“because I need you” - Hillary's reason voters should actually show up
First, the surname (McCaskill) of the author of this piece is the same as a prominent Clinton surrogate - I do not know if there is a family relationship there.
Clinton: ‘The next 50 days will determine the next 50 years’
Making an appeal to black voters during an interview with the “Steve Harvey Morning Show,” Clinton stressed that voters can’t sit this one out. “Every issue they care about is at stake in this election,” Clinton said. “This is not: ‘Oh, you know, a little here, a little there. We can — you know, we can take it, no matter who wins.’ No. The next 50 days will determine the next 50 years, and I say that absolutely seriously.”
The 'because I need you' line comes right after that in the article. We 'gotta' stand up, she says.
I heard an NPR piece this morning where they were speculating about large numbers of Millennials sitting out this vote. I've been predicting that this would likely be the case if Clinton were the nominee since Super Tuesday (when the Dem turn out in my state was low).
Given that Millennials have generally be unenthused about voting for her, I find the following less than convincing:
In this POLITICO piece: Clinton campaign memo outlines map to victory, Bobby Mook lays out for top donors the math he sees for a Clinton victory. Here's a comment from the article's author taken from Mook's memo:
The missive also identifies some of Democrats’ structural and infrastructural advantages, such as the higher proportions of young voters and people of color in the battlegrounds than in 2012, before — in a tried-and-true campaign maneuver, taking pains to calm backers by dismissing public polls and the media.
The problem with noting the increased number of young voters is that they have shown a great reluctance to show up for her this season.
I don't see 'because I need you' as very convincing in the face of the disrespect from Clinton and her surrogates to Millennials AND ALL Bernie supporters throughout the primary and nomination. They told us quite directly that they did not need (or even want) our votes. She claims she wants them now - I suspect this will be seen as way too little, and way too late.
For more on the tepid response Clinton is getting from Millennials:
Millennials Go Mild for Hillary
I haven't heard this yet, but this is Clinton speaking at Temple University yesterday - seems to have some sound issues:

Uh...Her Eyes
I know focusing on her health is not to many people's liking, but there seems to be something weird going on with her left eye (right to the viewer) in the video. It looks crossed, then frozen. It's not tracking with the other eye. You can only really notice when she's looking directly forward.
Am I just more sensitive to it because I've been primed to see it? I noticed in the freeze frame, which is why I started playing the video.
I realize it doesn't matter unless she refuses to debate or seizes on camera, but it's odd to be able to spot it so easily.
She finally let the cat out of the bag:
She wants us to elect her the first woman--and the the first wife of a former president--to be elected President of the United States. Whodda thunk it? Amazing how long she's managed to keep that one under wraps. (Clearly, we can trust her with the nation's secrets--could not resist.)
It's so telling that that is the way she tries to win over Sanders' supporters--by telling them she wants them to help her become the first woman--and the the first wife of a former president--to be elected President of the United States. She must think that the Franken SNL character who importuned us to think, "What can I do for you, Al Franken?" was giving serious campaign advice.
Hillary, I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you this: The polling booth is not Grant Hillary's Wish Central. This Presidential election, like every election is not about us being with the candidate. It's about us, full stop. If we think we need you, for only God knows what reason, we'll vote for you.
So far, based upon your long, long record, I don't think that I need to be with you. I think that I need to be far, far away from you. I am voting against you and against the ever-devolving duopoly that gave us this abominable, unspeakable Clinton v. Trump Presidential race.
"I want it!"
That's all that matters. They want it, they feel entitled to get what they want, and they will do whatever they need to in order to get it. If what they want is not immediately forthcoming, they throw a tantrum; blaming, hitting and throwing things (as Hillary supporters did to Sanders supporters at the DNC convention), and calling people names. Basically operating on the emotional level of a three-year-old, in other words.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone