have done that? No, but I couldn't eat another bite and I had just sat down and taken only a couple bites of my own food after seeing that everything was the way it should be for everyone else, as a good 'hostess' should. Was I angry? Hell yes, that day and for quite some time afterward. It had a marked effect on our relationship. I felt like she'd either lost her mind or maybe I didn't even really know her. She died the following year and I'm still trying to understand why she or me or life in general changed so drastically for us all when that election was stolen. It truly touched all of us.

Well, that's how I feel about Hellery. But raise that hatred factor to the nth power. What that nastier-than-pond-scum creature and her hubby have done to people in this country IS PERSONAL. Welfare reform, egregious prison sentencing, racial profiling for 'super-predators', numerous other policies aimed at the defenseless and children and the poor. I've watched it since the early 90s. And let us never forget that she SUPPORTED the bush**/cheney cabal on ALL it lies and dirty dealings. What is there not to hate?

Bob Herbert said this years ago:

"The Clintons are a terminally vulgar and unethical couple who betrayed everyone who ever believed in them."

There is even more truth to that statement now than there was before. The dirt and the scandals have never stopped and my hate is as strong, if not stronger, for both Hellery and Clenis as it ever was for bush**/cheney & Co. And now we can throw in the kid (who's taking up the mantle of lying for power and money).

We are so screwed.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

harrybothered's picture

I can't believe how angry I am about this whole mess. I find this election absolutely nauseating and that makes me really angry. I now almost want revenge on the Democratic party for forcing this shit on us. I felt really good when I crossed the line on my ballot for Jill Stein. I won't cry if Trump wins - part of me will inwardly exult. He probably won't last four years anyway.

Peace (for both of us) Smile

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"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment

with an almost personal passion - like he'd fooled around on her instead of the Shill. Now I sometimes feel Mom wherever she is having one hell of a laugh at my hating him and Hillary as much as she did! I imagine my mother would be full on for the Rump, she died last year so she didn't get to witness this ugly spectacle. She might have gone Libertarian if she were still around but I know damned well she'd be sorta smug about my Hillary Hate. And that's OK with me, let her laugh at me as I've been proven as much of a fool as she ever was in many ways.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Bollox Ref's picture

I'm embarrassed to have a membership. And to think it seemed like a beacon of hope, c. 2003-4.

Did the newbie author start off with: "I used to be a Bernie supporter, but........."?


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from a reasonably stable genius.

WaveyDavey's picture

is this one line

I have removed this diary pending investigation.

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The people, united, will never be defeated.

joe shikspack's picture

it's here. enjoy?

0 users have voted.
Bollox Ref's picture

but that requires too much drinking.

0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

lunachickie's picture

at least. And I'm one of those people that's good for one drink of whatever before I'm ready to go to sleep. But for that, there is probably not enough alcohol in the world...

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Several shots at least.

And at least one Quaalude!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

0 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

lunachickie's picture

now--if it's a lie, of COURSE they yanked it.

I hope Wikileaks goes after every vile, filthy criminal propagandist that posts there. It's long overdue.

0 users have voted.
Bollox Ref's picture

Pending investigation of whom and what? By whom?

Anyone know if Little Napoleon could be held liable for deliberate, potentially criminal falsehoods published on his site?

0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

That can only increase his liability, no?

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terriertribe's picture

The diary relies heavily on press releases from a company in Houston that registered their domain name with GoDaddy on 20 September 2015. They claim that they filed complaint docs with the UN that the UN pulled from its own website so the company thoughtfully posted them. Lots of details to be tracked down and verified or disproved. Lots of important details left out that would have made verification easier, or maybe easier to disprove.

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

terriertribe's picture

0 users have voted.

Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

reflectionsv37's picture

He removed the contents of the diary, but left it up so all the comments made by the fools over there are still visible for the world to see. It's like a little treasure trove of stupidity left on display for all to see. Sickening yes! But I'm sure there are more than a few there who would like to see the whole diary deleted so their stupidity doesn't remain on display. Someone should do page capture on the comments to save them for future reference!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

that now that it's all blown up, any affirmative action to delete the diary could be construed as evidence of agency in promoting the smear in the first place.

See the update x2: the author has now completely disavowed the original claims, but hasn't deleted either.

Looks like they're going to try to say that it was all just a mistake based on the faulty UN report.

Soooo sleazy.

0 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

reflectionsv37's picture

hasn't been banned. Seems in the past, postings like that got the instant ban hammer. Amazing how many things changed there once they became an arm of the DNC. Maybe it's allowable to post 9/11 CT there now.

