Donald Trump's Takedown of Hillary Clinton
If we are to believe The Mainstream Media, Donald Trump supposedly "lost" the second Presidential Debate as well, or at best it was a draw.
The supposedly neutral Mainstream Media has quite obviously ganged-up on Trump in the most transparently one-sided way in all of Election History to make him out to be a Monster over mere "crude" remarks (made when he was just a private citizen, and not a public office holder) ----- yet according to them, it is perfectly okay for Hillary Clinton to actually violate Federal Laws, Slaughter millions of innocent people and ruin whole Nations in horrific, bloody, reckless Wars, and make much worse crude public statements like: "We came, we saw, and he Died" while bursting out in laughter at the human carnage that she perpetrated.
That apparently is all fine. And while Trump merely made some crude personal remarks in a joking manner, Bill Clinton has actually physically raped and abused multiple women multiple times, and yet we all are not supposed to take offense at that (the real crime) ?
Meanwhile, back in the real World, Donald Trump totally called out and exposed Hillary Clinton in the second Presidential Debate, and absolutely destroyed her. This serially corrupt woman, Hillary Clinton, finally got smacked down in public for all the whole World to see:
[video: width:640 height:480]
And when the WikiLeaks documents came out, they revealed that Bernie Sander's had been right all along, and Hillary Clinton is just a paid off puppet and willing servant of the Elite, crooked Globalist Banksters, who has contempt for the common people. These documents much to my surprise were also actually even brought up in the Presidential Debate.
WikiLeaks Excerpts revealed the following:
In the lucrative speeches, for which she was paid some $225,00 a pop (not for any wisdom), Clinton signaled support for a plan that would lower corporate tax rates while raising the Social Security age, and embraced a strong pro-trade position that completely conflicts with remarks she's made on the campaign trail. At a Morgan Stanley get-together, she said the framework and big elements of the Simpson-Bowles [Social Security] deficit reduction plan, loathed by many progressives because of its cuts to the welfare state, "were right." Now we know her real position!
On more than one occasion, she spoke of how bankers should take a leading role in shaping financial regulations. Clinton admitted that you need to have policy platforms that you feed the public — and your real ones. And Hillary Clinton proved that she is committed to the Globalists Agenda to systematically drive down American's wages, relocate our American jobs abroad, and hollow out U.S. Industry and weaken the U.S. Economy with her now documented statement: "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders."
And when the WikiLeaks documents exposed the fact that Hillary Clinton holds private policy positions that are in complete conflict with the "public" positions (phony) that she deceives the people with in her campaigns, and then she even had the gall to equate her corrupt actions with the honorable Abraham Lincoln -- Donald Trump struck her down once again:
[video: width:640 height:480]
"Wikileaks has given us a window into the secret corridors of government power, where we see her desire to end forever the American independence that our founders gave to us and wanted us to have. American soldiers have fought and died to win and keep America's freedom, and now Hillary Clinton wants to surrender that freedom to these open borders, open trade, and a world government."
--Donald Trump
Finally, Bill Clinton was also called out too, and unable to hide from deserved embarrassment on National TV for his serial physical abuse to women (multiple) that far exceeds any "rude thing" that Trump as a non-holder of public office may have done:
[video: width:640 height:480]
Regardless of what the Mainstream Media says, Donald Trump clearly won the second Presidential Debate and exposed the disgraced record and corrupt agenda of Hillary Clinton.
The only question that remains is what percentage of the American public are able to actually now think independently from the Mainstream Media, and wish to stop Globalism and the oppressive New World Order agenda in its tracks -- before it destroys our Economy, and destroys the whole World as well, and engulfs it in flames. Haven't we already seen enough evidence over the last 35 years to know we have to really stop this now?
This is interesting, more women coming out now that his words
are out there. It also links to the original WaPo article, which last I saw has the entire video of his remarks. I think that's where I saw it, but don't want to revisit or I could hit a paywall since I've been there several times lately.
These are his words, not a Hill camp person's interpretation of his words.
Otherwise, just google "Trump sexual assault". Well here, you don't even have to type,
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Truly disgusting election
And I agree that it is NOT a leap for me to believe that these woman were touched/fondled/groped by The Hairball against their will. It's also not a leap to imagine that The Hairball's sexual proclivities would find common ground with Bill Clinton's sexual proclivities and that the two of them were probably quite cosy traveling together on Jeff Epstein's "Lolita Express". An irony not lost on those of us who are paying attention.
