In 2012 Hillary fell and hit her head.
Mid December she hit her head after suffering from ->
Clinton, who is 65, reportedly became severely dehydrated with an intestinal infection. She fainted, fell and hit her head, suffering a concussion.
CVT Prognosis: According to a large international study in 2004, after an average of 16 months, 57.1 % of CVT patients had no symptoms or signs, 22% had “mild” residual symptoms, 7.5 % had mild impairments, 2.9% had moderate impairments,
Cerebral venous thrombosis — the general term for Clinton’s condition — is rare. It occurs in about four out of every million adults per year. It is somewhat more common in children. Head trauma, pregnancy, cancer, brain infection, autoimmune diseases and inborn clotting abnormalities are all predisposing factors.
Gregory Piazza, a cardiologist and vascular medicine specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said he thinks a fall serious enough to cause a concussion could have caused the clot. It is also possible that a clot could have caused the fall. “Either could be a possibility in this case,” he said.
Whether Clinton got an MRI scan after her fall 2 1 / 2 weeks ago, and what it found, hasn’t been revealed. those who missed the original story or have forgotten, I have linked the WAPO story:

As I have stated, I am 6 days out of a concussion
I am apalled at mu inability to keyboard. Note the speiing, I will leave it uncorrected. I will see my PCP this Friday for checkup and staple removal (6) from the head wound, I hope for a CT or MRI in the same facility. I am alone, with stairs. There was a shove toward rehab that I flipped off.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Please continue to take good care... n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I am sorry to hear that, riverlover.
I am dismayed that you are alone, as well.
Sending my wishes for a quick recovery your way.
yr friend,
To my friends and supporters:
7 days out, 2 typos in Subject line I feel slightly better and worse. My vertigo on positional changes of my head continues ( 3 typos). I try to stay calm and unafraid, better at latter than former. PCP visit Fri AM, I hope they Rx new scans, just to see.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Keep hanging in there, riverlover.
Sorry about the vertigo. You don't mention a headache, so I'm hoping that has eased. Just 48 hours to your PCP appt. Hope you get answers and any needed additional help for symptoms then.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Symptoms of seizures or stroke.
Jacksonian siezure?
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Third story today on something that is old news!
It begins to look veery suspishious.
Her doctor cleared her after her fall and declared her fit for the Presidency. She said by 2013, she had no residua.
Not that I necessarily believe her doctor. But good luck proving anything different.
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It looks suspicious, all right
It looks suspiciously like some people just want it to go away.
You say that like it's a challenge or as if you think no one can ever prove it. I suppose that remains to be seen, doesn't it?
Today's discussions are the first I've seen anyone dig into the subject at all. Previous attempts were sort of brushed aside, and what not. But it persists. So there you go. Some find it interesting, some don't. I would imagine ones that don't will just carry on with something else....
If her own doctors clear her, and given the fact that medical
information is confidential (anyone who discloses without permission is potentially subject to imprisonment, that's the HIPAA law), how are you going to ever do anything other than speculate?
If you take my comments for a challenge and figure out a way to prove she is physically and mentally unfit then OK, more power to you. I don't see how it can be done.
I went for a walk and cleared my head and figured out why this bothers me so much: It's like the boy who cried wolf. If you make claims that you can't back up, if those claims are "proven" to be false (I don't have a lot of faith in her doctors either, but most people will), then you lose credibility. People will feel like you're picking on her. They will like and trust you less, and they will like and trust her more.
Why run with a weak argument (even if it would be strong IF you could prove it) when there are so many strong arguments against her?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
are you so worried about anyone else "running a weak argument"? There are so many strong ones, none of which seem to be making a dent.
So if a weak argument should be even less effective, why are you so worried?
Seriously, it doesn't seem to warrant the attention that some of you want to not be paid to it. Except it does. So don't expect it to just go away or anything. It's not going to, whether we talk about it here or not.
I would be delighted if Hillary's reputation were to be
effectively damaged. But I think this will only look like a smear and damage the reputation of those who look like they are smearing.
But I am done worrying about it. I have stated my case. Carry on. Just realize that my silence does not constitute agreement, but rather that I have other things to do.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I don't recall there being any question
or assumptions about your silence. Indeed, there seems to have not been any--by my own count, you've claimed to be "done with" this subject at least twice now. Maybe just be done with it, starting now?
Given $hillary's account of the FBI E-mail Report...
I have no doubt that any press release of her medical fitness to serve as POTUS has been so thoroughly massaged it bears little resemblance to her actual physical condition...
$hillary lies! She's a pathological liar that you cannot distinguish truth from fiction in anything she says even in insignificant statements she makes...
So why believe her on something as important as this?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I'm not believing her. The problem is, no one can release
medical records without her permission, so we're not going to have reliable information on this, only the medical information she wants us to see.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
So what?
it's not a problem insofar as the discussion goes here. People will continue to discuss it. As they should.
It looks suspiciously like some people just want it to go away.
WHY IS THAT? What could be wrong, in any way, about learning the truth of the health of a candidate for POTUS.
There are so few MSM giving any attention to this all important issue, and it seems quite obvious by now that Hillary Clinton has some serious health issues. We've seen that head shaking (seizure?) she had. We know her medical assistant carries a seizure control epi pen in the OPEN. For those who haven't ever used any kind of an Epi pen - it comes in a plastic case, kept closed until needed. For one to be kept open always in her presence, is very, very unusual, UNLESS she has a serious problem with seizures.
The attempt, at what feels almost like a request for censorship on this site, is surprising. Sadly, why so many of us left TOP. Please don't let it happen here too. Let's just get to the truth of this issue.
It makes me
wonder if this cretin could be so swallow, so ego driven, that she would keep this secret until after her coronation and then resign for health purposes. Just so she could be the "1st". After all, she searched high and low to find a fill in president that would be most like her...
Yes, fugwb, she could be!
That's what I said in another post - she is DETERMINED to be labeled the first woman POTUS - only thing keeping her going now.
Re: Kaine - remember, he was the person who stepped down so Debbie could take the position at DNC. Clintons have been planning this for decades.
zerohedge compilation of her health issues . once again, it's Drudge which has brought this issue into greater focus with list of pictures a day ago. I used to make fun of these places, they're still well ahead of MSM. National Enquirer taking a different approach. Have to remind myself it was NE which broke the John Edwards story - with a picture. Mentally apologize to these places now!
Reminds me of how a comedian, finally, finally tripped the lock on the Bill Cosby situation.
Expect Clintons will continue to deflect by attacking Trump.
This is Not the First Blood Clot To Be Reported
From an article in Politico:
"It is not the first time Clinton has been diagnosed with a blood clot. In 1998, doctors found a large clot behind her right knee and she later told the Daily News that it was “the most significant health scare” she had ever faced.
Dr. Elliott R. Haut, a professor of acute-care surgery at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, says the type of clot she has now is basically a blockage in a vein carrying blood out of the brain.
“What she has is really, really uncommon,” he said, noting that it occurs in hundreds rather than thousands of people each year."
Several sources report that Clinton has been on blood thinners since 1998 and is currently taking Coumadin, which works to prevent blood clots in veins and arteries, and can reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack.
Or if a person who is on Coumadin has a stroke
Being on a blood thinner can make the stroke more catastrophic because then it can become a hemorrhagic incident which will cause more damage then an ischemic stroke because the blood and the fluid will damage more tissue areas.
That's what my mom's doctors told her.
Her strokes were the ischemic types and fortunately weren't more severe.
The first one effected her affect or personality and she was still able to drive, but she wasn't as vibrant as she used to be.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If she is taking coumadin, there should be constant blood tests
Those are SOP for Coumadin, not for Plavix. Coumadin effects are reversible, Plavix not so much. I speak from spousal witness. He is deceased now. Clotting had little to do with death from liver and kidney failures. Cause of death was described as a heart attack.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
July 15 2015 a hollow aluminum
shower curtain rod fell about a foot and smacked me on the right side of my head. I didn't pass out but I did see stars. After resting for a few minutes, I continued cleaning the bathroom. About 8 days later I woke up with a head ache. By the next day, Tylenol did not abate it and I had ringing in my ears. By July 25th, all sounds including speech sounded like they were coming through a fan. By the evening, my own voice sounded like it was coming through a fan. That's when I went to the ER. After a CT, I was diagnosed with a 1.8 x 2.6 cm right frontal hematoma with surrounding vasogenic edema. Also a very slight associated bowing of the midline to the left. In addition there was a probable small right parietal parasagittal hemorrhagic contusion. I spent the night in ICU passing neuro tests every two hours. It took 6 months for the bleed to disappear leaving the area damaged. I can pass a neuro-psych test with flying colors. I continue to work full time in IT support. However, there are times when I am driving and I don't know where I am. Not that momentary time after daydreaming and you are surprised to see where you are; but a full holy buckets, nothing around here looks familiar. This happens on my way home (a route I take every day). I will be in a conversation and completely loose it. I can't remember the subject of it. I can't remember what I have said. Even when the other person reminds me of what we were discussing, I have no recollection of it. I have to write important things down, or they can go out into oblivion. I have developed accommodations for the forgetfulness. I am not sure what this adds to the thread, but most people would never guess that I am brain damaged.