Open Thread 11-08-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by William Clarke.
As Mission Creeps in Iraq and Syria, Lawmakers Ask: Will We Ever Vote on War?
A group of 35 bipartisan House Reps. issued an open letter calling for a Congressional vote on war authorization "as quickly as possible."Amid intensifying U.S. military operations in Iraq and Syria, a group of 35 bipartisan House lawmakers issued an open letter on Friday calling for Congress to fulfill its responsibility by voting "as quickly as possible" on whether to authorize a war that is well over a year old.
The missive calls for new Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) to immediately force a vote on Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) "that clearly delineates the authority and limits, if any, on U.S. military engagement in Iraq, Syria, and the surrounding region."
The letter is signed by stalwart war critics, such as Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), as well as members of the conservative Freedom Caucus, in what one reporter called an "unusual coalition." Reps. Lee, Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), Tom Cole (R-Okla.), Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), and John Lewis (D-Ga.) are leading the charge.
Squandering Peace Hopes in Syria
I have always been enthusiastic in my support for peace negotiations, which have been neglected all too often in internal and international conflicts. But it is clear that the international conference on Syria that held its first meeting in Vienna on Oct. 30 is a sham conference that is not capable of delivering any peace negotiations, and that the Obama administration knew that perfectly well from the start.
The administration was touting the fact that Iran was invited to participate in the conference, unlike the previous United Nations-sponsored gathering on Syria in January and February 2014. That unfortunate conference had excluded Iran at the insistence of the United States and its Sunni allies, even though several states without the slightest capacity to contribute anything to a peace settlement – as well as the Vatican – were among the 40 non-Syrian invited participants.
Iran’s participation in the Vienna conference represents a positive step. Nevertheless, the conference was marked by an even more fundamental absurdity: none of the Syrian parties to the war were invited. The 2014 talks at least had representatives of the Assad regime and some of the armed opposition.
‘Underwater drone with explosives’ spotted near Baltic Nord Stream pipeline
An unmanned military underwater vehicle rigged with explosives was spotted on the seabed in the vicinity of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltics on Friday, Swedish media report. The device is expected to be disarmed on November 9.
An abandoned expendable remotely-operated mine clearance underwater vehicle allegedly with explosives onboard has been detected in multinational waters of the Baltic Sea by the Swedish Navy, Svenska Daglabet reports.
The discovery was made during a routine check of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was discovered in the Swedish economic zone, north of the island of Gotland, the Nord Stream pipeline operator immediately notified the Swedish military.
U.S. navigation moves in South China Sea will continue: Carter
The United States will conduct freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea again, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in a speech on Saturday, although he gave no timeline for any such actions.
Carter's comments, delivered at a defense forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, came at the close of a trip to Asia, where he cruised on a U.S. aircraft carrier operating in the South China Sea and blamed Beijing's island-building for rising tensions in the region.
In October, a U.S. guided-missile destroyer, the USS Lassen, challenged territorial limits around one of China's man-made islands in the Spratly archipelago with a so-called freedom-of-navigation patrol.
Technology, Competition and the ‘Crapification’ of Jobs
Two recent articles shed light on the ‘crapification’ of jobs and the rise of income inequality:
Martin Wolf on the Low Labor Participation as the Result of the Crapification of Jobs (Naked Capitalism)
The Measured Worker: The technology that illuminates worker productivity and value also contributes to wage inequality. (Technology Review, via John S.P.)
While both articles offer valuable insights into the secular trend of stagnating employment and wages, I think both miss a couple of key dynamics. As a general starting point: if you want to understand the ‘crapification’ of jobs and wages, we have to look at the ‘crapification’ of the economy from the perspective of those who are doing the hiring: the employers.
US Builds a $43-Million Gas Station in Afghanistan and Nobody Seems to Know Why
These are the facts. At some point, someone somewhere in the US government had an amazing idea: why not build a compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station in Afghanistan? Forty-three million taxpayer dollars later, the city of Sheberghan, in the far north of the country, got its gas station. But, according to the watchdog agency probing Afghanistan reconstruction spending, nobody seems to know — or wants to admit — who signed off on the project or how its costs spiraled so completely out of control.
The whole thing is so strange and wrongheaded that the crazily high price tag — more than 100 times what a similar facility would cost in neighboring Pakistan — is not even the worst thing the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) found.
Natural Gas? For what Cars?
Even more troubling than the high price tag is that there was no point in building the gas station in the first place. While Afghanistan has vast natural gas reserves, it does not have a sufficient number of cars that run on natural gas, and converting a vehicle literally costs as much as the average Afghan earns in a year.
Killer Care: How Medical Error Became America's Third Largest Cause of Death, And What Can Be Done About It
A new book lays out the very real dangers each of us faces whenever we enter a hospital.(The following is excerpted from Killer Care: How Medical Error Became America's Third Largest Cause of Death, And What Can Be Done About It by James B. Lieber. Reprinted here with permission by the publisher OR Books © 2015.)
By the end of the twentieth century, the health-care industry was avid about getting its arms around the problem of error. The news about accidents among the rich and poor, famous and obscure was alarming the public and undermining its confidence in the profession. Malpractice claims were on the rise; so were monetary payouts. Insurers, hospitals, and physicians pushed back with “tort reform” designed to award and divert litigation. Since lawsuits often arose from treatment, “quality of care” initiatives grew as a method of preventing cases. All of these issues focused researchers on two problems. First, how should medical errors be defined? Second, how many of them were there? Clearly, they were killing and maiming people, causing lawsuits, and mounting costs. So size mattered critically.
In 1978, a pathologist and lawyer, Don Harper Mills at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, published an early analysis of the frequency of accidents caused by health-care in the Western Medical Journal. These were termed “potentially compensable events” or PCE’s (meaning that a jury could award malpractice money damages). Supported by the California Medical Association and the California Hospital Association, Mills and his team analyzed 20,684 patient charts from twenty-three California hospitals involving discharges in 1974. They found that 4.65 percent of the patients experienced PCE’s of varying severity. This was a fairly shocking rate of about one in twenty admissions. Of the PCE’s, 80 percent were temporary disabilities (lasting less than thirty days), 3.8 percent were lasting functional disabilities, and 9.7 percent were fatal. The rate of PCE’s markedly increased in patients age 65 and older.
In the 1980s, the Harvard Medical Practice Study—formed by representatives from Harvard’s Medical School, School of Public Health, Law School, Kennedy School of Government, Department of Biostatistics, and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital—assembled to address these problems. One of its leaders was Dr. Lucian Leape, a respected pediatric surgeon and medical educator who had been Martin Makary’s public health professor.
Across America, Parents Push Back Against Creeping Authoritarianism and Criminalization of Students
Parents are bravely standing up to trends that restrict kids' freedom and love of learning.America's public schools are the training ground for our next generation of engineers, doctors, artists, lawyers, and other professions that form our dynamic economy. Schools are also here to nurture our children, to allow them to grow, explore and have fun in an environment that is conducive to personal freedom.
But a troubling cultural undercurrent has been creeping into our education system, converting the educational experience into something that can range from the gratuitously stressful to downright racist and cruel, from high-stakes testing to the school-to-prison pipeline.
Parents are bravely standing up to these trends in a growing number of ways.
Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Recent events at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina have cast a spotlight on the increasing utilization of police officers in public schools for disciplinary tasks that used to be handled by teachers, administrators and parents. Protesters outside the state capitol called for the prosecution of the officer involved, and many said a wider institutional system that is over-policing schools is to blame. As budgetary pressures weigh down on schools, some districts are cutting back on these school resource officer (SRO) programs, as they are called.
The clock is ticking on a time bomb that could blow up a free internet: the TPP
The agreement poses a grave threat to our basic right to access information and express ourselves on the webAfter years of secrecy, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement has finally been released to the public. The shadowy process and overreaching scope of the deal have sparked an international outcry; it’s been roundly condemned as an attack on worker’s rights, the environment, public health, small businesses and startups.
But perhaps the biggest concern is over the impact that it will have on the internet.
TPP is a legally binding pact negotiated between 12 countries, including the United States. Industry lobbyists and government bureaucrats huddled for months in closed-door meetings to draft and debate the deal while journalists, human rights advocates and tech experts were locked out. It can’t accurately be called a “trade deal”. Its 30 chapters and 6,194 pages cover a dizzying range of policy questions that have nothing to do with tariffs, imports or exports.
The final version of TPP confirms advocates’ worst fears. Thanks to, among other things, its dramatic expansion of copyright enforcement, the agreement poses a grave threat to our basic right to access information and express ourselves on the web, and could easily be abused to criminalize common online activities and enforce widespread internet censorship.
Renewable Energy Supply to Double in Major Economies
Renewable energy supply in eight major economies will collectively more than double by 2030 due to new national climate and energy plans, according to a study by the think tank World Resources Institute (WRI).
Total clean energy supply from eight of the world's 10 largest greenhouse gas emitters - Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico and the United States - will jump to 20,000 terawatt hours (TWh) from around 9,000 TWh in 2009.
That is equivalent to India's current energy demand.
"These new renewable energy targets send strong signals to energy markets and investment circles," said Jennifer Morgan, Global Director, Climate Program, WRI.
"Combined with the Paris climate agreement, it's clear that renewable energy is poised to surge forward in the next 15 years bringing clean and affordable power to millions of people worldwide."
'Equity and Justice': Africa Demands More Input to Save the Climate
African civil society organizations championing for climate justice have criticized the Intended Nationally Determined Commitments (INDC’s) presented to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, calling them “weak, inadequate and not ambitious enough.”
“If you study carefully what has been submitted by the developed countries like, Russia, USA and EU compared to that from poor countries, you will clearly see that goalposts have been shifted to have Africa bare mitigation and adaptation costs, which goes against the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibility and Respective Capacity (CBDR+C) of the Convention” said Sam Ogallah, the Program Manager at the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) – the umbrella organization that brings together over 1000 African civil society organizations.
At the previous UNFCCC negotiations, countries agreed to publicly outline climate actions they intend to take, geared towards mitigation and adaptation to the changing climatic conditions, in a pact that came to be known as Intended Nationally Determined Commitments.
Despite Whining By Monsanto, Roundup DOES Cause Cancer … and Many Other Diseases
The World Health Organization is right when it announced recently that Roundup weedkiller – also known as “glyphosate” – probably causes cancer.
In response, Monsanto has been whining that the WHO is wrong.
But Reuters notes:
“There are a number of independent, published manuscripts that clearly indicate that glyphosate … can promote cancer and tumor growth,” said Dave Schubert, head of the cellular neurobiology laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. “It should be banned.”
The Salk Institute is one of the world’s top neuroscience facilities:
In 2004, the Times Higher Education Supplement ranked Salk as the world’s top biomedicine research institute, and in 2009 it was ranked number one globally by ScienceWatch in the neuroscience and behavior areas.
Indeed, Roundup has been linked with numerous diseases, including autism, dementia, thyroid and bladder cancer, kidney failure, bowel and intestinal disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.
Birds and Reptile Feel the Survival Heat
LONDON—The gloriously-coloured forest birds of Hawaii may lose at least half their living space because of climate change, according to new research.
And soaring global temperatures mean that many of the world’s lizards could be in trouble by 2100, and could seriously compromise the loggerhead turtle, whose sex is decided by the heat of the day at the time of incubation.
The plight of lizards is highlighted by Elvire Bestion, an ecologist at the University of Exeter Environment and Sustainability Institute, UK, and the Experimental Ecology Research Station at Moulis in France and colleagues in a report in the Public Library of Science journal PLOS Biology.
Terrace Farming: An Indigenous Model for Food Security
Caspana, Chile - Terrace farming as practiced from time immemorial by native peoples in the Andes mountains contributes to food security as a strategy of adaptation in an environment where the geography and other conditions make the production of nutritional foods a complex undertaking.
This ancient prehispanic technique, still practiced in vast areas of the Andes highlands, including Chile, "is very important from the point of view of adaptation to the climate and the ecosystem," said Fabiola Aránguiz.
"By using terraces, water, which is increasingly scarce in the northern part of the country, is utilised in a more efficient manner," Aránguiz, a junior professional officer on family farming with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), told IPS from the agency's regional headquarters in Santiago, some 1,400 km south of the town of Caspana in Chile's Atacama desert.
William Clarke - Drinkin' Beer
William Clarke - Must Be Jelly
William Clarke - Lollipop Mama
William Clarke - Blowin' Like Hell
William Clarke - Bound
William Clarke - Chromatic Jump
William Clarke - Lonesome Bedroom Blues

Morning folks...
how are y'all fairing?
Good Morning, JtC,
I just checked out the gos DK5 and decided it would be great if we would get a copy of the BNR here. I know, it's not popular perhaps to say that here, but I am not gonna read it on the DK5 site. Can't stand the new page design. Loads slow and is hard to read. I am old folk, apparently the new design is for young folk. I am not going to adapt. Since when have the old to bow to the young? For those of you who don't like my berning desires, please bear with me and my beloved Goethe's Faust, who says somewhere in there that "Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach! in meiner Brust, Die eine will sich von der andern trennen" - "In me there are two souls, alas, and their Division tears my life in two.". Oh, how beautiful the German language of Goethe really was. Just amazing how it's not possible to put it into beautiful English, if I look at the translations. Anyhow, I am suffering under a "split personality"? (oh, no, that's a mental disorder, right?) - nah, I just have "zwei Seelen", one feels the bern up, the other wants to burn down.
Oh, and for your amusement, here something else, how about this "Sherlock Homes" crimi story...
'Nazi gold train' investigators start surveying site in Poland
I hope they find "mind blowing stuff" there...
Gosh, I hope you never redesign a lot and just fix or add the little things we sometimes find or miss. Thanks for the list, still have to read it later.
Morning mimi...
no, there are no plans for a major redesign, seeing the new DK5 makes me appreciate the simplicity of this format even more. We will be planning to make improvements upon what we already have, and a couple of aesthetic tweaks.
Good to hear Jtc
Please by all means, keep it simple. So that even someone like me can use it!!!
I was even able to figure out how to download a photo all by myself and that's a credit to you JtC, when you have things set up so that even I can use it!!
My only problem now is links embedded in text. But let's wait till next week to take that on. I'm really stressed out right now from attempting to write a diary over at DK and also from having all my saved drafts messed up and basically unusable and also all of the links using the short cut that they used to allow are LOST!! That represents hours and hours of research, gone, vanished, kaputt!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Sorry to hear that...
you lost all your links and all the work you put into it. Inserting text links here is very easy to do here so whenever you're ready just give me a shout. The problem we were discussing before about the links was because you were using BBcode for your imaging format over there and needed to change to HTLM to migrate the links here, but since you'll no longer be using the BBcode there it will make it a simple matter to post your essays in full here. Actually, I'll help you figure out the formatting at DKos too, if you still want to post there.
Kim Dotcom spied on for the US
Joe S has tracked this story over the years
Kim lives in New Zealand
Kim Dotcom has the largest intellectual property suit against him for the web site he created, I think it was megaload
he has been under house arrest, his money confiscated, and fighting through the courts
DK5 sucks, big time! My eyes hurt and are blurry after reading there for about 15 minutes. So many things are messed up I don't know where to begin. I don't go there much anymore anyway and that will be even less now.
The thing is, I found it confusing, yes, but mostly was
irritated because basically all the changes appear to be cosmetic. Most of the functions are still the same, still using a sucky version of html, and just basically DK as usual. It's really puzzling as to why the change, unless it's to somehow make the site "more attractive" to foot traffic and lure in unsuspecting strangers to feed its bottomless maw of the need for ad revenue.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
When you pay...
a team of coders and designers they have to produce something to justify the outlays. It's pretty obvious it's all about making more revenue for Markos and adjusting the membership to a younger crowd.
As an aside, I'm thinking of experimenting with a fixed width format here to make the reading more pleasurable for the hand-held users.
C99P could use some smartphone functionality
I have to expand every page every time when I go here on my smartphone. I rapidly lose interest because of it.
Morning g...
as soon as I get some spare time we'll try the fixed width format. It will make the text in smaller margins for PC users but the trade off may be worth it. I think some folks may not be participating here because of full width format, time to try it and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm often here on my phone
I used to think this place was hard on a phone until the upgrade at dkos. I don't like the dk phone app. It is incomplete. But improvements for phone users would be nice.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
GOS is broken
I don't know. Maybe they had smartphones in mind, but it doesn't work on my PC.
Thank Gawd for C99P.
Figured it out
It was the browser I was using.
Because I use Ubuntu on my laptop I end up using Chromium (and open-source Chrome) browser most of the time.
That browser doesn't work at all with the new DKos.
But Firefox does.
Now I just gotta get used to the ugly.
I was having major problems...
earlier this morning, couldn't log in, could only view the home page, nothing worked right until I figured out that I had to allow DKos in the HTTPS Everywhere extension that I use.
It's functional but very unpleasant design wise. Coders gotta' code, I guess.
As a graphic designer
who loves typography and took a lot of typography classes. Dkos5 is an affront. It has terrible readability and is ugly. Way too much air. It looks better then it did early this morning as it now has list's in the community section columns with a tinted background. The comment threads are really bad. Not conducive to conversation, 'debate' lol or interaction between people. It is also so compartmentalized it feels like you are in different rooms and it's a pain in the butt to get to another room, find your comments or find replies. I think this is by design. It's isn't formatted for blogging. I don't like Vox's design or formatting and this seems to be done by the same designer. I comment on the Guardian and their comment sections and treads are more interactive and easier to navigate and reply then dkos5.
The management seem to want to move the sites direction away from being a political blog with interactive participation being the draw focus for most users. I also don't want to see such huge pictures of ugly Republicans or guns. They keep saying that it's a modernization so the people can use it on their various devises but I can't imagine trying to use this giant unwieldy hog on an iphone or a ipad. Seems they couldn't decide what dkos was going to be, a magazine like Solon, a social media FB twitter site or big newspaper with god awful comment sections and little interaction between commenters. In a way I'm glad as it makes it easier not to get sucked into dkos.
Makes me appreciate this site. It's simple, user friendly and you have provided great run around's on a limited budget. Pretty amazing that kos media LLD or whatever his empire is called couldn't get a descent designer. One that used the old maxim of form follows function. Then again maybe they did if the intended function was to eliminate the pesky liberal contributors or appeal to people who just want to read whatever garbage content the FP cranks out. Hope this user friendly site picks up some of the many disgruntled commenters and writers. Thanks JtC for making this place a actual community where people can blog, post content and chat.
Thanks shaz...
agreed about all your takes on DKos. I hate having to scroll through a whole diary to see what's next on the "Recent Diaries" list, a real PITA! This winter we are going to do a few tweaks to make this site even more user friendly. Thanks for the input.
Here Here!!
or is it HEAR HEAR.
Whichever, agree completely!!!
I've been wanting to bring HJ over here but wanted to wait until I had more time to learn the system.
Turns out JtC has this place set up so that learning the system is really easy!
Not a problem at all. Wrote HJ for the first time using this system today and it was very easy!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
As a former graphic designer
from the prehistoric era before I moved into professional planning, I totally agree with every point you have made in your comment above, Shaz. One thing I always used to say is that the white space is the most important space on the page. The purpose of the white space is to separate and define the more important things on the page.
Not only does the white space over at dkos5 fail to define the print and other items on the page, but it dominates the page and dwarfs the more important elements on the page.
The comments and replies function destroys any interaction between participants. I think that Markos, and by default dkos, has decided that interactivity and comments are not important. However to the users, the comments section is extremely important. I cannot read the site without feeling frustrated and alienated by the new format.
In contrast, the formatting and the user friendliness of caucus99percent is so welcome. Everything about this site is geared first to the users while dkos5 actually alienates its users. Thank you for making this site function for us the users, JtC.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
a scene in New York City
One day Moishe walks over to Shlomo's Delicatessen, only to find that it's now "The Del". He goes in and seems confused. "What is this, Shlomo? I cannot find the matzohs and the whitefish. Ah well, at least please give me my usual pound of pastrami and a loaf of rye bread."
But Shlomo replies "We no longer carry those items. We have decided that our customers are not who we want in here. From now on we cater to what they call 'young hipsters'".
And Moishe asks "And I should be eating salted caramel ice cream?" He leaves, and as he walks out he hears Shlomo calling to him "we'll get new customers, younger customers!"
So the question is, how long will "The Del" stay in business?
(by the way, being Jewish myself and having grown up in the NYC area, I apologize for this sterotypical dialogue. I don't actually remember people talking like this!)
Who goes there for the front page? Nobody
how many times can they tell me Republicans suck?
JtC I'm sure this is beyond your magic, but can the save and preview buttons be closer to the comment?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
hi Johnny
Well the new diary writing system at DK is completely unusable for me. So I'm bringing Hellraisers over here sooner than expect. I was gonna wait until the first of the year. I'm gonna need some help with links, but not today, I'm way too stressed out and frustrated right now to learn anything new on the computer.
Thanks, Johnny for making this sight so easy to use!!! Even someone like me can use it. Easy-peasy.
Sent you a pm.
Even got done early today, and that's how easy the system here is to use.
They did save all the research material that I had in my drafts. And I had tons of it. But in a form that is practically unusable. Will takes hours of work to fix it.
The bright white is blinding over there, you need sunglasses if you're going to read for very long.
I'm in a really crappy mood right now, sorry folks. I'm just way too busy until the end of November to be making any changes right now. If the new sight is supposed to be better looking, than I guess I have a different idea of aesthetics because everything looks really harsh and square over there now.
But that probably fits the mission of supporting the Democratic Party no matter what. The Democratic Party has become extremely harsh and square under the rule of the DNC, Daily Kos will look exactly like what the Democratic Party has become.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Morning JR...
oh jeez, I totally forgot I was going to help you with the links, sorry about that. Yes, please PM me.
dk5 is really bad....
Can't find anything, everything is too big and too white.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Morning dk...
totally agree. Do you still visit here most of the time on your iphone?
Blinding white background and light font
Been there less than a half hour and already getting a headache.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Daytime, on a computer. Early evening and sleepless nights, I'm on my iphone. I like to go to bed early and snuggle in with my phone. I read, play games and stream Mike Malloy. He's getting old too, but he the only one I can tolerate . He's as fed-up and pissed off at Democrats as I am. The rest either support Hill, or will support her if she wins the primary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This looks like a China recession to me
Which should mean that jobs number for October
will be just a blip, a brief uptick. Good luck to The Inevitable One winning an election during the coming recession.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Good day, JtC and 99%'ers
We just got back to Tallahassee from my high school reunion in St. Pete. It was incredibly hot down there and we walked to all the events from our hotel. Normally 8-10 blocks each way would not have been bad, but we arrived all hot and sweaty to the Sat. night event. The turnout was spectacular and everyone commented on what a wonderful time they had. Our class had about 500 graduates of which 55 were known to be deceased and another 65 could not be located. So out of the 380 people who were located, 130 came to one or both nights. That is nearly one out of three showed up! And I think I was able to talk to at least 100 of them!
The high point for many of us was the tour of our high school hosted by one of the current teachers who had been a graduate of St. Pete High herself. I am guessing that at least 70 people showed up for the tour. This teacher had done a number of tours in the past and said that we had by far the largest group to ever show up for a tour.

I logged onto dkos this afternoon and it is horrible. The amount of white space and the size of the font have made it a nightmare to read. There are a lot of other issues with it, but it is not particularly user friendly or readable. Knowing kos, he will ignore the complaints because his mind is already made up and flexibility or admitting he is wrong does not seem to be one of his strong points.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Afternoon gg..
glad you're back.
I have an aunt and uncle in Clearwater, spent a lot of time there in the 70s but I heard it's change dramatically since I've been there. The beach and the pier was a happening hippie hang out back then so of course that's where i was most of the time.
Yeah, I miss DKos even less now.
Downtown St. Pete
Downtown St. Pete is an amazing place. When I grew up there, the downtown was dead and was dominated by old people and homeless. Now, it is a hopping place. Lots of young people have moved into the downtown. Many of the old hotels which used to be rented out by the month to elderly people have now been renovated and function as real hotels. The one we stayed in was one of those very old hotels and now is a boutique hotel which kept its old wood floors and stairs. Even the bathrooms were much like they were. The lobby bar was packed the entire time we were there. There were tons of restaurants and bars, all of which were hopping, mostly by millennials.
Downtown St. Pete is a beautiful place now.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Heh, it's been jumped...
I made this mashup several years ago for a caption contest at Docudharma, so I dusted it off.
This is one of the most
awesome graphics I have ever seen, especially considering the subject site.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Several years ago...
Night Owl had a nightly caption contest at Docudharma called The Overnight Caption Contest, it was basically a contest where folks would add a humorous or political text caption to images that Night Owl grabbed somewhere off of the net. Eventually myself, Night Owl and Knucklehead began photoshopping the images as our captions.
This particular photo was taken from some kind of festival in Australia. The source photo was minus the sharks, the oranges in the jumpers hands and the GOS lettering, I add all that stuff. I also tinted the photo a little to make their brown outfits orange, that's why it has a slight green hue to the jumpers skin tone.
We had tons of fun creating mashups, I still have most of mine.
What happened to America's college kids?
That sounds familiar.....
I think it may be a consequence of the 'net itself. One thing that's been pointed out over and over by the hand-wringers over increasing internet usage is the potential fragmentation of the polity (has it ever really been all that unified?) due to the increasing availability of niche groups online. This seems to lead to an over-enforcement of certain discussion "norms" where nary a discouraging word is tolerated. That chills discussion.
I swear if I see one more threadjack over at GOS about the sexism of phrases like "grow a pair" I'm swearing off the internet forever.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Uh, please
Just swear off the Great White Satan forever. Keep coming here though.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good morning~
I took a couple of weeks off from politics and online to concentrate on art, and come back to see the mess over at the GOS. Why would somebody take the one thing they had over every other blog ( their commenting system) and piss it away? Makes no sense to me. None at all.'s what I've been up to:

I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Oh, great. What do I see?
blood, fire, sun, warmth, green trees, and a woman who looks at the sun, asking what the world is coming to.
Sorry, if my words are not fitting, I am not an artist and don't know how to describe a painting properly. But it made me think and that's what came to my mind. I think it's a gorgeous piece.
that is the beauty...
you see what you will see, and it's good.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
That's gorgeous triv...
A week well spent by creating a great piece like this. What is the medium? I love the orange/red background with the rich layers/patterns and depth. Hope to see more of your work. Your inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
I agree100% with why kill off the one thing that draws and then hooks people to dkos. My guess is that Markos doesn't want the demographic that he thinks are troublemakers. Shares at fb. or twitter which simply get clicks and suckers reading the crap on the FP or whatever propaganda diary's the Dem. Royalists decide should be disseminated to the mythical demographic he longs to have. What kind of young'un wants to look at or read about the ugly insane rightwingers other the a younger fear riddled conservative type.
Who wants to go there to read a lot of bs. written by his culture warrior loyalist minions. Anybody with a brain in there head knows what the lunatic RW'ers are about and at this point most people are well aware of what the Dem. machine Third Way'ers are about. Fear and stirred up culture war outrage is all they have to offer. Oh yeah they do offer lies and propaganda about how great the lesser evil fucks the bent machine Dems. are. Moderate my ass.
My husband thinks he's just a power tripping dick at this point. A disgruntled ex Republican, CIA wash out, who could care less about democracy. issues or policy and just wants to get the RW lunatics. Strange way to go about recruiting the young hip demographic to both dkos or the Democratic party. How stupid does he think younger people are? I go to a lot of sites via fb share's but not to comment, engage or interact. I go to read the content because the link interests me. I don't comment on The Atlantic, Truthdig or DemocracyNow.
If he blows off the diary writers and comments that follow, he has no content worth reading. There is no real news or topics other then Obamacare is great and look at this scary Repug. I find his attitude about the internet/ social media exactly the same as his attitude about partisan politics. He could careless about content and only cares about winning or getting an elusive magical demographic to win. Cart before the horse politics that offers nothing but fear and loathing and ignores the whole purpose and the end result of democracy and elections.
Thanks Shaz! I found out that I could make a permanent
gelatin plate to make monoprints--so I did that, and I went to town. After I got done, I was pretty jazzed with all of those prints--but what to do with them? I love color...I wanted to find a way to use them and play with color, so I got some canvas and I slapped some acrylic paint around, that one started with red, yellow and orange, just to get a basecoat in various orange tones, then I stenciled yellow flowers, red rays, stamped some random script in, then I used acrylic medium to set down the silhouettes that I cut from my papers, made a bird stamp from foam, stamped those up top, glazed the bottom, doodled in the glyphs, and Bob's yer uncle.
I've actually done a few others and have a few more planned, but now I need to do more gelli printing as well. LOL
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I'm so stealing this
process. Just joking I think. My sons a potter and has been using stencils and carved stamps and molds for the surfaces of his gorgeous pots. I'm been thinking of using stencils as I'm a whiz with an exacto from years of cutting film overlays as graphic print artist and producer. It is a great use of acrylics as it's got depth. I like painting with acrylics but learned the hard way to layer them otherwise they flatten out and are dull. Thanks for reveling your production methods and nobody could steal what makes these so magical.
I really think you'd enjoy it.
that's why I went into some good amount of detail. let me show you something I did in a completely different style, exact same process, but let's say would appeal to a whole 'nother audience...

See--you can take it in any direction. I happened to see fat pussycats in those two papers, so that's where I went with that. It was also my testing ground for these methods.
Then I made the orange one, and I saw a series in my head, once I run that well dry--who knows?
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Amazing texture and use of acrylic's. I like the use of words in the message, right up my alley. A different style but really good. I like them both they both 'appeal' to me. I like art that is not pretentious or theoretical and crosses the lines drawn by whoever decides whats what with visual art. Fuzzy lines at that and a lot of any visual art is craftsmanship. 'Fine art' is in the eye of the beholder. These days the lines have unraveled and it seems to me it's a good time for artists to just let it rip. The world could use more of us who create art.
yes really beautiful
thanks for sharing it with us
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
It is gorgeous
To my eyes, it appears to be some batik with piecing of fabric which has been appliqued and possibly some quilting and embroidery. I love fabrics and this piece makes me very happy, both with its subject matter and the materials that you appear to have used. Beautiful!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I just read your process and I was so off on my analysis. It still looks like batik and applique.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
but GG--that was the look I wanted!
I was so happy I achieved it with paint and paper~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Yes you did. Awesome!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon