Open Sesame 08/27/16

So I am in the kitchen, weeping in frustration, uselessly attempting to get into some American packaging—please, jeebus, I just want a little cheese—when, suddenly, I am seized by a brainshower: the most successful terrorist, in the history of terrorists, that would be, whoever that was, that was that unutterable freak, who put the cyanide, there in the Tylenol. Back there in Chicago. And environs. Back in 1982.
Because, not only did this unutterable freak kill seven people, and never did get caught, but the Americans, in their typical fear-sweating, pants-crapping way, of Total Overreaction, to All and Everything, perceived as a Danger, that might ever Strike, at any time, Again, they then grimly proceeded to make it totally, permanently, impossible, to get into any product, that is intended, to be put, into a person's mouth. It is like, now, today, all these products, they are armored up, in impenetrable chastity belts. And, nobody, provides a key. Today, a hunk of cheese, it is more heavily secured, than is Fort Knox. Random screwlooses, they may occasionally leap the fence, and run right into the White House: but no American, ever, will get into a bottle of aspirin—not without several specialized tools, and at least three handymen. In you want to pry open some vitamins and supplements, you will need to purchase many and manifold complicated devices, that cost more than cocaine, and then you will need to devote at least the entirety of an evening, to the task. So that—at last—you may gobble whole fistfuls, of St. John's Wort, and Valerian Root, and Melatonin, and the like, in hopes you will then remain sufficiently calm, so as not to blow out a valve, or your aorta, the next time you try, to get into some American packaging.
And the American packaging, it has killed far more people, than ever did the original Tylenol poisoner. Tennessee Williams, for instance, he became so enraged, at his inability to open a simple bottle of aspirin, that finally he began wildly gnawing on the lid with his teeth. He then aspirated the cap, and commenced to choke to death. The world, it was deprived of another decade or two of Blanches and Big Daddys. Because the fear-crazed Americans. They insanely shield their aspirin. Better than they do the shit. They shoot up into space.
I remember once I was at my brother's, and he was trying to get into some American packaging. After several minutes of futile effort, he began muttering quietly, but intensely. This was never a good sign, with my brother. And, sure enough, he suddenly went for this huge knife, sheathed at his belt, and with it began savagely stabbing, the American packaging. I don't remember what was actually in the American packaging. But I do remember, that it was totally destroyed. I also remember that, my brother, he said he didn't care. Because, at least, he felt better. A year or so on, he called to tell me he had been wholly unable to extract a leg of lamb, from its American packaging. "So I used the 12 gauge," he told me. "Then I had to pick the beads out. But there were still all these goddam tiny shreds of plastic, embedded in the meat. Finally, I gave up, and threw it over the fence, for the neighbor's dog. All day, the fucker chews wood, and stuffed animals—he always goes first for the eyes—so I figure he can probably digest plastic."
All of the law jockeys, to this day, they claim, that they do not know, who it was—that unutterable freak—who put the cyanide, there in the Tylenol.
But I know.
It was The Hairball.
The Americans, they are suffering, grievously, from these elections. Even more, than from the American packaging. They have been going on, these elections, continuously, for about 600,000 straight days now, and never once, have they been even remotely, Sane. Many of the Americans, they can no longer, at all, cope. And, so, they are completely losing, their shit.
Like this human in Ohio, who suddenly began "acting like a gorilla" and "masturbating on the sidewalk," "growling and punching the cement," "squatting on all fours, punching the blacktop and jumping up and down screaming noncoherently." After this human was taken into custody, it was determined, by the authorities, that he had overdosed, on the elections.
An election-sufferer in Pennsylvania, he attacked a "police officer using a chain, a statue of Pan, and a rotten pizza." This human, he demanded the officer, "make this election stop."
Some of the Americans, the elections, they have so sapped their will to live, that they have sunk deep into ennui. Like this Massachussets human, who felt compelled to take off all his clothes, and then wander around a motel.
Early Wednesday morning, motel employees told police they were in the lobby when a fully naked man walked by carrying an ice bucket. He went to the vending machine area and returned to his room.
Police knocked on his room door and were greeted by [the human].
"He said, 'You are probably looking for me,'" police wrote in the report.
[The human] admitted to walking around nude. When asked why, he said, "Boredom."
In Washington, an ennuied American "led multiple police agencies in a sometimes dangerous pursuit that spanned two counties and 49 miles on Saturday evening because he was bored, the county sheriff's office said."
[He] had no warrants, no prior convictions and a valid driver's license when he tore off through an intersection at Henderson Boulevard SE and 53rd Avenue SE in Tumwater at 4:38 p.m. Saturday. Burning rubber, he attracted the attention of a sheriff's deputy, who tried to pull him over.
The pursuit went on for more than an hour, crossing into Pierce County and circling back around into Olympia. A handful of patrol agencies were involved.
[He] "was passing cars on the shoulder of
the road down near Nisqually," [law jockey Dave] Odegaard said. Sometimes reaching 85 miles per hour, the pursuit "was discontinued three times due to speed and public safety."
[He] didn't appear to be impaired by drugs or alcohol, Odegaard said. So why did he do it?
"He said he was just bored," Odegaard said. "It looks like to us right now he instigated this pursuit because he was bored and just wanted to do it."
Fortunately, there will soon be at least partial relief, for such sufferers. This is because, on Sunday, The Hairball, he will announce that he is pulling out of the race.
"The Hairball had a routine medical exam" [said Hairball public relations vice president John Miller]. "This included a colonoscopy. During that part of the examination, it was discovered that The Hairball has stage one brain cancer. In order to focus on treatment, he has decided to withdraw his bid for the presidency."
"I need," explains The Hairball, "to spend more time with my anus."
Meanwhile, the Democratic version, of the president-tryer—that would be The Mad Bomber—she was recently talking about her Foundation, on some tube or other, and there she said: "I know there's a lot of smoke, and there's no fire."
When I saw that, I had a brain freeze. Because, like, how the fluke, can you have smoke, and not fire? As—yea, verily—it has, so often, so been said: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." Isn't that in the Constitution? And, also, the Bible?
Totally flummoxed, I unscrewed my regular head, and replaced it with my special Science Man head. And then tried to determine, Instances. Where there could be smoke, but no fire.
And then: I had it! Chernobyl Chicken! This is a dish I invented, for when I want to eat fire. It is called Chernobyl Chicken, because, when cooking it, if all the windows are not opened fully, and also the chicken is not removed from the pan, right on time, all the neighborhood, it shall be enveloped, in a toxic plume, like that into which the initially responding firefighters plunged, there when the nuclear reactor, there at Chernobyl, it blew.
This dish, it involves boneless skinless chicken breasts, which are slathered with olive oil, and then pressed firmly into a diabolical mix of the hottest of powders: cayenne, smoked paprika, onion, thyme, cumin, white pepper. You then place a cast-iron pan on a burner, which is turned to high. Then you go off somewhere and read a book. War And Peace, say, or—if you are Hairball-inclined—My New Order. When you are finished with the book, you return to the kitchen. The pan, it is now hotter, than the surface of the sun. You heave the chicken breasts in the pan, searing one minute on each side. The kitchen—and most of the state—fills with incredible amounts of smoke. If you happen to live, you pull the breasts from out of the pan, and stick them in a 350-degree oven, for 10-15 minutes. Then, you eat them.
Is this, what The Mad Bomber, is saying she is? A Chernobyl Chicken? If so, I am not eating her. She can go to the dogs. Like my brother's leg of lamb.
There is, henceforth, a new Rule, in the politics. And that is, if you are a human, in the politics, then, whenever you make a speech, or indeed say anything at all, you have to sing, what you say, and, you have to sing it, falsetto. Like this guy:
Also. You have to be naked.
Speaking of Rules, I am going to quote here some from the Rules that Jill Lepore observed, and established, at the Republican version of the convention, in her New Yorker piece on both that convention, and the Democratic version, "A Tale Of Two Conventions."
There are not many writers, currently working in the craft, who are really worth reading (this is nothing new; it has always been so), but Lepore, she is, today, one of them.
Once upon a time, Lepore, she was a historian, burrowed away at Harvard. Her area of expertise, it was that era, in and around the American "Revolution." Then, one day, she noticed, that there had sprouted teabaggers, there in her city. And they were hugging, to their bosoms, their Version, of that "Revolution." Intrigued, Lepore went out and Looked, at the teabaggers. And then, she Looked some more. Ultimately, she wrote a marvelous little book, The Whites Of Their Eyes, that says everything, that can or needs to be said, about the teabaggers.
Then, since, she has wandered all the land, as an anthropologist, chronicling the weirdnesses, of the Americans. And she's, considerably, freed up, her writing style. So that, now, amid the horror:
Americans had been assassinating one another, in schools and in churches, in cars and in garages, in bars, parks, and streets, insane with hate—hate whites, hate blacks, hate Christians, hate Muslims, hate gays, hate police. A certain number of Americans, bearing arms, had lost their minds, their souls, the feel of the earth beneath their feet. Dread fell, and lingered, like mud after rain. At the Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, gas masks were banned, body armor was allowed. "Write any or all emergency phone numbers somewhere on your body
using a pen," a security memo urged reporters. "Best to write your name, too," came a whisper over a stall in a women's room, a Sharpie skittering along the tiled floor, as if it had travelled all the way from 1862, when twenty-one-year-old Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., wounded at Antietam and afraid he was about to die, scratched a note and pinned it to his uniform, Union blue: "I am Capt. O. W. Holmes," hoping his body would find its way home.
—she is, in her writing, nothing but fun:
The rule inside the Convention was: Incite fear and division in order to call for safety and union. I decided that the rule outside the Convention was: No kidding, it's really awfully nice out here, in a beautiful city park, on a sunny day in July, where a bunch of people are arguing about politics and nothing could possibly be more interesting, and the Elect Jesus people are giving out free water, icy cold, and the police are playing Ping-Pong with the protesters, and you can take a nap in the grass if you want, and you will dream that you are on a farm because the grass smells kind of horsy, and like manure, because of all the mounted police from Texas, wearing those strangely sexy cowboy hats; and, yes, there are police from all over the country here, and if you ask for directions one of them will say to you, "Girl, I'm from Atlanta!" and you have to know that, if they weren't here, who knows what would happen; there are horrible people shouting murderous things and tussling, that's what they came here for, and anything can blow up in an instant; and, yes, there are civilians carrying military-style weapons, but, weirdly, they are less scary here than they are online; they look ridiculous, honestly, and this one lefty guy is a particular creep, don't get cornered; but, also, there's a little black girl in the fountain rolling around, getting soaked, next to some white guy who's sitting there, just sitting there, in the water, his legs kicked out in front of him, holding a cardboard sign that reads "Tired of the Violence."
We have, in this space, occasionally reviewed the Horrors, and the Dangers, of the airplanes. Like, Gerard Depardieu, he could suddenly get up out of his seat, and start urinating on you. Or people might smear fecal matter on the food trays, skulk into the lavatory and then set it on fire, or suddenly explode themselves, and disappear, out a Hole they made, in the airplane. Or, maybe there will be "travelers praying, hugging, throwing their arms in the air and wailing as the plane violently shakes in the air," or throwing off the airplane an Italian mathematician, because a nosy and moronic dingleberry, she believed his notebook scrawlings, to be some sort of terrorist hieroglyphics.
But I don't think we've been, here, to the airplanes. Recently.
So. We will go there. Now.
Video and photos of an Air New Zealand pilot posing with an inflatable doll in the cockpit and an air hostess spitting water with the caption "wish I could spit on passengers like this" have been posted online.
One image shows a pilot kissing a blow up doll in the cockpit.
A video shows an air hostess walking through a cabin spitting water.
The caption on the video says: "Wish I could spit on passengers like this".
Now, apparently, these people, they are in Trouble.
An Air New Zealand spokeswoman said
the company was "shocked and appalled" by the images.
"We expect the highest standards of behaviour and respect from all our staff.
"These images were brought to our attention in the past 48 hours and an investigation commenced immediately. We believe the video was produced about four years ago and the photos were taken more than a year ago.
"One of the staff members concerned no longer works for Air New Zealand and the other two have been removed from duties pending the outcome of our investigation.
"It goes without saying that this is a situation we are treating with extreme seriousness, and our obvious concern is that the behaviour displayed is a clear breach of not just our code of conduct but basic decency."
I am confused. Because I don't understand what is the big deal. For the job of the pilot, as I see it, is to not crash the airplane. If kissing a sex-doll, this helps the pilot not crash the airplane, then I am for the pilot kissing the sex-doll—even at any and all times. Also, I believe that in the true-life documentary film Airplane!, a sex doll actually assists in flying the airplane, when otherwise it might have crashed. So: don't fuck with the sex dolls. My advice. Too, I want the flight attendant, to spit the water in the cockpit. Rather than on me. Like Gerard Depardieu. With his urine disability.
The major lesson of this thing, to me, is: people, not everything needs to be photographed, and/or filmed. And, even if it is, that certainly doesn't mean it needs to go out on some tube. I mean: jeebus.
The Science Men, and the Book Men, they are all having a major organism, because the Voynich Manuscript, it is being "cloned." So it can further go out into the world. There to further Confuse and Confound. The humans.
Theories abound about who wrote it and what it means.
For a long time, it was believed to be the work of 13th century English Franciscan friar
Roger Bacon whose interest in alchemy and magic landed him in jail.
But that theory was discarded when the manuscript was carbon dated and found to have originated between 1404 and 1438.
Others point to a young Leonardo da Vinci, someone who wrote in code to escape the Inquisition, an elaborate joke or even an alien who left the book behind when leaving Earth.
Its content is even more mysterious.
The plants drawn have never been identified, the astronomical charts don't reveal much and neither do the women.
Does the book hold the key to eternal youth? Or is it a mere collection of herbal medicine and recipes?
Scores have tried to decode the Voynich, including top cryptologists such as William Friedman who helped break Japan's "Purple" cipher during World War II.
I remember when I wrote that book. Let's face it: I was bored. So, I would load up on belladonna, wormwood, some ergot of rye, and then I would happily scribble, color, away. It passed the time. And, I figured it more socially responsible. And safer. For me. Than wandering through the motel, naked, with the ice bucket. Or leading the authorities, on a high-speed chase. Just because. I was bored.
As for what is its "code," what does it "mean"? Nothing. It doesn't mean anything. There is, no "code." It was just a lark. I mean: not everything, needs to mean, something. I mean: jeebus.
One of the very worst, most unutterable Crimes, of the Science Men, is how, for centuries, they insisted, that all the living things, that are not humans, are but just robots. Not of sentience. Feeling no Pain. Not knowing Time. Incapable of love, affection, sadness, longing. Not able to Think. To know Death. Much less Life.
Wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong. Monstrously. Wrong.
Here is a story, about a dog, George, whose dog companero of 12 years, Blackie, went into Death. George, he was, then, inconsolable. Like the humans, driven Mad, or into Ennui, by the elections—George, he had no will, to go on.
Then, a duck, showed up. Just waddled on in. From, the ineffable, Nowhere. And became, of George, his new, best friend.
"We have no idea where this duck came from. But he sure does love George. And, since the duck has arrived, George has not cried one time. It is strange for a duck to just appear at our house, and be attached to our dog, and, even more strangely, on the anniversary week of Blackie's passing.
"Since the duck has showed up. George. He's been fine."
So far as I know, no duck, has ever wrapped up a Hairball, or a Mad Bomber, in American packaging, and then said: eat it.
So. I think I will be voting. For a duck. To be the president.

I have found pliers and shears useful with clamshells
but scissors can be hell on small tablets. Makes a fine powder. Even the Pus-n-Turn bottle caps can be beyond utility. I am no child, but ask my pharmacy for old-arthritic-hands EZ pop-off caps. Pharmaceutical copays are cher! (dear, expensive to francophobes).
wdit: upon read review I have misspelled push, but I think I will let it rest. Nearly 4 weeks post-concussion. Y'all will be tired of that in 6 months.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
For clamshells
I use letter openers. The kind with razor encased in plastic. If you slip you only poke yourself with a round plastic spindle, not 6" of steak knife.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
From experience, shucking oysters requires a shucking knife.
I think I broke the tips off four knives while also getting penetrating knife wounds (with oyster liquor in them). No gangrenous then, BTW.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
betty board
A few things
Packaging - Once upon a time, beer cans had pull off tops made from Al. They would curl up, when extracted from the can, and when fishing drinkers threw them into the water they would spin as they sank prompting the fish to ingest them.
#2 - I am relatively certain twist off bottle tops were instigated by dental trauma.
Over reacting - TSA. During my career, I traveled allot, the TSA is the largest productivity drain in the country. Also, to the TSA agent, in Memphis, who took my toothpaste, fuck you jag off.
Fear - Here, in NC, our legislature has so feverishly passed conservative boiler plate legislation that people live in fear. Thank the mythological ruler of the universe for the guns anywhere law, for now the fearful can hunt and shoot people who are scary. Like your neighbor.
PS - I keep an Exacto knife, utility knife, shears, scissors and pliers that can grab a jar lid in the kitchen drawer.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
My dad worked on the pull-tab problem
The first pull-tabs, they were inconsistent, and some pulled off too easily and some not at all. So my dad, who was an industrial designer, got together with some designer/businessman buddies and started working on devices to test the strength required to pull off a pull-tab. Their first, improvised device was, I shit you not, a buddy's belt buckle!
So anyway, these guys got the problem quantified and specified and devices designed to ensure quality control on pull-tops. Should've made them a mint, right? But sadly the buddy with the belt buckle, he ran off with all the money....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
what is
your dad's Name? I am Suing him. For the pull-tab. Discarded, there on the beach. That I stepped on. That made the Gangrene. So that, the Doctor. He cut my foot. Off.
; )
You should sue the belt-buckle guy
He not only provided the first testing equipment, he ran off with the profits.
Unfortunately his name was "Smith". Try finding one Smith out of thousands - if he's even still alive, since this was decades ago.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
i will sue,
if necessary, all of the Smiths.
Or, maybe, I will hire Judicial Watch. And, I will tell them, that this Smith, is, actually, a Clinton.
Then, the Judicial Watch people, they will move, all of the heavens, and all of the earths. To: find: him.
i remember
pull-tabs. People would discard them on the beach, and then you would step on them, and then your foot would get infected, and then you would ignore the infection, until there was Gangrene, and then a Doctor, he would Cut the foot, Off.
Exacto knives, these are true wonderments, that can perform any function, except chop out lines of cocaine. For that, you need the razor blades.
I am staring, at this moment, at my hand, still bearing, 35 years on, several, small, Exacto, scars.
Not all pop tops were ingested by fish. Some were popped
off and immediately put back in the can so that no one would blow out a flip flop. Sadly, they themselves would ingest the pop top while chugging their beverage.
Others were repurposed by inventive members of The Society For Creative Anachronism as chain mail. I sometimes wonder what they do for chain mail now that tops no longer pop off.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
who swallowed a pull-tab, and survived, they suffered serious oxygen deprivation, to the brain.
Today, they are all working, for The Hairball.
These days the SCA makes *real* chain mail
from riveted, welded or just squeezed-together wire rings. I don't think they've used pull-top "chain mail" since AS Five (and we just passed AS Fifty). (They certainly never allowed the pull-top stuff in the lists, so it must have been "for show" only.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I saw guys fighting in it, but it must have been very early
days before things started to gel.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
My main problem
with packages is that my eyes can't read small type. I can't read most text anymore. I can still work with my computer because I made all the fonts bigger. Eventually I will need to find a way to get a pair of glasses.
For glasses, check for Lions Club
Chapter nearby. They help with glasses as they are able to. (Need is sometimes greater than their ability to help.)
They can't help.
I've needed glasses pretty badly for two years. The headaches are getting worse.
What about those $15 dial to focus glasses by
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
They make it
i have not had
an optometrist, come up with an accurate prescription, since I was five.
I think, that what I really need, are some of those super-duper laser eyes. Like, has, The Mad Bomber.

What I find worse
(But then I just have a little of what I imagine to be arthritis starting in my hands which fish oil takes care of nicely) are the anti theft plastic clamshell packaging that so many things you buy are in. You have to destroy the damn things with scissors before you can get to the product you bought.
they can be breached, by an icepick, or a grenade.
Why can't we
just nuke 'em?
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
then we get into the same sort of problem, as my brother experienced, with the shotgunned leg of lamb. You do get into the thing, but then it is useless.
Though the nukes, they would work, I suppose, if what you were after, were clamshells, that glow in the dark.
Although, I have eaten wild duck, killed by birdshot
by a licensed (minimally cheating) hunter. There was a little teacup on the table, the shot-collector. One chewed carefully to not destroy fillings or elderly teeth and politely dropped shot into the cup. If birdshot (steel now) was ingested, no problem, went right through but would sit in the U of the toilet and refuse flushing. I saw some, once...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I use a small hack saw for
the heavy duty packaging including CD's. I also use a hack saw to cut up big honking butternut squashes I like to make soup out of or mash. I am a professional exacto wielder as I spent a decade cutting and pasting up paper, film and heavy paper boards for a living. I still love my exacto's but they do snap dangerously if you use them on American packaging.
Pliers are good for lids that your supposed to be able to twist off like perforated wine bottle caps that cut you hands while attempting to twist them. I also spent seven years uncorking wine bottles in high end eateries for a living so I'm a pro with a corkscrew. I try not to buy bottles with welded on twist caps that have useless perforations. Electronic packaging is the worst. Why can't things be sold in bundles naked from packaging without shrink wrapping, clam shells or heavy duty plastic that's stapled to cardboard from hell?
I frequent a local kitchen store that sells unadulterated free standing brooms and wooden spoons and other utensils that are bundled together in nice crocks and barrels or hung on the walls naked. You get to touch and hold them before you buy them. Buying bulk good is a way to avoid the bag packaging that is impossible tear open even with your teeth. Scissors are now required for every thing including bags of crunchies for my cat. What do they make these bags out of? Why buy expensive organic packaged food that is encased in some serious chemical material science man has devised.
you are the woman, who has all the tools.
So: we will be calling on you.
When, comes, that day. When, we, at last, Get, to defuse. All and every. Bomb.
Do you work in stone as well?
All I can say about the Air NZ sex doll stuff is …
Thanks for all the laughs!
once, when we were bored,
me and the karass, we put up these stones:

Moon. Oh. The moon.
Moon. Oh. The moon.
Moon. Oh. The moon.
Beautiful, risky, and blue
Thank you for the great music.
And the karessingly cosmic connection.
well now
That would be such. A wonderful epitaph. To earn.
You've earned it
along with CS's gold medal.
does that mean
i can ascend now
Hold on a while longer,
while you keep making it better ; )
when they
were in Vietnam, the Americans, they held on, to this:
I sang. To my Merlin. Every day. All of the day. And all of the night. When. He was dying.
I'm sure that was
just what you both needed for a sense of peace in lovingly departing. Thank you for your sensitivity.
it is Wrong. It needs, to be Stopped.
Except. When you are. Exhausted.
While I feel your pain, I keep scissors and pliers in the
kitchen and by the front door. They're not expensive, you can have multiples to have them in all the places you are likely to open packages.
It's in the Bible: It is better to store a pair of scissors than to curse the package. Or something like that.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Let's do a class scissor census! How many available now?
I have 7 sets, some are stolen SS surgicals, pointy or blunt They get scattered until Roundup.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I have 5
which cover kitchen, paper, nails and hair - none stolen or used as weapons.
i only
have the one scissors, because the scissors, they need to be small, and slim, and all silver. And they don't make those kind. Any more. Because. Everything. It is. Pretty much. Wrong.
She, too. Is a wizard.
Three. I have another pair upstairs.
But I don't usually carry the frustration of the packages that far. In fact, they usually don't make it farther into the house than just inside the front door.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Fact: a heavy package (< 30 lbs) that I hauled up in car
was of course wrapped with that fiber tape but I decided to woman-handle it open outside because inside there was only a completely portable bag of puppy food. Wresting was rough, but done, there was a line of friggen airbags to prevent whatever. The pup has a wonderful time with airbags. Flat within seconds. Cheap toy. Then recyclable.
But no scissors!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Your rant reminds me of when I was little, somewhere
between 4 and 7. There was a program on TV with some talking heads who were asked various questions of the day (mid to late '50s). One gentleman decided to work in the phrase "modern packaging" in all his responses as it was apparently his personal bugbear. And so I was Scarred For Life by this memory. I have to agree that he had a point, and that was before clamshell packaging was invented. Perhaps he was lucky enough to die before that happened.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
i try to remain,
between 4 and 7, at all times.
At least I can do it twice a day.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I use a box knife to get into
Clamshell packaging. Scissors for some things. What stumps me are deli and bakery packages. You are meant to separate the edges at corners and pull lid up. But the separating part is impossible.
deli and bakery packages,
the edges of these, they can easily be separated, with a jackhammer.
Teeth are sometimes helpful
or knifing the top perimeter. I've been visiting my mother and Im not sure how she will manage to open the packages once I'm gone, but she is very resourceful, so I'm not too worried.
Sharp scissors. Trust me. But pointy!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
All those humans suffering from boredom and election overdose
They should all just come here to c99% and study the Essays of Hecate.
Studying the Essays will fix them.
Between inferring the hidden Codes and Secret Meanings, wiping away tears of laughter (which, it has been Proven is in fact the best medicine), and looking up Obscure Facts on the intertubes, it is impossible to be bored, and ennui doesn't stand a chance of surviving the mental gymnastics.
It is well known that Hecate has won All the Gold Mettles in mental gymnastics. I know, because I made them up myself and then gave them all, to him.
Creating a Gold Mettle for Mental Gymnastics is similar to cooking Chernobyl Chicken, but less dangerous because they are made of something else, that is not chicken.
Great comment!
the very best thing,
about Gold Mettle Flower, is that you can get into it, without Exacto knives, jackhammers, shotguns, or Bombs.
You just . . . open.
A recipe to follow your smokey chicken dinner ...
Maybe add a little bit of that smoked paprika as well. It goes well with anything.
i think i
have to make that. Right now.
The three essential food groups, they are meat, heat, and cheese.
But: over all: is chocolate.
However I have found that most hot and smoky spices go
toxic fumes under fuel. First time making blackened fish was an eye-
closeropener.Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Obamacare collapse in maps
That's a very sad state of affairs
Thanks for posting the clarity of this.
Man oh man, two counties S of me in NY are skimming now
and have been in poor economic shape for over a decade. I would do happy rentier music now, but not a rentier, no money, but RE prices are like dirt now. There.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I finally read Jill Lepore's "New Yorker" essay. She seemed
so overcome by what she termed the love story of the last night that she missed the war story with the general promising the loveliest, shiniest war machinery for our troops and the waving of the bloody shirt of our honored war dead because, hey! he was a Muslim dead guy, dammit!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
she wrote,
of that final, Democratic version, night:
She. Is a wizard.
Mother love,
is best professed subtly in private, rather than flaming red and white.
Thanks for the wizardry of words, yours and hers.
The white suit
was blinding. I think it was part of the staging so that everyone would not notice the irresponsible revolution delegates. The highlight for me was when they turned off the lights in the rowdy Oregon delegate section and the Californians lit them up with their cells. I found the Democratic convention terrifying. The Republican convention was just what i thought it would be but the Democrat's followed suite and passed off their overt fascistic transnational disaster eusterity and global killing sprees as American pie and mother love. USA,USA, USA! Just makes you want to weep or run amok. I believe I've had enough.
I want them all to just fade away
I don't think it's funny no more
you had enough,
years and years and years ago. Dear shaz. I think. Maybe. It is time. For you. To just give the back of your hand. To all the Shit. And head. Only. Into. The great wide open.
Think your right hecate
but I do love the cc99% community here. The great wide open beckons. I see it when I read your open writing. I think I'll head on out to my back yards wide open spaces right now. My cat moved out into the yard when her mate and daughter died. I keep checking her hidey holes to see if she is still alive as she's really old and it's really been Hot.
To get off this wheel I would have to throw my computer out the second story window. Shah says No Don't! as it is contains a portion of our bread and butter. Years ago when I got sick of the TV I threw it out of the window into our shared driveway while Shah was out golfing. The yuppie lady next door was horrified and came running out into the driveway and said Oh my God It's a Sony. Surely I can back off the politics for a time and wander the wide open.
A little Leonard always cheers me up
that is
deep Leonard.
and you say
the bridge
or some place
The Leonard, that I most cleave to, these days, is this one:
Of course, you like the 99. So, sorta, do I.
Into the great wide open, that don't mean that one, wholly, deserts.
Just. Maybe. There's less. Anger.
Did you notice, in the Van clip above, how fucking angry, he was?
He tries, these days, to stuff that shit, down the old bunghole. So, too, do I. I succeed, far less, than does he. But: I am trying.
And. In the end. All of it. Is just so much horseshit. That is not in service. To she. Who is G.
I love that CD
Shah bought it for me because Leonard just got better and better as he went on. When I was young and into sorrow I used to listen to the his sisters of Mercy album and just wallow in it till I cheered up. Your right I need to stuff my anger up my bung hole. Getting lost in the tower of song or any art form is better. You seem to have it in you and turn your anger into love and art. I'll try to not go into contentious flaming mode but i do think I need to avoid the politics. They just ignite. My Chinese acupuncturist tells me 'Too much heat. Garden barefoot and remember your no spring chicken.' It is horseshit. I grow good things using horseshit but I scrape it off my shoes when I come inside. As always thanks for the true to life ride.
Traveling music
your chinese acupuncturist,
is, quite wise, in saying: "Too much heat. Garden barefoot, and, remember, your'e no spring chicken."
That's, at least, mostly, right, ain't it?
I, on the other hand, am in no place, to flap my gums, to others, about anger. Because, way back when, long before the invasion of the Bernie people, I got my ass, tossed off this site—suspended, for a week, for letting my anger, lead my head. So that I spit fire, at all, and every. Remember? Because, I think, one of these, all and every targets, I believe, may, even, have been you.
; (
I am no longer there. I am, every day, in every way, striving, always, to cleave, to this song, embedded below. Which, I figure, shah, he has Known, in all and every part of him, all along. From. The Beginning.
Yes I remember
it well. Your flames were enlightening and of benefit to my closed judgemental mind. Johnny he was startled that flames were erupting on this lifeboat. I liked what you said but then again I like the heat. You certainly made me rethink my condescending racist? attitude about how and why black people vote and support lesser evils. I have never walked a step let alone a mile in their shoes. So actually your flames in my direction penetrated and opened my one track mind and affected my skewed perception and attitude.
I too have transgressed the lines of flame throwing fire for less good reason then yours. That's why I like it here regardless of the horseshit one must scrape off their shoes. JtC has had to rein me in many times. One of my favorite posters on dkos was a black guy called In My Time. He knew how to flame throw and did not really guilt trip like the self righteous sisters dispatched by DEO did. It was clean flaming. He had a good sense of humor. You did not freak me out but made me examine my own dubious self righteous assessments of others that I know nothing about. I valued the lesson you imparted which was explored and hopefully learned.
I remember something, I think I triggered your anger
once upon the time, but wasn't sure anymore. So I started going way back and searched in my comments for what I vaguely remembered. I didn't find it. But I was amazed to read what I said way back in 2015. Many of us make a journey somehow this place over time into
I took me a while to be able to read through your OTs in the beginning. It was tough. And then I started to love them, still am exhausted reading and understanding them, but I love them, as I do love your music offerings. I love your exchange with Shaharazade, I love a lot of people here. It's a good place.
You are lovable individuals. And I am happy to have met you, here, in this space.
Just saying. You hint at things and some make me very sad. They bring up memories, I don't know how to hint at. That's when I want to throw my computer out of the window. I envy you for the music you have grown up and lived with. There was no music in my life for the last forty years. It came back through C99p's EB and NCTim and you. So many things to be grateful for. Thank you.
redacted - double post /nt
I had never heard his abusive language before.
I like his music. He just sounds like a shit before.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Tools of choice
I find a retractable utility knife works well sometimes. The trick is to screw down the package to the work bench, therefore reducing the danger of cutting off one's fingers in the process. If that doesn't work, the hammer and chisel will at least get it started. Then it is down to the pry bar routine. Hate to dull a saw blade that would otherwise cut steel nicely.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I had to assassinate a cheese container only two days ago.
It looked like a plastic bowl with a lid. I could not lift the lid off. I could not unscrew the lid. I could not pry the lid up.
Finally, I grabbed a sharp, pointy knife and stabbed the lid several times. Then, I did my best to cut around the inner rim of the lid. I could not. However, the hole I had made was large enough that I could extract bits of cheese. Fortunately, appearance did not matter.
I will never, ever again buy anything packaged in that container.
I apologize for laughing out loud.
I got 2-two plastic things with food that sounded desirable today. There is a secret corner to snap off. Took one wrench and a knife for that to work. I use the empty containers again.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Please, never apologize for laughing at me.
It's what I live for.
I have opened and reused many plastic tubs. This one was different. And is now a casualty. (I have no remorse, so the sentencing hearing is likely to be a bear.)
Hilarious Hecate!
You are adorable and brilliant! Thanks for giving me lots of laughs and a great read!
You have left out channel locks
Short of opening a pill bottle with a front end loader, I find the channel locks to be the most important tool in my box for defeating American packaging!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage