Amerika, Land of the Haves and Have Nots, or, Where Art Thou Occupy?
The rich keep getting richer. That's as old as the hills. Hard to say when the first time that was said, maybe when Grok said it to Gruk. It's not a new thing that's for sure. People used to complain about the Rockefellers, Morgans and Rothchilds back in the day, still do. Now we have the rich, the very rich, the very, very rich, and the very, very fucking rich. Some of them we know, most of them we don't.
We have a gangster capitalism economic system, neoliberalism, completely out of control, funneling most of the wealth to the rich (the 1% and below, i.e., .01%, .001%, etc.) and the future impacts appear downright frightening for most of the human race, maybe for the entire human race.
Something must be done. The wealth inequality being caused is creating a superclass of family wealth that will make the old guard of family wealth created under slavery and Native American genocide seem quaint. We have truly become a nation of haves and have nots, as unequal as any country on earth. With wealth comes power, that's how we humans roll.
"Ultra high-net-worth individuals will transfer $3.9 trillion to the next generation by 2026, according to “Preparing for Tomorrow: A Report on Family Wealth Transfers,” released Monday by global wealth consultancy Wealth-X and insurance brokerage and consulting firm NFP. This reflects a 5% decline from the report’s 2014 estimate of $4.1 trillion, but this is because the massive global wealth transfer among the world’s newest superrich has already begun. The biggest concern for the world’s superrich was “succession and inheritance issues” (67%), a recent survey by global real estate consultants Knight Frank found."
Rumors about the Rothschild family wealth have been around for centuries. Some estimates put the total Rothschild family wealth in the trillions although the uncontested figure is "only" $350 billion. The top billionaires on the planet are approaching the $100 billion mark. We WILL have trillionaires at this rate. There are over 1,800 billionaires on the planet now with more being added weekly. Millionaires are added on a daily basis and at the low end have become the upper middle class. The middle class is shrinking and has been stagnant for decades. The working/poor class has replaced the middle class as the largest grouping in the country.
"The rich appear to be leaving the middle class behind. Most U.S. middle-income households (81%) had flat or falling income between 2004 and 2014, according to recent U.S. Congressional Budget Office data analyzed by the McKinsey Global Institute, a global management company. And 61% of middle-income households say their incomes are either not advancing or they’re staying the same as they were last year: “Most people growing up in advanced economies since World War II have been able to assume they will be better off than their parents. Yet this overwhelmingly positive income trend has ended.”
The rich are raking it in and this system is creating more and more of them. Absolutely nothing is being done about this massive, even existential, problem by our political representatives. There have been various proposals such as raising income taxes and rates, establishing a .01% tax on Wall Street gambling transactions and changing wealth inheritance laws.
These proposals are placeholders, only serving to perpetuate rampant wealth inequality while making the Serfs think they're getting a deal. They do nothing to change the system that is allowing the surreal incomes and wealth creation at the top of the pyramid. They certainly won't solve the problem. These proposals should be rejected and We the Serfs should demand a fair and equal economic system.
Ya right.
We're facing critical systemic problems in the capitalist economic system and in this country's representative political system. We're a fading Empire waging a war on the world with a seemingly unstoppable military/security/intelligence complex intent on implementing Full Spectrum Dominance over the entire planet and the air and space above it. The corporate, mainstream, oligarchy owned media basically serves as mind control over most of the population. Bandaids won't help, all they will do is put off the inevitable needed surgery.
There is zero interest from those that make our decisions for us to face these issues because this political system exists to maintain power at the highest levels. This country has never been what it's been played out to be, the greatest democracy on Earth. Never. It's all been a giant illusion.
Now, it seems the people are content to allow this farce of an election between Trump and Clinton to continue to its morbid end. Like there's nothing WE can do about it right? WE the Serfs can't do a thing. Some of us will vote, some of us won't. We'll get a new President to follow successive war criminal and neoliberal purveyors Obama, Bush and Clinton. It's still anyone's guess who we get, this thing is so damn ridiculous. It makes me literally ashamed to be a human. I wish I was a cat.
It remains to be seen what happens after the election. Imagine if we get Donald Trump. Or imagine if we get Hillary Clinton. Imagine hell below us. The so called Revolution emanating from Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign is a non-starter, another placeholder for the failed political system and the oligarchy's Democratic party. The last real activity against these systems was five years ago now with the Occupy movement in 2011. Where the hell is Occupy now? Things have gotten worse and yet there is no protesting? How can that be?
Some say things will have to hit rock bottom before enough people will rise up and demand real change. Maybe. The controls are immense, there may be no way out of this. The Haves are going to protect what they feel is rightfully theirs and they're gaining wealth and with it, power, at an exponential rate. If you're a Have, there is nothing wrong, the systems are working. The Haves, by and large, are not going to rock the boat. They're going to protect their gravy trains and they have the means to do it.
Maybe that's where we're really headed, a civil war between the Haves and the Have Nots. "Hey Haves, we're coming for you. The thing is, it didn't have to be this way. If you weren't so fucking greedy".

Where Art Thou Occupy?
Made the subject of the ridiculed.
Put to the needs of servitude.
Long may rust never sleep.
We don't need to occupy.
We need to burn it down.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
as Obama said, need a national discussion on income inequality
that was a few years ago. I guess the discussion must have been held behind closed doors and they decided it was unfortunate but necessary.
Hey Shahryar. Ya, the ole lip service from
Obama. That was part of his theme in 2008 also. Nah, they won't do anything about it. Now that Bernie is out of the race, they probably won't even talk about it.
Bernie wants you to perpetuate it by voting for Hillary
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Metaphorically speaking,
ya, we need to burn it down. This "democratic experiment" built on slavery and genocide wasn't made to last forever.
my household is split 50/50 on the "French solution"
I'm pretty much in favor of it
Free haircuts!
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Really close to the shoulder
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
We haven't a chance
of bringing back the guillotine. The tar, feathers and pitch forks are long gone too.
We don't even have the choice of eating cake.
Mother nature will burn us like the kindly gaia she, he, or whatever is.
Good riddance to the human race.
I'm only sorry for all of the other life forms we take with us.
Please pardon my doom and gloom.
I feel neither while others do.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I understand your position.
The reason I keep working for Stein like she actually has a fucking chance is because there are now wildfires on what used to be Siberian permafrost.
I know I'm a fool to believe in my delusion. But I've decided to tolerate being a fool and to continue following my delusion.
Just because I'm crazy, that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
... well, the "National Razor" (Madame Guillotine) --
will make her return. It just might not be as "organized" (so to speak) as it was during the original French Revolution. Heads will fall --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
... otherwise known as "A close shave with the National Razor" -
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I agree. Burn it down.. Start over.
This land was never my land. But we can make it OUR land.
Throw the bums out of of their offices, toss the empires and corporations out on their asses and let this country run on the power of the people.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
It Will Collapse On Its Own
The wealthy have become parasitical. Like Cancer, they will devour the global economy until it cannot function. Their wealth will lose its value without stable governments to back it. Then the host dies.
It isn't hard to see how the apocryphal Four Horsemen are preparing to mount their steeds and venture forth. The headlines unceasingly scream War, almost crowding out Pestilence (Zika and West Nile are but the beginning) and Famine (Global Warming causing crop failures). Death doesn't care for notoriety, for the work of the other three deliver all their production to him effortlessly on his part.
In his Hitchhiker's Guide series, Douglas Adams has the dolphins leaving humanity a message thanking us for all the fish as they flee the planet. On a much less whimsical note, in one of his final works, Kurt Vonnegut proposed that the epitaph of humanity should read "They Didn't Like It Here".
That one is hard to argue against, considering how destructive humanity proves to be.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
is in its death throes. We need an alternative to at least talk about - one that is self-sustaining and doesn't require increased growth every second of every minute.
We the people, en masse, could leave the system and stop buying the oil, the media and all the other crap and replace it with barter.
If every household works on self sufficiency, we will be denying the rabid greed. A lot of us have started to do some of this. The first should be energy and food. But it isn't and won't be enough at the rate we are going.
We also need to be prepared to fight for the internet. It is the tool that makes the people global, not just nations and corporations. They aren't likely to want that to continue.
The internet is a tool that helps to enable a global ethics,
rather than just a global marketplace. It allows the human race to see itself whole, as if in a full-length mirror.
Hence my signature. It seems
Hence my signature. It seems that calls for stopping the present system and replacing it with a more eco-friendly one falls on def ears too many times, the ones with the money/power do not care, those who care do NOT have the money/power.
My signature sums it up
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I always
have to hand to to people that started with nothing and made it big so to speak as long as they did it ethically. I know, that's an oxymoron. But in today's world it's like were living in a real life Monopoly Game that's hundreds of years. Problem is long ago all the good stuff was bought up and the middle class and poor keep landing on the squares that suck money out of us or, for many, the "go directly to jail" square. There is just no way to break this strangle hold inherited money has on the world unless laws change or revolution happens and we know the laws won't change because the lawmakers have been bought off long ago by these same people. The heirs to this wealth by and large, appear to have little to no empathy for the less fortunate. It's like their god given right in their minds. All the names you mentioned Big Al, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and also ones like the Koch bros and a newly created dynasty we can simply call Chelsea.
currency reform - the money will be devalued to nothing, zero
value, by creating a new currency, giving every citizen the same amount of "gold nuggets" or some such, totally erasing the current monetary system and everybody has to start over with the same amount of "gold". Whatever money you had in the old system (dollars or other currency) is not having any influence of what you get in the new currency. Equal amount to every citizen. Debt in the dollar system will be declared also as non existing anymore.
The money of the rich and the poor is fictional and virtual, it in fact means nothing, if you just would not accept it.
It will happen in any way anyhow, either after a "burn it down" civil war or before. May be some folks come to their senses, sit down and enforce a currency reform, with no hidden tricks and without exception.
One of the biggest ironies of my lifetime. Occupy was an
totally unorganized group (which I believe helped lead to its demise) that honest/y and caringly came together to protest a horrific wrong done by Wall Street/corporate elitists to people everywhere. But it was Occupy that was vilified by the media, politicians, and the very people who were responsible for the crisis in the first freaking place. And people bought into that.
I was appalled to see the media having fits every damn day about trash and tents in Zucotti Park and not so appalled at the people who broke the system or the people who were bailing their asses out. I was appalled that no one stood up for them after the cops decided they had to go. I'm surprised and disgusted that so many people are still under the impression that Occupy was nothing more than a collection of misfits, anarchists, criminals, racists, and dirty old hippies.
Go figure.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
This should be required reading: subtitled "the unstoppable power of leaderless organizations".
Homage to Catalonia
This made me think of the Spanish Civil War. A war that started between 2 primary sides that became factious and ultimately the more organized primary participant prevailed as the unorganized factions became easy to manipulate.
That is the problem that we have with mounting a viable resistance, we have to organized to attain our goal of being unorganized.
What scared the shit out of the elites was that in Catalonia they had achieved a viable resistance to both ruling factions and that is what Orwell experienced and why he knew it was both possible and impossible to achieve Anarchism. He knew anytime anywhere that the elites would always stop bickering with themselves over 99% of the spoils in order to snuff out any attempt at Anarchism.
"Ten years ago it was almost impossible to get anything printed in favor of Communism; today it is almost impossible to get anything printed in favor of Anarchism or 'Trotskyism'," Orwell wrote bitterly in 1938.
So they have been on to us for 80 years now. They know how to divide us. We have to figure out how to divide them.
... time for "a few close shaves"
with the National Razor --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I would suggest
They were over run by anarchists. They could not establish a coherent strategy or agenda. Hello "twinkle fingers".
They were a rudderless entity with no leaders. It don't work like that here.
They denied John Conyers the opportunity to speak at an occupy.
Let's just admit another failed attempt at change.
The dream shall never die.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Robert on GNP /Capitalism
I doubt I will see a real
I doubt I will see a real change in my lifetime.
So long, and thanks for all the fish