Actual Collusion or Only The Appearance of it?
I'll start with some background - introducing Mary Pat Bonner:
From the New York Times February 2015
The Secret World of a Well-Paid ‘Donor Adviser’ in Politics
A constellation of left-leaning nonprofits and “super PACs” are raising tens of millions of dollars to pave the way for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign — and nearly all of them have paid Mary Pat Bonner a cut.
Over the past several years, the groups, which include American Bridge 21st Century, Media Matters for America and the super PAC Ready for Hillary, have paid Ms. Bonner’s consulting firm in excess of $6 million to help them cultivate wealthy donors and raise money, according to tax filings and campaign disclosures.
Ms. Bonner’s contracts give her firm a commission, typically 12.5 percent, on any money she brings in. Her tenacity, ties to wealthy givers and mastery of making donors happy have made Ms. Bonner, 48, among the most successful practitioners of a trade that is virtually invisible to voters but has taken on immense power and influence in the post-Citizens United world.
The article says that political fundraising with commissions (as is the practice at the Bonner Group) is considered unethical according to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (members of AFP "shall not accept compensation or enter into a contract that is based on a percentage of contributions; nor shall members accept finder’s fees or contingent fees" link) But Ms. Bonner's roladex (and database on donating behavior) are apparently worth the large cut.
Brock apparently uses Bonner for all of his organizations. They are apparently sufficiently joined at the hip that NYT says she moved her business and staff into Brock's headquarters (although it says she continues to service additional clients). She and Brock apparently also share a rental in the Hamptons during the summer. Sounds pretty cozy on a lot of levels.
Now you have some background on the sender in this Wikileaks email to John Podesta dated December 23, 2015:
Date: 2015-12-23 21:27
Subject: Jim SimonsJohn,
Hi, I wanted to let you know that I just hung up with Abe Lackman (Jim Simons advisor) who you will recall was at the first dinner you did for us. He wanted to collect more information on "Correct The Record"‎ to get Jim the information he needs to make a donation.
We have asked them to consider a donation of 500K or 1M.‎ I have explained to them that we need to raise and additional $15M this cycle on top of our regular budgets. I have also told them that Soros is giving us 1M a year (although this is part of a multi year commitment, not specific to CTR and Danny Abraham is making a donation in January although the amount is not determined.
As I am sure you know, Jim Simons just made a large commitment to Priorities (to be paid out in January and March).
He told me he is intending to call you on Monday to discuss the importance of CTR and their donation. ‎He is interested in the fact that CTR is a coordinated PAC that does not do any paid communication.
Please let me know if these is anything you need from us in relation to his call to you.
Thanks and I hope you have a great Christmas.
The deal as set up by the Supreme Court is that there is SUPPOSED to be a separation between the fundraising functions of SuperPACs and a campaign. Podesta is the campaign. Mary Pat Bonner is the principle fundraiser for any of the Clinton SuperPACs which are connected to David Brock (read: nearly all of them).
So, the first question from this email is what's up with the dinner(s) Podesta did for whatever 'us' Bonner references? Sounds not entirely kosher.
Bonner is discussing here the discussion she's been having with a representative of a potential donor about contributions to Corrupt The Record - she's suggested between a half mil and a cool mil.
Keep in mind that the maximum contribution to a campaign is a measly $2700.
Two days ago, we learned that another leaked email revealed that Podesta has been interacting with SuperPAC donors by extending thanks:
Clinton Campaign Chair Personally Thanked Super PAC Donors
Memo crafted by Priorities USA staffer advised John Podesta on how to avoid illegal coordination
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta personally thanked high-dollar donors to a Democratic Super PAC with which the campaign is legally prohibited from coordinating, according internal campaign memos.
The memos detail half a dozen scheduled Podesta phone calls to five-, six-, and seven-figure donors to Priorities USA Action, the most prominent Super PAC supporting Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
One of the memos, sent in February 2016 laid out ways that Podesta could give recognition to Priorities supporters while staying within the bounds of campaign finance laws that prohibit campaigns and their staff members from coordinating with outside spending groups that can raise and spend unlimited sums from individuals, corporations, and labor unions.
One of the emails linked in the above article had been forwarded from Denis Cheng, chief fundraiser for the Campaign. Presumably, the attachment was from the original email from Cheng - it provides guidance for Podesta in the interest of staying within-ish the law:
Talking Points for Thank You Calls to Priorities USA Action Donors
I wanted to thank you for your generous donation to Priorities USA Action. It really means a lot to me and Hillary.
Thanks to your support, Priorities will be able to do its vital work to help win in 2016.
Responses to Possible Questions
If donor asks whether s/he should make an additional contribution to Priorities USA Action: Due to federal legal restrictions, I can’t discuss future contributions. I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for the generous contribution that you recently made.
If donor asks whether contribution to Priorities USA Action will be used in the race: As you know, we cannot coordinate with Priorities on how they spend their funds. However, they have a demonstrated record of spending funds wisely to keep the White House in Democratic hands and I am confident that will be the case in 2016.
Statements to Avoid
Do NOT ask donors for additional funds for Priorities USA or for any other Super PACs or nonprofits.
Do NOT ask donors to take a call from PAC personnel or tell them that PAC personnel will be following up. However, you may provide the donor with the contact information of a PAC representative, if they ask for it.
Those instructions were nearly certainly penned by the attorney for the Campaign, Marc Elias, although I haven't found a direct link from him for it.
But I do have a link for a different instruction sent by him eleven months previously on Perkins Coie (his law firm) letter head, even, which is an attachment to this email. It begins:
This memorandum describes how fundraisers may discuss Super PACs with campaign donors, in the event that Secretary Clinton becomes a “candidate.”
Short story is that there's a lot blurring of lines where Podesta and the campaign are concerned with respect to SuperPAC fundraising. Of course they know that the FEC is either powerless (or thinks it is) under the current membership, so part of their calculation is likely that even if they get called on the carpet, it won't be until after the election (by which time it will be too damn late to do anything at all). Absolutely the only things which matter to them is raking in big bucks and winning - two sides of the same coin as far as they are concerned. .

What's the Saying?
A nod's as good as a wink?
For those who need an explanation, here's the link.
Edited to add the link.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
I felt for sure this was the video that the link was going to
take me to.
I guess I watch too much Python?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
There was a time when I used to say...
"But Republicans are so much worse than Democrats!" Now not so much. They are all corrupt right to the core.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Cynical tap-dancing played to the tune of Justice Roberts
The question is: how close to the border of the law can one state without technically violating the law? Pretty damn close apparently. However, when it came to the DNC there was a clear pre-meditated violation of contract, i.e. the committee's official policies. The organized theft of Presidency by Hillary's Mafia is being protected by James "the weasel" Comey and Lyin' Loretta. If Trump wins, expect a lot of people to be going to jail, including Lynch.
Stop! Stop! You're giving me a reason to vote for Trump : (
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Cobert and Stewart superpac
When the two comedians created their superpac it even made ABC news (2 min)
Where they state there are no controls. It's all smoke and and collusion.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you
for digging this up for us. These latest e-mails are a tidal wave of lies and corruption. For a non-lawyer, person who doesn't know who the people in the "to and from" column are, they are opaquely slimy. I found one, which I posted somewhere around here, where the sender (a columnist) stated, "I don't want your money." that I thought was interesting.* I don't suppose its illegal for a campaign to pay columnists for articles.
There is a lot of traffic on twitter with individual snippets of the "sexier" obnoxiousness, but I think the gold is in careful legal research, knowing the biographies, and connecting the dots. And it may be that the biggest dots to connect are in other documents and videos.
As it is, it makes me cross-eyed with boredom to try and read through thousands of these on a cheap laptop. So, I am depending on others this time and hope someone makes up a decent summary.
BTW, for those who haven't heard already, Assange, bless his heart, posted authenticity hash tags for three subject dumps (Kerry, UK, Ecuador) last night and rumors are flying that he will be extradited or killed within 12 hours... to which he he made a short video saying he was all right as of about Midnight...
* I believe this same columnist posts here.
From the Light House.
[Edited] Disappointed to read the owner of “Down With Tyranny”
as saying,
It kinda makes it hard to take them seriously, from here on out.
Edited: in the original version of this comment, I mistakenly attributed the quoted words to professional writer and fellow c99er Gaius Publius (whose work has appeared on Naked Capitalism, TruthOut, and Smirking Chimp).
Does anyone with two brain cells to rub together
really believe this obvious propaganda that Russia is doctoring emails?
Pu- leeze!
So you're right - those sources cannot be trusted. They either drank the kool-aid or are too stupid to see through a transparent ploy - either way, they've lost the respect of thinking people.
People LOOOVE them some conspiracy theories,
and if there aren't enough going around, they'll make some up. It's stupid, but so are people in the aggregate.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
They were going off tonight on NPR about how there's absolutely
no election fraud which has been documented. I guess they missed the Stanford study and others. I was screaming at the radio in rush hour...
There are also people who love to claim real issues are merely conspiracy theories...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
That there are no conspiracies IS a conspiracy theory :-)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I noticed they are parsing.
Election fraud is what is going on. Voter fraud is harder to pull off.
It's like the difference between saying "hillary clinton's private email" and "hillary clinton's multiple unsecured private servers".
There is a difference
between voter fraud and election fraud. We have to stop talking about voter fraud and remind people its all about the computers we have to use in order to vote, the databases upon which our legiitimacy as voters resides.
Trump should be understanding that by now, but he keeps talking about voter fraud. The stuff like dead people voting, et al.
I was impressed, however, that he was aware of the videos showing malfeasance such as the incitement of violence in the Trump rallies etc.
Dirty tricks abundantly evident on the part of HRC, Back in the day, she would have been arrested and at the least, lost her standing as a candidate.
Again, not my writing...
Again, not my writing. All of my articles at DWT are bylined with my name at the top.
DWT publishes a number of writers. We don't (nor shouldn't) agree on all points, including this one.
Just a note to avoid confusion.
Again, my apologies, GP. Edited. n/t
I feel so stupid.
Down With Tyranny? /nt
Debbie Wasserman Tyrant?
ok probably not.
This memorandum describes how
Lol, 'candidate' placed in quotes because she'd already been selected as President of AmeriCorps by Those Who Matter?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.