Last night the real debate was in the city council chambers in Charlotte, NC
There has been a lot of commentary on the farce of a debate brought to the USA public by the corporate controllers. And a lot of people who either boycotted it, or plain refused to make themselves ill watching it. I tried to watch it after the real debate, which was watched by a bit less than 2000 people who followed the City Council meeting in Charlotte, NC.
I have been tuned into the Charlotte protests from the beginning through local TV (NBC affiliate) live stream and Facebook and Twitter feeds from protesters. Sunday night, for example the protesters were herded by militarized riot police, bicycle police and heavily armed National Guard on to the sidewalk, and ultimately into the Black neighborhood where the police and National Guard vanished.
Is this what democracy looks like?

Last night, starting at about 6:30 PM, and the NBC feed being abruptly cut at 9 PM, the City Council the auditorium was full of people from the protests, all speaking their thoughts and experiences for 90 seconds each.
Most of the nearly all white Council sat there scratching their asses, looking bored and as if there was a bad smell in the auditorium. Early in the meeting nearly all of them left the room until (I suppose) some sharp cookie realized if they left the room in control of the protesters the protesters (as any revolutionary movement would) would just sit down in the Council seats, declare themselves the new interim city council and continue the meeting. Leading to riot police creating a new riot...
OK! The speeches clearly demonstrated the real, core painful problems in urban areas as experienced by POC and poor whites, and were accompanied by specific demands and solutions. Unlike the later 9PM Trump/Clinton "debate" of the living dead bore-fest, I found myself cheering, stamping the floor and shouting out "No Justice, No Peace", "Amen" and cheering.
This morning I was hoping to find the live feed from the NBC affiliate on you-tube or wherever so that I could share it with everyone who wasted their time either listening to the bore-fest or pointedly boycotting it. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened.
Here we can see the list of demands which I heard last night:
The first three of ten I quote here because this is the kind of stuff we should be debating.
1. The immediate end to the state of emergency, curfew and the removal of the National Guard.
2. The immediate demilitarization of the police department and the immediate return of all military equipment.
3. The defunding of the police department (2017 budget: $246,644,617) and the redirection of those resources to the needs of our communities (including resources for jobs programs, affordable quality housing, transportation, holistic health and quality schools).
Added to this is the demand for the mayor, chief of police and most of the City Council members to resign.
The mainstream media this morning was quite selective of the portions of the 90 second speeches given by the protesters. Nevertheless, the only footage I can find is the tipid watered down version on the Charlotte morning news report. I am asking some people in Charlotte if they can find a source or demand it get released by the city. So to give you a bit of flavor of the real debate I am embedding the news report until I find the entire thing. And some selected screen captures.
"Our fathers and mothers are being killed and we can't even see them anymore."

Are the police being exposed to any kind of diversity training? And being questioned about how the feel about different kinds of [racial] issues?

"As a mother I can imagine how it feels to be afraid everytime your child goes out. I honestly feel that I would be in a rage if I had to feel that way all the time."

And this is the MSM watered down version of what was said for two and a half hours. Tugs on the emotions for sure but in the end MSM message is, "Vote for Clinton and everything will be all right".
Later in the evening, in a pouring rain, while America was being lulled to sleep by two white supremacist corporate puppets in a "debate" which featured Donald Trump's sniffling versus Hillary Clinton's uncontrolled eye problem, riot police smacked down on the protesters, arresting somewhere between 4 (MSM) and over 20 (live feeds from the scene). During the week an undisclosed number of people posting twitter and Facebook feeds have been arrested.
And this morning they announced that no further protests would be allowed without a permit. That means more martial law, more smack downs, more pulling over vehicles and waving guns in motorist's faces for broken taillights...
Don't be distracted by the debate about "The Gun"... or "It was an emotional meeting" etc. It is typical MSM covering up the real, deep sickness of the USA' systemic white supremacy.
If I can find the whole NBC feed I will post it (so far no luck). And I thoroughly expect that anyone who boycotted the debate will want to watch.
Thank You.
The NBC News Report, which will probably disappear:

Thanks for staying
on top of this. I've been following on yt adn twitter and it's disgusting the show of force against our own people.
(edited, forgot my sign off)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
More non-news from last night
is the guy in the Nazi uniform that blew away and killed 8 people in Houston. I didn't watch last night. Afterall, Blitzer told us before the debate that hillary won.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Mall shootings here in Northwest
I can't keep count.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
A young girl shows her pain
Note: This is the first time I have tried to share a twitter video. I hope it works.
From the Light House.
Your twitter video works
fine. Thanks for covering the Charlotte city counsel meeting. The beautiful young woman in the video was amazing. She's going to be a great lawyer if the cops don't kill her before she graduates. I don't have a TV or even watch the mainstream news online. I appreciate your essays they tell the real story. How do city officials anywhere in America justify the blatant killing and brutality by the pig enforcers? Makes this farce of an election even harder to swallow. no justice, no peace.
Every word... exactly
Politicians keep tossing the sheeple bread and circuses... but the one difference is they don't keep the trains on time.
The election is a farce that will never be fixed because so many Americans are asleep.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thank you for the real news
"Cops" keep murdering people. Gun nuts keep shooting innocent people.
"Don't Shoot" protest have to be the top story but we are hearing crickets due to fascism and the fact that we are in a police state. I wonder when the rest of the peasants will notice.
And all I read is about the fucking "debates" between a pig and a warpig.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Here is the little girl... Zianna Oliphant.
The only part of the meeting last night that I can find recorded is the talk by the little girl. It takes her a minute to become less shy... I do wish I had the whole meeting as there were tens of memorable speeches.
In fact, there sems to be a complete media blackout... Not surprising when "Miss Universe dubbed 'Miss Piggy' by Trump a topic at debate" is the latest news.
From the Light House.
Seems the next "top story" is still Bradgelina...
This country is toast.
Police and Politicians need a complete overhaul.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thank you for an excellent report.
You are correct that the Charlotte debate was the more important than NY grifter 1 v. NY grifter 2 debate, which is less meaningful than a subway series.
Look at all the MIC hand me downs!!!!
Look at those assault vehicles in our streets!!!!
My suburb has so many military assault vehicles given to them by the Pentagon. The pigs here are just itching to use it against the citizens.
Don't even get me started on the National Guard. I will never support a group who is capable of shooting at students, concert goers.
The "cops" will one day execute someone you love. It's only a matter of time.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
America's original sin
Keeps repeating itself. Until this country can come to grips with the deep seated racism in our society, I am afraid we will continue to see more of what we have been seeing. The idea that property or minor laws are more important than human lives is just abhorrent. That is what we have come to in this country because we have never truly addressed the original sin of slavery and its attendant racism.
We have watched the needless slaughter of black people increase under a Democratic President who happens to identify as black himself. He has paid minor lip service to the problem, but really has not truly embraced the message of Black Lives Matter. It is truly tragic.
Great essay, Alex.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm blown away by what this country is turning into.
Media blackouts, completely biased reporting, flat-out lies. They (1%) think they can get away with anything -- and they are!
The people of Charlotte -- and everywhere -- have a right to be heard. People are dying, for nothing and everyone is supposed to STFU? No permit, no protest -- those are the rules now? Really?? What do the city officials recommend instead -- a strongly worded letter?
If I could find another country, one where the citizens actually matter, where they aren't constantly lied to, and have some say in governing, I'd seriously consider moving. Right now, I'm not sure that place even exists.
Thanks for this important piece. It's upsetting, but better to be upset about what's happening than ignore it, imo.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
The Dangers of Live Streaming Protests and Media Reports
Another tactic of the police state is to use the very images taken to show the world protests to incriminate and arrest protesters in private, later in the week. In the Charlotte protests there have been nearly a humdred arrests in secret from footage shown by mass media and in live streams and social media. Also there are 20,000 closed circuit surveillance cameras in Charlotte alone.
It is therefore wise to learn methodologies for showing the protests without incriminating our brothers and sisters. And to mask up. Here is some methodology posted by "Agitator in Chief"
From the Light House.
Speeches at Council Meeting Now on Instagram
The videos of the different speeches have finally been released on Instagram by queenjammie2u ... I urge everyone who either saw the "debate" last night or boycotted it, to watch these speeches. In the Charlotte community the kids who spoke are being hailed as heroes.
Here is one of the speeches by the Children of the Revolution
Barry talked with her on live feed after the meeting. Here is a capture:
And here is another 90 second talk that is worth more than 200 hours of debating Republican and Democratic monkeys puppets:
From the Light House.
"I'm need to fix it!"
The child addresses her complaint to the mayor and city council. She says she's tired of seeing bodies bleeding in the streets, tired of being scared for her daddy's life every time a police car rolls up behind. "You need to fix it!"
Can it really be that simple? Yes, I think it is: it is that simple. A system that imposes violence, fear, and death upon the community is very obviously broken, and cries out to be fixed. If the system is not serving the community - and it is clearly not - who and what is it serving? Make the child the mayor.
Like Fred said, "Power to the people".
"I'm need to fix it!"
The child addresses her complaint to the mayor and city council. She says she's tired of seeing bodies bleeding in the streets, tired of being scared for her daddy's life every time a police car rolls up behind. "You need to fix it!"
Can it really be that simple? Yes, I think it is: it is that simple. A system that imposes violence, fear, and death upon the community is very obviously broken, and cries out to be fixed. If the system is not serving the community - and it is clearly not - who and what is it serving? Make the child the mayor.
Like Fred said, "Power to the people".
Yo Alex, you okay there on Dominica?
Tropical Storm Matthew giving you any trouble?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.