Bill's Hill-splaining: "biggest load of bull" that she compromised national security w/ unsecured server

The Hill reports for us that the email thing is really all a stupid misunderstanding:

Bill Clinton: Claims Hillary threatened national security a 'load of bull'

Here are the take-aways:

"I think the simplest way to say it is look, there’s a long-running dispute between the State Department and the intelligence agencies. It hadn’t been resolved at the time. It didn’t occur to people at the time that all these 300 people should be doing records classification all the time," he said. "They had a different system. That is not a cause for distrust. If it were a cause for distrust, it is inconceivable that all these prominent national security people, who were active in other administrations, including Republicans, would have endorsed her.

Here's the inevitable victimization (notice the false equivalency between Kerry's email account AND A BLOODY UN-PROTECTED AND UNAUTHORIZED SERVER):

"Her adversaries are very good at doing reverse plastic surgery and the truth is that it was a mistake for her to use her personal email, even though her predecessors had and her successor John Kerry did for a year until it was no longer legal," he said. "But she should have known there’d be a different set of rules applied to her if she ever ran for president."

Here's the set-up for those statements:

Former President Bill Clinton summed up claims that his wife and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton threatened national security with her private email server as "the biggest load of bull."

Taking questions from reporters at the Asian American Journalists Association convention Friday, Clinton railed against the classification system that resulted in Hillary Clinton having sent and received classified information on an unsecured server while secretary of State, according to reporters on-site.

“They say two little notes with a C on it. This is the biggest load of bull I ever heard," Clinton said. "That were about telephone calls that she needed to make. And the State Department typically puts a little C on it to discourage people from discussing it in public, in the event the secretary of State, whoever it is, doesn’t make a telephone call. Does that sounds threatening to national security for you?"

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riverlover's picture

except between security-cleared agents, not your lawyer or aide. Or your IT guy(s).

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

a personal server in order to avoid FOIA requests. Now, with all the stuff about her combining her job as SoS with her duties with the Clinton Foundation, maybe it was easier to use the same server as her husband. In any case, talking about security may be his way of drawing attention away from her using government resources for her personal purposes. I can't even express how much that pisses me off!!

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About both her mishandling govt secrets on her private, unsecure server & using govt resources for her personal profit. It was quite clear quite early in the email releases that huma was spending plenty of time on foundation business.

See the email about setting up the little farewell get together for Hillary in Ireland.

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gulfgal98's picture

by Bill Clinton away from the real issue. Maybe the people are finally starting to realize the real reason for Clinton's private server. So in steps Bill to handle the situation just like he did with his electioneering and his "by chance" meeting with Loretta Lynch.

I would like nothing better than to see the Clintons taken down and banished from ever getting close to the levers of power again. These people are toxic to democracy.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

MsGrin's picture

Fixed that for you. Wink

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member


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Beware the bullshit factories.

lunachickie's picture

ugly, crooked mouth. He's dead to me.

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That a chronic liar lies is hardly news, but those who lie down with/vote for liars need a flea in their ear.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Yes, Bill, I understand you are really saying.... [snark] those agencies who attempt to uphold and enforce our laws are such irritants to those of us who know best! Be a Clinton donor and never have to worry about that bulls**t again! Hillary and I are the only attorneys who really understand the law! Join our elite little group and make real money off politics...or would you rather stay an unenlightened [law abiding] peasant?

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