Another Clinton "Press Conference"


Clinton speaks briefly with press on her new plane

Ok, well, not so much a Press Conference as a drive by in the air:

CLEVELAND — Hillary Clinton’s long national standoff with the press is over.
On the maiden voyage of the general election plane Clinton will share with her press corps for the next two months — a Boeing 737 emblazoned with the campaign’s “H” logo on its wing tips and tail in a scion blue evocative of Air Force One — Clinton greeted the group of close to 40 journalists traveling with her.

Clinton planned to hold a more official gaggle and answer questions aboard the plane later in the day, she said. But to relieve some of the mounting tension with the press that she has studiously avoided for the past month as she has focused on raising money at high-dollar fundraisers, she came to say a simple hello.

When asked if she had a Labor Day message, she said: “Oh, I do. you’ll hear it. I definitely do. If you want more happy Labor Days, you’ll know who to vote for.”

So, I guess the 'running out the clock' theory was premature? /s

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lotlizard's picture

and when I go out in my coach, all the people journalists will wave at me…

Where are the simple joys of Clintonhood?

Shall I not be on a pedestal
Worshiped and competed for?
Not be carried off or better still
Cause a little war?

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riverlover's picture

Or whether her allergic reaction earlier caused her to beg off?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

MsGrin's picture

by the time I could post this. She hasn't meant/kept any of her OTHER promises.

The folks who attended THIS "presser" had to fly with her somewhere... there was forced attendance once they showed up. I'd like to see what they really felt about THAT. `

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

mimi's picture

in Cleveland. I won't link to the video. I don't know if her conditions is just not a sign of severe exhaustion and side effects of some medication she might have to take? At least I know that this kind of cough attacks can be side effects of high blood pressure medication and phsyical exhaustion. I had them and they are awful to have in a meeting in front of other people. I feel for her. It's not an allergic reaction. It's hard to look at how she tries to make fun of the situation.

I have a disgust for the US media coverage.

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katchen's picture

was trending on twitter all day yesterday and there's some comic gold in there, not just about her coughing (which she blamed on Trump) but about the "press conference."


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Citizen Of Earth's picture

when she finally holds a press conference. And I wonder what the minimum donation was to the Clinton Foundation to get a reporter on that plane.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Jonatha Jones 2m2 minutes ago
Ewww, Kaine grabs the same hand HIllary was hacking into. Germs and who knows what else? #HackingHillary

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

MsGrin's picture

She's a piece of work...

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Citizen Of Earth's picture

gazing upon Her Heinous that presumably will be asking the 'tough' questions.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

snoopydawg's picture

and half the time she didn't cover her mouth.
But what grossed me out for the 1 minute I could stand to watch it was that she coughed into the microphone so it was amplified.
My grandmother taught me better manners.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

As Secretary of State i was perfectly within my ...cough..duties...cough hack cough..
of...cough cough cough question.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Bollox Ref's picture

I might feel sorry for her, but as she's not, I don't.

If she's not up to the job, it's time to say so.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

mimi's picture

are two different pair of shoes. I feel sorry for how her health issues are used and abused by the press, here, and elsewhere on the intertubes. I don't feel sorry for her having made the decision she wants to be President. The latter is a voluntarily made decision, the former is an involuntary incident of a human being like you and me.

It's very well possible to be up to the job and having health problems at the same time.

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MsGrin's picture

That's a very interesting perspective... I suspect she'd be getting a much higher level of concern and support from said press if she her position wasn't essentially what Trump's doctor wrote (that she's the healthiest, fittest woman in the universe or something). The fact that the is clearly minimizing whatever's going on with her health is what is fueling speculation - well, that and the amount of time she has spent out of the public eye (and out of press conferences) this summer/year.

At some point, a series of involuntary incidents appears to reflect more than a nothingburger.

Doesn't help that the dribbling of her emails is making THAT supposed nothingburger look like somethingburger afterall. There's a reason her trustworthy numbers are in the toilet.

The way to convince folks that she's up to the job and having health problems is to keep us in the loop of what's going on for her.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

If she didn't support the "fuck every other american on health concerns" policy position. Or the "injure, maim, and kill the foreign brown skinned people" policy position.

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Alex Ocana's picture

Clinton Campaign Lies About Her Latest Coughing Fits in Cleveland

Both during a speech and on the airplane. As you can see the pollen report from September 5 indicates low to moderate pollen (see image)...

Here is the article and the pollen report from accuweather.

Hillary Clinton Fights Back Coughing Attack (NBC)

"However the frog in Clinton's throat on Monday was one of the most aggressive she's had during her 2016 run and left her almost unable to finish her remarks.

After the event, campaign aides attributed it to allergies. "

pollen sept 5 cleveland.jpg

The fact that she and her campaign feel it necessary to lie about the cough leads me to believe that, beyond the obvious symptoms, she and they are covering up a much more serious problems, some of which are neurological. While I feel sorry for her about her health, on another level, I don't think that freeze-ups, short circuits, and other symptoms are something a candidate should cover-up, particular when the illness may or may not effect her ability to carry out the duties of office. I certainly don't want Abedin or Bill secretly running the government.

I have embedded a video to show one side of the story from a more systematic, soft-spoken point of view and without video modifications (which I despise and consider lies). I think it is worth consideration and further research.

If Clinton is sick, I think she should STOP whatever she is doing to obtain power (or history or whatever), and take a long, restful break before "it" becomes to acute to enjoy the last years of her life. I am sure the oligarchy can find another face to finish off the planet.

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From the Light House.

on the basis of her policies and methods, rather than on whatever health issues she may be experiencing. I think it's fair to hold her responsible for the one, but not the other. Mocking a person for some degree of physical infirmity seems low and mean, no matter how much one dislikes her.

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MsGrin's picture

which is the real problem.

We're in a job interview period. If she's got health issues, ADMIT THEM so we can give informed consent. I'm not mocking, but I want to know what's going on. The coughing and a possible catheter may not be issues which would preclude her from taking this position, but neurological issues may well be. If she's trying to downplay/hide the first two, it makes the third seem more likely.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

An elder Statesperson need not be, and should not be subjugated to mandatory physical examination and requirements. Old age necessarily entails a certain degree of physical infirmity, but physical limitations do not preclude competent leadership.

Throughout human history and across most cultures, very elderly people have traditionally served as tribal Chiefs and Heads of State. Age and experience having been generally valued, quite reasonably, far more than physical ability. This is not a crazy idea. If I had my way, I'd put Jimmy Carter back in the White House. The current focus of American media on eternal youth and the undesirability of growing old, is irrational and patently absurd. We seem to have adopted the bizarre obsession that to grow old is in fact somehow shameful, and should be disguised. Blame it on the boomers I guess, or maybe the plastic surgery industry.

I don't care whether HRC has "health issues" or not. She most definitely has "neocon issues" - and that is what concerns me.

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MsGrin's picture

Having some pretty serious neurological issues myself, I do think the possibility (to me it seems a strong likelihood) that she has neurological issues is something her electorate deserves to be aware of. Running for president is a drawn-out job interview, and I believe we are entitled (or should be) to give informed consent.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Plato2016's picture

"Boy, we have 63 days to go." And then coughed for another 3 minutes.

So what does "63 days" have to do with anything?

Does she think that once the campaign is over she won't have to talk anymore? Well, that would be a problem because she doesn't know how to use email to communicate and throws her blackberries away when they are naughty.

Does she mean that she'll be able to sleep all of the time once she's president? Yeah, that's it; once she's president, Bill can run the country while she gets her rest.

Or maybe she means that she'll be able to cough in private because those pesky voters and journalists won't be around.

The incident showed further impairment:

She kept the mic to her mouth while coughing. For a lifelong politician, she knows better. Are her judgements impaired? If she has lost touch with a basic aspect of public speaking, what will she do with heads of state?

She could have handed the mic to Kaine and gotten some throat spray from an aide (that should have been on hand and used even BEFORE she spoke).

When the coughing fit happened again later on the plane, why wasn't her team prepared? Is she telling them to back off, like how she screams at secret service agents?

If her team is told to just sit there and pretend it isn't happening when Hillary is gasping for breath, it's bizarre. It's as if: "Hey, just let her die. If we react to her illness, then people will think she's dying."

If she has health problems, the American people should know about it. Most people would not care if a president cannot run a marathon or lacks the co-ordination for dribbling a basketball. But, Hillary is already using the "I don't recall" crap with the FBI, is there something wrong with her brain -- like Reagan? Are we going into 4 years of a president with dementia? (When my mother had dementia, she would get confused standing at a bookshelf after going down the hallway to look for a towel. And she died 2 years later from it after every cell in her body began to give out.)

Health is a vital factor in picking a president. We need to know. There is more and more evidence that she could have problems which would seriously impair her ability to run the world's #1 superpower.

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We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.

can cause such uncontrollable coughing fits. Did for my mother, who had to be switched to a less effective anti-hypertensive. Did for me, too, but I, some 38 years younger than she, adjusted.

You really don't have to "speculate" about neurological causes for coughing fits, but some on this site will never give that up - ridiculing people is simply too much fun, especially people who may have medical ailments. That is what c99p is getting a reputation for, from my reading of comments on other sites.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

k9disc's picture

And which commenters?

I've seen a bit too callous treatment of HRC here. I'm not playing ball on that one, it's just a convenient excuse to be ignored or a chink in the moral/ethical armor.

And there is really only 1 author I know of that posts that stuff.

Seems to me like some people found a good hand-hold for their political judo.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

lotlizard's picture

That is what c99p is getting a reputation for, from my reading of comments on other sites.

1. Plant something that is likely to repel potential allies and pretend to argue for it
2. Under other online identities, go elsewhere and point back to it. “See? See?”

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but all those essays last week accusing c99ers calling HRC female vulgarities, which I had never seen really set off my my CT senses. Post an essay making the accusations and leave it unattended. Post an apology the next day saying the essay was really intended for other sites where it was cross-posted and got no pushback. Day Three another poster comes to original poster's "defense," using the same swear words. Hey, guess what swear words I was able to google with "c99p" and get hits now.

I miss the days when the early c99ers wrote intelligent, original essays and we discussed them. Now it just seems an amplifier for whatever the MSM and RW sites are putting out. If a writer does post a quality essay about an issue, it rarely gets much notice before getting scrolled off the Recent Essays list by two or three sentence long "essays" and a link to other sites.

I'm bitching too much. But I can't say I'm looking forward to 4-8 years of "essays" on this site dissecting every detail of HRC v. the Republican congress, while the big picture and things we can do something about are ignored.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

Citizen Of Earth's picture

As soon as Hellery gives me a reason to respect her, I will treat her with respect. Until that happens (and I assume hell will freeze over on the same day) Hellery will get full ridicule from me.

BTW, when you say "especially people who may have medical ailments", exactly who are these "people" besides Hellery?

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

a medical condition I was referring to was Hillary Clinton.

But, I'm checking out of this conversation, because discussing politics and politicians just really isn't my thing, never has been. I just thought I'd add in my own experiences with medications that cause coughing fits.

It was a mistake. I apologize for disrupting your conversation.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

mimi's picture

Jeez, don't give in.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

for the 1000s of children murdered by her war crimes as SoS. Rather than clutching pearls about some guy on the internets who called her a bitch.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

The speculation about Hillary's health problems here has bothered me a lot, and I've chosen to ignore it. It's unseemly and unnecessary, to my mind, and I agree that it hasn't done this community any favors. I don't think that's the sort of thing you write about without more certain and complete knowledge than any of us has.

There are so many important issues this campaign is not addressing, and so many ways to critique Hillary, that it's an unnecessary diversion to speculate about possible medical conditions. I never told the primary exponent of these speculations to shut it, because it's not my place. But I wish those essays would be ignored a lot more than they have been.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

I find them to be comic relief from the dismantling of the democracy. I agree the pee/poop essay stepped over the line a bit. Personally I think she's bi-polar. And who wants a bi-polar holding the nuke codes. But I only play a doctor on the Internets.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Alex Ocana's picture

I am not ridiculing her illness at all. I am older than she is and have some idea of how old bodies feel, even if we aren't sick. I am also not running for President (supreme power), or anything else.

What disturbs me, is that instead of being transparent, she puts out phony excuses and lies about allergies and opens pickle jars while cackling in the same voice (in front of the Foreign Relations Counsel etc.) she does talking about obliterating countries. just like Albright, with her "Its worth the price." I see this as insanity. If there are physical problems exacerbating the innate insanity, well it puts us in an exponentially higher risk of destroying the planet. We should know about it. Now.

Its not ridicule, its fear for the planet... (My Paranoia? , You all can decide!)

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From the Light House.

Clinton may have (more speculative than factual) they bear no relation to her dangerous foreign policy positions - they are trivial in comparison. Focusing public attention on them is both distracting, and somewhat tasteless.

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Alex Ocana's picture

Well I would agree... todays' apparent assassination attempt on Putin is a much more important topic.

I ept looping the first thirty seconds until I understood what exactly happened... I will have to do it slow motion as well.

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From the Light House.

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There is no mention in her dr's letter that she takes HBP medicine.

There is mention of seasonal allergies, so you'd think she'd have medicine for them.

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Alex Ocana's picture

The allergy is a lie as proven by the pollen count in Cleveland. The lies are a cover up, and I think we need to know what is being covered up.

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From the Light House.

I can say that I have problems when the pollen count or air quality would not bother normal people.

That said, I don't buy her excuse.

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riverlover's picture

and that is the most common heavy pollen emitter. That is allergenic to many. Sneezing and sniffling.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

pswaterspirit's picture

This time of year. Dry air and dust cause my throat to get a tickle. It only gets worse the more and harder I cough. Water only helps for a short time.

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lotlizard's picture

due to something triggering uncontrollable coughing out of the blue.

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Alex Ocana's picture

The ragweed pollen content in the winter is practically zero? Check the dates of her coughing spells. Check the pollen counts for those days.

And yesterday in Cleveland ragweed was low moderate, and on the airplane probably zero.

There is no public medical record that she takes anti-allergen drugs.

Allergies don't cause "short circuiting".

Then go listen to her speeches at the Foreign reation Council and AIPAC and tell me the candidate is not insane.

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From the Light House.

all the press would walk off her plane and tell her we will return after you hold a legitimate press conference with zero preconditions

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some 3-1/2 years ago that the US is no longer "a functioning democracy." This isn't news.

People can either acccept that and start doing something about it - or not.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

That it was interupted by her 2nd known coughing fit of the day. The video of the 3 minute one is all over the Internet.

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MsGrin's picture

I wonder if that had anything to do with why she did not hold the promised second meeting with press...

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Citizen Of Earth's picture

when she got back from the speech and was addressing the onboard press. She ends up walking away after just a few words. Smile

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Alex Ocana's picture

Is it filtered? Cleveland on the 5th was a low to low-moderate pollen day. Just wondering if the airplane just recycles Cleveland air??? Or is it filtered?

Answer: See

Also I would like to point out that the Alex Jones meme about an ambulance in the motorcade being proof she is sick, is phony... the ambulance is there, but all the motorcades supposedly have an ambulance attached.

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From the Light House.

skod's picture

comes from bleed air from the compressor stages of the engines. It results in a slight loss of efficiency for the engine, but it doesn't take that much. The bleed air initially runs through a heat exchanger to cool it to a temperature appropriate for reexpansion for cabin use (still bloody hot!), and the expansion from its high-pressure state back to cabin pressure is what gives the bulk of the "air conditioning" effect: good ol' Boyle's Law does the hard work of providing cooling.

Modern aircraft HVAC systems are total-loss systems: somewhere back in the fuselage is a pressure relief/regulation valve that dumps exactly the same volume of air over the side that is bled off the engine compressors and introduced to the cabin. So the cabin air is generally pretty fresh. Dry, for sure (humidities at cruise altitudes are pretty low!), but fresh. Some cabin air is recycled, but I believe that the average time to completely exchange the cabin air for a fresh load is on the order of 10 minutes...

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Alex Ocana's picture

replacing old air with pure air... the whole "allergy" argument seems like bullshit? Not rhetorical, sincerely asking.

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From the Light House.

riverlover's picture

I'll bet cabin air is a hell of a lot cleaner than most household air, since most don't exchange that quickly. I have air exchange 20 min/hour and I think I remember 3 volume changes per hour. Don't quote me on that. But the in/out exchanger was sized for the house.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alex Ocana's picture

judging from the lack of pollen (easy enough to check the pollen count for each of the coughing fits)... then what medicine is she taking and what side-effects do they have? Why aren't they controlling the symptom at least while she is trying to do a speech and a press conference?

Back some years ago I had to drink a bunch of anti-histamine when I "sat on" a hive of giant wasps in the Amazon... If I had to take those consistently, I doubt I could have performed my academic duties...

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From the Light House.

lotlizard's picture

"sat on" a hive of giant wasps in the Amazon

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Alex Ocana's picture

OK! OK! I was taking a Trump! Wasp about an inch and a half long...

I usually don't have any reaction to insect bites and stings... but in the case of the wasps, they felt like scorpions. There are some inch long ants as well with a really evil sting... parked my Land Rover on a nest to camp out in the bush and ended up on the roof, LOL. Here in Dominica we have a blister beetle which can (while you are asleep) spray you with some sort of acid which causes painful blisters.

I actually love this stuff.

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From the Light House.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

lotlizard's picture

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like when the Florida AG did not prosecute Trump. Hello? The American people have a right to know why your husband, an attorney, and the US AG, also an attorney, didn't know better than to wait for each other on the tarmac, thereby creating a need for the AG to disqualify herself. The American people have a right to know why Comey forget what Harvard Law School taught him about the meaning "criminal intent." The American people have a right to know why a special prosecutor was not appointed.

She talks about the American people having a right to know what connections Trump has with Russia. How about the Clinton connections with Trump AND Russia?

The irony went on and on.

Oh, and how to handle conflicts with the Clinton Foundation will be decided after the election. Much like they were after she got appointed of State, I guess?

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also while giving $256,000 speeches before Wall Street bank execs or during fundraisers in the Hamptons, Martha's Vinyard, and Beverly Hills? That IS the question. Uncontrollable coughing fits can be used as a weapon against having to answer pesky questions.

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MsGrin's picture

(edit: was referring to yesterday in the air)...and she announced there would be a longer presser which I don't think ever happened.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Lenzabi's picture

Well, I find that questions regarding her health as potentially fit enough to run the nation are relevant. The MSM made a big deal about seeing if Bernie was fit enough to be one, his health records showed him "Healthy as a horse" for a man at age 74 who is in better shape than me, that was another vote of confidence for me to send money to his campaign and hope for him to be the nominee.

That Hillary coughs so much and tries to avoid conferences with the press until she feels like it makes I and others wonder what she is hiding? That we have yet to see a disclosure of her medical records as was demanded of Sanders also does not help her.

Jill Stein is never afraid to be interviewed off the cuff at the moment someone asks her, she seems healthy and intelligent and HONEST! so why not push for her to be president? Oh right, too many sheeple are concerned with corporate Choice A or B, and are ordered to pay no mind to any other choices.

I cannot see either Hillary or Donald as President, I prefer Jill, but the Oligarchy seems to be hell bent on forcing one of those two down our throats as they poison the well for Jill, and lately now, Gary.

Don't be fooled into electing one who is likely to be dead or stress crazy in a couple of years, or the rabid dog. Stop rewarding the false duopoly.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish