Really, Hillary? Really?

Where do I start? Ah, I know. Right-to-work. In this 50 second clip of her (hopefully) closed circuit address to labor, she tells them how she will fight against the scourge of working folk, right-to-work laws. Now is this right-to-work different from the right-to-work that her hand picked vice presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, both supported and signed into law as Virginia's governor? It seems a bit like a candidate telling the NAACP that she will work for them and so will her V.P., David Duke.

Next, her condescending attitude. Q. "Why aren't I 50 points ahead of Trump you might ask?" Implied A. "Because YOU aren't getting the word out about Donald Trump's record, serfs." {both emphasis to "you" and characterization of workers as her "serfs" added} Shorter answer "You are the reason I'm behind. It can't be me."

The shrill. If listening to her doesn't bring to mind every scold that you ever got from a teacher, crossing guard, cleric, or any person "with authority" then we are seeing this differently. I hope it doesn't make me sexist, but if so, then so be it. Take a look and listen. She's just a piss poor candidate. End of story:


EDIT @ 1:20pm 9/23 : When I first saw this video, I was furious because of Hillary saying that she is against right-to-work, while her VP choice, Tim Kaine, supported it until the day after Hillary tapped him as her Veep. In my haste, I wrote that Kaine signed RTW legislation into law. That is incorrect. While he supports RTW, and opposes its repeal, he was not the guv who signed it into law.

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Aside from that, I recall the Las Vegas union workers being pressured by Harry Reid's machine to vote for her in the primaries. Other than wages and benefits to union workers, she does occasionally love her unions.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

If I had to choose, I'd rather listen to Nurse Ratched.

No matter what accent Her Heinious uses, I can no longer listen to a word of it.

0 users have voted.
WaterLily's picture

I'm not even sure I can watch the debate.* I want to, but her voice and her attitude make my skin crawl.

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She looks like she knows that her campaign is in free fall.

...Angry, Yelling at the camera, Pointing at the viewers, Eyes bulging.....

What a mess. Hillary is a total mess. She's just a wreck.

I wouldn't hire her to sit and watch my dog (the poor dog), much less ever be The President of the United States (and in the Military-CIA trigger position).

0 users have voted.

I wonder how the small donors her campaign's been ripping off with extra surprise! withdrawals from their accounts of what's likely their grocery or bill money feel about her crits of Trump as the cheating, lying scammer they both are?

Edit: still haven't done a CCleaner which is to determine the start of my avoiding Youtube which will be demonetizing anything their corporate advertisers don't like, which will include news segments about them. And this, seeming rather appropriate in the title, came up in a mix after I posted the above.

Hillstomp - Jumper on the Line

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Amanda Matthews's picture

the end of the alley used to breed exotic birds in his attic. You could almost put money on the fact that winter was over when Charlie opened the windows and let fresh air into the place after what was a long (and probably stinky) winter. All the neighborhood knew for a couple square block radius that Charlie had opened his windows to let fresh air in to the loudest creatures legally allowable to keep within the city limits. You'd just be sleeping, or going about your business, and all of a sudden you'd hear


That's what she sounds like. Someone should tell her. It's like someone who's zipper isn't closed. It's embarrassing to say anything, but in fact you're doing the unintended flasher a favor. She really needs to tone it down.

0 users have voted.

I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

In what should be an election that produces a major shift, we are presented with two crappy candidates who will never do anything to derail the Big Money Train. The people are ready for a change after the Clinton/Bush/Obama regimes and we are offered "more of the same, but worse."

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

should be a clarion call to anyone concerned about the Clinton Family attitudes about workers rights, unions, etc. She fought long and hard...and successfully to deny the workers in Haiti a minimum wage raise from what??? 38 cents to 64 cents give or take a couple pennies. This is after they diverted millions, if not billions in Earthquake assistance monies to areas that weren't even affected by the earthquake to build industrial parks for new sweatshops owned by TPTB. Hard hit areas still don't have water, sanitation, infrastructure improvements that aid was intended for.. . If the Clinton Foundations aren't a scam, I'm not sitting in my chair punching keys.

Good piece Hillbilly.

0 users have voted.

when I heard Bill Clinton and George W jointly asking us for money for Haiti relief. Couldn't buy it but wasn't sure why at the time. Now I know.

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

and what the Clintons did to it. The land that huge sweatshop factory sits on was taken away from farmers and now they too are out of work. Plus hardly anyone works at the factory and you are also correct that Hillary used her position in the state department to keep the minimum wage from going to $.64.
Anyone who wanted in on the reconstruction had to go through the Clinton foundation first.
Plus Hillary interfered with the election.
Look up 'Clinton foundation Haiti scandals' if you want to see how horribly they have treated the Haitians.
Six f'cking years after the earthquake and people are still living in tents!

0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

riverlover's picture

At least she was rested enough to keep her eyes straight! Miao.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Sounded like a corncrake to me, and I'm not even sure what one is.

She was in a position to keep both eyes straight ahead, rather than having to worry about leaving one behind when looking elsewhere, which would have helped - I was watching for that myself, as I expect we all were, lol. I actually can't think of anyone else I'd lack sympathy for with whatever health conditions she has, apart from biting insects (especially wood ticks) and internal parasites, which damaging pest grouping seems actually a better fit for her anyway.

The kerrx-kerrx sound of the corncrake has been compared with two cheese-graters rubbed together, producing a sound so monotonous as to qualify the bird as the world's worst singer (and hence eurovision song contest candidate!!). This lack in vocal accomplishment is more than compensated for by their dignified operatic deportment as they stand erect with head held high and beak wide open. Corncrake is a misnomer - birds rarely nest in cornfields. Favourite sites are in long grass and amongst tall weeds and damp places.

Apparently they've gone from once-common to practically extinct globally in great part due to 'intensive farming practices' so, unlike Hillary, these guys are not chummy with/dependent upon Monsanto to 'pay the bills', though.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Bollox Ref's picture

But does she wag both fingers at the same time? That's one serious 'telling off'.

Plus, has there ever been a candidate for prez that's been 50 points ahead? In other words, what is she on?


0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

Go ahead. Watch it. I double dog dare ya!

0 users have voted.

"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

riverlover's picture

the two finger nag and a few one fingers. I am not sure that I have ever used finger-pointing to state anything other than 'what's that?'.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

good "fetchins up", riverlover. Hillary does not.

0 users have voted.

"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

off. If you know the basics of what he/she is saying, with the sound off you can pick up facial expressions that don't jibe with the content and they probably indicate intention to deceive.

0 users have voted.

"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

riverlover's picture

Right there, a tell.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

attempts at eye contact with the camera; expression at variance with the statement being made; "artificial" posture - looking posed so as to avoid cliched body signals; that sort of thing.

Dr Oliver Sachs years ago when Reagan was running, had a group of patients with the same sort of communication disability - which did not affect their intelligence - watch Reagan in debate with no sound and to a person they all said "he's lying." It was the subject of an essay Sachs wrote for the New York Review of Books.

0 users have voted.

"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

0 users have voted.

supposed to have noticed unless you are a MLF. You aren't are you?


0 users have voted.

"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

I'd been dreading the presidential debates, because I felt compelled to watch them. "Sorry, I can't watch..." is like a get out of jail free card. What I think doesn't matter, because the media will jam whatever spin they've already written down the throats of the idiots dumb enough to pay attention, and that will be that.

It's not like I'm trying to decide which of those two disasters to vote for...

BTW, excellent piece, Hillbilly. I keep thinking back to something I wrote at TOP months ago:

You guys just won't listen, but we keep telling you she's a terrible candidate. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and listen for a change?

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Please help support caucus99percent!

Hillbilly Dem's picture

It would never even occur to those at TOP, nor the DNC, nor Democratic officials both elected and appointed, et al, to engage in a bit of self-reflection, let alone listen to the masses. To them we are the great unwashed. Bernie got overwhelming support because of his message. A good senator and a good man, to be sure, but it was the "what" and not the "who".

The Democrat Establishment will not listen. They are beholden to the filthy rich. They cannot think past the next election...or more accurately put, they cannot think past the next fat cat fundraiser. The electorate? We are votes to be gotten, not constituents to serve and represent. They are afraid of losing power, but they do not fear us. Hell, they don't even like us. No, they will ride the Hillary Disaster to the end; whether that end is a loss in November or a catastrophic one term presidency.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

gulfgal98's picture

Hillary Clinton simply does not get it. But her own sense of entitlement exudes from every her pore punctuated by her finger wags. People see it and it turns them off. How can anyone believe this person?

0 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

That's what we call the Utah law. Right to work for less. Also Utah is an "at will"employer state, which means you can be fired abruptly for no reason.

0 users have voted.

"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

And don't even think about job security.

0 users have voted.
PriceRip's picture

0 users have voted.
Lily O Lady's picture

0 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Lily O Lady's picture

little danger of her borrowing Bernie's policies.

0 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

"Trump declared he was 100% for right to work, and my vice presidential pick did too!"

"Why the fuck aren't you voting for me rather than Trump???????"

Double finger wag, double finger wag....

0 users have voted.

of the best descriptions of clinton, the primary and her quest for the presidency that I've read. It was on Youtube in the comments section of a Jimmy Dore clip.

If I had to say one good thing about Hillary, I'd say that her overwhelming toxicity has allowed the the scum of this country to float to the top like dead fish for all to see. It's been shocking, but now we at least know how little there is to salvage.

0 users have voted.

I just watched the clip. "why aren't I ahead by 50 points!!!" Because you're a transparent, disingenuous, lying POS hillary.

0 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture

0 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

WaterLily's picture

I sucked it up and watched it -- how does anyone think this approach is effective? Jesus, it's like she's actively trying to lose to Trump.

0 users have voted.
Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

"I wanted to be the FIRST to find a golden ticket, Daddy!"
"I want a 50-pt lead! What's the matter with those twerps down there?"


0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

k9disc's picture

No wonder they're keeping her out of the public eye.

She doesn't look like a healthy vibrant older person any longer. What happened over the last year or so? It's a really marked change.

This is "Get Offa My Lawn!" territory here.

WTF are Democrats thinking?

The Big Lie blowing up like Mr. Creosote. Just one more wafer thin mint...

0 users have voted.

“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Redstella's picture

Hillary, or bodydouble #1, or bodydouble #2? How is a voter/pleb/not worth it to know?

I think we are to look at the teeth -if small = real Hillary, if larger = bodydouble. Also not as many wrinkles on face...

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If that's not Real!Hillary, her double should receive an Oscar. I think that is a display of sincere outrage and indignation that she is being rejected by the proles. It's not too difficult to make kissyface with an adorable little girl; however, someone who can convey that kind of unrighteous fury through method acting has serious chops, and Meryl is way too tall for the rôle. So was this video made before or after 9/11?

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can be traced to photoshop, airbrushing or whatever. They are doing less of it now than when she was running against Sanders.

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She owes billions to The Powers That Be Ruthless Banksters, Corporations And Billionaires - to whom I suspect that she also owes her borrowed power to terrorize people into covering crimes for her. They might be demanding a refund... that'd age anyone.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

to be elected.
(Fairly obvious to anyone with a brain, Hillary.)

0 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Socialprogressive's picture

As long as it's a police union, HRC is pro union 100%. All other unions, not so much.

0 users have voted.

We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

The Police unions endorsed Trump.

0 users have voted.

Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

To woo the republican vote...

0 users have voted.
"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
TheOtherMaven's picture

the VA STATE Constitution. It's on the ballot this year, and I have to hope it gets soundly rejected (along with him).

Virginia just never seems to learn that shoving extreme political positions into the State Constitution is a really shitty idea. There has been no move to repeal the infamous "Marriage is between a man and a woman ONLY, no substitutes allowed" amendment, even though the Supreme Court made it a dead letter.

0 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Good grief, just add another tire to the garbage fire that is the presidential election. She brings to mind every smug, sneering prick that has ever talked down to me.

If I'm any indication, 30 of those fifty points she's not up were probably lost to the raw, visceral response to her condescending sneer.

0 users have voted.
riverlover's picture

As I said on FB (borrowed) 'what a mess'.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

0 users have voted.

Beware the bullshit factories.

moneysmith's picture


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Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

That's this election, outside of Jill and Bernie, in three words.

0 users have voted.

Beware the bullshit factories.

hecate's picture

Now is this right-to-work different from the right-to-work that her hand picked vice presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, both supported and signed into law as Virginia's governor?

Virginia's right-to-work law was enacted in 1947, and was last amended in 1973. I don't believe Kaine was governor of Virginia during these periods. It is true that while governor Kaine supported right-to-work, a position he reversed after he was selected as the vice-presidential nominee. But a link to the fact that Kaine "signed into law" Virginia's right-to-work law would be helpful. Because I'm not finding it.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

While he was a strong supporter of "right to work" legislation (until his Veep nomination) and opposed ridding Virginia of the same, he was not the governor who signed it into law. He fought against and opposed its repeal, but was not the one who signed it into law. I stand corrected.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

hecate's picture

Your larger point is spot-on: such people are real weathervanes, when it comes to what they "believe."

Al Gore hugged him some fetuses when he was a senator from Tennessee; then, when he went national, he tattooed "NARAL" on his ass. Conversely, Reagan was all for dilation and suction when he was governor of California, but then daily worshipped the fetal tissue, as national man.

One of my favorites is Newt Gingrich, who in 1981 introduced a bill in Congress to legalize, and provide to patients, medical marijuana; then, in 1997, he proposed the death penalty for people who bring across the border two ounces of marijuana: "I have made the decision that I love our children enough that we will kill you if you do this."

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The current legislative initiative is a ballot question to amend the VA state constitution to enshrine "right to work" because supporters do not trust the democratic attorney general to enforce the current statute. Here's the link :"Right_to_Work"_Amendment_(2016)

It was democratic governor Terry McAuliffe who signed the ballot bill last February, not Kaine, though I can see how one could easily get confused. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't trust a Democratic AG to enforce the law, though....

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truthful Hillary Clinton is being about this.

Look at what either of the Clintons has done for unions in the 30 years, give or take, that they've been on the payroll of state or federal government. And the Vice Presidential candidate, Hillary chose.

Hillary Clinton's record

Kaine's record:

Governor Bill Clinton's record:

Here's the version of the Clinton-Gore accomplishments most favorable to them. A lot of it claims job creation. I don't think the President creates many jobs, but judge for yourself what was designed to help President Clinton get re-elected and what was just for labor and/or unions.

The SCOTUS has not always been union friendly and Hillary has already promised--bizarrely and needlessly, IMO, that, if elected, she will re-nominate to the Supreme Court the same conservadem Obama nominated (Merrick Garland). Anyway, here's what the SCOTUS has said about right to work so far:

Minority rights and due process

The first arguments concerning the right to work centered around the rights of a dissenting minority with respect to an opposing majoritarian collective bargain. President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" had prompted many U.S. Supreme Court challenges, among which, were challenges regarding the constitutionality of the National Industry Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA). In 1936, as a part of its ruling in Carter v. Carter Coal Co. the Court ruled against mandatory collective bargaining, stating: "The effect, in respect to wages and hours, is to subject the dissentiate minority ... to the will of the stated majority .... To ‘accept’ in these circumstances, is not to exercise a choice, but to surrender to force. The power conferred upon the majority is, in effect, the power to regulate the affairs of an unwilling minority. This is legislative delegation in its most obnoxious form; for it is not even delegation to an official or an official body ... but to private persons .... [A] statute which attempts to confer such power undertakes an intolerable and unconstitutional interference with personal liberty and private property. The delegation is so clearly arbitrary, and so clearly a denial of rights safeguarded by the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, that it is unnecessary to do more than refer to decisions of this Court which foreclose the question."[13]

Freedom of association

Besides the U.S. Supreme Court, other proponents of right-to-work laws also point to the Constitution and the right to freedom of association. They argue that workers should both be free to join unions or to refrain, and thus, sometimes refer to non-right-to-work states as "forced unionism" states. These proponents argue that by being forced into a collective bargain, what the majoritarian unions call a fair share of collective bargaining costs is actually "financial coercion and a violation of freedom of choice." An opponent to the union bargain is forced to "financially support an organization they did not vote for, in order to receive monopoly representation they have no choice over."[14]

However, the SCOTUS did, in 1977, decide a case favorable to closed union shops in the public sector, so that's hopeful: And, with Scalia gone, the SCOTUS did tie in 2016, to the effect that collective bargaining fees in the public sector may be mandatory, but the tie leaves matters shaky:

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court handed organized labor a major victory on Tuesday, deadlocking 4 to 4 in a case that had threatened to cripple the ability of public-sector unions to collect fees from workers who chose not to join and did not want to pay for the unions’ collective bargaining activities.

It was the starkest illustration yet of how the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia last month has blocked the power of the court’s four remaining conservatives to move the law to the right.

A ruling allowing workers to refuse to pay the fees would have been the culmination of a decades-long campaign by a group of prominent conservative foundations aimed at weakening unions that represent teachers and other public employees. Tuesday’s deadlock denied them that victory, but it set no precedent and left the door open for further challenges once the Supreme Court is back at full strength.

When the case was argued in January, the court’s conservative majority seemed ready to say that forcing public workers to support unions they had declined to join violates the First Amendment. Justice Scalia’s questions were consistently hostile to the unions.

Right to work has always been a matter of state law. If it remains that way, I am not sure what Hillary can or will do about state right to work laws. However, Republicans have made noise about a national right to work law. Presumably, Hillary would fight that, if they try it. If she succeeds, though, that would leave us where we are now.

0 users have voted.

OMG, they ruled against democracy! Union officials are elected representatives, empowered to negotiate worker rights/contracts, etc., are they not? (Bolding mine)

... The first arguments concerning the right to work centered around the rights of a dissenting minority with respect to an opposing majoritarian collective bargain. President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" had prompted many U.S. Supreme Court challenges, among which, were challenges regarding the constitutionality of the National Industry Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA). In 1936, as a part of its ruling in Carter v. Carter Coal Co. the Court ruled against mandatory collective bargaining, stating: "The effect, in respect to wages and hours, is to subject the dissentiate minority ... to the will of the stated majority .... To ‘accept’ in these circumstances, is not to exercise a choice, but to surrender to force. The power conferred upon the majority is, in effect, the power to regulate the affairs of an unwilling minority. This is legislative delegation in its most obnoxious form; for it is not even delegation to an official or an official body ... but to private persons .... [A] statute which attempts to confer such power undertakes an intolerable and unconstitutional interference with personal liberty and private property. The delegation is so clearly arbitrary, and so clearly a denial of rights safeguarded by the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, that it is unnecessary to do more than refer to decisions of this Court which foreclose the question."[13]...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

by the rules of the association. Also, the Carter case was more complex than the description.

Any time elected representatives are involved, it's not democracy. People conflate democracy with the right to vote, which is suffrage. We've corrupted the word "democracy. I imagine that politicians must love that we did that. I wish we would stop. The US has never been a democracy. but a republic. Originally, it was a republican with only a few having the right to vote. Now, it is a Republic with many citizens having the right to vote. But, it's always been a republic.

0 users have voted.

and that's all I could stand. Yes, like a lecturing teacher or parent. Sickening to hear her talk about a "clear choice" for working families, fucking hypocrite. That's when I shut her off. Ick.

0 users have voted.

Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

katchen's picture

and verbal cadence in this video is totally Nixonian.

0 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

I'd program her like a Chatty Kathy doll so she could only say seven things but they'd all be classic.

Q. How would you deal with the Ukraine situation?
A. I suppose I could stay home and bake cookies

Q. What is your position on the Dakota Pipeline?
A. I'm not sitting here some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette

Q. How about a brontosaurus?
A. We came, we saw, he died

I think that would make her more popular.

0 users have voted.

question, give it a shake and see what bobs to the surface - Give that as her answer along with one of her sincere-and-a-half laughs, which is so endearing.
(Magic 8 Ball is much quicker than a Ouija Board.)

0 users have voted.

"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

katchen's picture


0 users have voted.
Alphalop's picture

Clinton we are talking about, so its pretty much "Evil" everything.

That person has no business sharing the same air as compassionate people, let alone leading our country.

I have never had such a high level of disgust for a single politician in my whole life, and that is including Bush The Lessor...

0 users have voted.

"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

When that sensory overload hits...

0 users have voted.
"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Citizen Of Earth's picture

That's perfect Hellery. Use that tone during the debate. Smile

0 users have voted.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

WoodsDweller's picture

this is what is being prepared for release to "motivate supporters". Just imagine what Hitler in the Bunker rants are going on in campaign HQ with the cameras off.

0 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

0 users have voted.
"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,

I saw that clip last night, but you beat me to the post. She also yelled at the camera, as if she were giving a stump speech - to the 10,000 adoring people she apparently imagines. I watched it again with the sound off, and saw the expression and body language. She dredged up memories of the nuns that I endured in middle school - Violently self-righteous tin pot Hitlers: "I AM THE WORD OF GOD AND YOU ARE DISGUSTING HEATHENS THAT ARE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DON'T COME TO HEEL RIGHT NOW!!!"
I had to put up with that shit when I was 16. Not any more.

0 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

Bollox Ref's picture

Having been double dog dared to watch (see above), I gave it my best shot for some 25 seconds.

Someone is very angry. I'd hate to be The Help in the bunker currently occupied.

0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

He looked completely selfconfident. (note that confidence is not a virtue when spouting bullshit) and he seemed emotionally attached to his text, as opposed to Hillary, who looked like she was reading from the Lord Of The Rings for all she cared. He also seemed to be engaged with the audience, he cared (not about the audience, but about how the audience was responding - though to the uncynical they look the same) This is a con man, a businessman pitching a product very effectively, a masterful politician, take your pick. That's why he's winning.

0 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

thanatokephaloides's picture

This is a con man, a businessman pitching a product very effectively, a masterful politician, take your pick.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Just saw an email come into my inbox purporting to be sent by Hillary Clinton, (Paid for by Gillibrand for Senate, with Kirstie's email address) asking if I was with her so, quickly, before I withered, I unsubscribed and took the handy option given of removing everything from Hillary in my inbox, lightening the load by 395 emails, even though I'd done something of the sort not all that long ago.

Nasty shock seeing that name as supposedly the sender, but if Hill had sent it, I'd probably now have a keylogger feverishly trying to gain info on my non-existent online financial transactions to suck 'donations' out of my chronically empty CU account. As I suppose I might...

She's the first female Presidential candidate to engage in that sort of petty fraud prior to election, isn't she? Is breaking the 'glass ceiling' another term for 'law'?

Later, of course, she can get pin money (inherited that term from my mother, lol) by renting out White House bedrooms, so maybe that'll do the trick to keep them going in the low-wage Presidential position which left them broke and in debt last time...

With this level of corruption, the US government is likely to fall from the sheer weight of accumulated moral rust... not that it plans on running as an even pretend democratic government much longer, in betraying their country and people, along with multiple others, into the hands of hostile self-interests, as Gold(man Sachs) standard 'trade deals', which they certainly are not.

But this, belatedly found in my inbox, is interesting, and contains a petition (links at source) of which I'd not yet heard and have signed. People of the world, unite! Together we stand, and 'Citizen United'-type crap out of corrupted judges falls, as corporations are finally (at the least) held accountable for their crimes and forced to respect human rights, as is already unenforced law/Constitutionally demanded in industrialized democracies.

Published on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 by Global Justice Now

Corporations Running the World Used To Be Science Fiction - Now It's a Reality.
Aisha Dodwell

... The problem of unrestrained corporate power is massive, and it requires a massive solution. That is why today Global Justice Now is launching a petition to the UK government demanding that it backs the new UN initiative for a legally binding global treaty on transnational corporations and human rights.

This UN treaty is the result of campaigning by countries from across the global south for international laws to regulate the activities of TNCs. In June 2014 they successfully got a resolution passed in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) establishing the need for such a treaty.

A working group of member states has been set up to take the treaty forward, chaired by Ecuador, they have met once already in 2015, and have the next meeting scheduled for October 2016 to discuss the scope and content of the treaty. Meanwhile, civil society groups from across the world have come together and formed the Treaty Alliance movement which aims to make sure the treaty comes in to being with truly meaningful content.

Although it may sound like a boring technical process, this treaty is something we should be excited about because it provides a huge opportunity in the fight to restrain corporate power. It has massive potential to withdraw the privileges that corporations have gained over recent decades and force them to comply with international human rights law, international labour law and international environmental standards. It would oblige governments to take the power of corporations seriously, and hold them to account for the power they wield. This would standardise how different governments relate to multinationals which means that rather than allowing them to play countries off against one another in a race to the bottom, it would force minimum standards.

But the UK government, well known for its cosy relationship with corporations, has so far refused to take part in this UN treaty. And the UK are not alone, most other EU countries are also opposed to the treaty.

We need to make sure our government doesn’t pass up on this rare opportunity to provide genuine protection for the victims of human rights abuses committed by multinational corporations and place binding obligations on all governments to hold their corporations to account for their impacts on people and the planet. ...

...Of course, the battle against corporate power has many fronts and the UN treaty is only one part of it. At the same time, we need to continue to develop alternative ways to produce and distribute the goods and services we need. We need to undermine the notion that only massive corporations can make the economy and society ‘work’. Food sovereignty and energy democracy are just two examples of how it is possible to build an economy without corporations. But as long as corporations do play a role in our economy, we need to find ways to control their activity and prevent abuses. This is why we need to fight for this UN treaty.

The alternative is that we continue to rush towards the dystopian vision of unchallenged corporate power. We cannot allow this to happen. We must fight back.
Take action: sign the petition urging the UK government to support the UN Treaty ...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

elenacarlena's picture

If the UN passed this and the US passed TPP, which would prevail?

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Fionnsboy's picture

Trump of course is a bombastic egomaniac who represents the very worst of a kind of recurring Jungian archetype in America, racist, uniformed, a blowhard, jingoistic, ignorant, xenophobic, uncurious, unlettered-- though heretofore we have been able to keep the car keys away from this set, for the most part (W, for example, being a notable exception).

But Clinton Inc and their ilk should know better, and this and their all-consuming lust for power-at-any-price damns them to a deeper circle in hell. They are utterly corrupt and corrupted. One of many quintessential examples of this is her Iraq War vote. Clearly there was one and only one reason why she voted for it-- of course she knew it was totally fabricated, made-up stuff, being spurred on by the NeoCon agenda, AIPAC, oil and corporate opportunities, Saddam no longer wanting to do oil in American dollars; Bush just did what he was told, and wanted to play soldiers, like a spoiled kid with a set of plastic men and tanks-- you knew sooner or later he would play with them, break them, then walk away whistling. But of course she knew the public reasons were all bullshit. She did it to appear 'tough,' to protect herself during her foreseen presidential run from being accused of being 'soft on terror.' Hundreds of thousands died, millions were maimed and crippled, ISIS was born, and trillions transferred from the government to the MIC, all for her political ambitions. All for her political ambitions. Trump is an idiot, but she is monstrous. My hope is that she loses, precipitating such a wave of revulsion and disgust at what Trump will bring that in 2020, we finally get a sweeping progressive victory at all three levels, presidential, senate, and house. The millennials will only increase. This fight is just beginning.

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Semper ubi sub ubi

elenacarlena's picture

I realize it's OK when Bernie does it and so it's probably a double standard, but do you want to fight double standards or do you want to win? Whoever thought that video was a good idea should be fired for incompetence.

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The only times I remember are when he's tried to Persuade us to vote for Hillary, and he's been roundly booed. Now his supporters just don't show up.

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elenacarlena's picture

fingers thing and even a certain amount of scowling. It doesn't come across so scoldy, though, you're right.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

NAFTA should disqualify any union support for Hillary. I am beginning wonder if we will see "Trump Democrats" much like "Reagan Democrats".

I have to wonder how all the union members who supported Sanders are feeling about Hillary right about now, and their union leadership that burned the base to dine with Hillary.

About two years ago, can't remember, Obama really burned the Teamsters with a ruling about allowing Mexican drivers and trucks full and open access to American highways. What was I suppose ironically funny was that Biden went before the Teamsters in what turned out to be a popular speech about unions not supporting democrats about a week before.

Hillary's speech was poorly done. Be interesting how the union base took her speech.

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