Mission Impossible: Getting Hillary's story straight
Hillary's campaign is devolving into a circular firing squad. Some of her people say one thing; some say the opposite. Coach didn't call time-out so that the "talking points" could be coordinated. Prime example: 9-11 crumple--it's not that it happened but what happened and didn't happen afterwards.
She had heat exhaustion
No, she had pneumonia
No, no, she had heated pneumonia
No, no, no, she had exhausting pneumonia.
She frequently faints according to Slick Willie.
But, the theory's all wet--or perhaps too dry. She takes care to adequately hydrate herself. No, according to staffers, they can't seem to get her to drink enough water. Well, maybe she prefers drinking fermented potato juice.
She made a heroic effort to show up at a solemn patriotic event, per Andrea Mitchell, et al.. No story here folks according to lapsed progressive, DOCTOR Howard Dean.
Well, what about pneumonia? "The old person's friend" as the saying goes because it takes away so many elderly (>65 = elderly). Brush it off? Yeah, Hillary, just like that: I am SuperWoman--watch me hack! Emergency Room physician Dr. Torres is quite correct about the treatment of acute pneumonia in an elderly female who has also fainted--you take them to the hospital. Instead Medusa admitted herself to the Chelsea Clinton Hospital for Ailing Presidential candidates.
Now DR. Bardack, to her credit, allegedly told HRC to rest about 4 or 5 days before resuming her schedule. Does know-it-all Hillary listen to her physician's advice? Heck, no. She went to "press the flesh" as they say about political campaigning, but instead got pressed into her black ambulance, like a sack of potatoes.
Does that show good judgment?
She didn't tell anybody in her inner circle, except Dr. Chelsea about what she was doing or even where she was going.
Does that show good judgement?
Her secrecy was quickly followed by some pretty amazing rumors (she's dead; she has a body double) that garnered much attention, calling even greater notice to her hot wobble than if she had just been honest about this. Honest? Sorry, I forgot, we are talking about Hellery.
Does this show good judgement?
Forget epilepsy. Forget dural sinus thrombosis. Forget Gaddafi. Forget Syria. She has once again proved herself of incredibly bad judgement.
Wait, there's more!
She insults one-fourth of the United States citizens as "deplorable". Actually she considers we 99%ers as disposable, but that's another matter.
Does this show good judgement?
If any of you answered yes, I have arranged a free swim in Disney World's lagoons, where you may commune with members of my extended family.

she prefers drinking fermented potato juice
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Latest Michael Goodwin piece...
This is a well written piece that deserves to be read all the way through, and ends with this:
BAM ! Great words
"Because they were scooped by the video, an army of journalists is now under pressure to report facts instead of covering them up." - As Sheldon would say, 'Got some Aloe? Cause they got burned.'
Exactly right
This is the crux of it:
This incident is a stark reminder and another clear demonstration of Hillary's terrible judgment and decision-making. And of the compulsive dishonesty of the Clintons. I hope it's enough, coming at this point in time, to sink this sorry campaign.
But I'm not expecting that to happen. Their supporters have already shown that they don't care about either of those things, and the Clintons will carry on regardless; spinning and blaming everyone and everything but themselves.
Yes, the lying is the most troubling aspect of this.
There was an article out there, I believe late on Sunday, that was a news analysis piece from one of the web news sites. Something to the effect that the health scare was less damaging than the campaign cover-up that followed it. I was not able to find it again, whether it disappeared or I just couldn't locate it I am not sure.
The second most troubling aspect is the lack of judgement, if indeed pneumonia was her only issue. If she does not have the common sense to be responsible for her own health/recovery, how can we trust her with the health/recovery of the entire nation?
Missing Parts
There's another explanation. She's a robot that popped a sprocket.
But seriously, though. That's a hunk of metal come flying out of her pant leg. Explains why she might have buckled under so suddenly. I do believe in the body double theory, based on the metal fragment causing her to be unable to walk until it could be repaired.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I am pretty sure
that was a clip from a catheter rig. A "Foley" catheter (the kind worn on one's leg, under clothing) has at least one metal clip that I know of. Seeing as how Mrs. Clinton would have to be extra careful to keep that hidden--which anybody would---there might have been more than one.
I'm not familiar with every kind of catheter on the market.
But all of the ones I've seen over the past few years use a plastic or metal clip that is attached to the tubing to control the flow. However, these clips are very light weight and thin so that they do not do damage to the tubing and are at the most the size of the tip of your thumb. The piece of metal that falls out of her pant leg seems to be much larger and heavier than any catheter clip I have ever seen.
Agree there's a catheter, but that wasn't a clip
You can hear the metal make a ZING sound as it appears and then hits the ground with a ping. Yeah, it could be the sound of a clip springing loose, but it really sounds like metal that bears weight failed, or metal sliding down a rod.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
These people just can't catch a break..
Supposedly, there has been a whole infestation of pneumonia "going around" in her campaign. Even Schumer had it. Then, I heard a CT that this was a planned, high profile ruse to provide her an out, due to "health" issues, though of course, nothing serious. Spin spin spin. But with all the stuff leaking out today, and hopefully for days or weeks to come, the Dems have some real things to deal with. Who knows when some juicy stuff rolls in about Uncle Joe (well, there is that his son is involved in some Ukranian "gas" company).
And then there is this,
Possibly the entire party will be on life support in a bit, and Obama will be living his legacy :~) As someone her same age, with draining health issues, I cannot comprehend why she and they would carry this out so far. Well, I suppose that it might have something to do with money and madness . Not sure how much time she has left, but this is a heck of a way to spend it, tossed in a van like a side of beef. That is, if one is NOT HRC or the Willy. Her donors have a lot invested in her, so if they can get her propped up at an inaugural, they'll be home free. I saw a WaPo headline that it may take her "until the end of October to recover from the pneumonia". I wonder if there is some kind of internal thing going on, when she becomes so toxic that she simply explodes.
Global Health Corps
GHC overview sounds legitimate, but of course there is always a question about how much "non-profits" skim off the top to pay their executives. From the little I read, GHC does not have the air of corruption that surrounds CGI.
I have wondered what it means that they called out a disease
which can actually kill and whether that means that they are hiding something non-health related in order to give her a potential, respectable exit. That is consistent with their style.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Don't Leave Out The Allergy Lie
Just days earlier. Lies, Lies, Lies. She just can't help herself. She's been glad handing crowds for weeks knowing at a minimum that pneumonia was raging thru her HQ staff and her coughing up a storm.
You know how pols love to use babies as photo-op props.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Ya gotta caption
this one. "Oh you're going to make a fine soldier one day so you can die making Chelsea even richer...goo chee coo"...
I've looked at videos
and stills of the ceremony itself. On this video there is a guy at the back of the crowd that has sunglasses on. He seems to be on a platform or something. Other than him, of the hundreds of people around clinton, no one has sunglasses on. Especially goofy looking 1960s blue lens ones. She's wearing them for a reason and it ain't to be hip...
idiot wind- dylan
"I noticed at the ceremony, your corrupt ways have finally made you blind"
That almost needs an explanation
One might think that being the only one wearing sunglasses like that is about as disrespectful as wearing sunglasses at a wedding. Every. Single. Person. (except for the likely SS in the background) understood this, and her heinous is wearing the glasses. It seems to me a broachable question for a reporter to ask, because it screams "medical necessity."
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Where are all the investigative journalists these days...dead or in nursing homes I suspect....
"her heinous" is a new one on
"her heinous" is a new one on me, it's hillarysterical
One doctor says it fits Parkinson's,
and shows video of what he's talking about.
He shows clips of the effects of the blue glasses on movement disorders. The nodding could be an effect of levodopa - he says all patients who have taken it for more than ten years develop that sort of thing. Parkinson's patients have coughing fits, too, because they lose control of their swallowing reflexes, and saliva on the vocal cords sets it off, like when a swallow of coffee goes down the wrong way. So she could ALSO have pneumonia, if she can't protect her airway any more. He thinks it was a Parkinson's "freeze" at the van, because even when she began to fall forward, her head and neck were rigid, straight ahead. And he says that she couldn't have recovered so fast if it was just pneumonia or dehydration, but could if her medication needed adjusting.
Stress makes those things worse, which would explain why she hasn't been campaigning in public or holding press conferences. Any bets on her showing up for debates?
So — you’re saying Hillary’s story is a “croc” ? :: ducks ::
“power through”
Hillary Clinton wanted to “power through” her pneumonia, but after Sunday’s overheating episode, it “seems like the smart thing to do” to take some downtime, even though she is “raring to get back on the trail.”
Those phrases, projecting strength, prudence, and vigor, were among the six bullet-pointed talking points about Clinton’s health the campaign distributed to its army of outside surrogates Tuesday morning. The marching orders, part of the "Daily Message Guidance" from Brooklyn headquarters, instructed Clinton allies on how to answer questions about the Democratic nominee’s pneumonia and about how she dealt with the untimely setback.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/hillary-clinton-pneumonia-talking-...
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Don't miss the power through response from the media:
One wonders what today's talking points will be
And who will give them. It's almost exciting to hear today's story.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yeah, gonna have to say she did not succeed at powering through
Thanks for playing!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I Wonder If We Could Do A Message Killing Campaign
As soon as we get the talking points, spam them, hard on Social Media.
I'm powering through dinner tonight.
My dog really powered through that disc.
If a significant number of Americans did that it could really smash the message and make it look like the naked PR that it is.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
While I can sympathise with
anyone who is seriously ill--and pneumonia is a serious illness, I know, I have had it twice--I still don't want to see Mrs. Clinton become president.
Notice the rumors swirling around the internet about how the DNC is looking for an exit.
It is more important than ever that we all (politely but firmly) make our Democratic party officials know that under no conceivable circumstances will we vote for their nominee. If the local guys hear this often enough, they start calling the national officials. No one wants to go down with a sinking ship.
If Mrs. Clinton were a popular, beloved figure, she would be at Walter Reed with the whole country praying for her recovery and hourly bulletins being dispersed to the encamped press corps.
Mary Bennett
Very well said!
Yes, and we would have TRUST in her and the media's information releases! We would know that a beloved leader was telling us the truth.
Is there a chance
that the body double will be sworn in? I would definitely consider that the lesser evil.
HRC shows poor judgment & reckless initiative once again...
That's the thought I also had, when it was reported that a doctor told HRC that she had pneumonia and should stay in bed 4-5 days. What is HRC's response? "F*** the experts, I know better!" It reminds me of her previous calls for (inadvisable) military interventions, gas price intervention, etc. Also her intentional use of a secret, unsecured email server. It's not a character trait that I want to see in a President.
However, the fact that HRC lies and hides so much also makes me think that this pneumonia story is only part of the truth, not necessarily the whole truth about what's happening to her.
IMO, the Clintons have brought this speculation upon themselves. They lie and hide, then condemn any guessing as "conspiracy theorizing." What, we're supposed to ASSUME that whatever HRC tells us is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I'm sorry, but there is simply too much history to warrant that assumption on my part.
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
lapsed progressive no, a completely ex-progressive
Howard Dean.
Ed, Hillary’s “Fresnel Prism” glasses
Not sure of the significance if any, but thought I would pass it on. And sorry if you covered this in an essay that I missed.
I read that
Hillary’s “Fresnel Prism” glasses are often used to treat double vision resulting from a brain injury.
There's a bunch of pics with these glasses if you google "Hillary Clinton glasses". Fresnel looking lens on the right (with vertical lines).

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The Deal With The Lenses
She admitted to wearing those lenses after the concussion, IIRC. It wasn't a secret. The trick is that she's supposed to be completely cured now. She's supposed to have completed recovered from her brain injury YEARS ago.
But she's been wearing those lenses on and off again during the campaign. There's a photo of her inside the "Stronger Together" plane wearing them. That means she never fully recovered. From her brain injury. Which of course, goes along with her seizures.
Chelsea says she didn't know her Mom had pneumonia
Of course, she's a Clinton. And they all lie you know.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Why is this supposed to help?
So I'm supposed to believe the pneumonia lie because it turns out that Hillary doesn't even trust her own DAUGHTER? Like, how is this an improvement? "Hillary's not just a severely ill, secretive liar, she's a bad mother, too! Elect her now!"
Clinton 2016: Because communication is for suckers
Bill's apparently out of the loop, too -
Today on the campaign trail he said she has the flu:
What are we supposed to believe when her family can't stand behind the lie convincingly?
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I know. Who doesn't tell their own daughter
Or is sweet Chelsea lying to cover up her own lies.
Just another WTF moment from the Clintons.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Surprise -- Hillary's A-OK,
sez her doc! Also too, your check, it's in the mail!!
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
(No subject)
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Did you know that some of those Disney waters are infected
with a brain-eating virus or bacteria? Which makes your last sentence incredibly perfect, lol.
With assistance from Dr. Lisa Bardack!
Repeated statements that she's perfectly healthy, she's fine, nothing wrong - then this series:
ca. Friday: nothing serious, just a prolonged cough.
Sun am: diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, became "overheated and dehydrated" during 9/11 ceremony, "re-hydrated and recovering nicely". (Dr. Bardack was not in NYC, btw.)
Wednesday: "mild case of non-contagious(!) bacterial pneumonia", "recovering well with antibiotics and rest", remains "healthy and fit to serve". Also, for the first time disclosed ear surgery in January for severe middle/inner ear infection (the first we've ever heard about that!)
I guess the verdict is in: all of Team Clinton is corrupt(ed) and complicit.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.