Changing the World


I'd Love to change the world
But I don't know what to do,
So I'll leave it up to you.
"Ten Years After, I'd Love to Change the World, 1971"


But I know I can't leave it solely up to you. You don't know what to do either. Nobody really knows what to do or we would have done it already. I thought I could start my own blog and save the world. Then I thought that probably wouldn't work either. Alot of people have started their own blogs and not one of them has saved the world. Nada. Zilch. We know that because the world still needs saving.

"You say you want a revolution
Well, you know we all wanna change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know we all wanna change the world"

"I think all our society is run by insane people." John Lennon


Then I thought, what if all those people who want to save the world and started their own blogs actually joined together to save the world. Like combine all their blogs into one giant Save the World blog. Or maybe call it, the One and Only Definitive Save the World blog.

At least then you'd have all the bloggers who wanted to save the world in one place . But the fact still remains that no blog has ever saved the world. So even if we got all the people who wanted to save the world and who had started a blog all in one place on one blog, the odds would still be very long relative to the primary mission of Saving the World.

Now, what if all the people who wanted to save the world and had started blogs got together in one place and gave voice to all the other people who want to save the world but haven't started a blog? What if ALL the people who wanted to save the world could actually come together into one voice? Maybe then we might get somewhere. Maybe then that blog could actually contribute to saving the world.

There are tons of people around the planet that want to save the world, but they don't know what to do. They're leaving it up to you and you're leaving it up to them. Obviously that's got to stop, it's getting us nowhere. We can't keep leaving it up to somebody else. Look where that's got us.

If we can just find the key. We need to find the key, man.


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elenacarlena's picture

Come now. Women are just as likely to lead revolutions!

Maybe we should each commit to doing something outside this blog and reporting back.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Big Al's picture

stuff I say. Sometimes I write like I talk.

But ya, that would be an interesting exercise.

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as an expert witness in a product liability case on the meaning of a comma in the instructions that were in the package of the product in question. I'm no expert, but....

We need to find the key man.

seems different from

We need to find the key, man.

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is that you baby?

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

humans can't get past that.

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Big Al's picture

and get it over with. The key is understanding our limitations.

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M1K3L's picture

But... but... each of us is a special snowflake. Mom told me so.

That's why I get the sads when I see pleas for us to come together to lift us all up, etc. I love those ideas -- power to the people! I have hippie in me. But my cynical side is stronger than ever, and is growing daily during this election cycle. Mostly I feel we're pretty much doomed. Our species is greedily, irreparably harming the biosphere.

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"There’s nothing revolutionary about a movement that retreats into an endorsement of the lesser of two evils." Scott McLarty @ CounterPunch

gendjinn's picture

Before agriculture, you are a sociopath in the tribe, you get to spend your life, alone, and probably much shorter, in the wilderness.

In France they used the guillotine.

We haven't had a good clearing out of the f*ckers since WW1. Then you throw leaded gasoline and paint into the mix and *boom*.

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Big Al's picture

People say that but how many really think about it. I've got one who turned one today. Happy Birthday Jerrick. Born in 2015. So if he lives a long, healthy life as I hope, he'll make it to the 22nd Century. That's a long time. I think about all that happened between 1916 and 2000 and can't even imagine what this century holds. The way it feels now, I can imagine hard times more than good times. But that's a big part of why I rabble rouse. We need to change the world.

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gendjinn's picture

You can almost taste the electricity on the air.

It started in 2000. The GWB & the GWOT gave it a giant shot in the arm. OWS radcialised a leadership cadre. Sanders activated the disillusioned, the disenchanted, the marginalised.

BLM has no address. It has a distributed leadership. The youngs have learned the tactics that fit todays fight and their OODA loop is much, much shorter than the states.

The only questions I have are how long until victory and what will the butcher's bill be. Minimising both is the work.

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Shahryar's picture

He always somehow gets to the right people. Somehow he finds himself in a room with the baddies.

So what would he do to save our world? Did you ever see "A Boy and His Dog"? There's a nasty robot named Michael who's a killing machine but the hero overcomes him. I forget how....but the leader of the community, played by Jason Robards Jr, says "get another Michael out of the warehouse..."

Shaz said if Doctor Who somehow overcame "Hillary" they'd just get another "Hillary" out of the warehouse. Maybe they'd call the next one "Elizabeth". The point here is that Hillary (or Obama...or Bush) is both a player in this nasty drama and a figurehead. So Doctor Who would likely go find the people behind Hillary. Those who are the real power brokers. Rich people? Military people? Doctor Who would suss them out. Can we?

And if we identified them could we take them on?

Anyway, thinking about a fictional character has made me look at this in a different way.

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Big Al's picture

but whether we can take them on is a big question. I think we'd better find a way.

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Kurichan's picture

I'm afraid to post what I just actually typed (and then cut) re: they've been identified. What's to be done?...

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lotlizard's picture

Otherwise the mainstream media would be full of the secrets and unfitness to rule of the entire global elite of wealth and power — among which Donald Trump’s peccadilloes would be a tiny drop in the ocean.

Face it: if Donald Trump were Saudi, everyone denouncing him right now would happily sell him billions of dollars worth of arms and ignore a holocaust if they thought that’s what it took to shore up the royal throne.

If the people pulling the levers were truly being made known to the average person, mainstream media might look a lot more like the type of journalism that is usually deprecated as conspiracy theory.

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lotlizard's picture

Can we really even come close to saying the original plotters have been correctly publicly identified?

In terms of what officialdom and mass media say, a case could be made that, to date, whoever it was has very successfully been able to resist being identified.

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Big Al's picture

I think we can pretty much guess, circumstantial evidence points the finger directly at many, but key participants obviously have well covered tracks.

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gendjinn's picture

Thing is, if people acknowledged they know who the enemy is, they'd have to confront what needs to be done. And that latter is something no one seems to want to do. It is clear that marching, protesting, voting is not getting it done.

It is time to shut the system down. There are so many ways to do it - take automobile moving violations. If every single person started protesting every ticket as much as possible, as long as possible. In CA that would be first waiting the max time, then doing a trial by written declaration which requires the officer to restate the event. Doesn't matter if you win, makes them work more and costs you nothing but returning the docket with a statement of explanation no more detailed than "Not guilty". You'll lose that, so you then wait the max time again, then request court date. Then you postpone the court date as many times as you can, as late as you can each time. Then when you get to court you suck up as much time talking as humanly possible. Ask as many questions as possible.

Their revenue generating engines would freeze solid overnight.

The system only works with our consent. We withhold our consent and the system ceases to function.

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snoopydawg's picture

Where people would use a time machine to go back to charge the past.
One episode was about killing Adolf Hitler when he was a baby so that he couldn't grow up and kill 6 million people in the concentration camps.
They went back and disposed of the baby and that was supposed to be the end of the threat.
But when they gave the new baby to the adopting parents they named the baby Adolf. And that's how the show ended.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

lotlizard's picture

Stepping back to reflect. What would Doctor Who do? What questions would Sherlock Holmes ask himself?

“Sherlock Holmes” being shorthand for approaching things with the awareness that everything is not necessarily as it appears or as has been reported. Means, motive, and opportunity? Cui bono (who benefits)?

Patiently studying the various angles, working out the connections — disassembling the “code,” reverse engineering the “system,” finding the “vulnerability,” applying the “fix”: but metaphorically, in social–political–psychological terms.

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lotlizard's picture

Victory through cosplay.

But seriously, the inventors foresee this stimulating people’s minds to open up, enabling them to unleash their creativity.

Um, Democrats? The Fifties called, they want their Russian bogeymen back.

American politics could use some creativity.

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I think that's the way we need to go.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

expecting it to work. Next, we have to try other things.

What I think could work: finding systematic ways to join together with people of all political views issue by issue, especially locally and by state.

As far as the lyrics to Revolution, I don't think we should take anything off the table, which is about all that Revolution does, other than being an okay song. Why would four billionaires want armed revolution or communism? "Pretty good little rock and roll band," as Sir Paul likes to say, but not an agent for positive change for the 99%.

Inspired by political protests in early 1968, Lennon's lyrics expressed doubt in regard to some of the tactics. When the single version was released in August, the political left viewed it as betraying their cause. The release of the album version in November indicated Lennon's uncertainty about destructive change, with the phrase "count me out" recorded differently as "count me out, in". In 1987, the song became the first Beatles recording to be licensed for a television commercial, which prompted a lawsuit from the surviving members of the group.

(a bunch of stuff omitted here)

In early 1968, media coverage in the aftermath of the Tet Offensive spurred increased protests in opposition to the Vietnam War, especially among university students.[2] The protests were most prevalent in the US, but on 17 March, several thousand demonstrators marched to the American embassy in London's Grosvenor Square and violently clashed with police.[3] Major protests concerning other political issues made international news, such as the March 1968 protests in Poland against their communist government, and the campus uprisings of May 1968 in France.[4]

By and large, the Beatles had avoided publicly expressing their political views, with "Taxman" being their only overtly political track thus far. During his time in Rishikesh, Lennon decided to write a song about the recent wave of social upheaval. He recalled, "I thought it was about time we spoke about it [revolution], the same as I thought it was about time we stopped not answering about the Vietnamese war. I had been thinking about it up in the hills in India."[5]

Despite Lennon's antiwar feelings, he had yet to become anti-establishment, and expressed in "Revolution" that he wanted "to see the plan" from those advocating toppling the system.[6] The repeated phrase "it's gonna be alright" in "Revolution" came directly from Lennon's Transcendental Meditation experiences in India, conveying the idea that God would take care of the human race no matter what happened politically.[7] Another influence on Lennon was his burgeoning relationship with avant-garde artist Yoko Ono; Ono attended the recording sessions, and participated in the unused portion of "Revolution 1" which evolved into "Revolution 9".

Around the fourth week of May 1968, the Beatles met at Kinfauns, George Harrison's home in Esher, to demonstrate their compositions to each other in preparation for recording their next studio album. A bootleg recording from that informal session shows that "Revolution" had two of its three verses intact.[6] The line referencing Mao Zedong was added to the lyrics in the studio. During filming of a promotional clip later that year, Lennon told the director that it was the most important lyric of the song.[8] Lennon had changed his mind by 1972, saying "I should have never put that in about Chairman Mao".

Was Lennon sincere in 1972 or trying to have it both ways? I have no clue, but it does not much matter in 2016.

BTW, I don't think the Tet offensive itself sparked demonstrations. Johnson had promised de-escalation. No doubt the promise coming in a Presidential election year was the sheerest of coincidences. /snark Then came news of the Tet Offensive and America escalated instead of de-escalating. I believe American escalation sparked the protest. I have to wonder how many of the protestors believed there even had been a Tet Offensive. After all, in 1964, the next prior election year, Johnson had lied about the Gulf of Tonkin.

Viet Cong troops pose for pics with AK-47 rifles and American radios
Now, we equip Al Qaeda and Isis. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose


Which reminds me: Why in hell did we not learn from the French failure in Vietnam? Or from our own limited success in Korea, when cannon failed to overpower sling shots?

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Lyndon Johnson inherited the war. He escalated it on the advice of the Kennedy advisers he inherited. He knew what it was doing to the Great Society, the dream of his life.

People knew damned well that there was a Tet Offensive. The body bags came home, followed later by the wounded and then those who made it through physically intact.

Johnson's efforts in the peace talks were legitimate. There is a real possibility they would have succeeded if powerful Nixon supporters in 1968, including Hillary's BFF Henry Kissinger, hadn't persuaded the South Vietnamese government they should hold out because they'd get a better deal with Nixon.

The left's revulsion over the war in Vietnam, which I shared, caused people to turn away from everything Johnson. Opposition to the war was used to destroy what was left of the liberal consensus. Democrats had already lost southern whites over the Civil Rights Act. When they lost a significant portion of the left too, there wasn't enough for a governing coalition. Since the 1968 election Democrats have had 3 presidents, Carter, Clinton and Obama, not a liberal among them.

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What Wikipedia says about John Lennon's song is just the work of some semi-informed writer, and by no means "the gospel" on Lennon.

I've read a lot of interviews, and John Lennon was very clear in interviews about his intentions, and expressed in clear terms that he was strongly very anti-establishment at that time (all his life actually - as he was always an outspoken, free-thinker, and a critic of "conventional wisdom"). Not only was he against the Vietnam War, he was against Militarism and government brainwashing on a far, far more broader level than just the war itself. Lennon was very much advocating for genuine Revolution -- he just did not want to repeat the mistakes of past efforts, and wanted peaceful revolution rather than calls for another violent one.

Lennon's view was that Revolutions of past history had failed, because they were violent, and one form of authoritarianism was just replaced by another -- and the same things just kept happening. The United States Revolution has to be looked at as a abject failure as well, because although we revolted against the British Empire, and its global colonization, and The Rothschilds Bank of England debt-based money system, (which led to the famous tax revolt) -- just look at what The United States is today: a global oppressive Military Empire far beyond what England was, and also mired in historic debt and a corrupt debt-based money system ("Federal Reserve" Wall Street monopoly). No change, and no hope (and no true Independence).

John Lennon was advocating Revolution of the mind, and that's why the lyrics go: "You better free your mind instead".

So for Wikipedia to make the claim Lennon in 1968 was somehow not really anti-establishment is woefully uninformed.
Listen yourself:

[video: width:640 height:480]


[video: width:640 height:480]


Unlike Paul McCartney (who never rocked any boats), John Lennon was extremely knowledgeable about the World, and he was a committed anti-establishment voice, and genuine voice of protest. He stood up, and never minced his words for long.

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Muddy Boots's picture

That usually means crisis. Maybe if we can figure a way out of the crisis before it hits. Lots of people think survivalist skills.
That should not be plan A in my book. Beyond this, I don't really know.

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"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett

Another reason why I'm not a D anymore. Carville (Clinton campaign) the bastard spreads violence all over the world, him and Tad Devine (Bernie campaign), I hate to say that but there it is. They both star, along with other neo-lib consultants who are "out to save the world" and make millions off the suffering of others. When is a non-profit hella profitable? When it's in California! Probably New York is the same, haven't been there lately. Is it the same all over? Cut it out.

West County breaks my heart, it is personal. "Linkages" are not permanent housing, the local rag reports Chamber of Commerce view almost exclusively. The other day I posted a comment about the Hip Chicks cooking for Bloody Obama @ the white house! Hello?
George’s Hideaway in Guerneville may become a homeless services center

The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday cited that approach, known as “housing first,” when signing off on the $700,000 purchase of George’s Hideaway, with the long-term strategy of assembling an expansive suite of services on site, including mental health care, substance abuse treatment, primary care, laundry and mail and linkages to permanent housing.

“This has been a long time coming,” said Supervisor Efren Carrillo, whose district includes the site and who has driven the initiative to develop supportive services for homeless people in Guerneville since taking office in 2009. “We are facing a housing crisis. We do have a significant issue, particularly with those who are the most vulnerable on the streets. … The issue of homelessness impacts us all, and it’s not an area that we can ignore anymore.”

With the purchase of George’s Hideaway complete, county officials over the next year plan to renovate the wooden two-story structure and a nearby duplex. The cost of the project, including acquisition of the property, is $1.37 million. Plans are to transform the former restaurant and bar into a drop-in emergency homeless center, with capacity for up to 35 beds and six permanent housing units on the upper level. Taking into account the duplex’s space, the 1.4-acre site could eventually include up to 16 housing units. The plan gained support from west county residents, nonprofit leaders and businesses who have been involved since 2010 in discussions about the location of the long-term support center.

Long-term support because they don't plan on permanent solutions that would cut their gravy train is how I see it. It is the appearance of doing good, a few street people get some help and neo-libs get richer on the "public-private" proceeds. Sounds like rentier society to me, nothing in common left to share.

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We were so close ...
There was no room.
We bled inside
Each other's wounds.
We all had caught
The same disease
We all sang
The songs of peace ...

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Lenzabi's picture

Well, for starters, people need to stop electing leaders via popularity contest. Just because they are capable of being charming, well, we need to do what the Iroquois Council did, we do not just elect whoever the hell wants the damn job, they are the worst picks as we have seen for decade after decade.

Mental Hygiene screening is needed, no more Sociopaths, no more Psychopaths or Narcissistic idiots should ever be allowed to have control. The wise women of the tribes discussed who was best in Physical/mental/emotional health of the tribe and had a good spiritual standing as well. Why do we just seek someone physically fit, but we never make sure they actually have good mental and emotional traits for the jobs?

Instead we get the preening, overbearing and most unfit nut-bags to get into positions where the damage they do is immeasurable.

That at least would be a step in the right direction. Keep those who want the job of leading as far away from the job as possible and only select and elect those who are of sound mind/body and will do the job because they actually have to and they can leave after one term if they like.

We need to end that practice of electing insane people.

Next is cleansing the money and lobbyists etc out of the whole deal. Corporations are supposed to be answerable to the government/People, not the other way around.

Everything is Backsidewaysupwards and Topsy turvy, and the media has helped make that seem okay.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

lotlizard's picture

I’m listening to Dave Swanson’s interview with Ann Wright (podcast in mp3 format) right now.

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Big Al's picture

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mimi's picture

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Age 15 in 1974. San Francisco side. Crowd singing was a thing, big mass of loving unity. The Dead and Airplane playing free in the park all the time it seemed. The Haight was still there. And today? Hmph. Someone who can still afford to get across the Golden Gate without jumping, please tell me because I don't know.

The closing track "Sons of 1984" was recorded live in Central Park and includes singing from the audience on the chorus. Rundgren also overdubbed another audience in San Francisco singing the chorus, humorously crediting the combined vocal group as "First United Church of the Cosmic Smorgasbord."

Todd Rundgren - Sons Of 1984 ends like,

Back when I was young, my hope was strong
But the time blew it all to hell
If I thought I knew what was good for you
I would have gone and done it for myself

Worlds of tomorrow
Life without sorrow
Take it because it's yours
Sons of 1984

I can still see the great panorama of hate
Being cleansed by our loving hands
But the brothers broke stride, the sisters cried
Now you have to start all over again

Sorry about that!
So ready to break free it ain't funny, that's where I'm at man.
Sometimes I feel like ... Richie Havens - Freedom


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Raggedy Ann's picture

change will not be forthcoming. Mother Nature might have her way with change, though. Smile

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

hellinahandcart's picture

could actually come together into one voice?
Great question I've been musing for many days now... because I've been thinking about how the music of the 60's/70's seemed to be a 'cultural glue' for political strength. We don't have that now. We have the internet-- which is, of course, an unprecedented venue for international communication-- but where is the musical/artistic expression that brings us back to the basics?

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skod's picture

that should happen would be to get all the people who wanted to change the world into one single physical location: it'd make it too damned easy for TPTB to drone them out of existence.

Any force for change had better be widely, widely distributed: that would make it much less cost-effective to wipe them out. A serious consideration needs to be making such an effort very, very expensive to suppress or destroy- and I'm not being facetious there. TPTB are *miserly* fucks.

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Big Al's picture

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