15 year old girl brutalized by cops & Children in the Revolution

Haggerstown, Maryland - Police Torture Young Girl

This young girl was bicycling, come around a corner and hit a police car yesterday in Haggertown, Maryland, USA. She is essentially tortured and abused by two white cops for 10 minutes, and repeatedly pepper sprayed while hand cuffed. This may be the most shocking case of police abuse of children I have seen. Its horrifying that a little girl riding her bike can end up, after being tortured, in prison. I can't help but feeling that she is my own daughter or granddaughter. And it breaks my heart.

She was later taken to the hospital by her father, where she was diagnosed with a possible concussion and other injuries, he said. "What happened Sunday should never happen to anyone's daughter," Ficker said, adding that the girl is an honor student and soccer player.

"The teen was charged with disorderly conduct, two counts of second-degree assault, possession of marijuana, and failure to obey a traffic device, police said."

This after watching three videos of the murder of Keith Scott in Charlotte where the cops clearly shoot down an unarmed man who was backing up and with his back to the police shooters. Seconds afterwards one cop takes a gun from his side pocket and hands it to another cop... who drops it as a "throw away". I personally analyzed the videos a frame at a time and posted captures at C99.

This has to stop. The video isn't on youtube yet so i link to a group I follow on FB -- I don't care for the msm spin. or the talking head cops on abc where the video originated.


The cops claim she was being "assaultive". Two huge white bullies beating up on a little girl and the poor bullies are being assaulted? Here she tells her own story. You might have to monkey around as its kind of hidden in a corner. Once again, after watching the two videos, who do you believe...


When the police state starts brutalizing children and justifying themselves with lies, we know that the state is close to falling.

Girls in the Revolution

Tonight's march in Charlotte there were quite a few children. I share a couple captures from a local Fox live feed. The reporter says a number of times, "We are marching with them."

World Worker's Party girl "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the Police" I agree.

world w.jpg

"We're Young, We're Strong, We Marchin' All Night Long"


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matters more than life in this country, Maybe the millions of taxpayer dollars being spent on lawsuits and protests and or riot control by cities and towns will put an end to this ruthless behavior by our police. Then again it wouldn't surprise me to see legislation to limit or end the ability to file lawsuits against cities and police depts.

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snoopydawg's picture

I watched the video of this at this link
There is no reason for the cops to have treated her this way. None. Period!
Good God, she was just in an accident and if she had been unconscious for 2 minutes, then of course she would have been confused. And instead of treating her like a criminal the f'cking cops should have called for an ambulance.
What do you think would have happened if this girl was white and lived in an affluent neighborhood?
While she was being put in the car the cop pepper sprayed her 2-4 times because they say she wouldn't put her feet in the car whi
Then she was detained because she didn't identify herself
And of course the police chief said that the cops did nothing wrong.

Our officers did nothing wrong. Let me say this. If we would have had cooperation, our goal was has always been if we would have had her cooperation then we would have called her parents and adjudicated with them or something.

"Brito said that officers used the "minimal amount of force necessary" because the outcome would have been worse if a more than 200-pound officer had used physical force to get her into the car. The officer who pepper-sprayed the girl used "one burst," Brito said."

There is a second video that starts after the first one that shows more of how they arrested her and she's screaming because it looks like they are hurting her. Someone tried to help her and the cops told him to back off.
She keeps screaming and they tell her to stop. (It seems to me that she is confused because of a possible concussion and because she's scared and the way the cops are treating her)
They then pick her up and carry her to their car.
She is becoming more upset and when they put her in the car she sounds like they are hurting her because she screamed out.Someone tells her to quit resisting and then while they are putting her in the car someone says to get pepper spray.
After she didn't put her feet in the car they spray her and then after she is in the car and the door is closed, she gets sprayed twice more.
My opinion of her actions is because she had a head injury after she hit the car and was unconscious. It is confirmed that she had a concussion after her family took her to the hospital.
There were firemen at the scene and if there were paramedics there too then why didn't they look at her to see if she was injured even though she said that she wasn't.
I remember when I regained consciousness after my head injury and I was very confused and disoriented.
I wonder if any of the cops have a young daughter and even bothered to stop and think about how they would react if this girl had been there's?
Absolutely no compassion for her what so ever.
She was man handled, carried to the car not like a person and they had no problem with using pepper spray on her.
After watching the latest video of Keith Scott walking backwards with his hands at his sides and being murdered, I would like to hear from our president and see him finally get off his ass and speak out about how cops are treating black people. After all this girl could have been one of his daughters.How many police departments are the DOJ investigating? These types of incidents are increasing because in my opinion cops are seeing other cops getting away with murdering unarmed civilians and not being held accountable.

I watched a video of two cops killing a person because one of the cops accidentally shot his partner who blamed the subject who was face down on the ground and possibly handcuffed and it pissed him off so he shot the person as did the other cop.
I'll try to find the link to it but it's on the PINAC (photography is not a crime)website.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Damnit Janet's picture

If they treat a kid like that in public... what the hell are they doing when there isn't a camera? I suspect that there are numerous "cops" who are also serial rapists.

One thing for sure: the "cops" are truly enjoying hurting her.

As to your question as to why the other people did nothing? This country despite it's anthem standing proud patriots... is nothing but a country full of sheeple cowards.

The 1% and the "cops" are the enemy.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

snoopydawg's picture

after one of the cops shot the other cop who blamed it on the subject who was on his stomach and possibly handcuffed.
And of course they got away with lying that the subject shot the first cop.

a video shows the two deputies struggling to arrest Aguilar when one deputy pulls out his gun and shoots the second deputy before placing his gun back into its holster, then placing the blame on Aguilar.

Ruiz shoots him in the stomach, prompting Murade, who is already angry at having been shot, to fire three bullets into Aguilar’s back.

But Ruiz went from keeping a single knee on Aguilar’s back to plopping his entire body on his back, remaining there for several minutes in a suffocating manner while furious witnesses ordered him off.

It was almost as if he was deliberately trying to squeeze the life out of Aguilar, whom he knew would never shut up about not having shot Murade.

I'm pretty sure that there was an autopsy done on Aguilar that showed he had been shot in the stomach from a close range but he had also been shot in his back from a close range which should have been a red flag that he was shot while in a prone position.
Why wasn't an investigation started to see why he was shot while lying down and not fleeing?
And just how many more types of shootings like this happened without anyone questioning them?
And why aren't cops held accountable for lying on their reports after the truth comes out?
Tamir's murderer wasn't charged for killing him, but he also wasn't charged for lying on the report of his actions?
He wrote that he had told Tamir 3 times to drop the gun, but the video showed that the cop shot him within 2 seconds after pulling up next to him and getting out of the car.
And we know about other incidents where it was proven that the cops lied on their reports but nothing has happened to them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

These cops have zero defense and should have been put on suspension asap. Look until America recognizes that 99% of police are unconnected felons there is no way to fix the problem. Before you freak over the 99% think about this. Under the law if you cover up a crime you are guilty as an accessory now consider if a cop does not report a fellow officer's crime then they are guilty as an accessory !

One idea - The Federal government needs establish standards for police training and require that 100% of police in the US get a federal certification in order to be hired. Then require all police departments to follow the federal training guidelines. Also if a cop is fired for cause from one police department their national license is suspended so they can not just move on to another dept

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Alex Ocana's picture

Thanks Snoopydawg and Capforfun for your commentary.

One thing, the girl is mixed race/ethnicity, like my family. So, its hard to find a person brutalized or murdered by cops that doesn't make me feel as if its monsters in blue attacking loved ones personally. My middle daughter (I have all girls) was also an honor student and a star on the high school football (soccer) team.

The police state propaganda machine is constantly saying "Why isn't anyone protesting... [the latest gang shooting/latest murder]." I would guess, from the crap on-line and the "popularity" of Trump, that the majority of whites believe this meme. Simply, I would say that the latest gang shooting is a result of systematic white supremacist politics and culture.... rule by the rich and their banks and corporations... a dystopian political and economic culture. The monsters in blue are just another brutal inner city street gang enforcing the police state.

The lies I read in the mass political culture are outrageous. Watching the video: She says she was going to ride in a circle, and the video shows her turning into a circle when she is tackled off her bike by the two pigs. Not riding away as the propaganda machine repeats over and over.

She says, "Get off me," over and over again," Later she says, "Don't touch me," and later "Stop touching me". Over and over. Something I have taught my daughters is that nobody, no authority, nobody at all, is allowed to touch them in a way she feels inappropriate. I have taught them they have complete sovereignty over their own bodies. I have taught them to fight back, scream, whatever it takes. This looks like the prequel to a violent rape scene of a young girl to me. It looks like a violent rape without the finale. The fucks-heads in blue probably went home and spanked their monkeys.

Doesn't happen? Cops don't rape?

The Cop Who Came to Help Raped Her. - The Daily Beast Jan 29, 2012 - A young woman in Milwaukee called the cops when someone threw a brick through her window. One of the cops who came to help raped her.

Honolulu cop caught raping girl, 14, by her mother - .New York Daily News. Jun 16, 2016 - A Honolulu police officer was caught raping a friend's 14-year-old

"Deputy of the Year" Charged With Using His Police Power to Rape. Aug 12, 2016 - The young girl also alleged that as a child Hatch would give her cigarettes, alcohol, money, and marijuana as he continued to rape her

Oakland Police Officers Allegedly Raped and Trafficked Teen Girl
Jun 20, 2016 - Oakland Police Department is on their 3rd police chief in 9 days. ... Oakland Police Officers Allegedly Raped and Trafficked Teen Girl. Rape ...

Cop Charged After Visiting Hospital to Repeatedly Rape a 7-Year-old ... thefreethoughtproject.com Jul 30, 2016 - An Ohio cop is currently free after being charged for repeatedly raping an ... was charged with raping a 7-year-old girl while she was a patient at ... at the hospital— while his young victim wore a hospital gown — where ...

Cop Forced Teen To Perform Oral Sex On Himself And His Partner ...
www.mintpressnews.com/cop-forced-teen-to-perform-oral-sex-on.../204454/ Apr 16, 2015 - Cop Forced Teen To Perform Oral Sex On Himself And His Partner, ... down to a nearby lake and wait for him to finish assaulting the girl. ...

2,600,000 references on Google for "cops rape young girl". I went to page ten and it was the same litany of police rape. If this was my daughter I would consider it rape and act accordingly.

I would like to know what the demography of her neighborhood is. The town itself is as follows:

racial makeup of the city was 75.8% White, 15.5% African American, 0.3% Native American, 1.3% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 2.1% from other races, and 5.1% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.6% of the population.

Torture has become so normalized that even watching the torture of a young girl in her neighborhood isn't even recognized as such. The MSM (and particularly Hollywood) comes out with things like Batman where, "Spider-man tortures Sandman for information, threatening to kill him by forcing him into a human shape and pouring acid on him." And this is supposed to be a kids movie.

The CIA, and the Senate intelligence committee, would rather avoid the word “torture,” preferring euphemisms like “enhanced interrogation techniques” and “rendition, detention and interrogation program”.

How anyone can see this torture of a young, 90 lb. girl by two armed 200 lb. goons and not call it for what it is, and fail to take to the streets (or at least social media) and protest, is beyond my understanding.

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From the Light House.

Damnit Janet's picture

The most positive aspect of my rape was that the pigs weren't called.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

gangsters because we don't expect gangsters to be responsive to the citizenry. So, to control gangsters, we agree to empower police officers, whom we do expect to be responsive to the citizenry.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Damnit Janet's picture

from the bike accident. They treated her like a criminal, she's confused, attacked and pepper sprayed and NONE of them tended to her injuries or called an ambulance.

Fuck the Pigs.

Before the police posse show up: If it acts like a pig, talks like a pig, beats and brutalizes our loved ones like a pig... then it's a fucking PIG.

And the pigs even know it.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Alex Ocana's picture

I pretty much feel like N.W.A. Here is for you Damnit Janet Smile

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From the Light House.

Alex Ocana's picture

I was asked in my last essay, which has since gone to the hinterlands.... to prove that Israel trains police in the USA. Here is a link to an article from Amnesty:

With Whom are Many U.S. Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator – Israel

And yes, they use their Israeli training on young girls. Remember the girl in the orange swim suit at the pool party in Texas?

"When McKinney, TX police officer David Eric Casebolt brutally took down a teenage girl at a pool party in June, he was using a form of martial arts called Krav Maga in which he trained exclusively. These combat techniques were developed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Read more at U.S. Police Routinely Travel to Israel to Learn Methods of Brutality and Repression

And yes they do strip people they kill. This is Palestine:


Much of the United States has turned into a USA version of the West Bank and Gaza.

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From the Light House.

She fought the cops every step of the way. What were they supposed to do? Buy her an ice cream and talk about feelings? She was trying to bolt from the scene of an accident--an accident that she caused. When the cops prevented her from doing so, she lost it. She fought, she kicked. Are the cops supposed to let her go because she's a black kid?

That seems incredibly racist to me--the soft racism of low expectations.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

It's only an excuse for rich white ladies running for/holding political office. Black teenagers don't get ANY excuse.

Now please go perform an anatomically impossible act upon yourself.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Deja's picture

Been banned. Have a look at his comments page. Cop/racist apologist shill is my bet. Used "race card" and "thug" among other things. But I do like your suggestion he self copulate. Smile

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Alex Ocana's picture

Dear El Gonzo (It. The Idiot),

"What were they supposed to do? Buy her an ice cream and talk about feelings?"

Actually that is exactly what they should have done. They could have sat down on the curb and offered her a bottle of water and talked to her. If they were patrolling in the community they should have known who she was, that she was an honor student and played soccer.

She was trying to bolt from the scene of an accident.

She was going around in a circle, clearly visible if you bothered to analyze the video and listen to her tell her story. They could have calmly followed behind her in their car to see she got home safely.

"She fought, she kicked."

When they started to touch her inappropriately (violently disintegrating into torture) she fought back. Police are not respecting her fundamental rights, rights of the child, or physical integrity. You may want to throw your fundamental rights, and those of your children into the trash, but there are still a lot of us old and young who prefer to fight for our rights and our dignity.

"Are the cops supposed to let her go because she's a black kid?".

She's not black, she is mixed race in a mostly white community in the South. You have absolutely ZERO clue of what being mixed race is like in a bigoted white community. That aside, they should have treated her with kindness no matter what race or color she is.

Prequel Rape of an accident victim is unacceptable behavior. And where are the feminists on this forum to denounce this in the strongest way possible? The fucking goons ruined her life and I hope she gets a few million dollars off the taxpayers who turn blind to police brutality.

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From the Light House.

Awfully glad that Gonzo is 'Gonezo', as my brother used to sometimes say of those taking rapid departure. I wonder if s/he picked that name expecting to be Gonezosoon for trolling?

... If they were patrolling in the community they should have known who she was, that she was an honor student and played soccer. ...

That comment was such a typically great response in many respects, other than in an implication within the quote copied above, and I hate to pick nits in your masterworks, but honestly, if she was mentally a bit slow/undernourished/stressed, whatever, and did not do well in school or have the energy for sports, she'd still be a child and she'd still be a human being. And she'd merit more patience and consideration because she wasn't as quick or as healthy as she might be, due to her unfortunate circumstances.

This, apart from the fact that she was not a criminal, because, yes, 'even' criminals are entitled to humane treatment by civil forces/servants.

It is not OK for police to brutalize or kill people who 'are not angels' and we really need to stop unconsciously adopting the language and excuses made by psychopaths eager to exercise a perceived power to harm certain categories of people - and to lie and create 'evidence' to slander and fake-place them into one of those categories to 'justify' those abuses and murders when opportunistically committed against some innocent in their personal OK-to-harm categories but not one acceptable to much of society, such as the ongoing police war on Black/1st Nation people in the US, often for simply Breathing While Black or Brown.

The whole meritocracy argument, forming the excuse for much of the encroachment of the pathological corporate culture - where worth is measured by wealth and power held over others, what wealth buys, such as better nourishment, healthier environments and access to better (more potentially wealth-producing) education and social skills - needs to be abandoned because we all have equal human rights and we must assert them ourselves in order to have them respected as of, by, and for ALL.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alex Ocana's picture

"... if she was mentally a bit slow/ undernourished/ stressed, whatever, and did not do well in school or have the energy for sports, she'd still be a child and she'd still be a human being. And she'd merit more patience and consideration because she wasn't as quick or as healthy as she might be, due to her unfortunate circumstances."

That is pretty nit-picky. I certainly agree with you, "It is not OK for police to brutalize or kill people who 'are not angels'," and I am not trying to set up some sort of meritocracy based on her school record.

If this same girl had been slow, in LD classes, and a belly dancer, I would have said, "and should have known that she is in LD classes and a belly dancer." In this case, the girl is an honor student and soccer player. Whoever! She is a person and deserves the dignity of honoring her accomplishments. If she was LD student and just learned the first three letters of the alphabet, she should be honored and known. Not that she or anyone else deserves special treatment, or special rights, or fundamental protections from the police state. because she plays soccer.

The point is the cops should KNOW the people in the barrio.

In a way your criticism touches on the MSM focus on whether or not Kieth Scott had a gun or didn't have a gun. The fact is that that is a distraction from the main issue, which is systemic racism, white supremacy, putting entire commuities in fear for their lives and integrity, brutal police who act and hurt or kill people with impunity, and what amounts to legalized lynching.

And one of the solutions is that the police who are supposed to protect the people of a community are public servants who know the community they are protecting, and whom the community knows and trusts. The girl knew and trusted Officer Zach. Each community needs to be served by Officer Zach's.

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From the Light House.

WheninRome's picture

It's Hagerstown. Hay gurs town.

The main point here, is that no one bothered to ask her for her version of events. They asked the old guy, but he could be lying or mistaken. I'm not sure what they were trying to do, or why a fire truck was there. I think they could have issued a ticket to both the girl and the driver but they didn't seem too interested in finding out whether she was ok since she took a splat on the pavement, or who was at fault. I say this because if she had been driving a car it would have been a lot more straightforward. It's easier to assign blame to the bike rider because one doesn't need a license to ride a bike, and no insurance. I honestly think the District Court system in Maryland is totally fucked up and they basically run people in there to get fees to pad their budgets. They are, from my experience, incompetent, probably corrupt, and wasting the taxpayers' money. From a cop's perspective, they were probably thinking, ok, this white guy has insurance and it could lead to a lawsuit and that's property vs. a kid on a bike.

To a rational person, a bike rider is one tiny bit above a pedestrian and you want to avoid hitting them, even if they are not obeying the traffic laws. To be frank, Hagerstown has plenty of crime, violent and hard drug crime that could and should be policed.

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Aardvark's picture

is a ridiculous display of oi polloi illogic.

The political establishment has enabled police violence and sanctioned it built it into the cornerstone of governance. The political establishment, they are in principle the voters. So it is the voters who are petrified of what may happen to their economic security if they treat poor citizens and citizens of color as equal to the better off. And this goes for so-called "community leaders" who are murderous, ignorant profiteers, that is to say, they are living the American dream.

The even bigger problem is: why is there so much violence in the United States to begin with? The answer is: it is a country that has been killing other human beings in wars inside its made-up borders and elsewhere since its inception. It is a nation bread in and bread for violence toward those identified as "the other." Why? Because international capital benefits from war.

But Russia, Europe, China: these conglomerations of human beings are no different, fundamentally. I am afraid there is no stopping this now. This is the final trajectory of the human race and we have been on it for some time. Not even climate change will change this incredible distrust and hatred of the other which lies in the heart of every group of humans.

The only thing one can do is to refuse to accept it, refuse to participate in it, and where necessary resist it.

Gandhi would have been mowed down in the United States; the police have the law, the weapons, and public opinion on their side, and they have those things on their side because those who are wealthy want the rest of the population to live in fear, and to enjoy killing foreigners in war in order to increase their wealth.

We are a sick and depraved species, and do-gooder anecdotes to the contrary do not change this picture. Whenever we gather, we create an inside and an outside. It takes monumental effort to prevent judging what is new or different, and I do not believe anyone who presents themselves as being "different" in this respect.

Our entire system is built on this dichotomy: purchase product X so that you can look/feel/be like Example A. In fact, that effort to prevent a dichotomy of for/against doesn't work on any scale, without monastic-like discipline. But in a world freed from the tyranny of religion, there is nothing left, it seems.

Really, I have always thought the United States doesn't have the guts to have a true dictatorship. Now I realize that this soft dictatorship is more insiduous: its ideology is harder to describe, and therefore harder to dismantle.

I think starting on that could lead to something. However, be warned: trying to deconstruct and disseminate this mythos is more powerful than any violent act of a terrorist, and will lead to much confrontation and bother.

Peace and love be with you, reader.

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