Open Sesame 10/01/16

So apparently the Chinese, they are actually, Egyptians.
Who knew?
China's founding dynasty, it is generally considered to be the Xia, who swaggered around between 2070 and 1600 BCE.
Now, Sun Weidong, a Science Man, he says these Xia people (and he says there is support for this, in ancient Chinese texts, and in radiometry), they migrated up to China, out of Egypt; that the Xia were in Egypt the Hykosis people, who ruled around the northern Egyptlands, off and on, from the 17th century BCE onwards; until, eventually, they got kicked off and out of Egypt; and then, as Van Morrison do say, "they sailed and they sailed"; until they reached what is now known as China, and decided, there, to invent the Middle Kingdom, and become, the Chinese.
Some Chinese, to the Sun news, they are reacting, with frenzy:
How can the children of the Yellow Emperor have run over to Egypt? This topic is really too pathetic. The important thing is to live in the moment!
Fer sure. Right on. Party! Vote. For The Hairball.
Other Chinese, they See.
The world is such a big place, that one finds many strange things in it.
Absolutely. Goddam. Right.
After rolling around some in my brainpan the amusing and illuminating news that the Chinese are actually Egyptians, I decided to swim some, in Chinese waters.
I began, of course, with the Franz Kafka story, "The Great Wall Of China."
Only to, very soon, once back into it, be reminded that, much of the story, it is not concerned, with the Great Wall. Or even with China. And, certainly, the best bits, they aren't so concerned. At all.
For instance, this bit:
There is a parable that describes this situation very well: The Emperor, so it runs, has sent a message to you, the humble subject, the insignificant shadow cowering in the remotest distance before the imperial sun; the Emperor from his death-bed has sent a message to you alone. He has commanded the messenger to kneel down by the bed, and has whispered the message to him; so much store did he lay on it that he ordered the messenger to whisper it back into his ear again. Then by a nod of the head he has confirmed that it is right. Yes, before the assembled spectators of his death—all the obstructing walls have been broken down, and on the spacious and loftily-mounting open staircases stand in a ring the great princes of the Empire—before all these he has delivered
his message. The messenger immediately sets out on his journey; a powerful, an indefatigable man; now pushing with his right arm, now with his left, he cleaves a way for himself through the throng; if he encounters resistance he points to his breast, where the symbol of the sun glitters; the way, too, is made easier for him than it would be for any other man. But the multitudes are so vast; their numbers have no end. If he could reach the open fields how fast he would fly, and soon doubtless you would hear the welcome hammering of his fists on your door. But instead how vainly does he wear out his strength; still he is only making his way through the chambers of the innermost palace; never will he get to the end of them; and if he succeeded in that nothing would be gained; he must fight his way next down the stair; and if he succeeded in that nothing would be gained; the courts would still have to be crossed; and after the courts the second outer palace; and once more stairs and courts; and once more another palace; and so on for thousands of years; and if at last he should burst through the outermost gate—but never, never can that happen—the imperial capital would lie before him, the center of the world, crammed to bursting with its own refuse. Nobody could fight his way through here even with a message from a dead man. But you sit at your window when evening falls and dream it to yourself.
There are numberless reasons why Kafka did not publish much of his work in his lifetime. Probably the most nearly exact is, because, he could rarely get finished.
Like everyone else who gets truly serious, Kafka, he came to understand, that, it all, rolls into one.
And, so, that happened, too, in his writing.
That bit above, for instance, it had already been inscribed, by Kafka, before it came to be in "The Great Wall Of China," in "A Message From The Emperor."
And the last line, of the "Great Wall" bit above, it was echoed, in jottings Kafka would from time to time inscribe, on separate scraps of paper, and which, after his death, Max Brod, he compiled among Kafka's "aphorisms":
You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
Words in the Kafka brain, and on paper, they were always migrating—kinda like those Egyptians into China—from this short story, to that novel, to that "aphorism," to that parable, back to that short story, round and round, up and down, trying to find the place, where they could be the most perfect, the most profound.
He was a grinder, Kafka. Also, batshit insane.
The very best. Combo.
Kafka also wrote this, in the "Great Wall" piece:
If from such appearances anyone should draw the conclusion that in reality we have no Emperor, he would not be far from the truth.
And that's, really, the way of it. There is no Emperor—no "president." Except so much, and so long, as the humans, they allow such, to be Real, in their minds. In group agreement.
Just like, with all the other, anathemas: to wit: for instance: money, cities, jobs.
Just as soon as the humans, they withdraw from these, these anathemas, their group agreement, that such things are Real; they, no longer, will be. They will crumble. Into dust.
Yesterday afternoon, I had this dream.
I was in this great old cavernous, but snug, multi-storied house, the way it should be, with all this great old hand-carved furniture, the way it should be, by this great old cheery yawning fireplace, the way it should be, and the light, in the night, it was all from the fire, and from oil lamps, the way it should be.
And I seemed to have become a part of a family. They were not of my blood, but now, somehow, we were one.
There were two children, a girl and a boy.
And this marvelous woman, in white crinoline—because earlier, when awake, I had been researching the history of underpants, confirming that they came into general use only after this terrible fire in a French garment district, when young women, fleeing the flames, went out onto the balconies of the second and third and fourth and fifth floors, of the burning building, waiting for rescue, and all the church ladies, men and women, gathered out there on the street, Watching, they were mortified, that they could see up these women's dresses, right into their naked pubic regions; and so, after, even more than ensuring that such places would not again go a-fire, it was ensured that young worker ladies, they would wear underpants, so that, in future, all the church ladies, men and women, they would not have to see raw naked pubic regions, while such women were burning; but, before I got to that info, the search tube, for some reason, it sent me to crinolines, so I imprinted on that; and so, a white one, crinoline, showed up, on this dream women, later; and, you know, it was pretty sexy, which I'd never thought, felt, about crinolines, before. So. You learn something new. And, even, especially, in dreams. And. Every. Day.
And, also, in the dream-family, was this man, who in the dream was known as The Grandfather, and who was kind of like Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird, except older, and definitely in a universe where there was never any Go Set A Watchman, because, in truth, there has never been, anywhere, any Go Set A Watchman, which is just really bad shit, made up.
And the crinoline woman, and The Grandfather, at the terminus of the dream, they had just come up from the basement, where they had been developing and printing photographs, from times back when, of the old house, and environs, which were going to be framed and mounted and hung elsewhere in the house. And before The Grandfather could start gumming out his story of the photos, the crinoline woman, she pointed at two small contact sheets, and said, to me, but loud enough so that the children could hear, "and these were two I wanted to print, but I was vetoed." By The Grandfather. They looked to me like marvelous photos, really having the magic feel of the place. Why did not The Grandfather, want them printed? Because he was too Old, I decided. And, also, In The Way.
And so, as The Grandfather, he started in on the gumming, I was really heartened, when the crinoline woman, she leaned in to me and whispered, "as soon as he's asleep, we'll go ahead and print these." And then she said to me, "as long as we don't get right up in his face, and publicly scorn him, we have the complete run of this place." And, I knew, this to be true. And it felt, so warm, and so fine. Paradise. Really.
And then I had to go and wake up. And was immediately compulsed. To go about publicly scorning. The Grandfather. The Emperor. The people who want to be the president. Any random dingleberry. Them. Me. You.
And: so: is that wretched American presidential campaign still grinding, groaning, endlessly, on? Why? Isn't it December yet? Why not? For jeebus fucking sake!
How long, oh lord, shall you subject the people, to such torment? Are you—Big Meanie—yet again, without any mercy, at all? How grave, must you consider their sins, to merit, such unholy, and prolonged, Punishment.
Okay. Dutifully.
A little news. Mostly in moving pictures. About. The presidenting.
The Hairball, he caught some flak, there a while back, for his first television ad. Because it was so openly, nakedly, fascist.
First, the scarifying images of the brown people, in all their unhuman hordes: Syrians, Mexicans, who-knows-what, all unacceptable dusky Others, pouring in waves, across all the borders—look! they're even stealing the trains! like in The Wild Bunch!—coming like ants, like scorpions, like locusts, like all such vermin, filthy and foul, all slavering to savagely murder, and wantonly rapine, the herrenvolk, and cruelly take, all their monies.
Then—oh blessed Hairball!—come soothing images, of the Deliverers: heavily armed agents, of the State. Cops, border paterollers, camoed serial killers. With their desert-ratmobiles, to chase the brown people, from off all the white lands. With their helicopters, to blast the brown people to little bits, from out of the air. With their destroyers, to smite the brown people into nothingness, from off of the sea. So that all the herrenvolk. They may all be Safe. And Free. Again.
Stung by criticism that all this ad needed, to be truly 1930s complete, was maybe some shots of some grim Germanoid goosesteppers, or perhaps an Italian Il Duce narration, the Hairball brain-damage trust, it has now decided to "go softer." With the ad embedded below. Which will begin airing on Monday. And which features Lolita Hairball, The Hairball's daughter, and lover, tenderly performing a song she has written, for The Hairball, and titled, "For Daddy."
Meanwhile, The Mad Bomber, she shall counter, commencing Monday, with the ad below. Designed to appeal to three constituencies, in which—because, like pizza left out in the rain, no one really wants her—she is lagging: young people, people of color, dog-people. In desperate panic, that she shall need every one of these votes, to counter The Hairball's 59-point advantage among high-schooled white males: those sulky, belligerant, butt-hurt, perfectly useless human appendixes, old-roaders who still will not "get out of the new road/if you can't lend a hand."
This ad is going out over the violent objections of the Bomber herself. Who has something very different in mind. It seems that the Bomber's people, they have had to massively cut back on The Mad Bomber's opiates. In an attempt to wean her from the galloping delusion that if she just goes Maria von Trapp, she'll sing, and twirl, the election, right into the bag.
"She just can't smoke the O any more," a Hillbilly told me yesterday. "We're trying to get her back down to just the Vicodin. Look at what she wants to put out as an ad, with her aping Julie's every word, every move."
And then, the Hillbilly, s/he emailed me this:
The horror. The horror.
Finally, early Friday morning, The Hairball, emboldened by snuffling up a mammoth mound of very strong Panzer powder, he bulled through a protective cordon formed by Bannon, Conway, Bossie, Lolita Hairball and Mr. Lolita Hairball, and his Abbott and Costello neocon generals Flynn and Borkin, and wrestled back control of his twit machine. With which, beginning at 3:00 a.m., he proceeded to bestain all the nation, with mad bursts of nonsense and lies, about his once and future victim Alicia Machado—one of the numberless humans he has felt compelled, and entitled, as he's stampeded through life, to use as a trampoline.
Powered by his unlimited supply of Panzer powder, he kept it up all day, did The Hairball, and into the night. Culminating in a prolonged spray of dysentery upon the New York Times, where he upchucked, among other nutternesses, and of The Mad Bomber, that "she's nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be." As if nastiness, somehow, had been proclaimed, the new gold standard, for how the Americans, they shall pick, their president.
Deeply concerned, some of the extraterrestrials who keep an eye on this place, they wormholed a couple Enterprises into this time, and dispatched both Mr. Spock and Deanna Troi, to lay hands on The Hairball, in the hope they could get some sort of read, on just what the fuck, is this person's, major malfunction. The report that Spock and Troi submitted, it is embedded below.
I think, I have, in this space, probably, already Spocked and Troied, the major malfunction, of The Hairball, The Mad Bomber, of all the people, who feel the very sad and weirdsmobile need to Rule, over other people.
But, so what. It all, as we know, always, rolls into one. And, is, always. Trying. To find. The place, most perfect, most profound.
And so. Again.
don't bring me bad news
no bad news
i don't need none of your bad news today
you're a sad little boy
anyone can see
just a sad little boy
that's why you're carrying on that way
why don't you burn it all down
burn your own house down
burn your own house down
try to kill your own disease
and leave the rest of us
there's a lot of us
leave the rest of us
who wanna live in peace
to live in peace
I think that, in that dream, yesterday afternoon, there weren't any presidents.
I think that the house, it was like, the Kenneth Patchen house.
Don't you understand? I have arisen not from the dead but from the living. I am not a voice crying in the wilderness. There is no winter here. No dark. No despair. The lights are going on in my house. I shall not allow the President of the United States to enter here. There is no darkness anywhere. There are only sick little men who have turned away from the light. I have all my lights on. And it is my own face I see in the blazing windows of all the houses on earth.
I am going, now, back, into that dream.
Come, if you will, if you would, with me.

you are one trippy dude ; ]
Burn it down, I think we have, we just don't realize it yet.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
the interesting part is,
when we think there is burning down the house, nothing, really, is consumed. But, maybe, us.
watch out
you might get what you're after
but not a stranger
burning down the house
imagination exercises
A fit bit to stretch the funny bones in the brain! The dream scapes sometimes make the waking states dull in comparison. Kudos.
question everything
they are Real. I'm not sure what the rest of this is. Yet.
betty board
Let loose your bones. And just dance.
With eyes closed, I hear a group together for some time
who can do improvisation, listen to the first guitar pick it out and then the group response. S Team Effort, but all laid-back feeling.
Stressful phone conversation with demented mother, she is lost in space and now understands. And her (dead) parents and dog are visiting, her mother leaves tonight. all out of my hands, renal failure is I understand relatively painless for the renal owner. Back to bed for me.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i have
always been lost in space. All my passed animals, they pass under my feet, before my eyes, here in this house. Out on the steets, these days, I catch more glimpses of people who are "dead," than those "alive." Back to bed, is the place to go. Where lie dreams. The one, known, true, Reality.
Up again, texted my sister re: Mother.
Oh, forgot any dream I had in nap. I remember many dreams. I have lived at this location long enough to see dead people representations at many houses while driving. I also have animal ghosts swirling about my feet, they all get along.
I felt the urge for an ALL CAPS TEXT, but iPhone was being butthead. Holy Hell and many other cusswords. I am so lucky to be hundreds of miles away.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Ha! My dad has usually
beaten the crap out of somebody (who is now after him). "Joe will be looking for me, so don't let him in!" My dad, of course, has never left the house. He was a gentle quiet soul, 5'8" 160 lbs, who (generally) held his tongue. These days I suspect, during his mind wanderings, he's out there beating the crap out of everyone he would have loved to during his heyday. "Take some of This, Joe, you bastid!"
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Todd my dreams
"if I thought I knew what was good for you, I would have gone and done it for myself"
"there is nobody left but you"
Q: What does a trade bill have to do with national security?
asked Snoopydawg in another conversation. Thanks, let's talk about that, here's what I think, of course someone else already wrote better words than me years ago, so: Why do we need the military? Securing energy supplies and trade routes
Hyperbole aside, how do y'all feel about funding the global traffic police so MartMart and IP ("intellectual" LOL "property") owners can offshore some more cash? FTSIO
Embrace the suck.
the united states
does not need a military.
The Founders did not intend the country to maintain a standing army, which is why the Constitution specifically prohibits army appropriations of more than two years.
The US is at peace with its neighbors, Canada and Mexico; therefore, it does not need an army. So the army should be eliminated.
As the only legitimate use for an air force is in support of ground troops, it should be eliminated as well.
The Marines need to be folded back into the Navy, from whence they sprang; they are but support troops for ships, that's all they are; that they are sent to fight in landlocked countries like Afghanistan, is madness.
Since the Americans possess a Coast Guard, perfectly capable of patrolling the waters of the continental United States (Alaska and Hawaii are imperial possessions, and should be permitted to break free, as should all overseas territories, possessions, protectorates, and the like), the Americans can go ahead and get rid of the Navy, too—Marines and all. Make a clean sweep.
Militaries are stupid and boring and totally larval and completely beyond embarrassing. They all, need, now, to go.
They do need to go, but they won't.
It is beyond embarrassing in that it shows how limited our intelligence really is.
I don't know how it can be stopped, no one does. I mean, if we took all the people who are against war and militarism, organized them into a cohesive unit all with one purpose, we might be able to do it. But it won't come from the left, I'm convinced of that now. The left generally of course seems to like to focus on the election, jumping from Bernie Sanders to Clinton to Jill Stein and back again. Then when it's over they start focusing on the next election, generally speaking of course.
I decided just this morning I will no longer consider or refer to myself as part of the left. For the same reasons I no longer refer to myself as a liberal or progressive, both labels I eschewed long ago. But I kept a position in the left, figuring the "far left" would describe me best.
But not now, I read an article this morning, posted on this election and political candidate centered blog, (The Left Deserves better than Jill Stein) which made me decide to ditch that label also. It really came from one sentence in the article:
"The Left needs a plan, electorally and otherwise." It pointed out to me the futility of trying to identify myself with people who are into electing politicians and seeking 15 dollar minimum wage INSTEAD of ending war and militarism and ending the power structure that keeps us as Serfs.
We need a new label for those that REALLY want REAL change.
Oh, they will be given to us.
"Dissidents", "nutballs", "terrorists", "prisoners".
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
you & i
are not left, right, progressive, regressive, or any other stupid-ass, larval, label.
We are free human beings. Alive on this earth.
And the politics, it is stupid, and it is boring, and it is embarrassing diversionary frustrating & always unsatisfactory . . . wanking.
And the solution, to war no more, is, now, has always been there, always been so simple, and so easily approachable, so easily, accomplished: the Universal Soldier, s/he simply picks up the gun, no more.
It is utter lying horseshit. To blame it on the "politicians." The "generals."
The blame. Lies with every Universal Soldier. Who ever picked up a gun. And pulled a trigger.
Just think. What might have been accomplished. If all those fruitless failed flaccid dollars. Flung at the likes of Mr. Bernie. Had instead been invested. In counter-recruitment bandoleros. Setting up outside. Every military-recruitment office. In this land. So, that, eventually—and this will happen; for I have seen it; I have been to the mountaintop—no one, would ever, enter, the United States military, ever, again.
April 2015, that's when Sanders threw his hat in the ring.
Same with Clinton. 18 months and billions of dollars wasted. We told people when it started the same damn thing, that it would be a waste of time, organization and money much better spent on an independent movement against the ruling mongrels. People warn of that every election. Now, 18 months later, we're seeing Hillary after Hillary after Hillary essays instead of essays about how to take these bastards down. I don't think most people here even want that.
Elections serve to keep the people distracted and fooled into thinking they're actually participating in something that matters.
one of the reasons
why I know I am not from this planet, is that I just cannot fathom this idea of giving my money to somebody who wants to be my Ruler.
I mean, and for fuck's sake, if we're going to have that sort of relationship, shouldn't the would-be Ruler, be paying me?
Elections, they are now just another "reality TV" show. They've made that out and proud and brazen, this time around, by shoveling forth the micropenis, The Hairball, ten-year reality-TV vet, as one of the contestants.
Kanye West and Lindsay Lohan, they say they will be running to be the president, in 2020.
Think that's a joke?
Not so fast. Let's just wait. And watch. And see.
There will always be the waste of time and money and resources—whether it's for The Hairball, or Kanye West; The Mad Bomber, or Lindsay Lohan—so long as the American thumbsuckers, they fear-feel they must cling to some "presidential" Daddy, or Mommy, to make everything Good, wipe all the Tears away, and keep the Monsters, from coming out of the closets.
"how limited our intelligence really is" config web much?
Don't be so typical moment browsing the HR site today, right now. Is it just me?

does not instill much confidence in military
Tune in, turn on, drop out
that's the best solution I've heard. Tried it for a few years, might want to try it again for good.
But what (you might ask) about global warming and US militarism and all the bad things in the world? Don't I have a responsibility to fix those?
Well if I keep doing what I'm doing I'm not gonna fix anything because I haven't fixed it yet with anything I've done. And I can't figure out how to bust through barrier.
So faced with activism achieving nothing and dropping out and achieving nothing I think it makes sense to drop out, let them have their $^%$^*&^ed up world while we groove in the sunshine. Some music, some love. All I'd want is that "they" stay out of my world.
There are also Chinese Pyramids...
where they buried ancient emperors and mummified their remains.
I wonder if they've ever done a DNA comparison with Egyptian mummies.
Seems like a no brainer.
There is also a longstanding archaeological theory that the Mayan (another pyramid builder) civilization was founded by the Chinese.
Interesting to think it's all one progression.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
i think maybe
the Feel pyramids, they could be the highest.
My daughter's dog must be Egyptian.
He makes pyramids in her room every night.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
(No subject)
There is no Emperor
I came to that realization, embarrassingly, just last week. Barack Obama does not speak for me, and does nothing in my name. Nor will Hillary Clinton, nor any of them. I speak for myself...they merely lie if they pretend my agreement with their actions.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
speak for you. And, not only that, you can play the airplane, and fly the banjo. And: most important: you have a good heart. And that makes you way more bitchin'. Than anybody who might claim. To be your "emperor." Or your "president."
Excellent research on the Clinton Foundation
Hi all -
I'm new here, and y'all may have already found and discussed this, but I just came across it last night.
Amy Sterling Casil, who has a board-level understanding of non-profit law and finances has dug into financial records, researched the crumbs available on the CF website, tracked down and evaluated the few actual CF projects that she could find, examined their relationship with Charity Navigator, and so much more. The linked article doesn't cover all this, but she links her other writings.
Spoiler alert: It stinks as much as you thought it would. Or maybe more. Probably more. The brazen venality of these people takes my breath away. The complicity of all levels of media, corporations and government nauseates me. That almost all Americans who have heard of CF are duped--well, I'll just add that to my list of general concerns about how vulnerable sheep are to wolves.
By way of introduction, I'll just add that I don't use 'sheep' as a pejorative. It seems a too-apt metaphor for how easily distracted, disoriented, confused and misled humans can be. We are incredibly vulnerable in ways we fail to notice and attend to intelligently, and are too often found bleating helplessly at the latest scare or outrage until the next distraction arises. I know in my heart that we are capable of much more than this when we join together in common cause, and believe that Bernie's candidacy tapped the wellspring of this power in so many of us.
Can I ask? How many of you felt you could see more of what is possible, like blinders of hopelessness had been lifted? Did anyone else have a sense that it would be easier than we formerly imagined to get 'things working right for more and more people' once we were on the same page? That there was a true momentum that promised to spill out like fresh, clean water--purifying and lifting all? Or was that just me? lol & smh
Wishing everyonel a beautiful fall weekend.
When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.
I like your approach
Edited by poster.
question everything
The Hyskos were clearly batshit crazy and somewhat
atemporal. Standard Hyskosian Hystory has them arriving in Caananite Egypt at at around 1650 BCE, a people of mysterious and seemingly mingled ethnicity. (OTOH, the word is often translated and resolved as "asiatics", particularly by egyptian and greeks of early timed.) They were expelled by Ahmose I sometime around 1550 BCE. As noted above, they, at some time during this interval They sailed off to found and settle China.
Once there, being batshit crazy-atemporal, they turned right around and "Chinese envoys sailed into the Indian Ocean from the late 2nd century BC, and reportedly reached Kanchipuram, known as Huangzhi (黄支) to them,[6][7] or otherwise Ethiopia as asserted by Ethiopian scholars." This seems to be a most arduous and roundabout way to get to both India and Ethiopia from upper Egypt.
If, however, as some assert, they are also the Israelites, it is perhaps something their god of the perverse humor demanded of them.
Alternative, maybe the Hyskos were, themselves, Chinese.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks hecate,
for the messages you send through the maddening throngs and across the waves. I’m listening.
The Kafka parable was very much appreciated, and will continue to sound through my day-dreaming day.
If those four women, with those beautifully harmonious voices are singing in your dream, I’ll join you ; )