Hillary Clinton Has a Plan to Stop Crooks Like Wells Fargo (She Says)
It just doesn't have anything to do with breaking up these Too Big To Fail Banksters, or prosecuting the people responsible for stealing money from their "customers."
Dear Wells Fargo Customers,
In America, we have faith that when we open up a checking account, we aren’t opening ourselves up to being scammed. Whether you use a local credit union or community bank or one of the big national chains, we take it for granted that those institutions are fulfilling this basic responsibility to their consumers.
That’s why I was deeply disturbed when, last week, we found out that Wells Fargo had engaged in widespread illegal practices over many years. The bank secretly opened up millions of accounts for customers without their consent – betraying their customers, misusing their personal information and leading many to be slapped with unjust fees and other charges. Today, Wells Fargo’s CEO will appear before Congress. He owes all of you a clear explanation as to how this happened under his watch.
There is simply no place for this kind of outrageous behavior in America.
Our economy depends on a strong and safe banking system to help keep it moving. But even after Americans spent years working hard to recover from the Great Recession, the culture of misconduct and recklessness that preceded that crisis too often persists.
I have a plan to address it.
First, we need to defend the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The unfair and abusive practices at Wells Fargo remind us that we need tough watchdogs looking out for customers. The CFPB worked with local authorities and enforced the law – assessing its highest penalty ever, and bringing the bank’s illegal activity into the national spotlight.
Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and Wall Street lobbyists are desperate to dismantle this effective agency, which is dedicated solely to protecting consumers from unfair and deceptive practices. I won’t let them put the CFPB under their thumb. I’ll protect the CFPB and make sure it can continue its essential work on behalf of the American people.
Second, we need real consequences when firms on Wall Street break the law. This past week, we learned that one of the Wells Fargo executives that oversaw the division that ripped off its customers left the bank – not with a pink slip, but with a $125 million payout. It’s hard to imagine that top executives were unaware of a problem that involved thousands of the firm’s employees. After all, they imposed sales targets and compensation incentives in ways that led to this behavior. And it’s frustrating that a bank can simply pay a fine and keep doing business as usual – with massive compensation for the executives responsible. That compensation should be clawed back.
I’ve put forward an agenda to enhance accountability on Wall Street. Executives should be held individually accountable when rampant illegal activity happens on their watch. Their compensation should take a hit if their companies pay major fines. And they must face appropriate legal consequences if they break the law.
Third, we need to make sure that no financial institution is too big to manage. I’ll put additional safeguards in place to address the risks that the big banks continue to pose to our system. And if any bank can’t be managed effectively, it should be broken up.
I’ll appoint regulators who will stand with taxpayers and consumers, not with big banks and their friends in Congress. I’ll fight hard to make sure that Wall Street is working for Main Street – not the other way around.
We need to keep pushing to make the financial system safer and fairer. Let’s do it together.
Sincerely,Hillary Clinton
You might have noticed the text I bolded above: "Wall Street lobbyists are desperate to dismantle this effective agency" i.e., the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Considering Hillary Clinton made millions from giving speeches to Wall Street Banks, it's absurd to believe Hillary Clinton will rein in these monstrous gangsters.
After Clinton left the State Department, Goldman Sachs paid her $225,000 per speech for the three speeches to the firm. Clinton also gave five other speeches to big banks, including Bank of America and JP Morgan. All three firms settled with the government for their roles in inciting the 2008 financial crisis.
What she should have said: Wells Fargo's CEO and Senior Executives should resign and be criminally investigated by the SEC and Department of Justice. But that might be hard for her to to say, considering she notably once said this:
And her own fleecing of her campaign contributors isn't that much different (except for the scale of the fraud) than what Wells Fargo did:
“We get up to a hundred calls a day from Hillary’s low-income supporters complaining about multiple unauthorized charges,” a source, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of job security, from the Wells Fargo fraud department told the Observer. The source claims that the Clinton campaign has been pulling this stunt since Spring of this year. The Hillary for America campaign will overcharge small donors by repeatedly charging small amounts such as $20 to the bankcards of donors who made a one-time donation. However, the Clinton campaign strategically doesn’t overcharge these donors $100 or more because the bank would then be obligated to investigate the fraud.
“We don’t investigate fraudulent charges unless they are over $100,” the fraud specialist explained. “The Clinton campaign knows this, that’s why we don’t see any charges over the $100 amount, they’ll stop the charges just below $100. We’ll see her campaign overcharge donors by $20, $40 or $60 but never more than $100.”
Anyone else surprised to learn Hillary is calling out the very Bank that she used to defraud her own contributors?
But that aside, what has she actually promised to do about Big Bank fraud?
1. Defend the CFPB. Right, so she is promising not to eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency President Obama created. Whoop-de-doo. Thanks for not much.
2. Impose real consequences on senior executives when Wall Street firms break the law. By which she means going after excessive compensation Big Bank Execs earned when fraud is committed on their watch, and make them "face appropriate legal consequences if they break the law." You know, like (a) all the money that Wall Street CEO's had to give back after they crashed the world's economy in 2008, and (b) all the criminal prosecutions of senior execs of TBTF banks that followed. Oh, excuse me, that never happened under Obama. It won't happen under a Clinton presidency either. Because criminal prosecution isn't an "appropriate legal consequence" for the senior executives of Big Banks that were among Obama's largest industry supporters, and are easily Hillary Clinton's biggest industry supporters. as well.
So what does Hillary's letter really say? It's just word salad filled with empty lies and misleading, ambiguous promises to make it appear she cares about regulating Wall Street. And she wonders why nobody trusts her.

Oh, cut it out.
The common denominator to all of your tags: Warren Buffet
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Too big to fail, too big to jail, "now cut that out!"
Now you may resume plundering, but try not to be so obvious about it next time. By the way, Banksters, my little overcharge scheme I learned from my buddies at Wells Fargo, sincerely yours, H.
A problem AFTER she went down to Wall Street and told
them to cut it out? How could that possibly be? Are you sure?
Yes, those defrauded people are owed a good explanation.
And a lot of money.
Her plan is kind of vague.
You can see her in this video
this is the video in which she told them to cut it out while blaming home owners for not reading the fine print. Well, the fine print is the "intent" to defraud unsuspecting customers ,and a clear violation of the fiduciary responsibilities of the lender, to the borrower, to insure the borrower has the ability to pay back the mortgage.
[video:https://youtu.be/kXha_AJv_B0 align:center]
But of course we have Professor William Black telling us like it is, it' called fraud. (Bernie was right their business model is fraud)
[video:https://youtu.be/J8CqaHTygSc align:center]
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
There was a lot of blame the victim in 2008.
The problem was not reading the fine print. The problem was that, thanks to her husband, mortgage derivatives were unregulated. So, they became a racket. From that flowed a host of ills involving investment bankers, mortgage originators real estate appraisers, mortagee banks and a host of others.
I think I see lazy eye there.
Otherwise, I can't listen.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Were's William Black now? We need him.
Why the financial slaps on the wrist in '08? Nobody went to jail? Guys like Geithner and Bernanke didn't pull their weight. In fact Geithner went back to a nice cushy job on Wall Street, from which he originated before yanked out of the revolving door to be treasury secretary and accomplice to looting.
You damn well know, that if elected, HRC is going to get her Treasury Secretary from Wall Street.
Hopeless Holder was no damn help, almost certainly because Obama told him to give the Fraudsters are free pass.
He is heading up
the web site group, New Economic Perspectives, what some are calling the best economics today.
He was an advisor to Bernie Sanders but no sure what happened after Bernie decided to support the Queen of Chaos.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
You know,
people compare her "basket of deplorables" comment to romney's 47% comment. I think they're wrong. I think this is a much closer example.
Why do they never use RICO?
It seems so obvious. Big criminal enterprise, connected by money. Prosecute under RICO, everybody who knew anything - or was in a position where they should have known (ie CEO, Board of Directors,) gets a few Millennia in a supermax plus all earthly possessions seized. This sorta crap will end real quick then.
I'll give you one guess and two hints:
Hint: If it's obvious to you, it's also obvious to prosecutors.
Hint: I know of very few people who did prison time for crimes done by a big business or a big bank they ran.
RICO is for really
serious cases like school teachers inflating test scores, as during the Atlanta cheating scandal. Teachers went to prison for their "racketeering." Can't do that to bankers, because "reasons."
The former Superintendent of School avoided prison by dying of breast cancer. Pretty sneaky, huh? /snark
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
You're brought up a good example. The Atlanta teachers
were doing two things: Protecting their jobs and trying to get rid of the class based testing regime that is stifling public education. (It's something right out of the discredited Bell Curve book). So, yeah, they get RICO...the organized fraud business model mentioned above doesn't warrant a RICO investigation because it's the 1% and they don't "do" indictments and convictions.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The next assault on public education in Georgia is
a constitutional amendment to allow the state to take over "underperforming schools" and turn them over to private charters using local funds. Another gift to Wall Street courtesy of our one-party state.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Universal free compulsory public education is a USA success
story. Sure there are a lot of problems such as unequal funding; inadequate teacher pay; top heavy administration but on the whole the public schools are a positive force.
Unfortunately, they are a profit opportunity for Wall Street and with compliant state legislatures and state houses, public education suffers and withers.
Since 2010, over 900 seats in state legislatures have switched to Republican and if there were a response from the White House I missed it.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
We are already doing that here in NY
Beat Georgia to that bad idea. Under a Dem (cough - Andrew Cuomo - cough) Governor.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Deal used to be a Democrat until the state party became
the Republican. Both parties work for the 1% anyway.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Mario Cuomo and George Romney, both so much
better than their offspring. Their gene pools got shallow fast.
Large banks now earn more profits from customer fees than
from loans.
Since most people with checking accounts and savings accounts are of modest means, it seems like postal banking or local credit unions would serve most people better.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Yeah, if you have the option...
...most people will find they are MUCH better served by a local credit union. Doesn't even have to be a small one necessarily... I was a BECU (one of the largest around) member for over 15 years before I paid them a cent in fees - when getting a home loan, vastly cheaper than any bank was offering.
Of course once a bank gets you changing can be very hard. And so many of those banks offer that 'free' money if you just set up an account. Remember though - if ANY company is offering you ANYTHING for free they expect to somehow recoup the cost of said 'free' thing plus the cost to run the add with profit on top. When looking to set up something as important as a bank account being offered '200$ Free!' that should be a dead giveaway that you really don't want what they are offering. And that is assuming they don't go outright criminal on you...although if they are making such an offer the odds of them being criminals likely is much higher.
Thanks very much, this is important to know.
Even though we have moved, we still bank - mail mostly - at our small town bank with only one branch and haven't paid any fee except to buy checks.
I think we will look into a credit union and make the switch.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
How quaint! My state led the country in failed banks during the
Great Recession. It must be nice to live where the bankers didn't regard your bank as their own personal slush fund.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
It's a county based bank - counties now - in the SE mtns that
NAFTA has robbed of its industrial base. There's still enough activity to keep the banks going, there are 3 in town - but where we bank, they seem to operate on the "prudent man" set of principles and we hope our confidence is not misplaced.
(The bank of North Dakota, the only state owned bank, weathered the Big Finance induced Great Recession quite well.)
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
William Black would be gratfied to know there are still
real bankers walking the earth doing their fiduciary duty as am I.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I read about a bank in rural Texas that operated at the
community level and was a part of the area and came through the Great Recession without a problem. Maybe there are quite a few of these out-of-the-way banks that don't present a takeover target by large regional or national banks. Nice thought if so.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
If you still have an actual
If you still have an actual bank of a single branch in a small town, I'd personally suggest continuing to support it. The criminal banks need to be abandoned by their victims and the people need to find an honest institution like the one you're currently using, if there are any others like it.
Con artists have a hard time managing if nobody falls for their con - they eventually have to give up trying or starve. I was about to say that's not only true of politicians, but, in example, the Clintons - admittedly outstanding scammers - have been making out like the bandits they are for years and could scrape by on a couple of hundred million in their retirement years, whereas the local people working in that small-town bank probably don't have that kind of fall-back.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
"I have a plan to address it." Yeah. So do I; use a credit union. I really don't see any reason why every single bank customer shouldn't dump the sleazy thieves and move their money to a credit union.
I'd also like to see postal banking.
Sort of off topic, but
Jackpine Radicals had this story: http://jackpineradicals.com/boards/topic/exposed-the-secret-powerhouse-p...
Once apon a time, when taxi companies started accepting credit cards, "customers" discovered a perfect scam - if you challenged a charge the credit card company would accept or deny the claim based solely on the social status of the merchant. This meant, for example, when Baby wanted to go home from college for Christmas, but didn't want to take public transportation to the airport, she would take a taxi (in my case an $80 fare) then when daddy got the credit card bill he would refuse to pay. The company would then send the bill to the taxi company, who would charge the driver. No appeals allowed. The credit card company would keep the 1% processing fee, of course (which the taxi company had added additional fees up to 5% (SF) or 10% (NYC)
Another prime example is the "porn" sites. I knew someone who hosted a collection of erotic art sites. He had to use a processing company because of this scam - Visa would constantly claim a "high rate of complaints". and refuse to process his charges. This resulted in good pr for Visa, and they got to fuck over a vulnerable little guy. (porn sites run by Playboy, Penthouse, or the Russian mafia were somehow immune to this problem).
Then there were the processors. First they would charge 30% (sounds like a payday lender, doesn't it?) then they would have the payment schedule - rather than regular times they would send you a check whenever your account reached a specified amount, say $100. Then, whenever your account reached $98.50, they would cancel your account, keeping the money.
People who drive taxis? Fuck 'em.
People who draw dirty pictures? Who cares?
People are scamming grandma? Finally some justice!
Hillary charging $94 to her $1 doners? Oops!
On to Biden since 1973
Hit it on the proverbial nose.
...criminal prosecution isn't an "appropriate legal consequence"
Clinton used weasel words. She could have said very forcefully something like "I will put these crooks in jail". Nope. Nothing even approaching what Warren said to the CEO of Wells Fargo.
that clinton would have much of anything to say about banks fucking citizens.
because citizens are there to be fucked by banks. if that wasn't SOP, the citizens would be rich. right?
chances are good it's just a bunch of millenials whining. get smart and stop getting fucked by banks, millenials, because we'll never make banks fucking you illegal. lol. seriously.
Very laughable
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hey Steven. Seen this Jimmy Dore clip? HRC hubris will befall
The hubris, arrogance and thick sense of entitlement of HRC are sickening. She's so willfully blind. She'd never in a million years dignify the Bernie peasantry. This Bernie woman lays it out pretty strongly.
RE: criminal prosecution isn't an "appropriate legal consequence." These hermetically-sealed, bloviating YesMen who occupy the echo chamber of DC are so fucking clueless too.
Just watched a clip of Thomas Frank and Paul Krugman speaking at Brooklyn College. Frank correctly points out that it's been Obama's reticence, at a time when the Repug Party was all but suck for generations after the public turned on Bush in a big way, to punish Wall St criminals who wrecked the economy that allowed a resurgence of RW extremist populism.
Krugman again shows himself clueless about white collar crime, and unwittingly let out a nugget of truth I don't think he intended (at about the 42 min mark). After saying he didn't think the public both could grasp the situation or have a real interest in bankers being prosecuted, he basically said, that, "after all, they're really well-dressed in nice expensive suits and speak so well and convincingly," that Obama and Co. were in the end charmed by their charisma to extend a few Get-Out-Of-Jail cards.
It's sad, because there is a kernel of truth there. Which to me is goes hand in hand with Official Propaganda in preserving the staue quo. It's that we Worship The Rich, and pretend or want to be them. The conditioning starts young, and is a crucial part in the Great Lie of the American Dream, which we're all told to aspire to.
Great job again Steven.
How're things Upstate?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I love Jimmy Dore
Upstate (for me Western NY) has been really dry - drought conditions - but at least it has cooled off a bit, low 80's instead of 90's a month ago.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Drier here, Steven. E of Ithaca missed the heavy rain
this week. We talk locally as there is this cone of no-rain over us. I still have a spring woodpile in the firepit, now no-burn orders. Meanwhile, more tree self-trimming goes on. Segments of bid branches everywhere. I got two tree-lets in the mail today, no real advance warning, but the rootballs are small for 2' saplings, pawpaws, I have locations and most of one hole pickaxed out. They will be near a hose. Fingers crossed.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Krugman is one of those folks that really make
me sick to my stomach. He seems so smart and reasonable, and seems concerned about ethics -- all the while being such a shill.
He's an example of the worst of the self - congratulatory liberal class. Does Frank ever call him out during this exchange?
Krugman at 42m mark
Man, it's hard to understand why he doesn't just spontaneously burst into flames leaving behind a cloud of sulfur and brimstone.
Yeah right... Obama got fooled by a sharp dressed man.
[video:https://youtu.be/7wRHBLwpASw width:550]
Why are Democrats always trying to convince me that Democratic politicians are idiots?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Maybe so that you don't
Maybe so that you don't notice that they're greedy idiots sacrificing their people and country (among others belong to other peoples) to the self-interests paying/rewarding them - while they're still useful idiots?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
She's going to give them a time out
Then she will give them a cookie.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I finally left Wells Fargo last week
I helped my kids move their money during OWS. My husband wanted to stay with WF because mortgage.
This year they have fucked me over for the last time. We recently found out when I took some tip money in and wanted it to be put in my savings account rather than checking. They lady asked me WHICH savings account? I was shocked to discover that Wells Fargo had TWO savings accounts for me. One was supposed to have $3,500 in it at all times or you get a FINE of $30. I don't have $3,500 in any account so for ten months Wellso Fargo stole $300 of my money.
When we went in to close our accounts they acted like we were disgusting. Didn't we know that Bank of America is worse? Didn't we know that all banks do things like that? And then they said it wasn't their fault.
Fuck Wells Fargo.
I'm in with 1st Tech a credit union.
But the kicker is... my income doesn't count at all because I'm work in medical marijuana. My income is beyond risky as it is and not only is it not counted as income but it's taxed up the ass.
Thanks Obama. You can progressively go fuck yourself.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison