police brutality

Harris Didn't Care About Police Brutality

Just before midnight, another horror--murder by proxy.

Let's face it, 2017 has been another year most of us are just as happy to see gone as was 2016--and many others--were. We have had our cases of murder. Murder by racists. Murder by thieves. Murder by Arkancide. Murder by war. Murder by starvation. Murder by indifference. Lots of ways to kill. Now, before 2017 is officially ended, at least here on the west coast, comes another method of murder.

Death by "swatting".

Is Colin Kaepernick's "take a knee" the start of a peaceful revolution?

An object lesson in the differing world views of large segments of society is offered in the responses to former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Exercising considerable bravery, CK knelt during the playing of the national anthem at the beginning of a football game. He is intelligent and certainly was aware of the possible repercussions of this act, which, in fact, were realized.

Salt Lake City police brutality redux

What we can do about police brutality. Not sit idly by or contribute to online fora, but take the message to the source. In this essay I include comments made regarding self-deification of police.

I am not proposing the following communications to be a template, but instead a prod to action. Respond as you will. This is what I said:

The Myth of The Great White Father

Irony of Ironies! Barack Obama is now the "great white father" of the Native Americans (aka First Nations). Laugh or cry, I can't decide which. Obama is neither great nor is he white. He is not a father but an obedient child of the elites. He is bereft of any sort of humanity--and humility as well. GWF Obama is of Kenyan descent and maybe Trump was right: not an American at all.

Charlotte, NC

Who do you think is telling the truth?

"Scott’s family who have insisted that he was disabled, sitting in his car reading a book, and had no gun. “He sits in the shade, reads his book and waits on his kid to get off the bus,” Scott’s sister told reporters. “He didn’t have no gun, he wasn’t messing with nobody.” He was the father of seven children.


Chicago, 1999: "Niggers By the Pound"

In 1999, at the end of the Clinton administration in the Democratic stronghold of Chicago, a series of articles by the Chicago Tribune, covered the gross racist injustices of the "justice" system. Literally legalized lynching of innocent people by the "system" while white prosecutors laughed and played courtroom games to see who could lynch the most Black youth.

Open Thread - Wed. February 10,2015 - Where Do We Go From Here?

Today is the final installment of this series on police brutality and the militarization of our local police forces. For this essay, I am going back to where we started with it and reference Campaign Zero. Campaign Zero was created by four activists affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement but Campaign Zero is a separate entity from Black Lives Matter.

Open Thread - Wed. February 3, 2015 Government Programs and Actions

When I began this series back in December, I honestly did not know where it was going to take me as I researched the background materials for my essays. I originally figured that it might be three parts at the most, but it kept growing and growing.
