Open Thread 10-18-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings.
150 Countries Pledge to Curb Carbon Emissions
Some 150 countries representing around 90 percent of the world’s carbon emissions have now filed pledges to curb them, dramatically increasing the chances of a deal at the Paris climate summit in December.
The promises made so far would still put the world on track for a dangerous global warming rise of 3°C (around 9°F). But they could be adjusted in the future to meet the 2°C target recommended by international scientists, the EU’s climate commissioner, Miguel Cañete, told a U.N. conference in Rabat, Morocco.
“The gap is not as big as expected if the INDCs (intended nationally determined contributions) are transformed and fully implemented,” said Cañete. “Their scope and scale is an achievement in itself.”
The French development minister, Annick Girardin, said that many of the pledges came from developing countries, and had brightened prospects for a climate treaty in December.
Bye-Bye, Big Oil: Obama Administration Scraps Arctic Drilling Plans
Campaigners say that the Obama administration is heeding the call of the climate movement—and slowly shifting action to match its rhetoric on global warmingThe Obama administration announced late Friday that it was pulling the plug on new lease sales for drilling in the Arctic's Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, in a move environmentalists are hailing as a decided step to keep unburnable oil "in the ground."
Citing "current market conditions" and "low industry interest," as well as Shell's recent decision to scrap its Arctic drilling plans, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell declared that two offshore lease sales scheduled for 2016 and 2017 would be cancelled.
However, campaigners said the move was likely the result of the fierce opposition campaign as well as the growing awareness that if the White House has any intention of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions the country must cease new oil exploration and, instead, invest in more renewable energy alternatives.
On World Food Day, Celebrating the Power of Regenerative Organic Farming
Agroecology is political; it requires us to challenge and transform structures of power in society.'As environmentalists, humanitarians, and farmers from around the globe celebrate the 35th annual World Food Day on Friday, sustainability advocates are heralding the capacity of organic regenerative agriculture and agroecology to address wide-ranging challenges from climate change to public health to hunger.
"On this World Food Day we face two interlinked planetary challenges: to produce enough food for all people and to sequester enough carbon in the soil to reverse climate change," said Tom Newmark, co-founder of The Carbon Underground, on Friday.
Newmark made his statements at a Washington, D.C. press conference hosted by the nonprofit organization Regeneration International and featuring a panel of 10 international experts on organic agriculture, carbon sequestration, and world hunger.
One Story Shows Just How Insane U.S. Drone Policy Is
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that U.S. drone policy is insane.
But one story told by the main drone whistleblowing reporter – Jeremy Scahill – shows just how insane it really is.
Specifically, Scahill explained today that Americans target TALL people in Afghanistan and other countries … assuming that tall men must be Arabs or “foreign fighters.”
Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria
Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, a little more than a year ago, in July 2014 were the focus of attention in Europe and North America, accused, without a shred of forensic evidence, of shooting down an unarmed civilian Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine. The Russians were deemed out to restore the Soviet Union with their agreement to the popular referendum of Crimean citizens to annex into the Russian Federation and not Ukraine. Western sanctions were being thrown at Russia by both Washington and the EU. People spoke of a new Cold War. Today the picture is changing, and profoundly. It is Washington that is on the defensive, exposed for the criminal actions it has been doing in Syria and across the Middle East, including creating the recent asylum crisis in Germany and large parts of the EU.
As a student of international politics and economics for most of my adult life, I must say the emotional restraint that Vladimir Putin and the Russian government have shown against tasteless ad hominem attacks, from people such as Hillary Clinton who likened Putin to Adolf Hitler, is remarkable. But more than restraint is required to bring our world from the brink or some might say, the onset of a World War III. Brilliant and directed action is essential. Here something extraordinary has taken place in the very few days since President Vladimir Putin’s September 28, UNGA speech in New York.
What he said…
What Putin said to the UN General Assembly must be noted to put what he and Russia did in the days immediately following into clear focus. First of all he made clear what the international law behind the UN Charter means and that Russia is scrupulously abiding by the Charter in actions in Syria. Russia, unlike the US, has been formally asked by the legitimate Syrian government to aid its war against terror.
Kicking War Cans Down the Road
President Lyndon Johnson, whose record on civil rights, Medicare, the “war on poverty” and the environment made him one of the most progressive leaders in American history, destroyed his legacy by sinking the country ever deeper into the Vietnam War. President Barack Obama risks doing the same by refusing to summon the courage to end America’s fruitless and costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In October 2011, the White House famously declared, “President Obama has ended the war in Iraq . . . this moment represents more than an accomplishment for the President. It marks a monumental change of focus for our military and a fundamental shift in the way that our nation will engage in the world.”
Afghanistan was next on the promised list of ended wars. In January 2014, Obama boasted, “When I took office, nearly 180,000 Americans were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, all our troops are out of Iraq. . . . With Afghan forces now in the lead for their own security, our troops have moved to a support role. Together with our allies, we will complete our mission there by the end of this year, and America’s longest war will finally be over.”
How Much Privacy Are You Willing To Give Up?
An Expert Provides Some Surprising and Specific Advice On Protecting YourselfBack in January of 1999, in the infancy of the internet, the founder and former head of Sun Microsystems, Scott McNealy, said, “There is no privacy, get over it.” And that was before Facebook, Uber, and “location-based” retail.
For a few internet-savvy users, the fear of someone invading their personal space, is a threat requiring ongoing vigilance. But most blithely accept the dangers in exchange for the benefits of a plugged-in, social-networked existence.
In this week’s podcast Felicia King, a technology and privacy expert, makes the case that we need a whole new approach to personal privacy.
This would range from erecting strong defenses to protect our online identity and using specially secure cell phones, to paying only in cash, being careful at medical offices, not letting our banks know us too well, exercising caution with copy machines, foregoing discount cards at grocery stores, and establishing relationships only with retailers we trust.
How Monsanto Solicited Academics to Bolster Their Pro-GMO Propaganda — Using Taxpayer Dollars
Thousands of emails reveal how the biotech giant enlisted public university academics to prop up their massive PR machine.The Monsanto public relations machine has done a stellar job in recent years of reducing the GMO debate to one that pits “pro-science advocates” against “anti-science climate-denier types” — with Monsanto portrayed as being squarely planted in the pro-science camp.
But that well-oiled machine may be starting to sputter.
Turns out that Monsanto executive solicited pro-GMO articles from university researchers, and passed the “research” off as independent science which the biotech giant then used to prop up its image and further its agenda.
We know this, thanks to thousands of pages of emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). And because a host of news outlets—including the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Bloomberg, the StarPhoenix and others — are now running with the story.
America's Greenest Cities: Where Does Your City Rank?
An analysis to find out just how green America's 100 most populous cities are yields some surprising results.Did you know that the U.S. city with the highest percentage of commuters who drive is Corpus Christi? Or that the best city in the nation for biking is Minneapolis? What about the fact that San Francisco has the largest number of farmers markets per capita? These are some of the many eye-opening facts that came out of a recent analysis of 100 of America's most populous cities and their environmental friendliness.
A strong majority of Americans favor living sustainably. According to a Pew Research poll, 71 percent said the U.S. "should do whatever it takes to protect the environment." And as more than 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas, examining the environmental friendliness of cities is an excellent way to take the nation's overall "sustainability pulse."
Conducted by the personal finance website Wallethub, 2015's Greenest Cities in America analyzes each the 100 cities across 13 key metrics (including percent of green space, number of smart-energy policies and per capita greenhouse gas emissions) to identify those cities that most encourage an environmentally friendly lifestyle — and the ones that are lagging behind.
Edward Snowden: Clinton made 'false claim' about whistleblower protection
Speaking via satellite at a privacy conference at Bard College in New York, Snowden disputed Clinton’s claim that he bypassed whistleblower protectionsEdward Snowden has accused Hillary Clinton of “a lack of political courage” for her assertion during the Democratic presidential debate this week that the whistleblower had bypassed options for disclosing illegal government spying programs that would have protected him and not violated the law.
Speaking via satellite at a privacy conference at New York’s Bard College on Friday, Snowden said: “Hillary Clinton’s claims are false here.”
“This is important, right?” Snowden told an audience at the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College. “Truth should matter in politics, and courage should matter in politics, because we need change. Everyone knows we need change. And we have been aggrieved and in many ways misled by political leaders in the past.”
The Federal Agency Behind the Gross Expansion of Fracking Pipelines
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), a national agency with wide jurisdiction over gas industry projects, used to be one of those unseen government organizations that go quietly about their business, creating no headlines and flying under the public radar. But mounting citizen alarm about the high-volume hydraulic fracturing industry has changed all that, and FERC's opponents have publicly accused the agency of being a spearhead for fossil fuel corporate domination of the United States and its resources.
Early opposition to shale drilling was restricted to protests against what is commonly called fracking - blasting chemical-laden water into subterranean rock to fracture it, forcing it to yield the methane (natural gas) it contains. But for the past several years there has been increased opposition to the major, ever-expanding fracking infrastructures over which FERC has jurisdiction - pipelines and the compressor stations that pack down fracked gas for its pipeline journeys.
FERC was founded in 1977 as an independent agency, its status updated nearly 11 years ago by the 2005 Bush-Cheney Energy Act to include jurisdiction over interstate electricity sales, wholesale electric rates, hydroelectric licensing, natural gas pricing and oil pipeline rates. FERC also reviews and authorizes liquefied natural gas terminals, interstate natural gas pipelines and non-federal hydropower projects.
California Says "No" to Plastic Microbeads
There will be no more exfoliating with plastic microbeads in California.
That's what Governor Jerry Brown decided last week when he approved a measure that will prohibit plastic microbeads in personal care products.
The ban won't go into effect until January 1, 2020, but the elimination of plastic beads from soaps, facial and body scrubs, shampoo and toothpaste is huge, as they are one of the most dangerous sources of plastic pollution.
"We were basically saying: no plastic in these products that are washed down the drain," said Mark Murray, executive director of Californians Against Waste. "That was always the objective and that's exactly what the governor signed today."
Why Sale of National Geographic to Fox Signals Perilous Times for Photojournalism
When the news broke that National Geographic was sold to Rupert Murdoch, fans of the magazine gasped.
A magazine known for its photo essays paired with reports often based on scientific research being under the control of an outspoken climate change denier worried them.
As a photojournalist, it is to difficult for me to imagine that the sale of National Geographic to Murdoch won't contribute to the decline of photojournalism, because it is one of the few publications left whose brand is connected to original, visually-oriented content.
Shortly after the sale was announced, Susan Goldberg, National Geographic's editor-in-chief, claimed it was a good thing. "It's great news," she told the Washington Post. "It's really a doubling down on our journalism and an investment in our journalism." She pointed out that the partnership will bring more resources and distribution muscle to National Geographic's digital and print operations.
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings - Tell Me
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - Little Boys with Shiny Toys
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - Retreat!
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings - The Game Gets Old
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings - Let Them Knock
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings - People Don't Get What They Deserve

Morning folks...
what it am? Go Cubs!
good morning
Go green.. Michigan State beat UMich should have seen the look on the faces of their fans. loved it, go green.
Hillary said during the debate, "now that I've seen the doesn't meet my gold standard" WH calls her out when asked by a reporter if Hillary had read it. They said, NO ONE has read it yet. Next our progressive Hillary is in Alabama embracing the neoliberal, trickle down politics of Bill and Barack. She is such a liar.
We survived lows of 28 and snow accumulation in northern MI. I think it's a record for earliest snow. The good news, predictions are for a warmer and less snowier winter than the last two years.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Morning dk...
I saw the end of that game, unbelievable!
Hillary lied, is the sky blue?
Lions who?
Omg - what a disaster the AZ game was.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
2-3 and 0-5...
It's the battle for the basement.
Good Morning JtC and 99%'ers
Yesterday at our Peace vigil, we actually talked about two things that Jeremy Scahill mentioned in his interview on Democracy Now! The first thing was why is there no real anti-war movement in this country? We get a lot of thumbs up and thank yous for our vigil, but why are people not up in arms over all these endless wars? I told the guys that one of the reasons I keep focusing on the fiscal costs of these wars is that seems to be one way to reach the people. But still, the complete lack of anti war movement, particularly among the young, is puzzling.
The second thing that I brought up is how Congress has abdicated its responsibility under the Constitution. We are fighting wars in how many countries? None of these wars have been declared by Congress and none of them are being paid for either.
I know my questions are rhetorical, but I am truly puzzled at how we citizens have also abdicated our own responsibility to hold our elected officials from the President on down to be responsible to we the people in the case of the global war on terror and other wars.
Thank you for this Open Thread.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gg...
glad your vigil is a go again.
I know your questions are rhetorical, but I'll throw my two cents in anyway. The internet, television, corporate marketing, etc,-- the vast majority of Americans have had their brains sucked out of their heads. No draft, the violent putdown of OWS, the counter-culture of the sixties sold out, NSA spying, police brutality, say the wrong word and lose your job, on and on. And the big one: 1%ers have developed "divide and conquer" to the nth degree.
Peace vigil
is going to be week to week from now on.
Also today my husband left on a five day back packing trip with two other guys. They are doing part of the Mountains to Sea trail and then hook up on the Art Loeb Trail which will end up here in Brevard. There are some really steep areas on these trails so they should get a real workout. I hope this goes better than the cross NC bike ride. The weather should be good with no rain (or very little rain) predicted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
he's one active fella! That gives you a whole week to plan your Home Improvements Honey-Do list for next year. I'm thinking, new drywall throughout the house?
i think
he should build a gothic cathedral. There aren't really any good ones in America, and he seems like the man who could do it. ; )
this could be a fiasco too. Our friend who lives in Asheville has wanted to do what he called a porch to porch hike from his house to our house. Driving wise, it is about 35-40 miles. Hiking wise, from the nearest trailhead, it is about 80 miles. If they make good time, it is going to be at least five days by my estimates. I think closer to 6 days. My husband has five days worth of food on him and they plan on eating at the Pisgah Inn on top of Mt. Pisgah one night. Our friend regularly hikes up to five days a week, so he is in hiking shape. Not so my husband even though he did a lot hiking when he was younger, but he is better prepared equipment and food wise. He is carrying 38 lbs which inclues tent, sleeping bag, camp gear, food, and a watter bladder (Camelbak). The third guy is someone my husband has never met and has no idea how prepared he is.
Something tells me that this hike may be shortened after a couple of days. Our friend is only taking four days of food and his sleeping bag is not rated for as low temps as it should be. He did break down and buy a liner though. My husband's sleeping bag is fine so I am not worried about that. In fact, I am not really worried about old men acting stupid. LOL
Maybe a good hard hike will cure them.
As for me, I wimped out of my morning walk today due to freezing temps (32*). I need to get over that real soon.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Housing echo bubble
I'd like to see a chart like that for Hawaii
How much real estate has been bought by people in Hawaii for generations versus people not born in Hawaii, and how that has affected real estate prices for Hawaiians.
Good morning Johnny,good stuff. When can we expect
a "donate" button?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Morning el...
thanks. Yes the donate button will be arriving soon.
Hey JtC, Sunday is a good day for soul
Organic farming -> this summer was brutally dry and may garden wilted. I did a little research and decided to till in pumice, worm castings and feather meal. Hopefully next year is better.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Afternoon Tim...
here's hoping for a better garden year next year, got my fork tines crossed for you, my friend. And a better political year also, got a different kind of fork tine crossed for that one though.
My garden this year
was nonexistent. I started in mid March as usual working the dirt and it was hotter then hell. I had amended the acid soil and spread my years worth of compose on top. By April I walked off and left it as I could not take working in the intense heat. Even in the early morning it was hot as my large raised veggie bed gets full morning sun . I built it in the sunniest corner of our small lot it's a pie slice shaped raised drywall stone bed. The compost I spread before retreating indoors must have been full of squash/cucumber seeds as the whole bed is now covered with giant mystery squash? cucumber vines. It's was beautiful in a scary way the vines are huge and so were the blossoms.
I went out and checked out the ripening fruit the other day and it looks the bulk of the vines are some variation of butternut squash. I'm going to harvest a few of them and see if they are eatable or just some strange hybridized off shoot. Gardening in these days of severe climate change is a challenge. One good thing is even though I neglected my yard this year the heat seems to have fried the weeds and I haven't seen a slug in months. Thanks for the inspiration as it's now cool enough to deal with prepping the bed for winter. I think I'm going to seed a high nitrogen cover crop Fava's? or red clover, this week after turning the mystery squash vegetation under. I have a big container of pumice in my barn/garage which might help cut through the hard baked clay.
Is great for clay. I am using pumice to save on watering. The pores hold water and nutrients.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Russia worried about its Afghan borders
and what does Russia do when it's worried about borders?
perish the thought.
To thine own self be true.
I was in Uzbekistan last week - no word on this issue
Went on a vacation to visit Silk Road sites there.
A strong arm (totalitarian?) country but without inside discord from what I could tell. I was on a tourist route that went near Tajikistan but no rumblings about terrorists.
On the way back was in Turkey the day after the suicide attack and there were less police in the airport in Istanbul than in the Columbus OH airport.
Fascinating stuff. Went to Troy which is in Turkey.
Has the US destabilized a huge part of the world? Will it take decades to settle down?
the lack of holding back our military is leading us down the path of other failed empires......
and there is almost no domestic concern about military spending
from the largest part of the budget which is not audited....
but we are #1! (in some people's minds)
Don you should
write a dairy about your trip. It sounds fascinating and it would be nice to read a liberal's cultural, political, and visual observations about this part of the world. I read a lot of historical and modern spy? pot boilers? novels set in the fuzzy area between the Mid East and Russia and China. The 'stans as I think of them. My Mom lived in Greece on the island of Paros for the last 16 years of her life. She bought one of those white stone? picturesque tiny houses for 9,000$ in the late eighties. She and my Dead had traveled the world over and when he died she moved to Paros as she loved this island. Her favorite place to visit on her frequent travels from Paros was Turkey. It was filled with historical sites and not yet tourist riddled and affordable. I loved her pictures of the people, architecture, countryside and city streets.
mean't my dad rather
then my dead although he is quite dead.
Hi, Good Morning, Jtc and all
I am a bit out of myself, so I am not able to comment on the OT or other issues. But I have sent JtC and Joe a message.
Monsanto is not the only corporation buying
academics, all universities have programs and academics favourable to corporations. Big Business and Academia have been in bed together for years. Monsanto may be the most blatant example though thanks to the fact that university emails are available to the public. We are more prone to accept opinions from academics but now that we know the connection it won't be so easy anymore.
Tomorrow is a big day in Canada, we are voting ABC, Anything But Conservative. (at least I hope so.)
The Liberals went down in the polls after it was revealed that their campaign manager was also working for an oil company and keeping that company informed about the campaign. It's a corporate party after all.
NDP New Democratic Party, left-wing labour party but also a corporate party. The leader Thomas Mulcair handles himself well in parliament and he would be a good leader of the country.
Greens mostly grassroots supported. No big scandals so far. They only have one Member of Parliament and odds are that she will be re-elected.
Elizabeth May has been voted Parliamentarian of the Year for her herculean job reading all the nefarious Conservative Bills. But Greens are a tiny minority.
I already voted. There was a 71% increase in the advance polls maybe because we are suspicious about what the Conservatives have done to Elections Canada. Already it has been revealed that the polls in BC (a deciding province) will close one hour earlier than we expected. From 7 am to 7 pm Pacific time.
Wish us luck with our A B C election!!
To thine own self be true.
Good luck Marilyn!
Show us how it's done.
Good luck Canadians
I have been following this election. I read about the corporate ties of the Liberal manager to big oil. It's crazy that in all the so called western democracy's we get no choice other then pick your corporate, globalizing, austerity poison. I love (snark) how the non hardliner RW corporatist's call themselves 'moderates'. As though there was anything moderate about setting the world on fire and killing any form of democracy. I hope the ABC candidate wins. Anybody but Harper would help. I can't say the same about Hillary as she is a endless warrior, corporate, lunatic of the worst order. I'm not feeling the Bern but will vote for him as the Greens here get less then 5% of the vote. Maybe I am a pragmatist after all. If HRC wins I'm going green nationally and socialist locally as I really have had it with the corrupt assholes who own and run both parties here. Wish we had a Corbyn to vote for be at least a real shot over the bow of the Democratic party.
I cross my fingers for the NDP, I guess, right? I know my ABC.
Sigh. I want so much all corporations in a straight jacket and controlled by socialists or social democrats with lots of human empathy for the little guy and for true equality. I know I am so childish to hope for something better than we have, but then soon I am gone and the little time left I can enjoy me being childish.
Your not childish
you are sentient mature human. All these assholes with power that call themselves this or that are full of it. They all need to go. Do not listen to them mimi they are evil. There is no 'better evil' that's their little trick. All it is some kind of extortion to get you to consent to degrees of evil. there are no degrees evil is just that e4vil regardless of your empathy for the victims. What good does empathy do to the people we kill, bomb, torture or decide can live in the hell on earth the masters of war decide is necessary to maintain there vice grip on the 'world as we find it'. Your time here is not childish it's important sonmething better is not a childish dream. Get a grip. It's up to humans to stop saying we are powerless and to rein in these assholes. Always has been always will be. They are not working or scheming for anything better but have throughout history always worked for the dark side. Do not buy this shit it's evil. You and I may be gone soon but we need to stand up while we here and call it what it is. People have power, always have always will. No need to piss and moan about how powerless you are. Authority needs to be challenged and pushed back only us ordi8nary humans can do this.
yeah, I know, winning and pushing back is a matter
constant fighting the little eany, meany legal details that those powerful always try to get around and away with. In my next life, I would become a lawyer. There are too many evil spirited people out there. And there are so many bad laws or no laws or laws you have the freedom to "interpret" like in "my way or the highway" or people who make up laws and take them in their own hands.
Ok, whatever. Let's try to push back. I am not dead yet. Some time to go... Thanks and good night, shaharazade.
Foget about
the little eany meany legal details. They are bogus and not 'legal' at all. There are not to many evil people out there they are not the majority regardless of what the catapulters of mass deception claim. Neither of us are dead yet and we both know that the law is an ass. Especially when the assholes who own the world decide to interpret it to suit their own evil intentions. Goodnight to you mimi. And sweet dreams cause I know you really are a dreamer.