Demand Hillary Take the Pledge to Opt Out of the TPP if Elected
Everyone knows President Obama is seeking to pass the TPP in the "lame duck" session of Congress following the general election. Now major progressive organizations from environmental groups to labor unions (specifically, Communications Workers of America, CREDO, Democracy for America, 350 Action, Demand Progress, Fight for the Future, Friends of the Earth Action, Public Citizen) have sent Clinton a letter demanding she come out and publicly oppose Obama's efforts to pass the TPP before the next President (in all likelihood Clinton) assume office.
Dear Sec. Clinton: Help us Stop the TPP
As organizations active in the fight to protect American jobs, our environment, our labor rights, and our democracy from corporate control, we urge you to make a clear, public, and unequivocal statement opposing any vote on the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the post-election, “lame-duck” session of Congress.
We welcome your past remarks opposing the TPP. In particular, we were greatly encouraged by your words in a recent major economic address, declaring, “I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as president.” [...]
[T]he president has made it clear he intends to pursue a vote on the TPP during the lame-duck session. The White House recently submitted a Statement of Administrative Action that begins the countdown to a vote on the TPP in November or December. Administration officials, including cabinet secretaries, are currently fanning out across the country to pressure members of Congress to vote for the TPP after the election is over. Republican leaders have signaled they are open to negotiations that would lead to a TPP vote in the lame-duck session.
At the same time, the American public and their elected representatives in both parties are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the TPP puts corporations ahead of human needs on jobs and wages, human rights, access to medicine, climate change and more. In the face of such opposition, allowing a lame-duck vote would be a tacit admission that corporate interests matter more than the will of the people, relying on members of Congress who will be less accountable to voters. Regardless of the outcome, a vote itself would send an unmistakable signal that the game is rigged in favor of elites and against everyday Americans.
... We urge you to immediately make a clear and strong public statement against holding a vote on the TPP during the “lame duck” session of the 114th Congress.
As we all know, Hillary Clinton made a dramatic reversal last October when she suddenly announced she’d had a change of heart and now openly opposed the TPP, in large part thanks to the Sanders' campaign.
The Trans Pacific Partnership, which includes the US and 11 other nations, is the largest regional trade agreement in history. But as of today, I am not in favor of what I have learned about it. I don't believe it's going to meet the high bar I have set for creating jobs and advancing national security. I am also worried about currency manipulation not being part of the agreement, and that pharmaceutical companies may have gotten more benefits from the deal than their patients.
Source: on 2015 presidential hopefuls , Oct 7, 2015
At present, no one can predict whether Obama will succeed in passing the TPP before Hillary can take office, but if he does that still doesn't get Clinton off the hook. Why? Because the TPP has an opt out provision, Article 30.6:
Article 30.6: Withdrawal
1. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement by providing written notice of withdrawal to the Depositary. A withdrawing Party shall simultaneously notify the other Parties of its withdrawal through the overall contact points designated under Article 27.5 (Contact Points).
2. A withdrawal shall take effect six months after a Party provides written notice to the Depositary under paragraph 1, unless the Parties agree on a different period. If a Party withdraws, this Agreement shall remain in force for the remaining Parties.
NAFTA has a similar provision, and back in 2008, in a debate moderated by Tim Russert, she specifically said that as President that she would opt out of NAFTA if necessary to force Canada and Mexico to renegotiate "core labor and environmental standards" in need be:
MR. RUSSERT: But let me button this up. Absent the change that you’re suggesting, you are willing to opt out of NAFTA in six months?
SEN. CLINTON: I’m confident that as president, when I say we will opt out unless we renegotiate, we will be able to renegotiate.
Article 30.6 of the TPP is nearly identical to the NAFTA opt out provisions. Clinton is on record as saying the President has the unilateral authority under trade agreements with such opt out provisions to notify the other signatories that the US is withdrawing from them. Thus, she has already effectively acknowledged that she can opt out of the TPP, even if Obama gets it passed before she becomes President. You can find Clinton's statements "opposing the TPP" at this link.
Now is the time to demand that Hillary take the Pledge to Opt Out of the TPP should it pass in the lame duck session of Congress. After all, it doesn't meet "the high bar" she "set for creating jobs and advancing national security." On August 11th, she flatly stated that:
“I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as president.”
Well, Hillary, if you are being honest, the best way you can oppose the TPP now, and after the election is over, is to pledge to the American People, that even if Obama passes the TPP during the lame duck session of Congress, you will use your authority as President to withdraw the United States from a trade agreement that you yourself have said is a bad deal for American workers - the TPP.
Here's my latest video from Steven D Talks which calls for all of us to take action demanding Hillary take the Pledge to Opt out of the TPP if Obama passes it in the Lame Duck session of Congress:
Take care everyone,
Steven D
Does anyone believe what ever "pledge" Her Heiniousness signs, agrees to, says she'll honor, is worth the paper it's written on?
Hillary Windsock ( h/t Occulus
Isn't it difficult enough to live with what Bernie Sanders has done, with Jeff Weaver, to The ( definitely not Our anymore!) Revolution?
Seems just setting up oneself to more disappointment.
No thanks. Been there, done that![Sad](
While I'd love to even hear her utter the words
it wouldn't be enough to get my vote. And even if she signed a pledge, I know damned well she wouldn't honor it. Her word--and pretty much everything else about her--is demonstrably worthless. Surely her mere signature isn't exempt from that worthlessness.
Too little, too late. She's gonna have to show me with her actions. Period.
By making a public pledge now
She puts pressure on Dems who will vote for passage of the TPP. That's the real value of it. Of course no one trusts her. But politics is all about the optics these days.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Obviously nobody would
Obviously nobody would believe anything Hillary promised, but the opposition must be forceful enough to make the traitors realize that people will not stand for being sold out to hostile outside forces by those paid and sworn to protect their country, their rights and their freedom.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Earlier this morning
I read that Mich Mcturtle said he is pulling the TPP off the table until after the new year.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
Here's some organizations working against TPP
I don't know how effective these online petitions are, but this one from CREDO has over 100,000 signatures
And though the young turks have lost some of their edge, here's a pretty good rant from Cenk on the TPP.
9 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I love your passion
HRC will never ever do anything like this. Piss off too many Clinton Foundation Donors.
Your Gubmint for sale.
She really doesn't care.
That is of course, unless, in support of Chelsea being a Senator from NY.
We are truly f'd.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Clinton was an ardent supporter of the neoliberal TPP
...during her tenure as a Secretary of State. It fulfills the objectives of the Neocons that run the State Department, and the Federal government in general. In her 2011 sequel to "Project to New American Century," Clinton wrote "America's Pacific Century," wherein she introduced the Pivot to Asia, a seminal strategic policy in the Neocon's horrific global war for US supremacy over the world. This was incubated alongside the TPP while she was Secretary of State.
Currently underway, Pivot to Asia is the most colossal military blunder the US has made yet. It will likely be terminal, geopolitically.
Over the past four months, the efforts underway to rewrite history and rid the world of Hillary's SOS positions, exceed any memory hole incident that I have ever seen. It's like the words disappear as you read them. Even as our minds are erased, the Washington Post notes:
But, why discuss boring issues. Neither Hillary nor the Establishment care to discuss inconvenient issues. Let Trump do the issues. The electorate favors tabloid topics like Hillary's private email server. So, what ever happened to that guy who took the Fifth?
Your link to "America's Pacific Century" included
this (not-so) hillaryous passage:
The quote dates from 2011!
How ironic.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Only demand I have is that warmongering cheat be behind bars. nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
How silly to
demand The Mad Bomber to disavow her own baby. It's what these criminal fuckers have been working toward for decades. It's like saying the Democratic platform is progressive and endorsing the Clinton's who worked hard to bring the world to this state. Demand all you want but it's pissing in the wind. Like Janet said I demand that all of them be behind bars. i also demand that the rule of law be restarted along with our human and civil rights and the endless wars be immediately ended and that all the war criminals be tried and deported to Mars or somewhere where they have no power or weapons. I demand that the police security state here and globally be dissolved and unarmed. I would start my demands domestically with repealing the Patriot Act and the AUFM. The bogus laws that make all this criminality legal.
Damn girl, I demand that you and I have a nice cool drink
together, soon
Then we can chant together. I know you know most of the protest chants. Let's make some new ones up.
((((Shazz))) missed you at the meet up but knew you were healing. Take care.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
yeah I was am still
am totally freaked out about the 15 year old girl that was killed. My community the real one that hasn't been moved out responded beautifully. There is a memorial in the center lane where it happened that is cordoned off with traffic cones and full of flowers and has signs that read 20 is plenty. There seems to be a group of people who come out every day and stand in the memorial and park their bikes in it. Lot's of bikers have been killed or injured in the part of town. The local people also hand painted a cross walk at the intersection where she was killed. The sidewalk is full of messages and more are added daily. None of the crooked city supervisors or the cops have dared to show up or have tried stop this community outpouring. I'm putting some flowers out today to keep it going. If nothing else it does seem to temporarily slow down the manic speeders on upper Hawthorne.
"How to end the Deficit
Stop the Wars, Tax the Rich"
I used to like marching with the Student's for Justice group from Portland State as they had the best chants and a good drummer.
"No justice, No Peace".
Your demand sounds like a good one that I can and do accept!.
yeah, my husband was there yesterday
he's a cyclist. told me about the memorial. Glad the locals are grieving openly for the young girl. What a shame and loss.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
We marched for years around Pioneer Square
with the anti-war drum corp.
Money for jobs and education
not for wars and occupations
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Hillary's word
Has about as much value as French Assignats of Revolutionary times.
In other words, of no value.
from a reasonably stable genius.
DANG Stevie!
Got a haircut And cleaned up the joint! Good on ya, mate!
And really, good luck with any pledge $hills might make.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I'm kinda torn myself. Why give her talking points? You know
the pledge won't stick. Let her hang out there unpledged, maybe a few fewer workers will vote for her.
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She will remove a coma and ad a period
Viola, it becomes a great agreement we can not live without.