Green Party Ballot Access in Connecticut - 15K Signatures Submitted
Ballot Access in CT is UNOFFICIAL yet because the CT Secretary of State still has to certify it. But they submitted 14K-15K signatures and only 7,500 are required. So it's good news. CT now has the "No Evil" option.
From CT Green Party Facebook page
Green Party Files Petitions to Put Stein on Ballot in Connecticut
Hartford, CT – August 11 – The culmination of three months’ diligent effort, the Green Party of Connecticut has just amassed between 14,000 and 15,000 signatures of voters in order to secure Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s place on the Constitution State’s ballot.
The final batch of signatures were collected on 1,212 petition sheets, originally distributed throughout the state by over 400 party volunteers, independent activists and paid petitioners working though the non-profit Free & Equal, delivered Wednesday, August 10, to the Secretary of State’s office by CTGP co-chair and State Senatorial candidate, 1st District, Barbara Barry.
Current state law stipulates petitioners must gather 7,500 valid signatures of registered voters in support of a third-party candidate in order to appear on the state’s presidential ballot line in November. According to fellow co-chair Mike DeRosa, the near 100 percent additional names provides a firm safety margin against signatures deemed unqualified by the Secretary of State, Denise Merrill, “barring any irregularities with how they are evaluated.”
In a tempestuous presidential election year where the reaction of a growing number of voters to both major party candidates ranges from disappointment and fear to outrage, both the opportunity and necessity for real choices in the race for the Oval Office, representing new thinking and practical, constructive solutions, is more crucial than ever.
Adds DeRosa, who, as candidate for U.S. Representative in the 1st District, has made more democratic third-party ballot access a long-standing focus with the state Green Party, “We now have to wait about two weeks until we know if Stein has made it.”
Double the amount required, that's great!
I can't see how the Green Party isn't rocketing in terms of people interested and media attention, given the deep, deep dissatisfaction with the two corrupt multi-millionaire money launderers being foisted on the electorate this year.
Any idea what the GP's standing is in the rest of the country/how many states are they in now, expect to be in?
CNN Town Hall this Wednesday too. Good stuff.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Jill 2016 ballot map
It's getting updated pretty regularly now. I count 29 states (the text says 27) including DC.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I think she could win...
....with just the states they have so far (technically). Pretty soon I think I'll be saying instead:
"In just the states we have so far."
She's on the ballot in more than enough states,
but it would take a mass attack of sanity across the country to get enough people to vote for her. I wonder if that's possible?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
May not be possible this time...
....but doesn't mean we shouldn't try. ; )
The Dem Establishment
has been very successful at brainwashing some people. It's amazing to see how many people I know that will regurgitate anti-Stein talking points; when I point out that I saw 5 almost identical articles posted on different websites on Jill Stein's supposed "anti-vaxxing" all within 2 days of each other (4 of 5 that I saw looked like they all did the equivalent college students all basically copying the same wikipedia article), they still cry CT if it's suggested that maybe there is some coordination despite the proof we already have of media coordination.
Five dollar Friday
The campaign is starting to realize that to compete nationally they need cash. I just got an email for a mini fundraiser called $5 Friday. I'm maxed out at the FEC limit already, but if you want to join in, here's the link!
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg