It's oh-ohnly make beeee-leeee-eeeve.
Is media finally about to clean and jerk the rock under which Hillary lives, even Joan Walsh, of all members of the media, who appears frequently on MSNBClinton, of all networks? I'm guessing it's only make believe (but please enjoy the gratuitous Olympics-inspired reference, anyway).
During the 2016 primary, the Tyndall Report, by an objective measure, caught media intentionally ignoring Bernie (even according to Brock!). That, of course, coincided with the DNC's delaying Democratic debates until after the registration deadline for the New York primary had passed, very likely with the intent of keeping voters from getting to know Bernie. That move very likely helped the extraordinarily well-known Hillary and may have been designed by her campaign. Once the Tyndall Report hit the Bernie fans, media then pretended that its intentional shunning of Sanders had been entirely an Oopsie! and, to throw us off the stench scent, media very briefly devoted a bit of backhandedly favorable attention to Sanders. (As in, Ooooo, Sanders draws weally big cwowds, but Hillary shall win the Democratic Presidential primary.)
Post-Tyndall, hacked DNC emails conclusively proved media's collusion with the DNC for the purpose of helping Hillary. Well, at least Vogel, of politico, but almost everyone in the world knows that roaches don't go solo. So, now that Vogel has been pantsed and found wanting, people may suspect that all the other stuff that seems to be media collusion actually is media collusion and not merely a (ewww, yuck, gag, mock) "conspiracy theory." Similar to the aftermath of the Tyndall Report, anyone in Clinton Coronation Collusively Complicit Media who has been covering Hillary's bid for the Oval Office now has to do something, if he or she values any of the seven veils of pundit credibility, however thin those veils be. (So far, that's an Olympics reference, a Wham! reference, an Old Testament reference and a New Testament reference. I'm on a roll--and resisting the temptation to Rick Roll.)
During the primary, media built up Trump so much that he did not need to spend a cent on ads to defeat the likes of donor-rich Jeb! or Kochs-backed Walker. That, however, lasted only until Trump nailed enough primary votes to win the Republican Presidential nomination. Once that happened, media began turning on Trump. After the Donald emerged from the Republican convention, uncoup-ed, media and others really began sounding the alarm about the dangers of Trump, especially if he should get things like (gasp!) "nuclear codes," as, of course, he would if he becomes POTUS. (I'm guessing "nuclear codes" is a term that has been semi-dormant since the Cuban missile crisis?)
At this point, thanks in no small part to media, Hillary is safely ahead of Trump in the polls, or, at least so the polls make it seem. Moreover, Hillary is unlikely to lose her almost robotic ability to give Mr. Low Info Voter and Ms. Lesser of Two Evils Voter the illusion that Hillary is, at the very least, the more measured and less overtly crazy of the two evils. Of course, we all know that Hillary is not at all someone who would rather risk national security than subject herself to an FOIA request or task herself to use two or three different email accounts. We also all know that Hillary is not at all someone who would evince bizarre glee at the prospect of starting a nuclear war--in countries inhabited by brown people, anyway. And since that is not at all our Hillary, who can blame media for highlighting only the dangers of Trump's getting the nuclear codes?
("Bring it on?" Isn't that what Chimpy said in a post-911 dumbass, faux macho speech that America's Clinton-worshipping left mocked?)
It's mid-August, and the August meme (august meme?) is that no one is paying attention to politics now. In the unlikely event that Hillary falls behind Trump, media will have lots of time between Labor Day and Election Day to help the DNC, government and even Republican notables to prop her back up. Put all that together and it seems clear that, thanks to Guccifer or Assange or whomever, media do need to at least seem somewhat critical of Hillary in order to pretend a modicum of credibility; and, for now, being critical of Hillary seems unlikely to interfere with her defeating Trump, anyway. So, for now, media just may seem somewhat more "objective" about Hillary than has been their wont in recent years. But, chill. Most likely, "it's only make believe," as Bon Jovi not long ago wailed in Little Rock, where the Governor of Arkansas lives.
Speaking of media, their meme during the last few days is that Trump has been hurting himself by....talking. According to said media, if only Trump would have been silent, media would really have been focusing on Hillary's faults, emails, the dubious Clinton Foundation stuff, etc. Instead, because Trump flaps his mouth, in much the same way as he has been flapping it for months, media supposedly have had no choice but to treat Trump's rabble-rousing mouth flapping as the only political story worth covering as I type. So, media is claiming that, merely by being Trump while campaigning during campaign season, Trump has been forcing media to ignore all the bad stuff about Hillary. Imagine! A candidate for President talking three months before election day! Right out there in public where anyone can hear! How can media possibly focus on anything else? Convenient framing, wot?

The sums up the situation very well and shows for all to see
the coordinated power brought to bear on behalf of Clinton.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Thank you, duckpin.
Obama, Lynch, almost every Democratic official in the House and the Senate, as well as in state and local government.
The DNC.
State Democratic Party officials
A number of prominent Republican spokespersons
Establishment media.
A horde of Facebookers, tweeters, posters, etc.
How many times did I see during the primary, "Hillary won, fair and square" in exactly those words?
All coincidence. All easily explained away.
On edit: I forgot "indies" like Bloomberg and most of show business, even those who started out supporting Sanders (but not Sarandon, so far?)
I would not be surprised if a federal LE agent tried to leak
some of the information uncovered and found no takers among the for-profit press. Maybe not; Obama has been harder on whistleblowers than any other president and everyone must be both job scared and daunted by the legal fees it would take to stay out of jail.
Since the Truman Doctrine of 1947 that began the Cold War, the two capitalist parties have had pretty much the same foreign policy("politics stop at the oceans' edge") and both Sanders and Trump were not as slavishly neolib/neocon as Clinton. It's interesting because both Sanders and Trump have conservative foreign policies(if Trump's words are to be believed - a big "if") and don't pose much of a threat to the established order.
If the Green Party and/or the Libertarian Party poll to 20% I wonder how the media is going to react.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The left is no longer trusting polls.
In my diary, I linked to a good diary and thread on this board about how at least one poll result was obtained with a suspicious sample and then spun on top of that.
I guess it was only a matter of time that the use of spurious
polls for political advantage was documented.
It seems that this campaign season the cheating has been more blatant and without negative repercussions than ever before.
Are there to be no consequences for lies, histories of unethical behavior, and the like?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
When people try crap without negative repercussions,
it is highly likely that they will not only continue trying crap, but that they will get even bolder about it. Too much money and power is at stake.
It's because there have been
It's because there have been no consequences for so many cheats and criminals in/running politics for so long that things are in the state they're in, with the corporate maw poised over the Earth for the death of even the concept of democracy.
It was obvious that if the blatant Dem primary cheating was accepted as a 'done deal' by The People that the same would occur in the General; they've been told it's OK by the lack of general commotion.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Politicians remind me of spoiled children, especially Democrats.
Many act as though they are intellectually and morally superior, simply because of the (D) after their names. Meanwhile they are looking out first, for themselves and their families, which means taking care of those with money and power; second for the Party, which is another way of looking out for themselves (as Hillary proved this primary); and not very much is left over to fulfill their responsibilities to the people who elected them and the nation and the planet.
Lol, I harbour some doubt
Lol, I harbour some doubt that even Trump is fat-headed enough to believe a word he himself says...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Ventured over to the dark side
and visited TOP for the first time in a long while. There it's all either Hillary lovin' or weird conspiracy theories about the Trump/Russia/Putin connection.
Personally, I prefer the conspiracy theory that Trump is either willingly giving the election to Hillary or has been manipulated into doing so, with the latter more probable.
Hasn't anyone noticed Trump is playing 11 dimensional chess a la
Obama? Oh yes! wait til after labor day when all his machinations kick in and Clinton is left flummoxed. (that's what I hear anyway) : )
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
If things turn out relatively well, it was multi-dimensional
chess. If things turn out poorly, it was Republicans.
There is no personal responsibility for bad outcomes, only worship for good ones. It's as though we're all supposed to be as uncritical of Democratic politicians, especially the President, as pre-pubescent pop star fans are of their singing idol du jour.
So this is Plan A of the Clinton Party? Don't talk? LOL
I see WaPo is beginning to simmer Hillary-doubts. It's bad when the inside-the-beltway rag begins making noise. Meanwhile Stein is now being avoided by the Press. She has end-runs (not Olympic, but American).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"I see WaPo is beginning to simmer Hillary-doubts."
If the theory of my diary is correct, that's only make believe.
The New York Times has only allowed the anti-Clintons M. Dowd
to print the obvious that Hillary Clinton is a Republican. I will be surprised if the Times pauses in its all out Clinton stance.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The NYT was very helpful to Secretary Clinton during the primary
The coverage it gave Senator Sanders ran the gamut from non-existent to condescending and non revealing. (He's old; he's cranky; he used to be Mayor of Burlington, etc. Nothing about his accomplishments or positions.)
Krugman too
His March 5 essay No Right Turn showed concern about her appeasing her new donor base.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Krugman is a long time Clinton tool.
He is freaking out too.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Bon Jovi???
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bon Jovi was in Arkansas, talking about Clinton before he
began singing the song. (Listen to the start of the video.) Seemed too appropriate to pass up.
I know Twitty co-wrote it. I would have even preferred some of the other bands that have covered it to Bon Jovi. But, you got Bon Jovi because he was in in Little Rock and talking about Clinton. I know: I'm way too easy.
Ah, that makes sense. Certainly not his singing.
Isn't he the guy that Apple gave away a free cut of one of his songs and everyone bitched they couldn't delete it?
So far, Hillary and bubba have rigged the media, DNC, voting booths, FBI, and the State and Justice departments. Oh, and the White House and superDs. Trust her, things will be so different with HillBill in the oval office.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Not Bon Jovi, IIRC it was a whole album, by Bono and U2. n/t
Hillary is the Tanya Harding of politics.
The media and Democratic are her thugs. As I said, she is running ads in MI. It is all bad Trump. Not one word about what she has done or will do - not that I'd believe the liar anyway.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yes. As I posted on another thread,
her message is that Trump is bad and his message is that Hillary is bad. Out of a population of about 350 million people, apparently those two are the best our two largest political parties can do.
Even more depressing is that so many are buying this nonsense out of fear.
I fear a President Hillary more than a President Trump.
I'll be voting for Stein. However, if I lived in state where polls were close, I might consider voting for Trump.
tired of Trump vs Clinton evil comparisons
I like these two video clips about the Clinton and Trump evilnesses better.
(from July 27th)
(from April 17th)
Less demagoguery, more factual.
So tired of all of it.
Don't vote for both and otherwise do what you want. When was that interview with Charly Rose, Baker and HRC? Why are there German undertitles?
I am going back in my cave. Can't stand the "news coverage" anymore. Simply sickening. It's all destructive noise and killing off your "enemies".
mimi, it's all noise now. There are some non-absorbed folk there
but too much noise. If you are like me, you duck and sing La-la-la. I don't know what to do, other than feel sad and depressed.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I am sick and tired to feel sick and tired and sad and depressed
so I hope I can still get the essentials of news without the noise, speculation hype and manipulations that result from the over exposure of that noise.
In another diary someone said speculation is allowed here on C99p. To which I would say, that's ok, but it's not the speculations per se that are damaging, it's the amount of those speculations and the constant incitement by some to engage in those speculations. At one point the speculations become a tool of manipulation and that's where I am not willing to let it "get to me". It turns me off.
Regardless, we need as good a Congress as we can get
I'm all in for Berniecrats and Jill Stein.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Will we have exit polls in the general?
Or are they too passe now?
Because at this point, I'm 99.99% certain that no matter what happens with Stein, Johnson, Bernie write-ins and other ratf*cking at the polls, Hillary Goddamn Clinton will "win." She won't even try to hide the theft and there will be nothing any of us can do about it.
We all have our hands-in-the-air helpless times.
I personally think we need to recruit youngers-than-me for monkeywrenching, I am efficient at pot-stirring.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Recruiting the "youngers"
I found a list of the top 100 college newspapers at
The plan is to send them messages asking them to write about student loan forgiveness. So far, I've contacted 27. Yes, it will take a few days to do them all, but the newspaper staffs are probably still on summer break so it doesn't really matter.
Here is my message:
These are, of course, the larger universities. I read somewhere that 75% of students actually read their campus newspaper. Hopefully, those that are reached with this message have contacts with others.
And yes, I know this effort won't be 100% successful. But it's worth a try. Maybe you could do something similar, pushing whatever message you want. If you decide to do this, take this hug [[hug]] and stick it in a pocket. You'll need it sometimes.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
F.S.--economic analysis spot on!
The greed-monsters in the high mountains above us mere mortals, do not understand, despite all their money-making skills, the differences between symbiosis and parasitism. The 1% has evolved (devolved?) into parasites that are steadily killing the host--i.e., the tax-paying public. And yet these blood-suckers still want more, More, MORE!
Aren't you smart! Visiting local colleges after labor day with
voter registration forms/online information would be another good thing, especially info about college students being allowed to vote where they attend school . If not the colleges themselves, then supermarkets, laundromats, pizza joints, etc. in the area. Being gung ho away from the polls is great, but they have to vote.
Some time back, I read
Some time back, I read something - here, linked here, or through a link here, I believe - about an international mechanism (Perhaps [the American-dominated] UN but not sure) by which a cheated-in 'leader' rejected by the people would not be recognised by other countries.
Frankly, I'm not too lively these days and am not up to research and am hoping some brilliant person (such as yourself?) has the energy and focus to dig into this and find out what to do. But there is something to try, short of the violent revolution we'd all prefer to avoid.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I don't know, but we had them during the primary.
Until the networks decided
They "weren't necessary" for California.