Open Thread 10-24-15

Leaked Doc Shows 'Toxic Trade Deal' Putting Environmental Safeguards on the Chopping Block
'This sustainable development proposal is anything but sustainable.'—Ilana Solomon, Sierra Club

A leaked of draft of negotiating text from a pending EU-U.S. trade deal shows that the bloc is ready to empower corporate polluters while going back on its promise to uphold environmental protections, groups on both sides of the Atlantic warn.

The text is of the sustainable development chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and was published Friday by the Guardian—the same day negotiators wrapped up the 11th round of talks on the deal in Miami.

The Guardian reports that the text "contains only vaguely phrased and non-binding commitments to environmental safeguards"—that's despite a promise (pdf) issued in January that the EU would seek to "safeguard basic rules that protect people's rights at work and the environment." The UK paper adds, "No obligations to ratify international environmental conventions are proposed, and ways of enforcing goals on biodiversity, chemicals and the illegal wildlife trade are similarly absent."

Christian fundamentalists’ plot against the Constitution: What Kim Davis’s newly unearthed emails reveal
Kim Davis may be a footnote to history. But new revelations offer a frightening glimpse into fundamentalists' minds

Thanks to Kentucky’s open records law, the Associated Press has obtained the emails county clerk Kim Davis sent just before she went to jail late this summer. And yes, they are every bit as unhinged as you imagined they’d be. In case you forgot, Davis is the God-loving homophobe who courageously denied marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky two months ago.

The emails are interesting if only because they show just how crazy (and dangerous) fanatics like Davis are, particularly if they happen to work as public servants. Here’s Davis in her own words:

The battle has just begun…It has truly been a firestorm here and the days are pretty much a blur, but I am confident that God is in control of all of this!! I desire your prayers, I will need strength that only God can supply and I need a backbone like a saw log!!…They are going to try and make a whipping post out of me!! I know it, but God is still alive and on the throne!!! He IS in control and knows exactly where I am!!…September 1 will be the day to prepare for, if the Lord doesn’t return before then. I have weighted the cost, and will stay the course.

Study Finds Almost All Sanitary Cotton Products Contaminated with Probable Carcinogen

85 percent of sanitary cotton products tested in a new study were contaminated with glyphosate, which was recently ruled a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization and is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup, used worldwide.

Roundup is applied to cotton plants “when the bud is open and the glyphosate is condensed and goes straight into the product,” one of the researchers reported.

The studied products were purchased in Argentina, which receives them from Brazil, including via the US.

Superyacht Getaway Subs And Luxury Bomb Shelters: The Elite Are The Most Paranoid Preppers Of All

When it comes to “prepping”, many among the elite take things to an entirely different level.  As you will see below, the elite are willing to pay big money for cutting edge home security measures, luxury bomb shelters and superyacht getaway submarines. Some of the things that the elite are demanding for their own protection go beyond even what we would see in a James Bond film, and serving the prepping needs of the elite has become a multi-billion dollar business.  Meanwhile, the media outlets that the elite own continue to mock the rest of us for getting prepared.  All the time we see headlines like this one that appeared in a major American news source: “Preppers: Meet the paranoid Americans awaiting the apocalypse“.  Well, if we are paranoid for setting aside some extra food and supplies for the future, what does that make the people that you will read about in this article?

The elite live in a world that is completely different from the world that you and I live in.  In wealthy enclaves of major global cities such as London, elitists are willing to shell out massive amounts of money to ensure that everyone else is kept out.  The following comes from an article that was just published a few hours ago by the London Evening Standard entitled “The paranoid world of London’s super-rich: DNA-laced security mist and superyacht getaway submarines“…

Business is booming because billionaires are a paranoid bunch. Take one who recently moved to Mayfair. ‘He wanted everything, from protection from cyber hacking through to physical intrusion and kidnapping,’ says Bond Gunning. ‘We ended up installing fingerprint-activated locks for family members and programmable keys for staff that limit the time they are allowed into the property and the rooms they are able to enter and exit.

‘Inside and outside we installed 24-hour monitored CCTV cameras that are so hi-tech they can tell the difference between a dog, cat and a person. In the garden there are thermal-imaging cameras that can detect heat sources in the undergrowth. One thing intruders can’t hide is the heat of their bodies.

‘Should an intruder evade the cameras or ignore the warnings they automatically broadcast, the property itself is protected by bulletproof glass and alarm sensors in all rooms. There is a bullet, gas and bombproof panic or safe room, with its own food and water, medical supplies and communications, and an impregnable supply of fresh air. Just in case the family cannot make it there in time, key rooms are sealed by reinforced shutters.’

Why Russia is Serious About Fighting Terrorism and the US Isn’t
Russia achieved more in days than the US has in years.

Russia in the few days it has been of fighting terrorism in Syria has achieved far more than the US coalition. According to the New York Times, Russia’s fighter jets are conducting nearly as many strikes in a typical day as the American-led coalition has been carrying out each month this year, a number which includes strikes conducted in Iraq - not just Syria.

Whilst the US has been bombing ISIS for over a year, ISIS has only grown and gained more ground in Syria. A few months ago ISIS took over the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria, a UNESCO world heritage-listed site. 

In spite of the fact that the US government acknowledged ISIS cannot be defeated without ground troops, they have refused to work with the Syrian military, the only force on the ground commanded by the only UN-recognized government in the country, and the only force capable and willing to fight ISIS. 

Why America Will Never Hear the Entire Benghazi Story

The underlying story of Benghazi is one that cannot and will not be talked about in any open session of Congress. This means that Thursday’s hearing featuring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was nothing but an exercise in futility.

It is the story of a covert CIA operation that was operating from a separate facility in the Benghazi compound that was simply known as the “Annex.” Some two dozen CIA case officers, analysts, translators and special staff were a part of this operation and its security was provided by CIA Global Response Staff (GRS), who had entered the country under diplomatic cover.

The CIA’s mission included arms interdiction — attempting to stop the flow of Soviet-era weapons to Central Africa — and very possibly the organization of Libyan arms shipments to vetted insurgent groups on the ground in Syria.

Obama Administration Is Cutting Aid to the Palestinians by $80 million

The State Department has notified Congress of its intention to reduce economic aid for the West Bank and Gaza Strip from $370 million to $290 million in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, according to the website Al-Monitor. As violence in the region escalates, congressional sources describe the move as a “message” to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

From Al-Monitor:

The news of the 22% cut from the department’s initial request follows mounting criticism from Congress about Palestinian “incitement” in the rash of stabbing attacks that have left at least 10 Israeli civilians dead over the past three weeks.

“We need to dial up pressure on Palestinian officials to repudiate this violence,” said Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Why Today Is a Critical Moment for the Clean Power Plan

Friday marked a major milestone in Obama administration climate policy with the publication of the final version of the Clean Power Plan in the Federal Register. The plan is now open to both legal challenges and a final round of public comment before possibly becoming the nation’s most sweeping climate regulation in 2016.

The Clean Power Plan, which will regulate greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants that burn fossil fuels, faces a flood of lawsuits as at least 24 states and a host of coal and power industry opponents seek courts to declare it unconstitutional.

Public comment on the plan, the final version of which was announced by the Environmental Protection Agency over the summer, is open until Jan. 21, 2016.

Malcolm Holcombe - My Ol Radio

Malcolm Holcombe - Who Carried You

Malcolm Holcombe - Pitiful Blues

Malcolm Holcombe - Trail O Money (w/ Steve Earle)

Malcolm Holcombe - Back In '29

Malcolm Holcombe - Down In the Woods

Malcolm Holcombe - I Feel Like a Train

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I'll be your pilot on this flight today, fasten your safety belts, it's going to be a rough ride.

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lotlizard's picture

The diversion of attention to meaningless aspects of Benghazi reminds me of the inquiry into George W. Bush's record with the Texas Air National Guard. How easy it was for the Powers That Be to divert the focus of the whole thing to Dan Rather and word processor / typewriter fonts! Though never answered, questions about whether GWB was AWOL or underwent the necessary medical exams, etc. were never raised again.

That's how it works in the PR-driven world bequeathed to us by Edward Bernays!

Why, you'd almost think a PR firm like Hill and Knowlton could employ focus groups to design a story about babies being pulled out of incubators! And later sell it to the American people by repeating it over and over on TV, including in Congressional hearings in prime time, in order to rouse everyone's thirst for war!

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gulfgal98's picture

I am still recovering from all the company over the last month. Last night was monthly gallery walk downtown. The weather was so nice that we walked from home to do it.

Today is the Peace vigil at noon at the courthouse. Don called this morning to say that we are on. I just saw that some Bernie Sanders volunteers are doing flyering starting at 11:30 today at the courthouse too. I am going to go down early to meet them and maybe we can get some cross volunteerism going. I am willing to help with the flyering. It would be nice if we could somehow merge the efforts. Got my fingers crossed. If not, I am still willing to help them.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

lotlizard's picture

To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies.

Valis, by science fiction author Philip K. Dick

via Josh Mitteldorf's Daily Inspiration

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Shahryar's picture

not fighting allows the empire to continue. There is always the hope that the empire will collapse on its own like Rome did....after 600 years!

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lotlizard's picture

You have to fight your battle for truth and goodness to the best of your ability, while going beyond believing there is anything you yourself will gain or lose.

We are to act from our deepest sense of love, our most profound understanding of courage, duty, and justice, yet without attachment to the outcome; dedicating the fruits of our actions exclusively to the Divine and to the redemption and healing of all souls, desiring nothing for ourselves.

(About this time a mental menehune and master of fake accents usually shows up and says, "Ain't it time you left off a-talkin' that there hippie lingo, and got up and made us some grub?")

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mimi's picture

It's a new day with old problems. Why it's unhealthy to read the news in the morning ...

This interview on France24 made me regret I still have a working TV to watch some European channels...It gave me stomach aches and I felt a deep regret about the human condition.

The Knife Intifada:
Israel - Palestine - A Third Intifada? Yair Lafid: "We should change the framework of thinking". Indeed Mister.

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No one knows how much longer it will go on

Op Ed in WA Post today by Jews who have walked away from Zionism and their racial agenda of ....

WaPo op-ed by US professors destroys idea Jews who boycott Israel are self-hating or anti-Semitic

On last evening's Evening Blues, Joe had a link to Max Blumental explaining Bibi's Hitler remarks and how they are pouring gas on the fire. This time it might burn out of control. The youth are out there while the "leaders" ....

that is a 15 min video

here is a 2 min video that Gaza is occupied

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mimi's picture


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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

lotlizard's picture

National Post (Canada): Trudeau is set to fail his first human rights test

Also: young woman gets year in prison for tearing up a picture of America's good friend, the ruler of Bahrain

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MarilynW's picture

The pro-Conservative newspaper was founded by Conrad Black before he went to jail. Take everything they write with that in mind. It supported Harper in the last election.

Also, Canada's other national paper, The Globe & Mail, its editorial board came out in support of Harper in the recent election
but allowed it's writers to support the party of their choice.

How can he criticize Liberals foreign policy when the transition is still taking place? He wrote that long article based a few comments Trudeau made on the run. I'll wait and see when the issue come up in Parliament for the official Liberal policy on selling arms to the Saudis. This was Harper's project from the start.

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture

You may be right, but…

When it comes to pro-Palestinian activism, Trudeau also comes across as being anti-academic freedom and anti-free speech if he makes tweets like this:

Didn't know that National Post was a Conrad Black paper, thanks for the tip.

It's always important to dig into the question of who owns a media outlet. Do people know Murdoch and Fox now own National Geographic magazine? (Fox already has for years had a controlling interest in the Nat Geo cable TV channel.) Do people know that almost all of the Arab news outlets / Arab commentators quoted in Western media are owned / employed by Saudis or Gulf emirs?

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MarilynW's picture

but he is on the editorial staff. His writing is so hateful, jail time made him very bitter apparently.

I didn't know that about the Saudis. I'm still in shock over how the West mollycoddles those Wahhabi extremists.

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To thine own self be true.

MarilynW's picture

Let him have his "honeymoon" period. I think he is another Obama, a great campaigner but not great at governing or keeping campaign promises.
But Harper was soooo bad that almost all Canadians are glad he was toppled. Even conservatives, feeling free to speak out now are saying they are relieved.

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture

Eric Walberg for Al-Ahram: Canadians assess aftermath of Harper holocaust

(found via Rob Kall's aggregator site OpEdNews).

Walberg's site says his work appears in, among other places, Egypt's government-owned newspaper Al-Ahram and on Iran's English news service Press TV.

I'm noticing it's not so easy to find any good, neutral info about Al-Ahram or Press TV. Except for a few statistics, the Wikipedia article on Al-Ahram basically hasn't been updated since the Arab Spring (or as I am starting to prefer, the Arab Awakening). And everything said about Press TV in the West can't help but be colored by U.S. and Israeli wishes to see Iran demonized, punished, starved by sanctions, or even attacked outright.

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MarilynW's picture

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To thine own self be true.

MarilynW's picture

because it belongs to one particular horrific period in history and no other and none can compare. Besides that Harper didn't deliberately kill anyone.
Otherwise the article is pretty accurate while using a little too much hyperbole. I tend to prefer writers who are succinct.

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture

According to these 2 Wikipedia articles, as retrieved today:
At least 2,257 killed in stampede in Mina, Mecca
In total, 2,977 victims of September 11 attacks

A catastrophe with casualties of the same order of magnitude as 9/11? You would think there would be a huge outcry.

But, hey, it's Saudi Arabia. Anywhere outside Iran, it seems the Saudis are immune from scrutiny and criticism.

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cybrestrike's picture

Thanks for sharing the Land Destroyer link. I spent a good couple of hours reading the entries over there. Lots of good foreign policy stuff. And I just added them to my favorites in Google Chrome.

Silly Season continues over at the GOS. The hyperpartisans are tripping out like crazy. I've heard of party loyalty, but wow--they're ridiculous with their Team D or else nonsense.

Got to head to a charity poker tourney in a mo...

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Shahryar's picture

lately I've looked at the titles of the diaries and that's it. My last comment there was an accident, in April I think. I'd forgotten that I'd GBCW'ed and posted in the Sunday Puzzle diary. I'm still a TU though! ha!

Good luck in that tourney.

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Shahryar's picture

how dare anyone ask a question! Asking a question is the same as trolling!

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snoopydawg's picture

She's on board with the TPP because Barak is pushing for it. She trolled every comment critical of Hillary.
You're right. Asking a question about Hillary's reversal on the TPP is either trolling or it means that we hate her.
I asked by the people who voted for Obama instead of Hillary because of his 'stated' anti war stance are now voting for Hillary who hasn't seen a military adventure she wasn't on board with.
And the love fest after her hearing yesterday was so nauseating. Big deal, she kept her cool but as Joe put in yesterday's EB, no one asked what the CIA was doing in Libya or why they're arming the terrorists that we are supposed to be fighting.
That site has lost its mind.
And while Bernie sounds great on social issues, no one is looking into his foreign policy.
He's okay with Obama's drones and I haven't heard anything from him about all the military action that's going on in the Middle East.
Obama ran the biggest con ever on us, but people think he's the best president ever.
Even when he's done the same things they hated when bush was doing them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

example of bias. Apparently, the only thing that matters to her is the sex of the president, and if BO does it, it's okay.

And you're right - the dems would be howling over what BO does if a repub was doing the same things.

DK amply demonstrates how strongly personal identity overrides all else and the ease with which the identity-oriented are manipulated to support anything as long as the personal identity issue is satisfied.

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gulfgal98's picture

seems to be an operative. I am not even sure that anna shane is a female. There is something very phony about the passive aggressive way that he/she writes. It is like arguing with a brick wall. I have put anna shane on notice that I will HR him/her is she continues to post outright lies that have long been debunked. I can handle someone who argues in good faith but this person is not there in good faith at all.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

[the operative part]

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Sorry for my ignorance.....

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lotlizard's picture

The website uses the color orange, and the nickname “Great Orange Satan” (also ‘GOS’ and “Big Orange Satan”) has been used since at least May 2007. The nickname is seemingly derogatory, but has been used by Daily Kos as an inside joke of a stereotypical right-wing insult.

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lotlizard's picture

taz.die Tageszeitung: (in German) National-conservative parties will probably score a clean sweep in all of Poland

PiS = the Polish abbreviation for the Law and Justice Party

Far right parties are running a campaign focused on fear of refugees and are expected to win Sunday's elections throughout Poland, with the strongest among them being the anti-German, anti-Russian, and anti-EU Law and Justice party or PiS.

Ah, found an article in English:
Reuters: Election puts Poland's ties with EU, Germany at risk

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gulfgal98's picture

This morning I saw where there was going to be a flyering event for Bernie Sanders at the local courthouse at 11:30 am. Our Peace vigil also meets at the local courthouse at noon, so I figured I would go early and check out the flyering. When I got there, there were four other people, Ben, the young man who had organized this event and had buttons, stickers, and handouts of Bernie's positions on the issues for us to hand out to passers by; another middle aged woman, whose name I have forgotten; and an older couple from Asheville who were dressed in Bernie Sanders for President sweatshirts - not official gear, but really great looking sweatshirts. Ben immediately gave me a Bernie sticker and button and off I went down the street to hand out flyers.

It was a lot harder than I expected. While I met a few folks who were supporting Bernie, most people said they were not interested. Some said that they were big Trump supporters! The only people who seemed even the least interested were millennials, most of who knew all about Bernie. Even though most of the time, I do well in talking to people about the Peace vigil, I felt like a total failure at flyering. Meanwhile, Fern, the older woman from Asheville was very successful in her efforts, more with people in cars stopped at the light than those walking by. I told her that she was awesome and that I hoped she and her husband would come to the next flyering event. Ben, the organizer was very upbeat the entire time.

After a half an hour of my flyering, we set up our signs for the Peace vigil and shared space with the Bernie folks. We said that we hoped that the next flyering would coincide with our Peace vigil as we all seemed to really get along. About a half an hour into the Peace vigil, a young guy of college age came by and I chatted with him for quite a while. He knew his history of the Middle East very well. He was very thoughtful and impressive. Every time I meet a millennial, I continue to be impressed with how in tune they are with their environment and the world. I would not be surprised if he shows up again. I hope so.

So today was plusses and minuses but ended on a good note. I have signed up for flyering again when Ben decides to do it. I hope I can improve on being able to reach people the way that the woman from Asheville did and I hope the Asheville couple will come again. Their enthusiasm was contagious..

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

joe shikspack's picture

it's good to hear that you are making connections with other politically active folks who might also be interested in peace work. it's been my experience that, in the long run, it is social connections that tend to bring out younger people for activism. maybe along with your vigils you might consider some other sorts of activities, things like "pancakes for peace" breakfasts or movie showings might be a way to build community.

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mimi's picture

on the last exti of our metro station's line on a Friday afternoon. It was a mixed bag of an experience. People were so tired coming from work, you couldn't get them to stop and exchange some words, either they grabbed the flyer (and later I picked them out of the trashcan a couple of yards down the exit, as most just grab them and throw them away) or just shaked their head and passed by. After chatting a bit with the other flyering fellows, I decided to pass to the waiting area for buses, at least people sat there and waited. I could really talk to them. My feeling was that most of them were completely exhausted and tired and didn't want to hear anything political. Some young folks and ladies though definitely were immediately enthusiastic and said they like Sanders It was not clear to me, how to get some people, who were not interested, into listening to me. I was a bit persistent and sometimes it actually worked and we chatted a bit. That's when people start reading the flyers. You have to get them into a one to one conversation.

Another flyering lady told me it's all about how one approaches someone, you have to be very, very friendly, polite and patient. Then she said "we are not as polite as the Germans, but I try my best..." Oh ... I always forget about my accent, it was the trigger. I got the message and told her that "Germans are not that polite, but I try my best to be as friendly as Americans". I was not sure what she wanted me to "get". May be not what I was thinking. She made me feel insecure.

I must say I go away from such activities feeling "that it is not my kind of work" and I am getting always a bit frustrated why one has to use these methods at all to draw people's interest. Most people I saw were just nowhere near thinking that voting or elections would change anything and looked and sounded "bitter and kaput". They seemed to have all given up and had no interest at all. Some really looked grim.

I think the trick with distributing flyers is that you have to have a table and something that catches the interest of people to stop at your table. As Joe said, pancakes might be a great idea. And then you just start talking to people. A lot of people, once they realize you listen, want to talk, even want to talk a lot. That's when it is a rewarding experience. And when you understand which websites they don't know yet, if the twitter and facebook and know Sanders website etc. Many do, but they still want to talk. That was an experience I got during a local labor day festival, where we had a table. All due to one single man's out of his own pocket expense to set up the table and the little canopy. We had a lively conversation going on between five people for over half an hour and more. Strangely enough at the debate-watching meet-up there was very little conversation going on among those who came and watched the debate.

So, I scratch my head. I like the idea of cooking or baking something and offering a "Bern-Beer" at a public place with a table may be and just try to talk to people about politics. I think people talk simply with their phones these days and forget all the rest of human interactions.

I will put the flyers in my neighborhood's mail slot one day. Have too many left.

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gulfgal98's picture

that I am aware of in our very small town. Even though the town is predominately Democrat, everything outside our small town is Republican. Much of the traffic in downtown during the weekends is tourist oriented, many of whom come from South Carolina.

I was not the organizer of this. What was difficult for me to understand is how so many people did not want to hear about Bernie, And yet on other weekends, they seemed to be open to our Peace vigil efforts. Believe me, I am very good at talking to folks about wars, etc. Don said I am the best, so it is not about me. And yes, I do smile and am very open and non judgemental. So it is not about my approach. I think that many people in the deep South are scared to death about Bernie. They do not know what to think about him. That is just my guess. Otherwise, I am clueless.

Here at caucus, I try to be open and sharing and hopefully my experiences will either educate or inspire others to take action.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

why would people in the South be scared of Bernie Sanders? What would the "little man" so to speak have to fear from a man like him? If he would only get two of his many goals and programs achieved, it would be already a huge difference. Are they feeling uncomfortable because he speaks straight?

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There is a web site called Political Calculations that I largely trust. It breaks down the numbers
and here

It's too bad that I can never post this on DKos, where unshakable faith in Obamacare is mandatory.

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that you feel that you cannot post factual information there, or the extent to which DK participants deny reality.

For example, the fools over there are celebrating the 'demise' of the repub party despite the repubs' dominance at the state level and in Congress, and despite the way districts have been gerrymandered in favor of repubs. Yet, the celebration continues.

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snoopydawg's picture

If people can't handle the truth about Obama and Hillary that's their problem.
There are many of us who are fed up with the direction that site is going and I for one am not going to quit writing about the truth.
The ACA has helped a lot of people, but many people can't use their insurance benefits because they can barely pay their premiums and then don't have the money to see a doctor because their deductibles are so high.
And I'm not going to be quiet about Hillary's war mongering and her love of the banks. Nor how crooked their foundation is.
When she was SOS many countries that purchased weapons would then give their foundation millions and also pay Bill to give speeches.
Their foundation has hurt the people in Haiti by making sure that the sweat shops are up and running while the people are still living in tents.

The site has many amazing people on it and I'm not going to let Hillary's or Obama's supporters run me off of it.
Post anything you want. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has your back.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Let the article and source speak for itself. ACA is a boondoggle. I have insurance through Medicare and my pension. My premium for both has gone up the last three years - that I've noticed. Because of the consistent frequency of increase, it drew my attention.
Obama is a lying horse's ass, and Hillary is more of the same. in 2008, GOS hated Hillary. Now they love her. They make the Tea Party look good. At least they rebel.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


On northern Syria, Erdogan denounced the merging of the Syrian town of Tel Abyad last week into an autonomous political structure created by the Kurds.

"All they want is to seize northern Syria entirely," Erdogan said. "We will under no circumstances allow northern Syria to become a victim of their scheming. Because this constitutes a threat for us, and it is not possible for us as Turkey to say 'yes' to this threat."

Tel Abyad, on the border with Turkey, was captured in June from Islamic State by Kurdish YPG militia with help from U.S.-led air strikes. Last week, a local leadership council declared it part of the system of autonomous self government established by the Kurds.

Note: we 1) currently have special forces operating with these Kurds, 2) are dropping tonnes of weapons to them, and 3) are trying to get them to take more land from ISIS.

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things have been going down hill for quite some time with Erdogan's power plays to stay in power. If there was a radical change of government, something this big is not in the cards, but with a radical change, Erdogan and others would be in court and probably end up in jail. With that hanging over your head, and the control of the state media and shutting off opposition channels on major distribution systems, (85% of people get their news from TV), etc

and now this Saran gas attack

with their current position, the AKP party and Erdogan can block the investigation. The election is soon - Nov 1 or 2, early days of Nov, and not clear if it will be a clean election which could lead to something even worse in the country

it looks like Erdogan is not going to get his super majority to form a government and may try the trick of calling another election right away and continue with the interim government which he controls

todayszaman says it is the largest English language newspaper. Well written.

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shaharazade's picture

What a freaking mess in the ME. I have a hard time grasping the extent of what we have wrought since 9/11. I am not naive. I know that since the Crusades the east west conflicts have been around in one form or another. However since 9/11 it all came out in the open and the Muslim world became suspect, pre-criminals who are an existential, extremist threat to what, civilization. lol. Turkey sits in the middle of east west divide. They are players, they were the Ottoman's, an empire to recon with.

Anyway I find it bizarre that the US and other players, some west some east, always drag out the weapons of mass destruction, illegal chemicals or any other violation of human rights they whip up. What a grim game they are playing. My main thought is due to modern 'technology' this killing sickness is even more effectively efficient then it has ever been.Think of the future no US human boots on the ground just slaughter from the intelligent air.

As for any legitimate democratic solution here in the US or in Turkey or anywhere forget about it. They, all of the evil fuckers east west or in between, control the electoral process. Real democracy along with universal human and civic rights or the concepts of equality are the antithesis of what rules the world these days. Even Bernie won't take this on. Face it all the players that are running this global show are not capable of allowing any democratic solutions. They are making a killing in the free market, profits are US.

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the next day and fewer police than in the Columbus Oh airport

no big panic that I saw

went down the coast to Troy and seemed normal

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