Did Bernie give his list to the DNC?
Submitted by Writerinres on Mon, 09/26/2016 - 9:25am
Lately, I've been getting unsolicited emails asking for contributions from Dems running for office; Clintonistas all. Today it was Chris Coons, running for the Senate in Delaware. This despite having an active Weblock app on my iPad. The only reason this may be happening is that Bern gave Clinton his list of contributors. I closed my Actblue account and left Bern's website when he quit his campaign. Anybody else experiencing this?

Good news, bad news!
Fortunately, not a thing from the Clintonistas to date!
(Fingers crossed and knocking on wood as I respond).
Although, I am missing out on the opportunity to unsubscribe and tell these beggars to go fuck themselves...
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
... nothing from the $hillarites to me, either --
and I was a several-time contributor to The Bernster --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I haven't seen one that I would think came from Bernie...
but I did receive one through Democrats Abroad that came from Howard Dean. It was urging me to make sure I requested my ballot and voted for Hillary because TRUMP!!!!! I noticed that his name was part of the return email address so I figured he might get my response if I sent one. My reply was something like this:
Strangely, I haven't heard back from him?
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Priceless response! n/t
IMO, it's a moot question
because "Bernie's List", being part of Act Blue and/or the DNC, contained records that no doubt also lives in the DNC donor database. So his "list" is something they may already have. And note that they keep these records as long as possible--so while you may not have given to anybody in this cycle, your name can live there from past cycle contributions or activity (obviously they try to get updates, but there's also such a thing as 'real time wealth-screening" on such reccords....
I kept reading
That he was keeping the list & not sharing it.
I signed plenty of petitions, voted in surveys, so I got on a lot of lists which I've now unsubscribe r from.
But one thing worries me, though. I got a text from Hillary. Not sure where she'd get my cell from other than Bernie; I tend to provide my home phone if I don't want calls from something I'm signing up for.
And her campaign doesn't take no for an answer. When you text dtop you get a reply back : did you really mean that? Idiots. At that point they got a rude text. Knock wood, I haven't heard anymore from them.
Nah, the Russians hacked it and sold I to
the highest bidder, the dirty capitalists! /snark
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I am on Bernie's list and have received nothing from Hillary.
Come to think of it, I haven't received anything recently from Bernie about "the revolution," either.
"His Revolution"
Bernie's revolution has become a dud. It is really no surprise after he actually backed and now campaigns for Her Heinous. "OUR REVOLUTION" lives on.
War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series
I have not received anything from
Any candidate. I was lucky that the DNC truly deleted me about three years ago when I asked to. If they are using Bernie's list they are being selective.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Last Friday, Jane Sanders re-tweeted link to Bernie's "don't listen to me if I tell you who to vote for" interview comment made well before the convention. I found that interesting.
I saw that, too.
Interesting, no?
I thought it was
Especially after watching the clip of that interview again.
No direct emails from Clinton or Obama, but I'm starting to get a lot of emails from candidates running lower offices. They might be Berniecrats, I don't always open them. I got a couple of robo calls from her Screechiness, but I figure that's because I'm still a registered Democrat.
I'm not getting anything except for Elizabeth Warren.
I have marked her as spam, blocked her, unsubscribed 12 times, and I still can't make her disappear.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Doesn't that suck?
I hate it when that happens. I can't make SumofUs disappear either. But at least they're not politicians.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Keep trying.
I unsubscribed from EW and succeeded.
Might have been the nasty note I included?
I got a few from...
Ted Strickland's campaign lately. I unsubscribed this morning.
Got an email from MoveOn.ORG/Al Franken
My reply...
Dear Mr. Franken,
The best thing to do to keep Donald Trump from the White House is to run an opposing candidate that is less venal, corrupt, hateful, and hawkish than he is. The naked truth is that Donald Trump would not have a chance at the Presidency except for who he is running against. This has been predicted since before “she” and the Democratic establishment fraudulized the Primary and ignored the voting bloc that would have easily swept a civilized human being into the Office of the Presidency.
The nation deserves Donald Trump for failing to stand against the corruption of the DNC, and the Clinton Family Machine. You all said “fuck you” to those voting against Hillary in the Primary, and now you want us to buy another healthy dose of Bullshit..... Sorry Al. You bought a pig in a poke this time, and even with all the lipstick in the world, you still bought a pig....
I kept receiving similar ones from Act Blue. "OMG Nate Silver has Trump pulling even!!!!" or some such Henny Penny shit.
Last week, when I received two in a row from staff, asking if I could pitch in $20 to help defeat Trump, I'd had enough. Here's what I wrote:
I wonder why I haven't heard from them again? LOL.
Re: the original question
I'm on Bernie's list and haven't received anything from him, or anyone else. Of course, I wouldn't be getting anything from ActBlue if I hadn't donated to Bernie, so there's definitely a blurred line there ...
I think the only true Clintonista
We had in Vermont was Pat Leahy. He got my name some time ago so I haven't noticed one way or the other.
Don't forget Dean.
Or Shumlin.
I know both are outside the point but it still infuriates me. I opted out of voting for Leahy in August, out of principle.
Wish I had time to research this right now, but I don't. However, if one does a search for the documents used as evidence by the Sanders campaign back when they sued the DNC, you can find some of the original agreements Sanders made with the DNC. As I recall, he agreed to provide the DNC with his information in return for using the DNC data. He didn't have to until after the convention, as I recall.
I know I provided links to this information a few months ago in a comment or two. I'm pretty tied up for a few days or I'd post the links again.
Just got a Schumer email:
"Stand with Hillary and become a member of her debate team. Would you contribute $25.00?" I "unsubscribed" with a few choice words of my own.
Wow, there's great opening for a smackdown
"'Stand with Hillary'? The way she's been keeling over lately, anyone who stands with her risks going down with her."
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
One donation to Act Blue
One donation to Act Blue is all it takes to open up Pandora's box of campaign pleas. Also, one petition signature to Credo, MoveOn, etc., places you on a huge list of liberal/ social/environmental mailing lists. DKos also sells your info to other sites
I haven't and I used different emails
I've seen some stuff where down ticket Dems gave each other stuff, but my Bernie email is unsullied.
I did get a few messages from an environmental group that was shilling for Hill, and I know exactly who they got it from...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
No DNC/Clinton emails for a
No DNC/Clinton emails for a couple of months when I replied with comments about their corruption and cheating.