JtC said something down thread that really resonated with me. Not only did our "esteemed" Fourth Estate, along with our elected representatives, egregiously neglect their civic duties by IGNORING the pressing issues facing our country during this election, they went for the money shot instead: a poke in the primal part of our brains. And what these visceral attacks on our senses do to the 'discourse' happening everywhere right now is the political equivalent to PTSD that many of us are experiencing.
BUT REMEMBER: It was the Clintons who unleashed this barbarian on the public, and who made sure he had a warm Petri dish in which to grow, and who then sat back and watched the results from their untouchable perches of power.
So, please. Let us ALL send the Clintons a thank you card in November by voting for Jill Stein.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
This information on Trump is available to anyone
I read news articles and reports that can easily be found by looking online. You could do the same if you cared to.
I am very sorry that I have a full time job, a very sick dog who is in the midst of a medical crisis, and a busy life keeping care of a house and family. I don't have time to do the research for you. This is not secret information, it's all over the internet. Women reporting what he's done to them. Look if you care.
I don't think it's "fine"
But I'm also not falling for the media's & dems double standard.
Anderson cooper had the nerve to say that all the accusations against bill were unfounded when defending his criticism of trump.
O really? bill has time & time again been proven to be a liar about his relationships with various women. And he perjured himself in paula jones's law suit.
And all the while Hillary defended him, lied with him, and trashed the women (see recent WaPost & NY Times articles in his she handled "bimbo eruptions")
But we're supposed to turn a blind eye towards all this because Trump.
Sorry. Not buying it.
I didn't say anything about turning a blind eye to Bill Clinton
That literally has nothing to do with it.
Defending and being ok with sexual attacks on women as "normal guy stuff" and this idea that men should feel free to grab women in their pussy, kiss them without permission, and commit sexual harassment just because they can, is the issue. It's sick and wrong. It doesn't suddenly become ok because Bill Clinton did it too.
The difference is consent
First of all, I never "defended" assault.
So all your "manufactured outrage" has no relevancy if a woman freely consents to advances.
Some women are, in fact, ok with that (advances). If it is their free choice and consent, then who are you (or anyone else) to judge?
Free will is free will.
What Clinton did was very different.
The women Trump violated did not freely consent
Anyone with even a few functioning brain cells would be able to understand what sexual harassment means. So, you are either 1) a complete moron, 2) an intentional troll, or 3) just an asshole who thinks what Trump did is actually ok.
Whatever your problem, I don't care. This is wrong. I will wait for JtC's decision to see if this is allowed to continue or not.
sometimes it's best to just walk away. I suggest this is one of those times.
I am going to do just that. Thank you JtC
I understand, and I appreciate that you allow me to stand up for what I believe is important.
Not cool and groovy, certainly not--
Just that 1)I'm in no way surprised; he said terrible things on Howard Stern, this is no different; we've all basically known for years Donald Trump was a misogynist, and 2)Putting Bill in the White House vs putting Trump there seems like a wash. Sexual predator, meet sexual predator.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Did Trump say he *did* it, or *would do* it?
If he "did", he's a criminal. If he "would do", he's a low, uncouth, vulgar, disgusting asshole (which we all knew anyway) - and probably a hollow windbag full of nothing but hot air (which we also knew anyway).
Lots of people who say they "would do" something - don't, won't, or can't. It's the ones who do and get away with it that you have to watch.
By the way, "thanks" for derailing the thread.![Sad](
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Here's the video.
He actually said (1:13), "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
What is so unclear here?
If girls are star struck, and therefore Let Him make sexual advances then that is not Rape at all. It's like a Rock Star having "groupies". There is no crime here.
What Bill Clinton did was totally unwanted physical abuse, and actual Rape.
Very, very different things here.
Just obtained this book from days of yore...
I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie
From the Blurb:
I even managed to find the GTO's album LOL... mostly because I was doing a trip down memory lane (1966). The damn USA culture has changed into a weird sort of toxic totalitarianism.
I will say it again, both candidates are bags of hyena breath, they smell very bad, they both stink like dead carrion. But IMO this kittygate thing has completely buried the real story in the recently leaked Podesta emails which we aren't hearing about because the coverage is about 20/1 ratio kittygate/Podesta emails
From the Light House.
What are you yelling at me for?
I'm just trying to provide some much needed factual context to all this nonsense.
Personally, I couldn't care less what some B list celebrity says to impress a C lister in the back of a bus 11 years ago.
What I find far more offensive is the idea of furniture shopping with a man of such obviously garish tastes.
No wonder she turned him down.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Brilliant! We all need a laugh at this point.
Yes, we need a good laugh at sexual assault, it's hilarious!
Furniture shopping is absolutely worse. No doubt.
It's not assault...
if it's consensual sex. And its not 'advocacy' if it's a private conversation in the back of a bus.
I really didn't want to get into this, but you have totally hijacked the thread with your OT tantrum and frankly I think it's bullshit.
Where's your hysteria about Bill Clinton's actual victims? What makes Trump's comments (which I'm not even sure you ever actually listened to) so much more disconcerting than ALL of the women who have come forth over the years complaining about actual assault and who have maintained their stories for decades in the face of vicious public criticism and private intimidation?
So spare me your rank hypocrisy. If you want to write an essay about your feelings go ahead, but the 24 hour dramatics on someone else's post about something only tangentially related to the debate itself is IMO a transparently phony attempt at shutting down meaningful conversation.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
You tell me to fuck off? I await the moderators intervention
telling you to be civil! LOL.
Your personal attacks and insults don't matter to me, actually, because it appears you can't read, and are another jerk who doesn't care about the issue of sexual assault against women.
If someone came on here defending Bill Clinton and saying his actions were just "normal guy stuff" and no big deal, my response would be identical and I would say exactly the same things.
The person who posted this piece of shit essay, free society, is the person who is advocating that sexual assault is acceptable. He said so in the essay, and has said it repeatedly right in this thread of comments.
Now you are doing the same.
Trump's victims are not consensual, he said so himself, and so did several women who have been his victims.
There is nothing approaching a meaningful conversation in this crap shit pile of a post that advocates sexual assault. I couldn't care less if you don't like it being called out. Too bad for you. Maybe you'd like a Men's Rights Activist site better, where us women who are against such things aren't allowed to speak.
Good job [Not Henry Kissinger] at exposing the hypocrisy here.
Thanks for bringing up the debate...
it was a bigger deal than most people appreciate and really needs a fuller discussion.
Just too bad we all couldn't discuss it here in relative peace.
Sheesh, I haven't seen a hijacking that bad since the Achille Lauro.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Oh you poor baby... how sad for you
You couldn't discuss how cool it is to attack women and be left in peace. Must be frustrating. Like I said, try a men's rights site. They don't allow women to have an opinion there, and you can advocate grabbing them by the pussy all you want.
Try Dealing with the Facts
OK FreeSociety...
I'm going to ask you to stop. Please heed my warning. This thread is going nowhere but in circles and it's getting very wearisome.
You try dealing with facts
I could do this all night. Trump is a fucking PIG. No, that is wrong, pigs would not do this. He's a sexual predator. That's what you are sticking up for. Sick.
I've asked FreeSociety to stop and I'm asking that of you also. Please stop.
I saw that after I posted this.
His lie that the women Trump harassed "consented" so it was ok, could not be allowed to stand. It's bullshit. Trump did this to teenage girls. Defending that is sick and wrong. I've said what I have to say.
Please provide a link to anyone here defending Bill Clinton
and his behavior toward women as "just normal guy stuff" that is no big deal, and I will absolutely go and give them hell for it too.
There is no hypocrisy in my position whatsoever. ALL defense of sexual predators and normalizing such behavior toward women is sickening and wrong.
you and I have been around the track for a long time but telling anyone here to fuck off is not cool. Right?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
"they let you do it" equals "they're too afraid to stop you"
if you believe Trump then what can I say? I read today that Limbaugh is defending him because Trump said "they like it". Limbaugh's point is if they like it it's not assault. But "they let you do it" and "they like it" are the words of the assailant.
Seriously....would you take the word of the robber who says "he gave me the money"? If the money was given, after all, where's the crime? Well, it's the word of the robber!!
Trump is JUST like Bill. It's insane to pretend otherwise.
Thank you! A voice of reason and sanity.
Much appreciated, and right on. This is it exactly.
He says when he's attracted, he just starts kissing them,
he does not even wait, he can do anything, grab them by the pussy, etc.
He is NOT waiting for their permission! They may not turn him in and have him prosecuted because he's a star, rich, powerful, they know they would be unlikely to win against him.
Being a young girl or a new immigrant or dependent on your job with Trump, and not knowing how to handle this guy who is suddenly all grabby hands and lips, and he gets away with it time and again, is NOT the same as consent!
It is also not rape. But it is sexual assault. Also, Trump has been accused and is being sued because of rape when a girl was 13, Of course Ivana said he raped her, then recanted.
Now that he's admitted to sexual assault, many women are coming forward. He looks more like Bill Cosby every day.
Read through these allegations.
This is consensual?
Sure, nothing has been proven yet. But don't these stories make you uncomfortable? Would you want to work in this environment?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'm not going to play this game. Nor should you.
Both of them are shit candidates. Donald Trump is a multi-billion dollar boogeyman propped up by the corporate media for the sole purpose of making Hillary Clinton look better by comparison. Your memes and your videos mean jack shit, sir, because Trumpy Boy, like Billary, is in this farce for himself alone. That'll become far more obvious after the election.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Actually, they're in it together. :-)
Put another way, I agree with you. Kudos.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The online polls say Trump CRUSHED Hillary in the debate.
Not. Even. Close.
Trump fucking destroyed Hillary...
1.75 MILLION votes!!!
Think about that number for just one second: 1.75 MILLION votes.
And how many people do the official traditional "legacy" polling methodology survey?
...20? ...100? ...1000, maybe, on a good day???
Yeah, contrary to what MSM claims, scientifically speaking, the only polls that can be trusted today are online polls. The sheer magnitude of number of respondents alone makes them astronomically more accurate than the "legacy" polling methodology. As I explained in my comment the other day:
And in case you missed it:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
There were no winners in that debate.
And the next one will be even worse than the last. Besides, Billary won this election without a single vote being cast. You're being played for a fool and are too much of a chickenshit to admit it. Both of them will laugh all the way to the bank when it's all said and done and business will continue as usual, so you might want to think about that 'single issue' voting thing.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
*** ATTN ADMIN ***
I find this person calling me a "chickenshit" offensive:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
who lost the debate
And the main losers in the debate (and the election of which it is part) are us -- the 99%!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Thanks for such a well-cited summary.
Your comments always deliver. It's a lot of work to compose a detailed summary. I re-learned a couple of things from this one:
1. I have not paid as much attention as I should to the timing of polls. It's a great way to manipulate the outcome, yet even polling employees can't readily see it.
2. Sample size. "1.75 MILLION votes." I haven't given as much weight to this metric as I should. We've seen online polls gain credibility quite recently, and it makes a lot of sense. But social sampling is evolving rapidly, and sample size is clearly the next frontier.
The counter-intelligence strategies of Joe Scarborough (elaborate gaslighting) was also a nice find. They've stepped up the propaganda game used against the American people and they are so very reckless about it. As if they have nothing to lose. As if we can't see what they are doing.
Thanks Pluto,
I've long loved your writing on LOF. Nice to be appreciated and not harassed...
Yup. Sample Size in online polls is the game changer. The legacy methodologies for polling (Phone-Landline/Cell, Robocalls-vs-Live, Focus Groups, Interviews, Mail-in) cannot compete, once the freeping bias was neutralized, which it now has been, and once the internet became ubiquitous, which it now is.... scientifically, there is no comparison:
Let's repeat that:
The larger the sample size
the more information we have
and so our uncertainty reduces.
In other words, scientifically, the larger the sample size, the more accurate the poll.
Trump fucking destroyed Hillary in the debate. Duh.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
This explains what I have seen and reported on
…pretty much from the beginning of the election cycle. I watched the Republican side this time. There were so many candidates to eliminate, I thought it would yield a more nuanced view of what the public is thinking. But what the media reported (about the GOP race) was consistently wrong every single day leading up to the convention. Good grief.
• I went into it knowing 2016 was a rare populist cycle.
• I also knew Hillary would be the nominee. (I use Allen Lichtman's "Keys to the White House" system, instead of polling data, to predict the outcome. Lichtman, himself, had already tagged Hillary for the win two years ago.)
But, to be 100 percent wrong week-over-week in the media? Belligerently wrong on both sides of the partisan divide?
Some of the media failure certainly had to do with the enormous blast of US propaganda that Americans have been drowning in since the overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2014. But the media had been citing polls the entire time, which were obviously misleading or mis interpreted. I noticed, too, that they constantly interviewed Party Operatives and Assorted Tools, and were entirely deaf to the American people, who ironically filled their publications with comments. Those, I always read.
Recently, I concluded that the American people were lying to the pollster's polls this cycle. Particularly after the Brexit vote, where voters did the same thing.
So thanks again. You've filled in a lot of the blanks for me about the new criteria for poll watching.
A few weeks ago, I learned that Allen Lichtman, whom I have followed for years, abruptly changed his prediction, explaining that one of his 13 keys had been flipped because a third party would rise and get more than five percent of the vote.
Lichtman's system predicts the popular vote, only, so there is that. Over all, it is designed to answer one essential question:
Lichtman says "more of the same" is going to lose on Election Day.
It was the most extraordinary political event...
I have ever seen.
A Presidential candidate called her opponent's husband (and former President) a rapist to her face. He did so with four of the alleged victims sitting in the audience at his invitation.
He also accused his opponent of evidence tampering, called for a special prosecutor, and said she should be in jail.
And that's not even the half of it.
But the craziest thing is, no one (including said former President) batted an eye. The moderators and Hillary just carried on like it was just another run of the mill debate, and the next day the press all regurgitated the same pre-written (and false) narrative of Trump's campaign imploding, without barely a mention of the bombshells from the night before.
It's like watching those old nuclear bomb videos where you see the blast but don't hear the explosion.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Good observation
it was like watching the Jerry Springer Show but without the flying chairs.
**edit: this was a reply to Not Henry Kissinger
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
They're saving the flying chairs for Debate III.
And Maury will show up with DNA tests for Bill versus half the state of Arkansas aged 30-40.
OK, now I'm going to chuckle
the rest of the day over this comment. Brilliant!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Trumps trick is to mix in a little truth with his lies
so that you start thinking he might be telling the truth about lots of things. He clearly lied about whether he's ever done what he "joked" about. He's a predator, as bad as Bill. He's not an option.
Yes, he called her out on some Bernie should have. But he's bad news.
Mixing a little truth with the lies
There's the difference between Horrible Trump and more horrible Clinton:
Trump occasionally tells the truth. Clinton never does.
it's like that old logic puzzle
you wash up on an island. There are three groups of people there. One always tells the truth, a second always lies and a third does some of each. What question do you ask in order to identify any one of them?
With Trump, knowing he tells the truth sometimes, how can you tell if what he's saying is truth or a lie?
Now, to be fair
--and though I can't think of one real good example off the top of my head, it seems to me like Her Heinous has occasionally told the truth completely by accident....
An accidental truth from Her Heinous:
"We need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top."
Not that it is what she will do, of course. But she did say that true statement. Here's her stated economic platform,
Warning: Happy Hill photos at the link.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
what I was trying to remember was less of a campaign promise (that we all know she'll break) than it was an inconvenient truth of some kind, and it just blurted out of her mouth. Dammit, soon as I remember, I'll post it.
Ahh, senior moments--I'm not quite there yet, but the moments have started already![Wink](
an economy that works for everyone
After she and her Bubba destroyed just such a thing the last time they were in power. Suuuure.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Like I said, I don't think she's going to do it. She doesn't say
she's going to do it. But it is what we need.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Both candidates are evil bags of hyena breath, but...
I am interested in the comment in a recent email leak, "Because I do not want her money" from someone who is a member of the International Advisory Council of the Intelligence Summit and a pro-Clinton blogger at HuffPo (Brent Budowsky).
From the Light House.
Uprated for hyena breath!
Heh. Yes, I'm sure most people support her for the money.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
What did hyenas ever do to you?
What did hyenas ever do to you?![Smile](
EDIT: I take that back. Hyenas do a valuable service for the ecosystems in which they live. But the nature of that service would, indeed, leave them with some foul-smelling breath indeed!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Really, so what? My granddaughter could take down
Clinton. She could take down Trump too, and she has,
It's not like Trump is going to win so it's all much ado about nothing. What surprises me is that people could think a supreme asshole like Trump, a cheating billionaire capitalist, would do a thing about globalism. Or anything for that matter. The dude is on his last legs, he's losing his fucking mind.
Both candidates are an utter embarrassment to this country and the human race.
Playing his intended role to a tee.
Then when it's all said and done he can laugh all the way to the bank as he collects obscene speaking fees and book deals just for being a former presidential candidate. Oh, and he'll have his campaign declare bankruptcy and sell that off too. No doubt Bubba and Billary will get a cut of the profits.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Don'tcha wanna bet they laughed the whole time
they were cooking this garbage up?
We can only hope that karma is going to kick both their asses at some point. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it when it does.
The leaks support this contention.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Rasmussen Poll - Trump Leading
I am sorry to say that Stein is at 2%. Given the two rodents running under the major party banner(s), I find that SHOCKING!
From the Light House.
Fight the Oligarchy
They have thrown everything that they can, plus the kitchen sink, at Donald Trump, and yet most of the public still recognizes that we still, in the final analysis, have to overthrow the controlling Oligarchs and reclaim American Independence from the Globalists / "Regime Change" Corporatists that seek economic enslavement and "Global Government" (a.k.a. The New World Order).
Fight The Oligarchy!