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

snoopydawg's picture

I have quite a few friends there and think that there are still a lot of good people on the site. Many people helped me out when I needed it and they help out others that are having financial difficulties. Think about how people on the site are willing to give money to people that they haven't met in person but do so because they can.
I stay out of the Hillary or Trump diaries because I don't agree with their opinions.
I just don't understand how they can believe that Obama and Hillary have or will be great presidents. Especially when it comes to the wars and destroying countries.
So many of us joined the site because of the Iraq war and what the Bush administration was doing, but then went quiet when those two did the exact same things.
Obama bailed out the banks but sat bye while millions of people continued to lose their homes even though there was so much evidence that the banks were continuing to screw people.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

thanatokephaloides's picture

I have quite a few friends there and think that there are still a lot of good people on the site. Many people helped me out when I needed it and they help out others that are having financial difficulties. Think about how people on the site are willing to give money to people that they haven't met in person but do so because they can.

These generous souls deserve a better home than that festering sewer. We need to recruit them here somehow. And I say this as a beneficiary of some of that generosity myself (the laptop I'm using came to me that way). It's not their fault that Markos decided to throw his lot (and that of the website) in with the worst dicks that community had to offer. But it's his site, and that's exactly what he did on the 15th of March of this year. (2016)

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

"We need to rescue them" instead of "We need to recruit them".

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Anja Geitz's picture

to hear of them wallowing in the feces of their own making. Vindicates every "time out" they gave me for telling them they were full of shit.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Citizen Of Earth's picture

It will not surprise me when some US agency is uncovered as the source of the operation.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

I no longer believe anything about Clinton's enemies that I read in the news, because she and her campaign have lied one too many times. In fact, when they accuse someone of a particular something then I know that either a) the target is actually innocent of that one thing otherwise the Clinton mafia wouldn't have to drum it up, or b) the Clinton's have actually done the thing and it is coming out now.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Bugiardi sfacciati! (Shameless liars!)

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

lunachickie's picture

Oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease let them have gone too damned far.,,,,

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lunachickie's picture


However, Wikileaks has archived the original post which can still be viewed here.

That way there's no doubt what was said. Names, dates, links, etc.

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earthling1's picture

Clinton still has to woo the voters, but still does this shit.
Imagine when she gets into office and doesn't have to answer to anyone.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

jwa13's picture

The $Hill WILL have to answer to the Repugs (who are going to keep the House -- THX, gerrymandering -- and maybe the Senate as well). I foresee impeachment hearings in the very near future --

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

TheOtherMaven's picture

The kind of karma she has built up, it's going to be very nasty when it boomerangs back on her times three - or maybe three times three.

If she's lucky, she won't last long enough for them to impeach her. Diablo

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

A lot of Republicans have floated over to her side. They don't mind the pay for play political model one bit.

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earthling1's picture

She has floated over to the Republican side. They really don't have to move towards her at all.
No. The Billionaires will have what they want, regardless of party.

0 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

lunachickie's picture

I'm guessing very few of them have floated her way publicly if they're in the middle of a campaign themselves. Boy, if I had time to research that, I'll bet it would be real interesting to see how many have floated her way, and then proceeded to lie to their constituents about her and any support they give her on the sly...

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for some of them with the Tea Party. That monster they unleashed may be the doom of Shillary as I don't imagine they're going to just remain silent and acquiesce to no charges against Shillary or Democrats, potentially. Maybe that's when I get out the popcorn and watch, right now I just can't, too depressing and just raises my blood pressure for nothing of substance.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Lenzabi's picture

Funny to see how badly they are hating Wikileaks of their dirty laundry. they even pulled out KOS so that they could attempt to smear from many angles. Markos is such a whore for the DNC.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Among all the recent WikiLeaks email dumps, perhaps the most important one of all has been overlooked by the mainstream media.

In it, Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton’s longtime political guru, warned campaign manager John Podesta not to raise the question of primary opponent Bernie Sanders’ health because it would draw unwanted attention to the hidden truth about Hillary’s health.

“Hard to think of anything more counter-productive than demanding Bernie’s medical records,” Mr. Tanden emailed Mr. Podesta, according to an email obtained by WikiLeaks from Mr. Podesta’s personal inbox.

From an opinion piece at that also contains more [unverified?] health information.... Where's Ed?

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reflectionsv37's picture

It gets a little more interesting every day!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush