In a country where there over 100 channels ...
In a country where there over 100 channels to choose from,
Why do they try to limit us to just two Candidates for President?
In a country that prides itself on our choices of ...
who to love, where to live, where to go to school, what career to pursue,
Why do they try to limit us to just two Candidates for President?
In a country that claims to have 'the greatest free democracy' in the world,
Why do the PTB do all in their power to give us just two Candidates for President?
And when those two choices,
turn out to be choices between:
"Crazy" or "Corrupt"
How can they even pretend our democracy is even remotely functional?
When qualified independent and third party Candidates (who are not "Crazy" or "Corrupt")
can't even get on the National Debate Stage,
can't even get on the National (Public) Airwaves,
can't even get counted in Polls, that would get them onto such forums,
How can they even pretend our democracy is even remotely fair?
or Free?
"The Best Democracy Money can Buy" ... we used to call it.
Just don't call it "Freedom of Choice" ... because it is neither,
in the truest sense of those Democratic words.

I just read
that 50 GOP leaders have signed a paper saying trump will put our nation's security at risk. It's all so transparent that TPTB want clinton as president - the same old status quo. Trump may upset their applecart and that worries them. Not that I have any use for trump but he's not in with the kewl kids...
You're right about choices. This time around they want us to have only one (1) choice.
I heard
many of the signatories
had a Lobbyist interest,
they were attempting to protect.
Don't know how true that is,
Because who actually covers
such back-room wheeling and dealings, anyways?
some try to ferret out those weaselly ferrets.
Is this snarking on the NYT pieces?
"Think Tank Scholar or Corporate Consultant? It Depends on the Day"
and one the previous day?
I thought they were good to see.
It really seems so, doesn't it?
Here's an article that proves that this election was rigged
TPTB choose who is going to be president and we all play along with the charade every time.
But one thing Bernie showed us is how this election was stolen Not just from Bernie, but everyone who donated and voted for him.
Remember that Hillary and the DNC had gotten 34 delegates on board with her a year before she announced that she was running for president.
And this means that she broke the law (I know, big surprise), but if she was giving paid speeches while doing this, that is illegal for anyone running for president to do so.
Will she be held accountable for this?
Will the sun rise in the west tomorrow morning?
This is a great article. It not only shows how they wanted Hillary to be president, but the reason why.
And why all the neoconservatives are endorsing her.
And on LOF, diary after diary cheers when another big wig republican endorses her.
How they can't see that they are being played is beyond me.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
57 Channels
(And Nothin' On)
And just like the television
I've cut the cord from both political parties.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Life becomes saner that way
but still the faux choices remain,
Between the Lair and the Cheat,
and I still get them 'mixed up'.
The answe to your question, jamess:
[video: width:640 height:480]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
the US of A's
real meaning of "Green Party" ...
unfortunately for us.
No worries --
Sole purpose is to provide the illusion of "choice".
As we can see from this iteration, the results basically will be the same as during previous "election cycles", no matter the outcome of the "election".
Unfortunately, the "elites" are starting to become a bit disconcerted, because one of the selected puppets appears to be departing from the script -- "The Donald" may not be totally controllable (for whatever reasons - no speculation advanced here). The $hill, however, is completely predictable, and totally under control; therefore, the outcome of the "election" is guaranteed.
No worries.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
They Win.
We Lose.
Same as it ever was.
Go straight for the choice that upsets ’em the most
Upset their globalist war-mongering applecart, as Brexit did in Europe.
That’s the only tactic left in situations like these.
I don't think Congress will let Trump
do much damage. Hell, I don't think he'll last a year in office if elected. Hillery scares me because she knows where all the bodies are buried. And for those she doesn't know where the bodies are buried, she knows where the bodies are buried of those who know where rest of bodies are. She'll have free rein.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
So very true, I think George
So very true, I think George Carlin said something to that effect too in one of his routines
I see a lot of comments about people have cut the cord
If anyone wants to watch basically every tv show or movie ever made, this device is a great investment.
I bought mine a year ago last March and bought the Amazon one.
For 2 months of the price of cable, I can know watch any tv show and movies without paying any additional fees or have to wait for Amazon, Hulu or Netflix to release them.
I can watch the show after it is done airing, not wait a week for those other companies to offer them.
I watched the new Star Wars movie before it was available to rent on any company or at RedBox.
If anyone is interested in this and has questions, message me.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The Illusion of Choice
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Dont cha know?
The more channels there are, the better we - the proles/unwashed/peasants/peons- can be distracted ===> good for the elites/bad or democracy.
OTOH, the more the political parties ===> good for democracy/bad for elites.
So it is working as expected. ****feature not a bug********
"USA ! USA!" Slow clap......
There should be as much choice for Pres
as there are ESPN or CSPAN.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
We need to stop thinking we have 100s of channels, we don't
I know it appears that way, but we need to look at it differently.
6 corporations own 90% of the media (link below). A better way to think of a channel is to see it as a flower or a seed. My sunflower plants each grow more than one sunflower. It looks like an individual, it follows the sun like an individual, all the things that make it seem like one sunflower are there. But it is part of one plant. The sunflowers are expressions of one root system and one stalk connecting them: one entity.
My corn plants grow two or three ears of corn. Each ear grows as many kernels of corn as it has strands of hair that get pollinated. As the ear starts to grow, it has these hairs dangling out. They look like individuals. They act like individuals. They sit there just hoping to get pollinated because when a strand of hair gets pollinated, there will be a kernel of corn that can grow into a seed (or food). Each hair's success is measured by its own ability to pollinate. Where does the pollen come from? At the top of the corn plant is the pollen. Wind loosens the pollen from a top a corn plant and it blows or falls down to the strands of hair. Most often, the pollen that each strand of hair longs for is coming from the same plant it is a part of. There is one plant watching this drama unfold within itself as its own pollen falls to its own strands of hair to make thousands of its own seeds in a few of its own ears of corn. Thousands of kernels: growing as individuals, on two or three ears of corn, connected to one root system and one stalk all as one organism.
Most of us have around 6 channels/newspapers/magazines.
I liked Assange' comment
$Hillary vs T-rump is like choosing between cholera and gonorrhea.
Try this site for a variety of news -
All English news broadcast in one location.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”