Boston Globe Editorial: Close Clinton Foundation if Clinton is Elected

Finally, a paper speaking sense:

Clinton Foundation should stop accepting funds

ALTHOUGH THE CHARITY founded by former President Bill Clinton has done admirable work over the last 15 years, the Clinton Foundation is also clearly a liability for Hillary Clinton as she seeks the presidency. The once-and-maybe-future first family will have plenty to keep them busy next year if Hillary Clinton defeats Donald Trump in November. The foundation should remove a political — and actual — distraction and stop accepting funding. If Clinton is elected, the foundation should be shut down.

Since its founding, the foundation has supported relief in Haiti, global health, and other good causes. It also provided posts or paychecks for some members of the Clinton political team, like Cheryl Mills, Douglas Band, and Huma Abedin, and afforded the former president a platform and travel budget. Many of the foundation’s donations come from overseas, including from foreign governments with troubling human rights records.

The inherent conflict of interest was obvious when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009. She promised to maintain a separation between her official work and the foundation, but recently released emails written by staffers during her State Department tenure make clear that the supposed partition was far from impregnable. That was bad enough at State; if the Clinton Foundation continues to cash checks from foreign governments and other individuals seeking to ingratiate themselves with a President Hillary Clinton, it would be unacceptable.

There's a bit more, but that's the heart of it.

Wow - somebody said it!

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detroitmechworks's picture

So, Destroy a nation as Secretary of State, THEN have your foundation provide "relief" with money you get to deduct off your taxes.

And since it's a charity, nobody questions you if the books are a bit well done...

Clinton Foundation is a festering slime pool of toxic corruption so foul that it taints anyone who comes into contact with anyone who came into contact with it.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

MsGrin's picture

In my opinion, it was all you said AND that they sold everything off to the highest bidders while insisting on keeping wages to slave rates for those to whom they were supposedly providing relief. They kicked locals out of prime sites for luxury hotels and arranged deals for telecommunications which enriched them and provided questionable service. Bill made lots of deals for himself. They seemed to get a lot of kickbacks.

The situation is Haiti is so ugly compared to what we want for ourselves, so, untouchable, really, that few have looked closely enough to see if the massive amount of money which changed hands actually did any good for the intended recipients. And even if people HAD looked, they could just write it off as a hopeless part of the world and too big a disaster to expect more. We should want better for ourselves and what we take for generosity than allowing that level of exploitation to take place just because monies were ripe to be stolen.

What happened in Haiti is one of the clearest ways we know them to be sociopaths.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

movie buff's picture

1) One luxury hotel (which sits mostly empty)

2) One sweatshop (which sits mostly empty)

3) Hillary's brother now has a (literal) gold mine there

All of which was written off on their taxes.

But I'm probably being too hard on the Clintons. Just because they took advantage of a massive tragedy for their own enrichment doesn't make them bad people. After all, as we know, when they left the White House they were flat broke. And who among us hasn't cynically exploited earthquake victims?

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"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky

movie buff's picture

There were the trailers, intended to be used as living quarters or schools, that were moldy, unbearably hot, and laced with formaldehyde (!)

I guess they figured they could save on the funeral expenses if they just gave people the formaldehyde now.

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"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky

MsGrin's picture


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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

The Clintons belong in jail. Not on some damn moratorium from their before and after graft.

After a vote of their membership, yeah sure, WFP is endorsing Clinton. Fuck them too.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Dhyerwolf's picture

Seriously, if you back the establishment corrupt candidate, you will be stabbed in the back near immediately. I would have thought that lesson was so clear.

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Christine.MI's picture

WFP endorsed her??? That's the bad news of the day for me.

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reflectionsv37's picture

What do you think is going to happen to poor little Chelsea if she's not able to grift off the foundation? Certainly you don't expect her to go out and get a job like real people and work for a living? Why that poor starving thing will probably perish in agony if she doesn't continue to receive hundreds of thousands of $$$ for doing nothing!

Any bets on whether Chelsea is assigned to unwind the whole thing? I'll bet it will take her at least 4 years, maybe 8!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

detroitmechworks's picture

Senator Clinton from New York, Part II. That Seat BELONGS To a CLINTON, Gillibrand! You were just keeping it warm!

Gotta get that resume polished up for 2024.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

k9disc's picture

Washington Fucking Post?

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

dance you monster's picture

Just as the Obama White House's admonishment to its new Sec'y of State not to let the Clinton Foundation agenda mingle with the State Dept agenda was ignored by Hillary -- and was known and allowed to be ignored by Hillary -- so the Globe is just putting down a marker here in case anything goes bad, so they can say they warned of this way back in August 2016 (and promptly let Hillary be Hillary thereafter).

The Powers That Be are different from you and me. They wink at each other much more.

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MsGrin's picture

they are still brave for printing it, in my estimation. Who else (not on the far right) has?

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Galtisalie's picture

stolen plunder taken from the aboriginal people of Western Sahara, and is in general, like Clinton, doing everything possible to make sure the lands and rights of the people are trampled ad infinitum:
All Clinton/Foundation/U.S. pretenses to support democracy and human rights are exposed as just that in Western Sahara.

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lunachickie's picture

Do you suppose, that if the Foundation just closes down and goes away, that we can all just forget we ever saw All This Clinton Graft, and they can just get away with all that stuff they shouldn't have been doing?

Because they'll knock it off, honest! Just don't prosecute them!

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k9disc's picture

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

detroitmechworks's picture

Come on people, if you don't do your part and stay ignorant, how can we be expected to save money on propaganda by recycling?

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

snoopydawg's picture

He told Hillary to keep the foundation separate from her duties as SOS, she agreed to and then didn't. What did Obama do about it? Nothing.
He told her not to let Sidney Bluementhal work for the state department so she hired him to work for the foundation and he sent her classified information from Sudan that he stole from the NSA and put many operatives lives in danger. What did Obama do about that? Nothing.
He let her set his agenda about how many troops to send to Afghanistan during the surge, talked him into invading Libya and tried to get him to put troops in Syria.
Obama let the GOP walk all over him, or he used their obstructionism block him from passing decent legislation.
Can anyone name one thing that he has done to help the middle class or poor people? Anything?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


She may have given Obama a letter full of promises, but during her entire time at SOS, there was NO INSPECTOR GENERAL. There was some guy who was a seat-filler, he said he spent so little time there that he didn't even put any pictures on the wall. That, of course, was O's fault (and his responsibility), so the entire time he enabled her to do whatever she wanted. So he can't hide behind the queen's fabulous pant suits. He will be rolling in money even without his "foundation" income. He's a quick study, a good actor. He deserves to be impeached.

Have you seen the latest fake poll with his approval rating over 50%? They must be polling those same ghosts who are madly for the queen. Nothing is real in the US anymore.

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And President Obama's supporting someone for President who feels that public officials caught red-handed covering up evidence of police murders of citizens of Colour are nonetheless fit to retain their positions.

This will not stop until IT IS STOPPED! If anyone has not yet signed the following petition, please consider doing so?

Justice for Sylville Smith: Release the Tape!

On August 13, 2016, 23-year-old Sylville Smith was shot and killed by a Milwaukee police officer during a traffic stop that turned deadly, a narrative we've heard far too often. According to Police Chief Edward Flynn, the 20-25 second incident was recorded on a police body camera. But only the police have access to this footage and their public statements have only focused on the actions of Sylville and not the shooting officer, a tactic frequently used by law enforcement to criminalize Black folks and justify killing them.

Communities fought for body cameras to hold police accountable, not further protect them. Sylville's family and community deserve to know the truth of the matter as seen on camera, not as told by the police. Even the Mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, called for a quick public release of the body camera footage, but no action has been taken by the Wisconsin Attorney General, who oversees the department leading the investigation.

Milwaukee's Black communities have a longstanding distrust of local law enforcement for good reason. Time and time again, we've seen police misrepresent the facts of shootings only to learn later that a Black person was unjustly killed. The best way to resolve the tension in Milwaukee is full transparency. Join us in demanding the release of the tape of Sylville Smith's killing.

This is the letter we'll send to the Wisconsin Department of Justice on your behalf.

Dear Attorney General Schimel,

I am writing to ask you to release the Milwaukee Police body camera footage of Sylville Smith. Tensions are high in Milwaukee and the unrest is only further stoked by a lack of transparency.

Too often, original police reports are later proven false by video evidence or contradicting witnesses. Body cameras improve police accountability and relationships with communities when the technology is being used fairly.

Please act to release the video of Sylville Smith's killing immediately.


[Your Name]

If anyone does not yet understand that the US IS a fascist state, I must confess as to having doubts of their information level, or of their understanding...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

I've tried to find more sources for this, but so far can't. Those hacked Soros files have not so far been easy to explore. But what's here is very scary. I have heard that he's responsible for the European refugee crisis. This is just sick, getting people killed so they can go right to Hitler methods.

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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Then again, telling the whole truth would retroactively render awkward their endorsement of Hillary in the primary, when they somehow neglected to say this. You know, back when it seemed we had a viable choice, other than Hillary or Donald. But that was when the Globe was using its column inches for stories about Bad Bad, Bernie Bros. IOW, this is a fine time to start criticizing Hillary, Lucille Globe writers. And, I'm guessing that the Globe is not "wasting" a lot of those inches on stories about the lack of corruption in Massachusetts' own favorite daughter, Jill Stein.

This could also be the Globe, which has been in the tank for Hillary, trying to prove it is not as utterly corrupt as politico's Vogel.

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And, I'm guessing that the Globe is not "wasting" a lot of those inches on stories about the lack of corruption in Massachusetts' own favorite daughter, Jill Stein.

She's pretty openly derided here by MSM. Something about her highest office being Lexington town meeting. Plus, the anti-vaxx thing. Don't forget the anti-vaxx thing. Have I reminded you today of the anti-vaxx thing? Sometimes, we get the offhand Nader reference.

Cancelled my Globe subscription a long, long time ago. There was a time when that paper walked with giants. With a slight accent.

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For a year Sanders was pretty openly derided everywhere by the msm, when he was not being ignored entirely. At least he was until he told his supporters to stop throwing chairs at Clinton inlaw Barbara Boxer and unite behind Hillary, like good lesser of two evils voters.

Cranky, eccentric old, old fellow. Was elected Mayor of Burlington long ago, which, apparently, was the last anyone heard of him until he pretended to be a Democrat and--get this--ran for President (snort), even though sane people know he doesn't have a prayer. They were not as derisive about Webb or O"Malley or Chafee at the outset, just that crazy, cranky old leftist from Vermont.

Jill Stein is not a special case. Neither is Sanders. Neither was Kucinich.

The msm will mock and seek to minimize anyone to the left of New Democrats.

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... that when she crashed the convention and delivered the money quote ...

"to defeat neofascism, you have to defeat neoliberalism"

there was a perceptible interruption in the twitter-force.

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"There is a great disturbance in the Force."
"I have felt it."
"We have a new enemy, the young rebel who destroyed the Death Star.

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is the ONLY reason they're in politics. Grifters gotta grift and besides, didn't Hill sign a pledge as SOS to not engage in Foundation activities? We know how well she honored that pledge.

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she is eminently untrustworthy. It's only that Republicans and other misogynists have been attacking this totally honest, sincere, trustworthy woman for a quarter of a century. Just look at all the videos of her lying on youtube. They prove that people just attack her for no good reason.


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speare's picture

Despite its reputation as being liberal, MA is also very much old school Democratic Establishment. I hope this is a sign that The Globe will continue to speak out against neoliberal fuckery in the D Party and reach MA residents who need to wake up and recognize the ditch their Party has driven into.

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