Just the math: Advocacy for Jill Stein (and 3rd parties in general) in safe R/B states
I wrote a short advocacy piece for Jill Stein (and 3rd parties in general) for voters in safe Red or Blue states (it's tailored to CA since it's where I live) that I thought I would share. The core of the argument is math, although there are certainly a million good moral reasons (but we really have to tailor our arguments to who we are trying to convince, and those are people afraid that if they vote for anything other than Clinton, Trump will be elected):
Do you live in a safe red or blue state? Were you incredibly frustrated by some of the stunts that were pulled during the Democratic primaries, or does the message of Bernie Sanders really resonate with you? Do you want to fight for ending our seemingly endless wars, truly fighting climate change, destroying systemic racial discrimination, If you answered yes to first question and yes to any question after that, please, please, please read what I’ve written below as the math purely shows that for those in a safe red or blue state, the only way to make your truly count is to vote third party. Contrary to popular opinion, the math shows that literally any other vote is just a protest vote (my apologies for the length, but I wanted to be thorough, and considering the importance of the election, it’s pretty short! Let’s be fair, when it comes to deciding who should be the most powerful elected person in the world, anything important shorter than 2 pages is not TLDR):
So I’ve heard a lot about uniting together to defeat Donald Trump, but what does this really mean in terms of voting? The reality is that the President will be determined by votes in a handful of swing states. While I wish the Electoral College had been discarded years ago, we seem to still be stuck with it. If you are in a solid blue or solid red Electoral state, voting for Clinton will basically be window dressing or a feather in her cap. Take CA for instance. Currently, 538.com, generally agreed to be run by one of the most accurate poll aggregators, has Hillary winning CA 99.7% of the time (Reference 1). CA is the largest state in the nation, and as of this moment, there is no small, super read state that 538.com where Donald Trump has a higher predicted win percentage. Per both Jerry Brown (Democratic governor of CA) and Kevin McCarthy (one of the top Republicans in the House and a CA rep), pigs will probably fly before Trump could take CA (R2).
In 2012, 60% of voters in CA went for Barack Obama (7.8 million) while Mitt Romney got 37% (4.8 million). The numbers in 2008 were relatively similar (Obama got 8.2 million and John McCain got 5 million) (R3). The polls now show a similar break down in terms of percentages. Hillary Clinton will win in CA. Hillary will get the majority of Obama’s voters (of those who will vote at least); I suspect that the rate of attrition of voters will effect both sides equally given how unpopular both main party candidates are. Assuming that this would be the case, you would need almost 25% of voters in CA (not just 25% of Obama voters. 25% of all voters) to switch from Hillary to Jill Stein and nearly 0% to switch from Trump to Gary Johnson for Hillary to lose CA. This would be completely unprecedented in American politics; simply put, barring some major scandal, it’s just not going to happen, especially considering that Gary Johnson is already polling several points higher than Stein. 3 million Obama voters in CA (almost half!) are not going to switch over to Jill Stein. As such, if you are in CA, whether you vote for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or a third party candidate, you will not be able to effect who is elected President by voting. However, you can use your vote to make a major difference in our political landscape.
If Jill Stein (or Gary Johnson) can capture 5% of the votes nationally, they get a good chunk of extra funding and potential automatic infrastructure benefits (including having the Green/Libertarian parties be included on certain state ballots next time around. This is critical because both parties have to spend a lot of time trying to get signatures to even be allowed on the Presidential ballots). There are other additional benefits at higher levels as well (15% polling for example allows them to take place in the debates). (R4) We know that in politics, money talks. Our current system is designed to keep third party candidates down. In order to have a chance, they need name recognition. In order to increase their name recognition, they need money. In order to get money, they need…name recognition. Our debates exemplify this. 15% is an incredibly high margin considering that both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are on the ballots of enough states to cover over 400 electoral votes. The Commission for Electoral Debates sets that 15% bar, but who runs this commission: Democrats and Republicans (R5). Yes, the very parties that would be weakened by strong third parties are also the ones who determine who gets a spot in debates.
Strengthening third parties is crucial for having a healthy democracy. Right now, we really have a oligarchical duopoly at best. You may not like everything that a third party stands for (but to be honest, the Democratic party has gotten us war, bad trade deals, a bailout for Wall Street, higher rates of mass incarcerations…etc. I suspect that there is at least one item in that list you don’t like, so why only run a purity test for the third party that won’t win? Shouldn’t we be putting the more competitive candidates to a higher standard?), but I’m sure that we all agree that strengthening Democracy is a worthy goal. If your vote can’t decide the President thanks to the Electoral College, it can still serve to help us work towards strengthening our Democracy.
If you really want to get Hillary Clinton elected, phone bank and volunteer in swing states where it counts. Or even better, work to get Gary Johnson’s numbers up. If he can make it to the main debate, he could potentially start pulling off large amounts of additional support from Trump. Regardless, if you live a safe state and you have any interest in creating a healthier Democracy, the most effective way you can use your vote is to vote for a third party candidate.
1: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/california/#now
2: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/jerry-brown-trump-california-226284
3: http://ivn.us/2012/11/01/why-5-matters-to-gary-johnson/
4: http://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/sov/2012-general/ssov/pres-summary-by-co...
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_on_Presidential_Debates

So happy
that I don't live in a safe red or blue state.
Screw that. Mine is not a protest vote or to give a third party more influence. Mine is a vote for a party that most matches my hopes and human philosophy.
I'm going green without hesitation.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Have my doubts about that last paragraph,
since not very many people here really want Her Heinie to win.
IMHO we need, but probably will never see, a Constitutional amendment prohibiting any member of the same family from running for President until X number of election cycles after the first member leaves office. (Four or five at a minimum, also IMHO.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Oh, this isn't tailored for C99.
This is tailored more for facebook and on the ground canvassing. It's for all those people who are just so afraid of Trump that they have to vote for Clinton, of which there are thankfully very few here.
If the polls are to be believed,
Hillary is comfortably ahead in swing states.
So she won't need our votes to beat trump, and we can vote for whom we want with no Nader concerns. (If you have Nader concerns; I don't.)
What are
"Nader concerns"?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Nader concerns? Ha!
The only reason I wouldn't vote green at this point is if it looked like WA was going to be close. I'd have to give a thought then if stopping Clinton would be worth the damage to my soul of voting Trump. Initial thoughts say still Green, but I really really fear the wars she'd start.
Thing is, I don't trust Trump to be a true non-interventionist
either, given his "bomb the sh*t out of ISIS" talk and call for massively increasing the massively bloated military budget.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Very true...
I guess as Jaded as I am about humans I still sometimes hope someone who hasn't directly enabled mass murder might get into power - take a good long look at what starting a war really means and say 'Hell no I can't become THAT'
I suppose that is because I want to believe humanity on the whole is worth saving, when it likely isn't
Best to help get Jill
Best to help get Jill recognized and known!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I agree
I think our single focus now should be to spread the word about Jill Stein. If she gets enough votes, she will win (remember Bernie saying something similar?).
Our second priority should be to spread the word about verifiable ballots. Our third priority should be to spread the word about the importance of changing the voting system (to something like instant runoff voting). If changing these things is difficult, then that's another problem that we should try to highlight, as the current system is archaic and highly undemocratic.
I've been saying this for over a year
In addition, a strong showing by Stein - and a humiliatingly poor showing by Hillary - will have positive downballot consequences. Hillary won't care, but congressman Joe Blow doesn't own the voting machines.
On to Biden since 1973
Lets see where things stand a month from now
Jill's 4%, or whatever it is, has been attained purely by social media with no help from TV, radio or newspapers. She is the right person for now in a much more profound and existential way than was Ralph Nader the right person for 2000. We have to get outside of the box and elect Jill or make a very large statement about how change is necessary and business as usual is unviable and unacceptable.
Beware the bullshit factories.
nothing I'd like
better than to see clinton lose my state, Ohio, because people voted en mass for Jill. I'm going to do my part in seeing the slimy cretin loses Ohio. I'd love to see Jill win all of Ohio electoral votes but if someone else other than clinton wins, so be it.