The OTHER sports star protest you didn't hear about
Colin Kaepernick's decision to simply take a knee during the National Anthem to protest police violence caused much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth by people who lack the ability to determine what is important in life.
Well, now those people have a whole new reason to throw a fit.
The Knicks are holding a training camp at West Point and were invited to dinner in the mess hall that featured cadets and a speech by a former colonel. Noah said he wouldn’t be attending because he doesn’t agree with sending young men and women to fight wars around the world.
“It’s hard for me a little bit,” Noah said after Friday’s practice. “I have a lot of respect for the kids who are out here fighting. But it’s hard for me to understand why we have to go to war, why kids have to kill kids around the world. So I have mixed feelings about being here. I’m very proud of this country. I love America but I just don’t understand kids killing kids around the world.”
Noah, 31, added: “At the end of the day, I’m not anti-troops. It’s just not comfortable for me to see kids going out to war and coming back having seen what they’ve seen, having done what they’ve done. It’s sad for me. It’s sad for me because they’re just sent out for things that I don’t really want to get into it to be honest with you. It’s hard for me.”
Imagine that. Someone not wanting to see children killing children. How 'disrespectful'.
Joakhim Noah didn't make a big deal of his principled stand. The press didn't even know he skipped the dinner until a reporter asked him about it the next day.
Of course, some were not amused.
"The U.S. Military Academy at West Point develops leaders of character for the defense of our nation. We are disappointed and feel Mr. Noah's choice of West Point to make a statement is inappropriate because of the great sacrifice that has originated from this institution over our nation's history."
Ah yes. It's "inappropriate" to not understand why children should not kill children.
Why should anyone ever think otherwise? President Obama certainly thinks that way.
President Obama will leave office having failed to use the tools at his disposal to make significant progress on getting child soldiers off the battlefield. That’s the consensus among human rights groups who point to the fact that for six consecutive years, the Obama administration has subverted U.S. law requiring the president to sanction foreign governments that force children to fight.
As early as this week, the administration will announce for the final time a list of waivers and exemptions to the Child Soldiers Protection Act, a law passed in 2008 that forbids the United States from giving military aid to any foreign government that systematically uses children in its armed forces. According to officials involved in the process, the president will either fully or partially waive sanctions for every abuser country that receives U.S. military assistance.
It’s a familiar pattern the president has followed each year since 2010, the first year he was required to sanction abuser countries under the law. The Obama administration has given more than $1.2 billion in military assistance and arms to governments that use child soldiers since the law was enacted and withheld only $61 million, according to the Stimson Center.
Notice the lack of "controversy" at President Obama's decisions to give guns to children so they can kill other children, while outrage at Noah for skipping a dinner.
As usual, Americans get it "right" when it comes to knowing what is important in life.

It's a crying shame.
Thanks for the post.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I have to confess
The things I'm learning all over the space have me totally disheartened. And then I drive down my road to town and see a bunny run over by cars and know there are people out there who call that a point.
I have friends I have saved from certain death who have betrayed me and now refuse to talk to me. (cultish place) I couldn't believe it when my colleagues defended torture when it was first revealed. Talk about separating the goats from the sheep. I have nothing against goats, and sheep seem a little too passive, but I'm seeing the world in more black and white than ever before and I am one who has always argued and tried to help people see the grey.
I'm grateful I chose not to have children. Only one in the family has chosen to bring forth a kid, but he is an only kid and therefore the center of the universe, which is Donald's problem, so despite his intelligence I fail to see that he will somehow save the world. If you drive it all down you can see that all the bad shit that has happened anywhere and everywhere is due to some asshole's ego.
I found a faith that allowed me to be more optimistic about the future because it delineated spiritual growth over the millennia, which I still know is true. It gave me an optimism that arose above the 'We are Doomed!" feeling that had been growing over me for some time. But even that religion predicts the strife of our day and further strife before mankind can ascend to the next spiritual level. Perhaps my views are warped because I have not been practicing my spiritual responsibilies. I won't mention the name of my religion because I have not been practicing it and am a lousy representative. Furthermore, it asks me for money rather relentlessly, which to me means the religion has become corrupt, which is precisely what the religion predicted would happen.
It's a bit funny to me. I really do subscribe to the notion that we can rise no higher than the lowest among us. Such an idealistic view of raising others up. But in this day and age, I have become a horrible person because I think blowing up those who are the lowest among us (many of whom are the highest materially) might be the best move for human evolution. Do we really have the ability or opportunity to raise the conscience of a Hillary or a Dimond? Better they should have been aborted. Woo strong words!
Seriously, we need to find the genetic marker for sociopathy.
From my teen-aged days at political rap groups of college kids, the one thing I came away with as quotable is this: "Anyone who wants that much power has to be sick."
Doom. It's all I feel tonight.
It's almost entirely enrivornmental
Leaded gasoline. Pesticides. Both have wrecked inestimable havoc and violence upon the development within and without the womb, most especially of the brain.
It's like how we scientists knew about BPA in the late 80s/early 90s but it took another 20+ years to get to the public.
This is OK according to the White House
Execellent post
and Noah is a stand up guy, while he was a Chicago Bull he made PSA against violence and also had a foundation that tried curbing the violence that is a daily occurrence here in Chicago.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
He still does have the foundation
It's still headquartered and at work in Chicago.
Joakim Noah is my mom's favorite player. Needless to say, she was not thrilled when the Bulls didn't resign him. (that's an understatement!)
I don't think anyone should be allowed into West Point until
that person has completed two years as an enlisted soldier/sailor. To me, that would help rid the system of the class perpetuating officer/ G.I. chasm.
Good for Noah.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
So as long as you are charming and don't say the "P" word,
it's good to kill kids, bomb the ME into oblivion, and drive people into poverty in order to enrich the global .01%. Is there such a thing as a list ranking countries for barbarism?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No list of barbarism.
The US couldn't support such a list because we would be right up at the top somewhere.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Right on Noah.
This is what we need more of in society, people refusing to link themselves with the warmongering institutions and politicians. I remember years back George W. went to visit a fire station and all the fire personnel were lined up outside the station. Bush went thru the line shaking hands and one firefighter refused.
Problem is, not enough do it. I have mixed feelings about these pro athletes and their little protests however. These are people who are in the upper .05% of society as far as wealth, some in the .01%. Noah has probably made well over 100 million in his career. Far as I know none of them are turning down their 20-200 million dollar contracts to protest the wealth the Empire and it's imperialism allow them.
I just can't see millionaires and billionaires leading the Serf Revolution. But if it gets more people to think then it's a good thing.
According to this, his net worth is
$245 million and last year he "pulled in" $82 million, no 1 on the list of world's highest compensated basketball players.
The link is a bit deceptive.
The link is a bit deceptive. It states his overall personal income a portion of which is basketball salary.
I am sure that Lebron James and others took in more with combined salary and endorsements.
That should not be taken as a sleight to his admirable stance.
Repaired the Official West Point Comment
"We are disappointed and feel Mr. Noah's choice of West Point to make a statement is inappropriate because of the great sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of innocent others that has originated from this institution over our nation's history."
Those who live by the sword, etc.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Noah wasn't protesting Obama's approval of child soldiers
He was referring to high-achieving college students as "children" and "kids." Were his concerns really with armies of enslaved pre-teens on other continents, he probably would have said so explicitly, or perhaps even called on Obama to break his disgusting waiver habit. Instead, Noah opposes "kids going out to war and coming back," which sounds to me like he's talking about American youth being sent overseas. He can infantalize them all he wants (with all the hoary wisdom of his 31 years), but the fact remains that every cadet he was too pure to dine with is an adult who worked extremely hard and made a series of very conscious decisions in order to earn one of the handful of appointments to our nation's premier military academy.
One of my favorite students of all time was likely in that room, probably oblivious to the fact that she was being dissed by the highest-paid basketball player in the world - but if he'd bothered to ask her, she would have told him that it is possible to show respect for an institution without necessarily agreeing with its aims, as when he, when playing for the French National Team, stands to honor a tricolor that waved over butchery from South America and the Caribbean to Africa and Asia and across the Pacific.
I don't want to sound pedantic, but we on the left should avoid knee-jerk opposition to anything associated with the military in the same way that we should avoid knee-jerk support of any effort to give offense to our uniformed fellow citizens. The military isn't going anywhere, which means that we're cutting off our noses to spite our faces when we disassociate ourselves entirely from the conversation.
I envy China its armed forces’ class-conscious foundations. n/t