Why fight?
Why fight?
It’s tiring worrying about politics.
Like most people my days are busy. Filled with work and family. Each day I spend hours working with the most vulnerable victims of systemic income inequality and social injustice. The non-profit I have the privilege of working for assists people experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty. It’s rewarding and necessary, though at times tiring and discouraging.
The last thing I want to do at the end of the day, (or when poking around online during a quick brain-break during the day) is to think about anything political. I’d rather set my fantasy football league, or look up a good recipe. The same is true on my days away from work. I’d much rather spend my time relaxing than going to a rally, protest or meeting, knowing the volunteer hours that usually follow. I would just rather relax and let someone else worry about the course we are on.
Then something like this helps me remember:
EAST CHICAGO, Ind. — Stephanie King, a single mother of five, has adopted a grim routine over the past month: mopping with bleach twice a day and sweeping even more often to remove any dirt her family might have tracked inside. She has a haunted look, and for good reason.
Ms. King and other residents of the West Calumet Housing Complex here learned recently that much of the soil outside their homes contained staggering levels of lead, one of the worst possible threats to children’s health.
It helps me remember that we need to keep fighting. That we can’t let the motherfuckers in corporate America keep shitting on our brothers and sisters across the nation and around the world for a few more dollars in profits. It also tells me that we need to hold accountable politicians who take their dirty money. It reminds me that the lesser of two evils is just plain fucking evil.
It also reminds me that worrying about politics is important.

Thx for the reminder...so true N/T
One person can make a difference
I've seen it happen on a small scale and a larger scale...Often it is done by shining light into dark corners that most people never see. Sometimes it is the building of a movement like Bill McKibben...or even Bernie Sanders. But what is so frustrating is the power of Big Money that pops up a new destructive plan just as soon as we get one hammered back down....like a frantic game of whack a mole. They keep us busy hitting moles (issues)...but the engine, the part we need to dismember, is that Big Money in politics and politicians. The root of evil as it were.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
You said it better
than I could have with: "shining light into dark corners." We have to keep telling people what is really going on, and how real people are struggling and fighting. Its all to easy to ignore the dark corners.
Have you voted yet, ArizonaProgressive ?
We'll be doing a Primary Results Liveblog over at TOP if you want to stop by.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Gonna vote
on the way home in a couple hours. Thanks for the Liveblog tip.
I hope our esteemed Secretary of State
has made sure there are enough polling places open this time.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Worrying IS important
Which is why the rich hire other people to do it for them.
This year Bernie tried to show us how to fund elections without large donations, but now that the fall is here I'm seeing endless solicitations from good people and I'm starting to just tune it all out. I even have a bit of sympathy for Hillary because she figured out how to do it more efficiently for the relatively low cost of eating some mediocre chicken.
There was another discussion here the other day where someone pointed out that economic inequality is so high that its not clear that the 90% who are not in the DNC neoliberal demographic could even fund the people needed for a full time movement. And that is before the usual liberal splintering goes on over the People's Judean Front etc. I was just invited to submit top issues for the Green's this year, and there were already like 16 pages of links, many of which I agreed with, but only about one or two struck me as top priorities. Our own Robert Fox's comments about message discipline are spot on.
I keep thinking of the game RISK. Novices at that game sometimes try to spread their armies out evenly, but more experienced players have learned that the "Golden Horde" approach is the way to win. I don't know how to do that in the current political and economic climate, but if we don't, we will not only be exhausted, but bankrupt with nothing to show for our wasted life force and cash.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I'm feeling better now
I just got back from the I-732 volunteer picnic and the energy there is fabulous! Citizens taking charge, putting the screws to local pols, everyone doing something about the planet. I feel much better now (food didn't hurt either...)
People, if your state has initiatives, that is where you can get something done. Legalization, marriage equality, single payer, carbon taxes, all this stuff is happening now or has happened recently. Go get some of it.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
A fight is exactly what it is.
If we stop fighting, everybody pays the price later. It's sad but that is how it is now.